36 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Mixed Effects of Some Indigenous Strains of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on the Growth of Maize Seedlings Under Greenhouse Conditions

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    The objective of the study was to evaluate the joint effects of three groups of native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) (Glomeraceae, Acaulosporaceae and Diversisporaceae) on the growth of Maize Seedlings. The mycorrhizal fungi were isolated by the wet sieving method through decreasing sieve (300 µm, 125 µm, 63 µm and 38 µm) followed by centrifugation on a sucrose gradient. The growth tests were evaluated in greenhouse conditions for 40 days. After opening a planting hole, two maize (2000 SYNEE-W) seeds, one coated with AMF and the other not coated (Control) were introduced into the planting hole for each treatment. Data on different parameters were evaluated. The results of this study revealed that the maximum heights, the largest noose diameters and the largest numbers of leaves were obtained with treatment "Acaulosporaceae + 50% NPK-Urea" having 20.55% and 17.04% respectively and 11.77% for that of the control. The produced biomass and the leaf area of the maize plants were improved by the treatment "Glomeraceae+ 50NPK-Urea" with a respective increase of 54.97% for fresh above biomass (FAB), 42.94% for fresh underground biomass (FUB) and 55.23% for the leaf area compared with the control. Also, very high frequency of mycorrhiza was recorded with treatment "Glomeraceae" while the largest numbers of mycorrhiza spores and intensity were recorded with treatment "Acaulosporaceae". These results augur the possibility of using these mixed AMF bio-products as organic fertilizers to improve maize productivity in Benin

    Staphylococcus Epidermidis Producteur D’entérotoxine C Impliqué Dans Une Septicémie À Foyer Urinaire

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    In developing countries, coagulase-negative staphylococcal (SCN) infections are often neglected. Here, we describe the identification of a coagulase-negative staphylococcal strain secreting type C staphylococcal enterotoxin (SEC) in a field weakened by severe malaria in a 12-year-old child and summarize the clinical characteristics of the patient. The identification of the strain is carried out by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry after protein extraction. The toxigenic capacity of the species in question is determined by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and the radial immunoprecipitation method. The patient's medical record was used for the study of the correlation between the clinical phenotype of the patient and the production of SEC by the strain. S. epidermidis was identified as the pathogen responsible of bacteremia which induces clinical sepsis, hematemesis and thrombocytopenia. The PCR test revealed that the isolated strain was positive for sec gene and its expression was confirmed by the radial immunoprecipitation assay. The study of the patient's medical record shows that the enterotoxin produced by the strain may have contributed to the severity of the clinical picture with the presence of disseminated intravascular coagulation stigmata (DIC) in a context of sepsis with a urinary starting point. These data suggest that CNS infections may be underestimated due to difficulties in species identification and the toxigenic capacity of some of these isolates


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    The aim of the present study was to characterize the peanut production systems in two agro-ecological zones (AEZ) in order to pave the ways for the improvement of existing Agriculture-Farming Integrated Productivity Systems of Benin. Thus, 203 peanut producers were investigated in four rural communes in the AEZ III and AEZ V of Benin. The data collected relate to socioeconomic characteristics of producers, farming management practices, utilization of the peanuts’ fans, market prices of peanut, input quantities and market prices, revenues for the crop production year 2013-2014, constraints on peanut production and farming methods. The results indicate that male producers are mostly producing peanut (69.7 %). The producers of the Center of Benin are significantly more experienced (17.76±0.72) than those of the North (14.33±0.77). Our observations show that two varieties are grown of which one is improved (Carder: 2087.68 ± 154.06 kg/ha) and another is local (Moto: 1309.38 ± 119.25 kg/ha). No significant difference (P > 0.05) exists between the two areas of production in relation to the yields recorded for the peanuts production in the year 2013- 2014. The major production constraints listed by the majority of producers (85 %) are the poor quality of seed, the lack of specific inputs and labor, the climatic hazards, mainly the pockets of drought, the poor distribution of rainfall and the excessive temperatures. In the two surveyed production areas, the majority of peanut producers (60 %) do not feed animals neither with dead leaves nor with food supplementation or fodder

    Correlation Between Iodine Status and Dysfunctional Parameters of the Thyroid Gland of Djidja Schoolchildren

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    Iodine is reported to be one of the main trace mineral constituting thyroid hormones. The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between urinary iodine concentration status and dysfunctional parameters of the thyroid gland of schoolchildren in central Benin. In our study we selected 108 schoolchildren to whom we performed T3, T4, TSH, iodine and thyroid volume tests. The determination of the morning urinary iodine (iodine) in Djidja schoolchildren gave satisfactory results to 72% thus declaring our study area as a zone of non-iodine dietary deficiency. The hormone assay results are favorable at a rate of 92% and corresponds to hypothyroidism. In fact, TSH are high in 85% of the study population, T3 are in their case low in 93% of our study population and finally T4 are lower in the 100% of individuals in the study population. But these results are not in agreement with the iodine obtained. Indeed, in the study environment, the population is forced to drink some water rich in fluoride. Fluorine is an iodine antagonist that it can easily substitute, disrupting the production of T3, T4 and TSH hormones. To end, the calculated thyroid echography volumes are for the most part normal volumes with a rate of 45.37 for boys and 35.19 for girls

    Pollen Analysis of the Honeys Samples Produced in the Three Phyto-geographical Zones of Benin

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    The aim of this work was the melissopalynologycal analysis of the honey samples collected both during the dry and rainy seasons of the three phyto-geographical zones of Benin. The analysis was performed by conventional methods on 60 honeys samples. The total of 138 taxa have been identified at family level (31), genus level (20) and to the level species (87). The number of pollens counted varies according to the phyto-geographical zones. Thus, 17091 pollens have been counted in the samples of the Sudanian zone; 13884 in those of the Sudano-Guinean zone and 7960 pollens in those of the Guinean zone. The pollen content of the honey samples reflects the plant species of the three phyto-geographical zones. The most dominant plant taxa were Combretaceaes (26.01%) and Parkia biglobosa (10.67%) in Sudanian zone, Combretaceae (29.52%) in SudanoGuinean zone. In the Guinean zone, the dominant taxa were Zea mays (18.35%) and Terminalia (15.34%). The specific richness varies from 6 to 43 in the Sudanian zone, from 7 to 34 in the Sudano-Guinean zone and from 1 to 28 taxa in the Guinean zone. None of the density of the dominant pollens reached 45%, thus all the analyzed honeys are polyfloral

    Valeur Ethnobotanique De Annona Muricata Utilisee Dans Le Traitement De Certaines Pathologies Au Sud-Benin

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    L’utilisation d’Annona muricata dans le traitement de diverses pathologies humaines prend de plus en plus d’ampleur au Bénin. Le but de la présente étude est de faire l’inventaire des maladies traitées par l’utilisation de cette plante. Pour ce faire, une enquête ethnobotanique a été réalisée auprès de 77 herboristes et 170 tradithérapeutes des Départements de l’Ouémé et du Plateau, du Littoral, de l’Atlantique et du Mono. Les données collectées étaient relatives à la structure écologique de l’arbre Annona muricata, aux différents organes utilisés et les maladies traitées, au mode d’emploi, etc. Ces données ont été analysées avec le logiciel SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) pour la détermination des statistiques descriptives en termes de pourcentage et de moyenne. Il ressort de l’étude que les acteurs enquêtés étaient majoritairement des hommes (74,9%),non scolarisés (40,1%), d’origine Goun (27,1%), Cotafon (19,8%) et Nago (18,2%). Les caractéristiques écologiques de A. muricata ont varié significativement (p<0,05) selon les enquêtés. Le mode de multiplication de l’arbre, selon les enquêtés,se fait principalement par la graine (82,6%). Les principaux organes d’Annonamuricata utilisés pour le traitement des maladies sont majoritairement le fruit (86,2%), la feuille (66,4%) et l’écorce (62,8%). Les principaux modes de préparation des organes étaient la tisane (97,2%), ladécoction (93,5%), et la poudre (76,9%). L’Annonamuricata était majoritairement utilisé, selon les enquêtés, pour le traitement de l’insomnie (70,9%), le cancer (70%), le paludisme (59,9%), l’hypertension artérielle (58,7%), le vertige (57,5)…Ainsi, vu les résultats, ce travail a permis de connaitre la valeur ethnobotanique d’Annona muricata. The use of Annona muricata(A. muricata) in the treatment of various human pathologies is becoming more and more widespread in Benin. The aim of this study was to inventory the diseases treated by the use of this plant. For this purpose, an ethnobotanical survey was carried out among 77 herbalists and 170 traditional therapists from the Departments of Ouémé and Plateau, Littoral, Atlantic and Mono. The data collected was relative, to the ecological structure of the Annona muricata tree, the different organs used and the diseases treated, the use instructions, etc. The data was collected in the form of a questionnaire. These data had been analysed with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software for the determination of descriptive statistics in terms of percentage and average. The study showed that the majority of the actorssurveyed were men (74.9%), unschooled (40.1%), ethnic groups as Goun (27.1%), Cotafon (19.8%) and Nago (18.2%). The ecological characteristics of A. muricatavaried significantly (p<0.05) according to the surveyed actors. The main method of multiplication of the tree is by seeds (82.6%). The main organs of Annona muricata used for diseases treatment were usually the fruit (86.2%), the leaf (66.4%) and the bark (62.8%). According to the actors, Annona muricata was mainly used for the treatment of insomnia (70.9%), cancer (70%), malaria (59.9%), high blood pressure (58.7%), vertigo (57.5), etc. The main method of organ preparation was herbal tea (97.2%), decoction (93.5%), and powder (76.9%). Therefore, at the results showed, this study allowed to know ethnobotanic value of Annona muricata

    Ethnobotanical Survey of Two Medicinal Plants (Heliotropium indicum L., Abrus precatorius L.,) Used in Traditional Medicine in West Africa

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    Since the time of our ancestors, natural products issued from plant play a therapeutic crucial role. About 25-30% of all medicines (drugs) available for the treatment of diseases are derived from natural products (from plants, animals, bacteria and fungi) or are derivatives of natural products. The aim of this research was to scientifically identify and supply tangible documentation on these two plants employed in the traditional medicine. From November 2020 to February 2021, an ethnobotanical survey was conducted within four markets at the south of Benin, employing a semistructured questionnaire. Two hundred respondents including 80% of females and 20% of males were interviewed. The 2 studied plants are mainly used for different types of sickness related to infections. Females’ herbalists are the most represented. From this research, it appears that the 2 plants are widely used for the treatment of severe infections. On the market, 95% of the leafy steam are sold against 5% of the roots for both plants. The main preparation way is decoction. Oral use is reported to be common in all region. The value of samples sold varies from 200F CFA (Financial Cooperation of Africa) to 1000F CFA. The decoctions are usually obtained through one of a mix of different types of plants. Traditional knowledge is transmitted from one generation to another by oral education. Till today there was no record found. During our study, we did no record prohibition or side effect related to these plants’ use. These medicinal plants occupy a crucial place within the therapeutic arsenal of west Africa. Our results constitute a vital tool to determine the true potentials of these plants. These results could lead to new improved traditional medicine

    Ingestions Alimentaires Et Performances De Production Et De Reproduction Des Lapines (Oryctolagus Cuniculus) Gestantes Nourries Avec Des Aliments Contenant Des Feuilles De Neem (Azadirachta Indica)

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    This study was conducted as part of a series of experiments on the use of dried leaves for the production of complete rabbit feed. For this purpose, 120 female rabbits, distributed in 4 batches (N0, N5, N10 and N15) with the same number (30) and homogeneous average weights (2595 g to 2708.7 g) were followed before and during pregnancy. Each of the 4 lot were composed, in the same proportion, of nulliparous and multiparous females. Those animals were subjected to four Azadirachta indica leaves based foods in different proportions: N0: 0%; N5: 5%; N10: 10% and N15: 15%. Our data shows that the gestation rates were as follows for the four lots: N0 (90%), N5 (80%) and N10 (90%) and N15 (76.67%). Except a single female from lot N10, all females were pregnant and gave birth. No significant difference (P> 0.05) was found between the mean of total daily consumptions among the pregnant rabbits of the four batches that ranged from 169.40 to 198.31 g / d. The average litters of the batches N0 (5.33 rabbits / mother), N5 (6.5 rabbits / mother) and N10 (5.61 rabbits / mother) were similar (P> 0.05) but higher (P 0.05). On the other hand, no difference (P> 0.05) was observed between the average weights of the rabbits of the control batch N0 (59.06 g) and those of N5 and N15

    Molecular characterization and Antibiotic resistance profiles of Escherichia coli extended-spectrum β-lactamases producer strains isolated from urine samples in Benin

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    Urinary tract infections are the second common reason of medical consultations and antibiotics prescription. Escherichia coli is known to cause most urinary tract infections. The aim of this study was to characterize and determine the antibiotic resistance profile of E. coli extended-spectrum βlactamases (ESBL) producer strains isolated from urine samples. The urine samples collected came from hospitalized and non-hospitalized patient referred to Hubert Koutoukou Manga (HKM), National and University Hospital Center (Cotonou, Benin). The resistance to antibiotics was determined according to the disk diffusion method. The production of penicillinase and ESBLs was researched respectively by the acidimetric test and double disk synergy method. The presences of genes encoding βlactamases were detected by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Our data revealed that 60 % of E. coli strains (101) were isolated from female patients. Also, 69.31 % of the strains were isolated from non-hospitalized patients. The high resistance levels were recorded with amoxicillin (96.04 %) and amoxicillin + clavulanic acid (66.34 %). Twenty percent (20%) of strains were ESBLs. Among ESBLs strains, 70% comes from non-hospitalized patients. Eighty percent of E. coli strains produced penicillinase among which 25 % were ESBL producers. All the ESBL producers strains carried blaTEM gene whereas only 30 % carried the blaSHV gene. This study updates the data on the prevalence to antibiotic resistance of E. coli ESBL producers strains for better management of urinary tract infections


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    Objective: The aim of this study was to make a phytochemical screening and measure some biological activities of Cola acuminata's seeds and leaves extracts.Methods: The secondary metabolite was detected by the method based on coloring and precipitation differential reactions. The antibacterial and antifungal activities were assessed in vitro by the macrodillution and solid medium agar diffusion method. 2,2-diphényl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2'-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) methods were used to evaluate the antioxidant activity of the tested extracts of which larval cytotoxicity was studied.Results: Our data revealed that the seeds contain more polyphenols than the leaves. The seeds extracts displayed a good antibacterial activity against both reference strains and food Staphylococcus strains. The inhibition diameters varied from 7±2.82 to 21.5±4.94 mm. The smallest Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MIC) on the food strains (0.08 mg/ml) is twice less than the reference strains one (0.15 mg/ml), this observation is contrary to the Minimum Bactericidal concentrations (MBC). Susceptibility of fungal strains varies according to the extracts (p = 0.0016). The seeds ethyl acetate extracts had the best antioxidant activity with DPPH and ABTS methods. The Lethal Doses (LD50) showed that no extract was toxic.Conclusion: Cola acuminata seeds are richer than the leaves in compounds with biological activities. These two organs have interesting antimicrobial, antifungal and antioxidant activity variables depending to the extracts. The seeds have better biological activity than the leaves.Â