152 research outputs found

    The genus Onobrychis Miller (Fabaceae) in the flora of Macedonia

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    The genus Onobrychis Miller in the Macedonian territory, according to currentdata, is represented with the 10 species. While researching the genus Onobrychis in Macedonia, a new species of this genus, Onobrychis viciifolia Scop., was discoveredwhich represents a new record for Macedonian flora. Total species of Onobrychis Miller in Macedonia reaches 11 with the addition of O. viciifolia Scop

    The Comparative Overview of The Phenomenon of Money Laundering in Certain European Union and Western Balkan’s

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    The Republic of Kosovo has issued several legal acts which are in place to prevent and combat the phenomenon of money laundering. These acts determine the issue of state response and other institutional mechanisms which have competence in the field of law enforcement to strike this criminal phenomenon. Until now, prevention of money laundering is regulated by: UNMIK Regulation, Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code, the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Prevention of Terrorist Financing and the Law on Extended Powers for Confiscation of Assets Acquired by Criminal Offence

    The Resettlement process in the Lignite mining areas of Kosovo : [presentation given February 23, 2010]

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    The resettlement process for the purposes of exploiting natural resources often causes problems for governments and the people concerned. This is the case in most countries. In fact, the use of private agricultural land or the construction of industrial buildings for the purpose of exploiting natural resources can be relatively easily compensated with money or other benefits. Industrial buildings can be rebuilt at another location, and agricultural land can be exchanged for other land owned by the company. However, when it comes to the requirement to demolish and/or relocate houses, then the question is much more complex than just compensation of the property values. It is a question of what do you do with the people? And this question is in fact much more complex since it is mostly about social structures, employment, psychological factors, home ownership, and so forth. There is also the big question of health. With Kosovo’s previous centralized economy the question of resettlement was “solved” by moving the people to apartments somewhere in a city, but this approach is not acceptable in a Kosovo’s new democratic society. Private life and the social structures developed over a long period of time are very highly valued and are now given greater respect. In the case of Kosovo, the use of coal for power production has an enormous economic value. Having said that, it goes without saying that coal exploitation as a sole natural resource fuel for energy production is the backbone for overall development of the country. There is, however, a need to address the issue of resettlement given the fact that the experience from the past created problems that might disturb the operations in the future. The Capstone Project addresses the issue of resettlement by providing inputs from other countries in order to point out the most important steps for carrying out a sound and acceptable resettlement. It also provides with essential legal comparative analysis as well as financial implications accruing in this process. As such, the outputs of the report will portray the best practices of resettlement to be used by Kosovo institutions

    The first investigations of Britains in Trepça’s Mine in Stan Terg

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                                                 Abstract       The historical importance of Trepca’s  Mine in Stanterg is a big as it’s impossible to describe it in on only study work.However I have tried to describe it in historical , economical and social character, since the past period if Trepca till the 20th country , when in Trepca began the first investigations in 1926 by England , and later in the 30ties of this century when the modern exploration of  Trepca started, since the beginning there were some movements which lasted till 1939 . In 1941 , Trepca tell in the German’s hands , which leaded it till the end of the second world war .  In the end of this study I have treated Trepca as a very big giant in which were found about 6 milion mine as leaden and cink the above mentioned periods.       &nbsp

    Money Laundering in the Republic of Kosovo during the Years 2013-2015

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    This paper presents a study of the criminal law on money laundering from comparative perspective with the combination of legal, historical, and sociological and criminology treatment. The benefit of income from criminal activities is considered very worrying problem but also a challenge, threat and danger to the security mechanisms (law enforcement agencies) in the Republic of Kosovo. To prevent, investigate and combat money laundering, there should be certainly set priorities for law enforcement agencies in the Republic of Kosovo. This approach allows for a more efficient fight against organized crime, in particular drug trafficking, human trafficking, cybercrime, terrorism and its financing, although partly these phenomena can be considered to relate to international pressure. At the same time, it is imposed on legislators to draft and adopt laws and regulations for implementation, to prevent and combat the phenomenon of money laundering, but without neglecting the drafting of the strategy for preventing and combating this phenomenon and other phenomena that heavily damage state and society in aspects of political, economic and rule of law, with special emphasis on the aspect of European integration

    Organized Crime Phenomenon Threatening Public Safety and Rule of Law in Kosovo

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    Nowadays organized crime is considered as a real threat to the security of any country, but in particular, to the security of countries with fragile democracies that do not have any strength, tradition or experience to effectively deal with it. In this regard, for Balkans, this phenomenon is considered as the main threat to the security of each country and the region in general and in particular for our country Kosovo. Despite the progress achieved, the creation of institutions since 1999 had three transitions; UNMIK period 1999-2008, the declaration of independence on February 17, 2008 and the arrival of new EULEX mission in 2009 that was made to build a new future through integration process in the European Union, in the eyes of the international community our region is still considered quite fragile and challenging. The events of 1990-1999 in former Yugoslavia created great difficulties not only for the new states but also in the actual integration developments that these countries aim not to lose the chance to refute another infamous epithet as organized crime haven . In this epithet may have doses of exaggeration, but the truth for these last 20 years is that, while all kinds of industries in the region have failed, there is a thriving new industry , working day and night in full capacity: industry of organized crime

    Northern Kosovo, historiography and geostrategic overview during the 20th century

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                                          ABSTRACT        Historical and economic importance in northern Kosovo and its geographical position is so large and valuable that it is impossible in this scientific paper to be included in a comprehensive manner that all that should say, but we will try that chronological order to present a scientific look at the character of historiography, economic, and social Albanian historiography which unintentionally has lacked a special scientific treatment. Making a historigraphy overview will present some aspects which retrospective of our history has had an important role in the overall flow of vital events that have characterized the political and social developments in subsequent general. In the end I believe that through this survey historiography will reach conclusions that the events that have determined economic, political and social developments, have been closely linked to overall developments in our country. So if at some extent, will arrive here this goal in the treatment of important events for me would be a moral satisfaction.             &nbsp

    Interest Rates on Deposits and Loans (Kosovo Banking System 2012-2015)

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    Kosovo’s sluggish economic growth and financial market developments are two main reasons for conducting the analysis of banking system interest rates in Kosovo. It has been always considered that increase in the number of banks will in turn result in higher competitiveness; however this did not happened and the interest rates have only seen increase. As a result of this situation, poor access to loans continues to severely hamper the household and business economic activities in Kosovo.     Despite rapid development of banking sector in Kosovo that was built since 2000 and which is considered as one of the most successful ones in Kosovo’s economy, the impact of micro policies and governmental policies, including the high interest rates, have reflected in sluggishness of entrepreneurial initiatives. Irrespective of a considerable number of banks operating today in Kosovo (10 banks), this sector remains quite concentrated, since around 90% of total assets, more than 88% of deposits and around 80% of loans are concentrated in three largest banks with foreign capital.  &nbsp
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