13,217 research outputs found

    Generating Equidistributed Meshes in 2D via Domain Decomposition

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    In this paper we consider Schwarz domain decomposition applied to the generation of 2D spatial meshes by a local equidistribution principle. We briefly review the derivation of the local equidistribution principle and the appropriate choice of boundary conditions. We then introduce classical and optimized Schwarz domain decomposition methods to solve the resulting system of nonlinear equations. The implementation of these iterations are discussed, and we conclude with numerical examples to illustrate the performance of the approach

    Experimental determination of the state-dependent enhancement of the electron-positron momentum density in solids

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    The state-dependence of the enhancement of the electron-positron momentum density is investigated for some transition and simple metals (Cr, V, Ag and Al). Quantitative comparison with linearized muffin-tin orbital calculations of the corresponding quantity in the first Brillouin zone is shown to yield a measurement of the enhancement of the s, p and d states, independent of any parameterizations in terms of the electron density local to the positron. An empirical correction that can be applied to a first-principles state-dependent model is proposed that reproduces the measured state-dependence very well, yielding a general, predictive model for the enhancement of the momentum distribution of positron annihilation measurements, including those of angular correlation and coincidence Doppler broadening techniques

    An Update of NASA Public Health Applications Projects using Remote Sensing Data

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    Satellite earth observations present a unique vantage point of the earth s environment from space which offers a wealth of health applications for the imaginative investigator. The session will present research results of the remote sensing environmental observations of earth and health applications. This session will an overview of many of the NASA public health applications using Remote Sensing Data and will also discuss opportunities to become a research collaborator with NASA

    The validity and reliability of the my jump 2 app for measuring the reactive strength index and drop jump performance

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    BACKGROUNDː This is the first study to independently assess the concurrent validity and reliability of the My Jump 2 app for measuring drop jump performance. It is also the first to evaluate the app’s ability to measure the reactive strength index (RSI). METHODSː Fourteen male sport science students (age: 29.5 ± 9.9 years) performed three drop jumps from 20 cm and 40 cm (totalling 84 jumps), assessed via a force platform and the My Jump 2 app. Reported metrics included reactive strength index, jump height, ground contact time, and mean power. Measurements from both devices were compared using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), Pearson product moment correlation coefficient (r), Cronbach’s alpha (α), coefficient of variation (CV) and Bland-Altman plots. RESULTSː Near perfect agreement was seen between devices at 20 cm for RSI (ICC = 0.95) and contact time (ICC = 0.99) and at 40 cm for RSI (ICC = 0.98), jump height (ICC = 0.96) and contact time (ICC = 0.92); with very strong agreement seen at 20 cm for jump height (ICC = 0.80). In comparison with the force plate the app showed good validity for RSI (20 cm: r = 0.94; 40 cm; r = 0.97), jump height (20 cm: r = 0.80; 40 cm; r = 0.96) and contact time (20 cm = 0.96; 40 cm; r = 0.98). CONCLUSIONSː The results of the present study show that the My Jump 2 app is a valid and reliable tool for assessing drop jump performance

    Lead Isotope Data for Gold-Bearing Veins and Their Host Metasedimentary Rocks of the Goldenville Formation, Eastern Nova Scotia

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    Lead isotope analyses have been determined for galenas which occur in small quantities in quartz veins in the Goldenville Formation of the Meguma Terrane, and also for five whole rock samples from this formation- The ten least radiogenic galenas are homogeneous in isotopic composition, and they plot close to the average terrestrial growth curve of Stacey and Kramers and the "orogene" curve of Doe and Zartman. The mean model ages are 550 Ma (Stacey and Kramers) and 600 Ma (Doe and Zartman), which are in approximate agreement with the Cambro-Ordovician age of deposition of the sediments. The close position of the galena compositions to these average growth curves suggests that these compositions were established by mixing processes as envisaged in the Doe and Zartman "plumbotectonics" model. The isotopic analyses of the whole rocks indicate that small amounts of radiogenic lead are present in non-mineralized sections of the sedimentary sequence- Three galenas from veins in rocks metamorphosed to biotite and staurolite-andalusite grades, and from late veins (post-dating deformation, metamorphism and plutonism) are significantly more radiogenic than the majority of the samples. We interpret the isotopic characteristics of these galenas to be the result of extraction of lead from Meguma metasediments or of additions of radiogenic lead to less radiogenic lead during remobllization. Other interpretations consistent with the isotopic data are possible. RÉSUMÉ Des analyses aux isotopes de plomb ont été déterminé pour les galènes qui se trouvent en petite quantitié's dans les veines de quartz de la formation Goldenville du terrane Meguma, et aussi pour cinq échantillons de roches entieres de cette formation. Les dix galènes les moins radiogèniques sont homogènes en composition isotopique, et elles ont une trace proche de la courbe de croissauce terreste moyenne de Stacey et Kramers, et de la courbe "orogène" de Doe et Zartman. Le âges moyens des modules sont de 550 Ma (Stacey et Kramers) et de 600 Ma (Doe et Zartman), ce qui s'accorde approximativement avec l'âge Cambro-Ordovicien du dépôt des sédiments. La position proche des compositions de la galène avec ces courbes moyennes de croissance, indique que ces compositions ont été établies par un processus de mélanges, comme le propose le modèle "Piumbotectonique" de Doe et Zartman. Les analyses isotopiques de roche entiere indiquent que de petites quantitié's de plomb radiogenique sont présences dans les sections non-minéralisees de la séquence sédimentaire. Trois galènes, provenant de veines de roches métamorphosée au dégris de biotite et de staurolite-anda lusite, et de veines avancées (post-datant la déformation, le métamorphisine et le plutonisme) sont d'une maniere significative plus radiogèniques que la majoritié des échantillons. Nous interprètons les caractéristiques isotopiques de ces galènes comme le résultat de l'extraction de plomb des méta-sédiments Meguma, ou a L’addition de plomb radiogènique au plomb moins radiogènique durant la remobilisation. D'autres Interprètations en accord avec les donnés isotopiques sont possible. [Traduit par le journal

    Signatures of Galaxy-Cluster Interactions: Tully-Fisher Observations at z~0.1

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    We have obtained new optical imaging and spectroscopic observations of 78 galaxies in the fields of the rich clusters Abell 1413 (z = 0.14), Abell 2218 (z = 0.18) and Abell 2670 (z = 0.08). We have detected line emission from 25 cluster galaxies plus an additional six galaxies in the foreground and background, a much lower success rate than what was found (65%) for a sample of 52 lower-richness Abell clusters in the range 0.02 < z < 0.08. We have combined these data with our previous observations of Abell 2029 and Abell 2295 (both at z = 0.08), which yields a sample of 156 galaxies. We evaluate several parameters as a function of cluster environment: Tully-Fisher residuals, H-alpha equivalent width, and rotation curve asymmetry, shape and extent. Although H-alpha is more easily detectable in galaxies that are located further from the cluster cores, we fail to detect a correlation between H-alpha extent and galaxy location in those where it is detected, again in contrast with what is found in the clusters of lesser richness. We fail to detect any statistically significant trends for the other parameters in this study. The zero-point in the z~0.1 Tully-Fisher relation is marginally fainter (by 1.5 sigma) than that found in nearby clusters, but the scatter is essentially unchanged.Comment: 27 pages including 5 figures; accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa