8 research outputs found

    Prevention of systemic arterial hypertension under the perspective of users of a family health unit

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    Objective: understanding how users who attended a group of preventive actions in a Unit Family Health see hypertension and ways to prevent it. Method: this was a descriptive and exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, performed in a Unit of Family Health in João Pessoa/Paraiba, with the participation of 20 users using a semi-structured interview containing questions about demographic profile, knowledge about hypertension and its prevention. The data collected in the interviews were subjected to thematic content categorical analysis. Results: before the questioning of what hypertension is, in 60% of participants there is knowledge about what it is, while 40% do not know what is. Conclusion: it is increasingly necessary providing opportunities for people to gain the autonomy needed for decision-making on matters that affect their health, through knowledge and information

    Effect of chemotherapy perception pictures of mastectomized women

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    The antineoplastic drugs used in systemic treatment of cancer by interfering with the mechanisms of survival, and cell migration proliferation. By systemic, these drugs can reach the central nervous system causing possible reactions in normal cells, including regions of the visual cortex, responsible for visual perception. The role of contrast sensitivity (FSC) has been used to characterize the process by which the visual system processes the information of the various frequencies of stimuli received by sensory stimuli perceived. So, this study aimed to investigate whether the agents of antineoplastic drugs can alter the sensory threshold in women that used for the systemic treatment of breast carcinoma, using the FSC as a tool. Respecting ethical aspects necessary to conduct the study, 20 volunteers participated in the tests, with normal or corrected visual acuity, ten users of antineoplastic drugs administered in six cycles of the FAC scheme - 5- fluorouracil, doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide (Experimental Group, EG) and ten volunteers without condition and without identifiable antineoplastics use of drugs (Control Group, CG). Measures of sensory threshold were performed at the Laboratory of Perception, Neuroscience and Behavior, using visual stimuli of spatial frequencies of 0.25, 1, 4 and 8 c/deg (cycle per degree of visual angle). The stimuli were generated in shades of gray and on a video monitor at 150 cm from the screen. It used to be an experimental design with repeated measures and put psychophysical forced-choice with two alternatives of choice. The procedure for measuring the sensitivity was the presentation of successive pairs of simple stimuli (test and neutral) and the volunteers were asked to choose among them always, that contained the frequency space. Three consecutive correct responses were necessary to reduce the amount of contrast in a indeed and an error to increase it (20%). Each frequency space was estimated twice for each participant, generating 240 values of thresholds for contrast. The data were grouped into tables and spreadsheets in Microsoft Office sociodemographic profile of the second sample, the iron values of contrast for maximum and minimum frequency space for the two groups.The analysis of variance for measures spread showed a significant difference between the threshold contrast of EG and the CG (F (1,238) = 23.97, p<0001), in the other words, there was variation in contrast sensitivity between the groups. At the highest spatial frequency (8 cpg) women in the control group were 1.6 more sensitive than the experimental group, analyzing how the post-hoc Tukey test (p<0001). You can guarantee, then, that the variation in contrast sensitivity among women of EG and CG can be caused, possibly by using the FAC scheme administered for the treatment of breast carcinoma. Therefore, the hypothesis that women mastectomized when subjected to treatment with drugs antineoplastics may have changed their visual perception is confirmed and accepted.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPESAs drogas antineoplásicas são utilizadas no tratamento sistêmico do câncer por interferir nos mecanismos de sobrevivência, proliferação e migração celular. Por via sistêmica, estas drogas podem atingir o sistema nervoso central causando possíveis reações em células normais, inclusive nas regiões do córtex visual, responsáveis pela percepção visual. A Função de Sensibilidade ao Contraste (FSC) tem sido utilizada para caracterizar o processo pelo qual o sistema visual transforma as informações das várias freqüências do estímulo sensorial recebido em estímulo percebido. Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar se os agentes das drogas antineoplásicas podem alterar o limiar sensório em mulheres que a utilizaram para o tratamento sistêmico do carcinoma mamário, utilizando a FSC como instrumento. Respeitando os aspectos éticos necessários para a realização da pesquisa, participaram dos testes 20 voluntárias, com acuidade visual normal ou corrigida, dez usuárias de drogas antineoplásicas administradas em seis ciclos do esquema FAC - 5-fluorouracil, doxorrubicina (adriamicina) e ciclofosfamida (Grupo Experimental, GE) e dez voluntárias sem patologia identificável e sem uso de drogas antineoplásicas (Grupo Controle, GC). As medidas de limiar sensório foram realizadas no Laboratório de Percepção, Neurociências e Comportamento, utilizando estímulos visuais de freqüências espaciais de 0,25; 1; 4 e 8 cpg (ciclo por grau de ângulo visual). Os estímulos eram gerados em tons de cinza e apresentados num monitor de vídeo a 150 cm de distância da tela. Usou-se um delineamento experimental com medidas repetidas e o método psicofísico da escolha forçada com duas alternativas de escolha. O procedimento para medir a sensibilidade consistiu na apresentação sucessiva simples de pares de estímulos (teste e neutro) e as voluntárias foram orientadas a escolher sempre dentre eles, aquele que continha a freqüência espacial. Eram necessários três acertos consecutivos para diminuir a quantidade de contraste em uma unidade e um erro para aumentá-la (20%). Cada freqüência espacial foi estimada duas vezes por cada participante, gerando 240 valores de limiares de contraste. Os dados coletados foram agrupados em tabelas e planilhas do Microsoft Office segundo perfil sociodemográfico da amostra, valores de limiar de contraste máximos e mínimos por freqüência espacial para os dois grupos. A análise de variância para medidas repetidas mostrou diferença significante entre o limiar de contraste do GE e do GC (F (1,238) = 22,73; p<0,001), ou seja, houve variação na sensibilidade ao contraste entre os grupos. Na freqüência espacial mais alta (8 cpg) as mulheres do grupo controle foram 1,6 mais sensíveis do que o grupo experimental, analisado com o teste post-hoc Tukey (p<0,001). Pode-se afirmar, então, que a variação na sensibilidade ao contraste entre as mulheres do GE e GC pode ser causada, possivelmente, pelo uso do esquema FAC administrado para o tratamento do carcinoma mamário. Portanto, a hipótese levantada de que as mulheres mastectomizadas quando submetidas a tratamento com drogas antineoplásicas podem ter sua percepção visual alterada está confirmada e aceita

    Risk behavior on HIV transmission in independent elderly people

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    Objective: &nbsp;The objective was to know the risk behavior of independent elderly people in DST / HIV / AIDS prevention. Method: Exploratory study with quantitative data approach. Sample was composed of 24 independent elderly people without diagnosis. An elaborate semi-structured interview script was used. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, using chi-square and Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: We found 87% female, age group between 60-69 years (62%) and marital status widow (43%).Of the sample, 87% reported knowing the means of transmission of the virus, 79% reported not using condoms and all had some sexual intercourse without the use of condoms.The analysis between the dependent variable "knows how to transmit HIV" and independent "condom use" showed statistical significance (p = 0.014). Conclusion: It can be inferred that there was a high risk behavior for HIV / AIDS virus acquisition in this sample, since they did not use condoms in their sexual practices, even if they had knowledge about the forms of virus transmission. Descriptors: Aging. Risk groups. HIV. Elderly