350 research outputs found

    Pengelompokan Berdasarkan Karakter Morfologi Vegetatif pada Plasma Nutfah Pisang Asal Kabupaten Aceh Besar

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    . This study aims to grouping the diversity of banana (Musa spp.) from Aceh Besar District based on vegetative morphological characters of banana germplasm. Observations included quantitative and qualitative characters. Grouping based on pseudostem height were divided into three groups. The first group, short pseudostem, is 4 accessions. The second group, medium pseudostem, are 9 of accession. Last, the third group, high pseudostem, are 7 accessions. While based on 28 qualitative characters, formed dendogram classifying banana accessions into 3 groups. Based on the character type of petoile canal, predominant underlying color of pseudostem and blotches of petiole base, the first and second groups are classified into the group that have dominant genome A (derived from Musa acuminata), while the third group has dominant genome B (derived from Musa balbisiana)

    Pengaruh Naungan dan Varietas terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Stroberi (Fragaria SP.) di Dataran Rendah

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    . The aim of this study was to determine the effect of shading and varieties on growth and yield of strawberry plants in the lowlands and the interaction between these factors. The research was conducted using a Split Plot Design. Factors studied are shading as the main plots consisting of no-shading (100% sunlight), one layer of shading (70% sunlight) and two layers of shading (40% sunlight) and strawberry varieties as subplot consisting of Michiko, Earlibrite and Tristar. Observed variable is the increase in the number of plant height and leaf, number of flowers, number of fruits, fruit weight and diameter of fruit per plant. The results showed the best growth and yield of strawberry plants tend to be found on treatment no-shading. The best varieties tend to be found in varieties Michiko. There is a significant interaction between shading and varieties in the number of leaf age 75 HST and in plant height age 15 HST. The best interaction of the number of leaf in the age of 75 HST was Earlibrite varieties with the no-shading and two layers of shading, as well as to varieties Michiko and Tristar with one layer shading. In plant height age of 15 HST, the best combination of interactions found in varieties Michiko with no-shading

    Kebahagiaan pada Buruh Gendong

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kebahagiaan dan faktor yang mempengaruhi kebahagiaan pada buruh gendong di pasar tradisional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara dan observasi. Metode analisis data pada penelitian ini dengan menggunakan analisis tema. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan criterion sampling yaitu sampel yang kriterianya sudah ditentukan sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa subyek I merasa cukup bahagia. pada aspek kognitif dan aspek afektif, ini ditunjukkan dengan adanya perasaan puas pada berbagai domain kehidupannya seperti adanya penerimaan dari pihak keluarga terhadap kondisi pekerjaan subyek, perasaan puas terhadap keadaan keluarga dan pekerjaan, hubungan yang baik dengan sesama buruh gendong dan pandangan positif mengenai kehidupan masa depan serta dapat memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari untuk keluarga. Hal ini membuat subyek merasa senang dan bersyukur dengan keadaannya, namun dengan kondisi pekerjaannya subyek I mengalami masalah kesehatan yang mengganggu kebahagiaan subyek dikarenakan sering mengalami pegal-pegal pada bagian tubuhnya yang terkadang mengganggu aktifitas pekerjaan subyek bahkan pernah membuat subyek tidak bekerja sehingga membuat subyek merasa sedih dan menyalahkan diri sendiri. Sedangkan pada subyek II juga menunjukkan bahwa subyek II cukup bahagia. Pada aspek kognitif dan afektif juga menunjukkan bahwa subyek II merasa puas dan lebih merasakan afek positif di berbagai domain kehidupannya. Kepuasan terlihat dari adanya dukungan dan tidak adanya pemaksaan terhadap subyek untuk bekerja dari keluarga, interaksi dengan sesama buruh gendong yang baik dan penilaian yang positif serta pemanfaatan waktu luang yang positif yang dilakukan subyek membuat subyek lebih banyak merasakan afek positif seperti senang. Hal yang mengganggu kebahagiaan pada subyek II adalah kondisi kesehatan yang mengakibatkan subyek tidak maksimal dalam bekerja karena mengalami batuk-batuk ketika bekerja terlalu berat. Sedangkan faktor yang mempengaruhi kebahagiaan kedua subyek buruh gendong bersifat eksternal yakni uang yang didapat dari bekerja sebagai buruh gendong yang dimanfaatkan untuk membahagiakan keluarga. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kedua subyek merasa cukup bahagia, dilihat dari pemenuhan aspek kognitif dan afektif dalam domain kehidupannya seperti keluarga, diri sendiri, pekerjaan, uang, kesehatan dan waktu luang

    Regulasi Emosi pada Penderita Hiv/aids

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui regulasi emosi penderita HIV/AIDS dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi regulasi emosi pada penderita HIV/AIDS. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan observasi kepada subjek penderita HIV/AIDS. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari dua orang penderita HIV/AIDS dengan dua orang significant person. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan regulasi emosi dilakukan oleh kedua subjek untuk mengatur respon emosi dari permasalahan yang muncul setelah kedua subjek terinfeksi HIV/AIDS. Subjek pertama yang merupakan seorang wanita yang telah menikah, menggunakan strategi regulasi emosi antecendent-focussed strategy (cognitive reapraissal). Melalui proses regulasi emosi yang terdiri dari situation selection, situation modification, attention deployment, cognitive change, dan modulation respon. Faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan regulasi emosi subjek pertama yakni harapan akan masa depan anak, keterbukaan (self disclosure) dan dukungan sosial (sosial support). Subjek kedua yang merupakan pria yang belum menikah, meregulasi emosi dengan menggunakan strategi regulasi emosi respon focused strategy (expression suppression) melalui proses regulasi emosi situation selection. Penggunaan strategi regulasi emosi ini dipengaruhi faktor ketidakmampuan membuka diri dan dukungan sosial (sosial support). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kedua subjek meregulasi emosi dengan pemilihan strategi regulasi emosi yang berbeda. Faktor yang paling mempengaruhi penggunaan regulasi emosi penderita HIV/AIDS adalah dukungan sosial (sosial Support)

    Bile Salt and Acid Tolerant of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Proventriculus of Broiler Chicken

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    The aim of this research was to obtain the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) as probiotic candidates which have resistance to bile salt and acid condition. LAB was obtained using isolation method from proventriculus of broiler chicken. Selective MRS media with 0.2% CaCO3 addition were used for LAB isolation using pour plate sampling method under anaerobic condition. The result showed that four selected isolates had morphological and biochemical characteristics as LAB. The selected LAB was characterized as follow: antibacterial activities, antibiotic sensitivity, resistance on bile salt, gastric juice and acid condition, and biochemical identification. Antibacterial activities assay of cell free supernatant was confirmed using disc paper diffusion method which was arranged on factorial design and each treatment consisted of three replications. The cell free supernatant of LAB isolates had antibacterial activities against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aerugenosa, and Salmonella pullorum. Molecular identification procedure using 16S rRNA sequence analysis showed that R01 and R02 as Pediococcus acidilactici. The viability of the two isolates were tested by acid pH (pH 1, 2, and 3), gastric juice pH 2, and bile salt condition for digestives tract simulation. The result showed that R01 and R02 had a high viability percentages at pH 1, 2, and 3 (95.45%, 99.49%, 104.01%, and 67.17%, 120.74%, 103.4%, respectively) and at bile salt simulation for 1-2 hours (100.35%-102.71% and 100.02%-102.65%, respectively), but at gastric juice simulation for 1-2 hours, the P. acidilactici R01 had higher viability than P. acidilactici R02 (59.69%-76.53% versus 43.57%-40.69%, respectively). In the antibiotic sensitivity test for three antibiotics (i.e. erythromicin 15 µg, penicillin G 10 µg, and streptomycin 10 µg), the P. acidilactici R02 showed resistance to Streptomycin and Penicillin. It is concluded that P. acidilactici R01 and P. acidilactici R02 isolated from proventriculus of broiler chicken potential as probiotic candidates for chicken

    Financial Sustainability: Towards Full Costing Methods in Private Islamic Higher Education

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    The study aims to analyze the trend of development movements of financial allocation and the main problem in financial management for the development of full costing method in Private Islamic University (PTAIS) in Indonesia. This research was conducted in 6 (six) PTAIS spread in three provinces, namely, East Java, South Sulawesi and West Sulawesi by conducting survey method, FGD and in-depth interviews. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. Based on the result in the field, the research team concludes that the financing management model in PTAIS is still done traditionally and impressed what is closer to managing activity-based cost. Interventions of the Foundation to the management of PTAIS become a major obstacle in the implementation of full costing system.     Keywords: full costing method, PTAIS, activity-based cos

    Hubungan Faktor Risiko Pencemaran dan Kualitas Air Sumur Gali secara Mikrobiologis dengan Kejadian Diare di Desa Hutabaringin Kecamatan Kotanopan Kabupaten Mandailing Natal

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    Clean water is a basic need that must be met by a human because clean water is used for various purposes including as drinking water. The source of clean water which is mostly used by society is dug well. Dug wells is easily contaminated by bacterial from the source of pollution. It can cause the disease like diarrhea. For get clean water that meets health requirements it must avoid from the risk factors of pollution that can be at risk of water quality of dug well. The purpose of this research was to know correlation between the risk factors of pollution and the quality of bacterial water of dug with the incidence of diarrhea in Village Hutabaringin District Kotanopan Regency of Mandailing Natal. This research used the analytic with cross-sectional design. With taking sample by random sampling (simple random sampling ) is a random number table system with a sample of 55 households. This population is all households in the village have dug well Hutabaringin Kotanopan the District, totaling 121 households. Data were analyzed using chi-square test. The results showed that most households have dug wells which have a high pollution risk factors is 54,5% , low is 45,5. The number of households that have water quality that meets the health requirements is 38,2% and which do not meet the health requirements is 61,8%. Diarrhea happened in every family member is 61,8% and who did not diarrhea happened is 38,2%. Based on the results of research by chi-square test p = 0.025 ( p < 0.05 ) it can be concluded that correlation the are pollution risk factors with diarrhea happened and p = 0.009 (p < 0.05) correlation the are water quality dug well with diarrhea happened. It is recommended to the public in order to better maintain the quality of well water as a source of clean water and basic sanitation especially pay attention to clean water and personal hygiene. Puskesmas should be made the socialization to the society within programs in water supply and environment health
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