52 research outputs found

    Dissociable neuroanatomical correlates of subsecond and suprasecond time perception

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    The ability to estimate durations varies across individuals. Although previous studies have reported that individual differences in perceptual skills and cognitive capacities are reflected in brain structures, it remains unknown whether timing abilities are also reflected in the brain anatomy. Here, we show that individual differences in the ability to estimate subsecond and suprasecond durations correlate with gray matter (GM) volume in different parts of cortical and subcortical areas. Better ability to discriminate subsecond durations was associated with a larger GM volume in the bilateral anterior cerebellum, whereas better performance in estimating the suprasecond range was associated with a smaller GM volume in the inferior parietal lobule. These results indicate that regional GM volume is predictive of an individual's timing abilities. These morphological results support the notion that subsecond durations are processed in the motor system, whereas suprasecond durations are processed in the parietal cortex by utilizing the capacity of attention and working memory to keep track of time

    Interaction of numerosity and time in prefrontal and parietal cortex

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    It has been proposed that numerical and temporal information are processed by partially overlapping magnitude systems. Interactions across different magnitude domains could occur both at the level of perception and decision-making. However, their neural correlates have been elusive. Here, using functional magnetic resonance imaging in humans, we show that the right intraparietal cortex (IPC) and inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) are jointly activated by duration and numerosity discrimination tasks, with a congruency effect in the right IFG. To determine whether the IPC and the IFG are involved in response conflict (or facilitation) or modulation of subjective passage of time by numerical information, we examined their functional roles using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and two different numerosity-time interaction tasks: duration discrimination and time reproduction tasks. Our results show that TMS of the right IFG impairs categorical duration discrimination, whereas that of the right IPC modulates the degree of influence of numerosity on time perception and impairs precise time estimation. These results indicate that the right IFG is specifically involved at the categorical decision stage, whereas bleeding of numerosity information on perception of time occurs within the IPC. Together, our findings suggest a two-stage model of numerosity-time interactions whereby the interaction at the perceptual level occurs within the parietal region and the interaction at categorical decisions takes place in the prefrontal cortex

    Hard to "tune in": neural mechanisms of live face-to-face interaction with high-functioning autistic spectrum disorder

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    Persons with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are known to have difficulty in eye contact (EC). This may make it difficult for their partners during face to face communication with them. To elucidate the neural substrates of live inter-subject interaction of ASD patients and normal subjects, we conducted hyper-scanning functional MRI with 21 subjects with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) paired with typically-developed (normal) subjects, and with 19 pairs of normal subjects as a control. Baseline EC was maintained while subjects performed real-time joint-attention task. The task-related effects were modeled out, and inter-individual correlation analysis was performed on the residual time-course data. ASD-Normal pairs were less accurate at detecting gaze direction than Normal-Normal pairs. Performance was impaired both in ASD subjects and in their normal partners. The left occipital pole (OP) activation by gaze processing was reduced in ASD subjects, suggesting that deterioration of eye-cue detection in ASD is related to impairment of early visual processing of gaze. On the other hand, their normal partners showed greater activity in the bilateral occipital cortex and the right prefrontal area, indicating a compensatory workload. Inter-brain coherence in the right IFG that was observed in the Normal-Normal pairs (Saito et al., 2010) during EC diminished in ASD-Normal pairs. Intra-brain functional connectivity between the right IFG and right superior temporal sulcus (STS) in normal subjects paired with ASD subjects was reduced compared with in Normal-Normal pairs. This functional connectivity was positively correlated with performance of the normal partners on the eye-cue detection. Considering the integrative role of the right STS in gaze processing, inter-subject synchronization during EC may be a prerequisite for eye cue detection by the normal partner

    Chronotopic maps in human supplementary motor area

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    Time is a fundamental dimension of everyday experiences. We can unmistakably sense its passage and adjust our behavior accordingly. Despite its ubiquity, the neuronal mechanisms underlying the capacity to perceive time remains unclear. Here, in two experiments using ultrahigh-field 7-Tesla (7T) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we show that in the medial premotor cortex (supplementary motor area [SMA]) of the human brain, neural units tuned to different durations are orderly mapped in contiguous portions of the cortical surface so as to form chronomaps. The response of each portion in a chronomap is enhanced by neighboring durations and suppressed by nonpreferred durations represented in distant portions of the map. These findings suggest duration-sensitive tuning as a possible neural mechanism underlying the recognition of time and demonstrate, for the first time, that the representation of an abstract feature such as time can be instantiated by a topographical arrangement of duration-sensitive neural populations

    Time Adaptation Shows Duration Selectivity in the Human Parietal Cortex

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    Although psychological and computational models of time estimation have postulated the existence of neural representations tuned for specific durations, empirical evidence of this notion has been lacking. Here, using a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) adaptation paradigm, we show that the inferior parietal lobule (IPL) (corresponding to the supramarginal gyrus) exhibited reduction in neural activity due to adaptation when a visual stimulus of the same duration was repeatedly presented. Adaptation was strongest when stimuli of identical durations were repeated, and it gradually decreased as the difference between the reference and test durations increased. This tuning property generalized across a broad range of durations, indicating the presence of general time-representation mechanisms in the IPL. Furthermore, adaptation was observed irrespective of the subject's attention to time. Repetition of a nontemporal aspect of the stimulus (i.e., shape) did not produce neural adaptation in the IPL. These results provide neural evidence for duration-tuned representations in the human brain.Peer reviewe

    Space charge behavior in multi-layer oil-paper insulation under different DC voltages and temperatures

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    Oil-paper as a reliable insulation system is widely used in power transformers and cables. The dielectric properties of oil-paper insulation play an important role in the reliable operation of power equipment. However, the formation and dynamics of space charge can affect the performance of insulation material. In this paper, space charge in oil-paper insulation system has been investigated using the pulsed electroacoustic (PEA) technique. A series of measurements were carried out when the insulation system was subjected to different applied voltages at different temperatures. Charge behavior in the insulation system has been analyzed and the influence of temperature on charge dynamics was discussed. The test results show that homocharge injection takes place under all the test conditions, the applied dc voltage mainly effect the amount of space charge, while the temperature has greater influence on the distribution and mobility of space charge inside oil-paper sample

    Numerical quantity affects time estimation in the suprasecond range

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    Of stimuli differing in the magnitude of their numerical information, the one with the larger numerosity is perceived to last longer than that with the smaller numerosity. This numerosity-time interaction is proposed to be due to a shared neural representation for numerical magnitude and time intervals in the parietal cortex. Neuroimaging studies of temporal processing suggest that subsecond and suprasecond intervals could be mediated by distinct neural substrates. However, whether the numerosity-time interaction occurs independently of the time intervals used in the tasks remains unknown. Here we show that numerical information interacts with time estimation in the suprasecond range in females, but not in males. Our results suggest that the numerical magnitude and suprasecond intervals have shared representations in the human brain, but the associative strength between these dimensions might be different between males and females

    Exaggerated groups: amplification in ensemble coding of temporal and spatial features.

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    The human visual system represents summary statistical information (e.g. average) along many visual dimensions efficiently. While studies have indicated that approximately the square root of the number of items in a set are effectively integrated through this ensemble coding, how those samples are determined is still unknown. Here, we report that salient items are preferentially weighted over the other less salient items, by demonstrating that the perceived means of spatial (i.e. size) and temporal (i.e. flickering temporal frequency (TF)) features of the group of items are positively biased as the number of items in the group increases. This illusory 'amplification effect' was not the product of decision bias but of perceptual bias. Moreover, our visual search experiments with similar stimuli suggested that this amplification effect was due to attraction of visual attention to the salient items (i.e. large or high TF items). These results support the idea that summary statistical information is extracted from sets with an implicit preferential weighting towards salient items. Our study suggests that this saliency-based weighting may reflect a more optimal and efficient integration strategy for the extraction of spatio-temporal statistical information from the environment, and may thus be a basic principle of ensemble coding