17,458 research outputs found

    Two quantum analogues of Fisher information from a large deviation viewpoint of quantum estimation

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    We discuss two quantum analogues of Fisher information, symmetric logarithmic derivative (SLD) Fisher information and Kubo-Mori-Bogoljubov (KMB) Fisher information from a large deviation viewpoint of quantum estimation and prove that the former gives the true bound and the latter gives the bound of consistent superefficient estimators. In another comparison, it is shown that the difference between them is characterized by the change of the order of limits.Comment: LaTeX with iopart.cls, iopart12.clo, iopams.st

    Asymptotics of Quantum Relative Entropy From Representation Theoretical Viewpoint

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    In this paper it was proved that the quantum relative entropy D(σ∄ρ)D(\sigma \| \rho) can be asymptotically attained by Kullback Leibler divergences of probabilities given by a certain sequence of POVMs. The sequence of POVMs depends on ρ\rho, but is independent of the choice of σ\sigma.Comment: LaTeX2e. 8 pages. The title was changed from "Asymptotic Attainment for Quantum Relative Entropy

    Geometrically Frustrated Crystals: Elastic Theory and Dislocations

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    Elastic theory of ring-(or cylinder-)shaped crystals is constructed and the generation of edge dislocations due to geometrical frustration caused by the bending is studied. The analogy to superconducting (or superfluid) vortex state is pointed out and the phase diagram of the ring-crystal, which depends on radius and thickness, is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Poincar\'{e} gauge theory of gravity

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    A Poincar\'{e} gauge theory of (2+1)-dimensional gravity is developed. Fundamental gravitational field variables are dreibein fields and Lorentz gauge potentials, and the theory is underlain with the Riemann-Cartan space-time. The most general gravitational Lagrangian density, which is at most quadratic in curvature and torsion tensors and invariant under local Lorentz transformations and under general coordinate transformations, is given. Gravitational field equations are studied in detail, and solutions of the equations for weak gravitational fields are examined for the case with a static, \lq \lq spin"less point like source. We find, among other things, the following: (1)Solutions of the vacuum Einstein equation satisfy gravitational field equations in the vacuum in this theory. (2)For a class of the parameters in the gravitational Lagrangian density, the torsion is \lq \lq frozen" at the place where \lq \lq spin" density of the source field is not vanishing. In this case, the field equation actually agrees with the Einstein equation, when the source field is \lq \lq spin"less. (3)A teleparallel theory developed in a previous paper is \lq \lq included as a solution" in a limiting case. (4)A Newtonian limit is obtainable, if the parameters in the Lagrangian density satisfy certain conditions.Comment: 27pages, RevTeX, OCU-PHYS-15

    Adaptive experimental design for one-qubit state estimation with finite data based on a statistical update criterion

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    We consider 1-qubit mixed quantum state estimation by adaptively updating measurements according to previously obtained outcomes and measurement settings. Updates are determined by the average-variance-optimality (A-optimality) criterion, known in the classical theory of experimental design and applied here to quantum state estimation. In general, A-optimization is a nonlinear minimization problem; however, we find an analytic solution for 1-qubit state estimation using projective measurements, reducing computational effort. We compare numerically two adaptive and two nonadaptive schemes for finite data sets and show that the A-optimality criterion gives more precise estimates than standard quantum tomography.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Analytical Formulation of the Local Density of States around a Vortex Core in Unconventional Superconductors

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    On the basis of the quasiclassical theory of superconductivity, we obtain a formula for the local density of states (LDOS) around a vortex core of superconductors with anisotropic pair-potential and Fermi surface in arbitrary directions of magnetic fields. Earlier results on the LDOS of d-wave superconductors and NbSe2_2 are naturally interpreted within our theory geometrically; the region with high intensity of the LDOS observed in numerical calculations turns out to the enveloping curve of the trajectory of Andreev bound states. We discuss experimental results on YNi2_2B2_2C within the quasiclassical theory of superconductivity.Comment: 13 pages, 16 figure

    Lazy states: sufficient and necessary condition for zero quantum entropy rates under any coupling to the environment

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    We find the necessary and sufficient conditions for the entropy rate of the system to be zero under any system-environment Hamiltonian interaction. We call the class of system-environment states that satisfy this condition lazy states. They are a generalization of classically correlated states defined by quantum discord, but based on projective measurements of any rank. The concept of lazy states permits the construction of a protocol for detecting global quantum correlations using only local dynamical information. We show how quantum correlations to the environment provide bounds to the entropy rate, and how to estimate dissipation rates for general non-Markovian open quantum systems.Comment: 4 page

    Cell adhesion and cortex contractility determine cell patterning in the Drosophila retina

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    Hayashi and Carthew (Nature 431 [2004], 647) have shown that the packing of cone cells in the Drosophila retina resembles soap bubble packing, and that changing E- and N-cadherin expression can change this packing, as well as cell shape. The analogy with bubbles suggests that cell packing is driven by surface minimization. We find that this assumption is insufficient to model the experimentally observed shapes and packing of the cells based on their cadherin expression. We then consider a model in which adhesion leads to a surface increase, balanced by cell cortex contraction. Using the experimentally observed distributions of E- and N-cadherin, we simulate the packing and cell shapes in the wildtype eye. Furthermore, by changing only the corresponding parameters, this model can describe the mutants with different numbers of cells, or changes in cadherin expression.Comment: revised manuscript; 8 pages, 6 figures; supplementary information not include


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    The CD spectra of a range of antenna complexes from several different species of purple photosynthetic bacteria were recorded in the wavelength range of 190 to 930 nm. Analysis of the far UV CD (190 to 250 nm) showed that in each case except for the B800-850 from Chr. vinosum the secondary structure of the light-harvesting complexes contains a large amount of α-helix (50%) and very little 0-pleated sheet. This confirms the predictions of the group of Zuber of a high a-helical content based upon consideration of the primary structures of several antenna apoproteins. The CD spectra from the carotenoids and the bacteriochlorophylls show considerable variations depending upon the type of antenna complex. The different amplitude ratios in the CD spectrum for the bacteriochlorophyll Qy, Qx and Soret bands indicate not only different degrees of exciton coupling, but also a strong and variable hyperchromism (Scherz and Parson, 1984a, b)

    Low-lying Quasiparticle Excitations around a Vortex Core in Quantum Limit

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    Focusing on a quantum-limit behavior, we study a single vortex in a clean s-wave type-II superconductor by self-consistently solving the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation. The discrete energy levels of the vortex bound states in the quantum limit is discussed. The vortex core radius shrinks monotonically up to an atomic-scale length on lowering the temperature T, and the shrinkage stops to saturate at a lower T. The pair potential, supercurrent, and local density of states around the vortex exhibit Friedel-like oscillations. The local density of states has particle-hole asymmetry induced by the vortex. These are potentially observed directly by STM.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure
