197 research outputs found

    Understanding the friendship networks of older Black and Minority Ethnic people living in the United Kingdom

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    Older Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) people living in the United Kingdom (UK) are vulnerable to the experiences of social isolation and loneliness. Despite this, it is widely assumed that they adhere to traditional family practices and living arrangements that protect them from social isolation and loneliness. Such assumptions are problematic and can reify family networks as the main area of research for older BME people to the detriment of friendship networks which are also crucial. However, few researchers have explored this area. With the older BME population increasing at a faster rate than the older white population, further research is needed. Utilising data from Wave 6 of Understanding Society (N = 7,499, 4.3% of whom self-identified as BME), this study explores the ways in which the friendship networks of older BME people differ compared to older white people using logistic regression analyses. After controlling for potential confounding socio-demographic characteristics, older BME people were more likely to report having fewer close friends and fewer friends who live locally, suggesting that their friendship networks may be restricted in quantity and accessibility. Not only do these findings raise important questions about the varying needs of older minority ethnic people who have been largely overlooked in recent government policy, but they also highlight the continuing challenges of using large-scale surveys to research older BME people in the UK

    Tricuspid Valve Replacement in a Patient with a Leadless Cardiac Pacemaker: Current Guidelines and Recommendations for Perioperative Management

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    Leadless cardiac pacemakers were developed to reduce complications associated with conventional transvenous pacemakers. While this technology is still relatively new, devices are increasingly being implanted. The perioperative management of patients with these devices has been underreported; we thus seek to add to the limited body of knowledge of perioperative management of patients with leadless cardiac pacemakers. An elderly female patient with a Micra VR transcatheter pacing system leadless cardiac pacemaker placed for tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome with intermittent complete heart block was scheduled for elective tricuspid valve replacement for severe tricuspid regurgitation. Pacemaker interrogation was performed several hours prior to the scheduled surgery based on the electrophysiologist's availability; the device was kept in its programmed VVIR mode, and the base rate was increased from 60 to 80 beats per minute in anticipation of the upcoming surgery. Upon preoperative evaluation, the anesthesiologist asked that the electrophysiology team be placed on standby intraoperatively due to the concern that either oversensing in the setting of pacemaker dependence and/or undesirable tachycardia from rate-responsive pacing could occur. The surgeon used monopolar electrocautery for the duration of the cardiac surgery. Despite the patient having evidence of pacemaker dependence in the intensive care unit preoperatively, no electromagnetic interference leading to oversensing nor rate modulation was detected during intraoperative electrocardiographic and intraarterial invasive monitoring. Evidence-based guidelines regarding perioperative management specifically of leadless cardiac pacemakers do not exist. As these devices become more prevalent, further evaluation will be paramount to determine whether existing guidelines for perioperative management of conventional transvenous pacemakers apply

    The Effect of Provider Density on Lung Cancer Survival Among Blacks and Whites in the United States

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    IntroductionLung cancer mortality rates may vary with access to specialty providers and local resources. We sought to examine the effect of access to care, using density of lung cancer care providers, on lung cancer mortality among blacks and whites in the United States.MethodsWe examined U.S. county-level data for age-adjusted lung cancer mortality rates from 2003 to 2007. Our primary independent variable was per capita number of thoracic oncologic providers, adjusting for county-level smoking rates, socioeconomic status, and other geographic factors. Data were obtained from 2009 Area Resource File, National Center for Health Statistics, and the County Health Rankings Project.ResultsProviders of lung cancer care were unevenly distributed among the U.S. counties. For example, 41.4% of the U.S. population reside in counties with less than four thoracic surgeons per 100,000 people, 23.4% in counties with 4 to 15 surgeons per 100,000 people, and 35.3% in counties with more than 15 surgeons per 100,000 people. Geographically, 4.3% of whites compared with 11.2% of blacks lived in high lung cancer mortality zones. Lung cancer mortality did not vary by density of thoracic surgeons or oncology services; however, higher primary care provider density was associated with lung cancer mortality reduction of 4.1 per 100,000 for whites.ConclusionVariation in provider density for thoracic oncology in the United States was not associated with a difference in lung cancer mortality. Lower mortality associated with higher primary care provider density suggests that equitable access to primary care may lead to reduced cancer disparities

    Acute respiratory distress syndrome in the cardiothoracic patient: State of the art and use of veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

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    Central Message: Acute respiratory distress syndrome after cardiopulmonary bypass can be managed with veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

    Anesthetic Management of Pheochromocytoma Resection in Adults with Single Ventricle Physiology

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    Survival rates for patients with palliated congenital heart disease are increasing, and an increasing number of adults with cyanotic congenital heart disease (CCHD) might require surgical resection of pheochromocytoma-paraganglioma (PHEO-PGL). A recent study supports the idea that patients with a history of CCHD and current or historical cyanosis might be at increased risk for developing PHEO-PGL. We review the anesthetic management of two adults with single-ventricle physiology following Fontan palliation presenting for PHEO-PGL resection and review prior published case reports. We found the use of epidural analgesia to be safe and effective in the operative and postoperative management of our patients
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