1,431 research outputs found

    Ecosystem prescription preparation: A Rocky Mountain high!

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    Forest Resources Management majors, during their junior year in the professional forestry curriculum at the University of Tennessee, participate in a field camp, Forestry Spring Block, for the entirety of the spring semester. Courses range from woodland surveying through silviculture and forest measurements. The final course, a capstone course, involves the development of an ecosystem prescription on a designated woodland. During the spring field camps, 2000 and 2001, the students were invited to the Manitou Experimental Forest (USDA Forest Service) north of Woodland Park, Colorado, to develop their ecosystem prescriptions. Four scenarios were used: pre-Columbian restoration of uneven-aged ponderosa pine; emphases on wildlife management or wildfire protection in a wildland/urban interface; wilderness recreation; and timber management in uneven-aged ponderosa pine. Students gathered data, completed analyses, used FVS and SUPPOSE models to project stand development, and drafted their prescription. On the last day each crew made a PowerPoint presentation to the audience for review and discussion. The presentation will relate some of the teaching and learning experiences of the students and the faculty

    Regulation of C1 metabolism in Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath)

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    The aim of this project was to examine aspects of the regulation of C1 metabolism in M.capsulatus (Bath). To achieve this, steady-state cultures were set up under defined conditions using a gas-limited chemostat, coupled to an on-line mass spectrometer. During periods of steady-state growth, the conditions of culture were perturbed via the addition of various C1 metabolites and the response of the cells monitored with respect to their capacity to attain a new steady-state. An initial series of continuous cultivation experiments were carried out to determine the physiological state of the cells prior to making such perturbations. Gas exchange rates, carbon distribution and levels of in vitro enzyme activity monitored within the culture during these periods provided a base-line with which to compare the effect of the addition of C1 metabolites. Examination of the response of cells to the addition of formate showed that under carbon-limiting conditions, added formate was oxidised to C02. Under oxygen-limiting conditions cells were capable of assimilating low levels of formate carbon, although under such circumstances the cultures were also susceptible to formate-induced uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation. Additional formate oxidation also resulted in an observed increase in cell yield on methane, especially when the cells expressed soluble MMO. It was concluded that this was a consequence of extra NAD(P)H being generated by the NAD(P)+ - linked oxidation of formate, which in turn relieved the apparent NAD(P)H-limitation of cells growing on methane. The ability of cells to metabolize exogenously supplied formaldehyde was linked to the type of MMO expressed by the cells. Soluble MMO- containing cells showed an increased sensitivity to formaldehyde accumulation compared with particulate MMO- containing cells. At one stage it was possible to maintain particulate MMO- containing cells on formaldehyde as their sole source of carbon, albeit for a limited period of time. This period of time appeared to be linked to the cell's ability to maintain an active MMO. Results showed that the synthesis of soluble MMO was repressed in the presence of additional formaldehyde metabolism, the loss of enzyme coinciding with formaldehyde accumulation and ultimately cell death. Subsequent analysis of the intracellular levels of NAD+and NADH in the culture implied that the MMO played an active role in the regulation of the NAD+ : NADH ratio within the cell. Loss of MMO activity in the presence of additional formaldehyde metabolism effectively compromised the cell's ability to regulate it's intracellular NAD+ : NADH ratio. It was shown during this study that cultures of M.capsulatus (Bath) could be transferred directly from methane-limited growth to growth on methanol as a sole source of carbon, without any prior period of physiological adaptation. During this switch in carbon sources, the MMO appeared to be actively involved in the in vivo metabolism of methanol. Studies concerning the environmental regulation of methanol metabolism showed that the level of methanol dehydrogenase activity in the culture was inversely related to the standing concentration of methanol in the culture. Similarly, higher levels of methanol dehydrogenase activity were recorded at lower dilution rates, during methanol-limited conditions. It was concluded that the methanol dehydrogenase enzyme is subject to regulation via catabolic repression and at low dilution rates the synthesis of the enzyme is effectively derepressed

    Promoting Colorectal Cancer Screening Among Haitian Americans

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    Background: Few studies have examined colorectal cancer screening among Haitian Americans, although striking disparities in colorectal cancer screening and mortality are well-documented among U.S. Blacks. Race, socioeconomic status, and place of birth are factors associated with colorectal cancer incidence and mortality patterns. Methods: In this article, we summarize published studies on colorectal cancer screening among Haitian Americans, identified through bibliographic searches in PubMed and CINAHL through August 2015, and offer recommendations for further research. Results: Only one qualitative study and three quantitative surveys have examined colorectal cancer screening among Haitian Americans. A qualitative study found important differences in perceptions of the curability of colorectal cancer, preventive practices, and preferred sources of information among Haitian Americans and other ethnic subgroups of U.S. Blacks. Awareness of colorectal cancer screening tests, risk perception, healthcare provider recommendation, and self-reported use of screening are suboptimal among Haitian Americans and other subgroups. In preliminary quantitative studies, Haitian immigrants have been found to have lower colorectal cancer screening rates than other groups such as African Americans. Conclusions: Culturally appropriate educational interventions are needed to encourage Haitian American adults aged \u3e 50 years to undergo screening for colorectal cancer and to ensure that they are well informed about the value of healthy eating and physical activity

    Current-Voltage Curves for Molecular Junctions Computed Using All-Electron Basis Sets

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    We present current-voltage (I-V) curves computed using all-electron basis sets on the conducting molecule. The all-electron results are very similar to previous results obtained using effective core potentials (ECP). A hybrid integration scheme is used that keeps the all-electron calculations cost competitive with respect to the ECP calculations. By neglecting the coupling of states to the contacts below a fixed energy cutoff, the density matrix for the core electrons can be evaluated analytically. The full density matrix is formed by adding this core contribution to the valence part that is evaluated numerically. Expanding the definition of the core in the all-electron calculations significantly reduces the computational effort and, up to biases of about 2 V, the results are very similar to those obtained using more rigorous approaches. The convergence of the I-V curves and transmission coefficients with respect to basis set is discussed. The addition of diffuse functions is critical in approaching basis set completeness

    Gender, perceived competence and the enjoyment of physical education in children: a longitudinal examination

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The current study examined associations between gender, perceived athletic competence, and enjoyment of physical education (PE) class over time in a cohort of children enrolled in grade four (ages 9 or 10) at baseline (n = 2262).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We assessed each student 5 times over a period of 2 years. We used mixed effects modeling to examine change over time in enjoyment of PE.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Enjoyment of PE declined among girls but remained constant among boys. Higher levels of perceived competence were associated with higher PE enjoyment. A 3-way interaction between gender, competence, and time revealed that PE enjoyment was lowest and declined most markedly among girls with low perceived athletic competence. Among boys with low competence, enjoyment remained at a consistently low level.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results indicate that lower perceived athletic competence is associated with low enjoyment of PE, and, among girls, with declining enjoyment. Findings suggest that interventions in a PE context that target perceived competence should be considered in future work.</p

    Ketamine as the anaesthetic for electroconvulsive therapy:the KANECT randomised controlled trial

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    C.AS. reports grants from Vifor Pharma, outside the submitted work. I.C.R. (deceased) declared personal fees from AstraZeneca, Sanofi Aventis and Sunovion, and non-financial support from Lundbeck, between 2009 and 2014 and all outside the submitted work. Volume 212, Issue 5 May 2018 , p. 323 Ketamine as the anaesthetic for electroconvulsive therapy: the KANECT randomised controlled trial – CORRIGENDUM Gordon Fernie, James Currie, Jennifer S. Perrin, Caroline A. Stewart... https://doi.org/10.1192/bjp.2018.76 Published online: 06 April 2018 Summary: This notice describes a correction to the above mentioned paper.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Positive Semidefinite Zero Forcing

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    The positive semidefinite zero forcing number Z+(G) of a graph G was introduced in [4]. We establish a variety of properties of Z+(G): Any vertex of G can be in a minimum positive semidefinite zero forcing set (this is not true for standard zero forcing). The graph parameters tw(G) (tree-width), Z+(G), and Z(G) (standard zero forcing number) all satisfy the Graph Complement Conjecture (see [3]). Graphs having extreme values of the positive semidefinite zero forcing number are characterized. The effect of various graph operations on positive semidefinite zero forcing number and connections with other graph parameters are studied