1,524 research outputs found

    Montane lakes (lagoons) of the New England Tablelands Bioregion

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    The vegetation of montane lagoons of the New England Tablelands Bioregion, New South Wales is examined using flexible UPGMA analysis of frequency scores on all vascular plant taxa, charophytes and one liverworts. Seven communities are described: 1. Hydrocotyle tripartita – Isotoma fluviatilis – Ranunculus inundatus – Lilaeopsis polyantha herbfield; 2. Eleocharis sphacelata – Potamogeton tricarinatus sedgeland; 3. Eleocharis sphacelata – Utricularia australis – Isolepis fluitans, herbfield; 4. Utricularia australis – Nitella sonderi herbfield; 5. Eleocharis sphacelata – Utricularia australis – Ricciocarpus natans sedgeland; 6. Carex gaudichaudiana – Holcus lanatus – Stellaria angustifolia sedgeland; 7. Cyperus sphaeroides – Eleocharis gracilis – Schoenus apogon – Carex gaudichaudiana sedgeland. 58 lagoons were located and identified, only 28% of which are considered to be intact and in good condition. Two threatened species (Aldovandra vesiculosa and Arthaxon hispidus) and three RoTAP-listed taxa were encountered during the survey

    Non-parametric regression for space-time forecasting under missing data

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    As more and more real time spatio-temporal datasets become available at increasing spatial and temporal resolutions, the provision of high quality, predictive information about spatio-temporal processes becomes an increasingly feasible goal. However, many sensor networks that collect spatio-temporal information are prone to failure, resulting in missing data. To complicate matters, the missing data is often not missing at random, and is characterised by long periods where no data is observed. The performance of traditional univariate forecasting methods such as ARIMA models decreases with the length of the missing data period because they do not have access to local temporal information. However, if spatio-temporal autocorrelation is present in a space–time series then spatio-temporal approaches have the potential to offer better forecasts. In this paper, a non-parametric spatio-temporal kernel regression model is developed to forecast the future unit journey time values of road links in central London, UK, under the assumption of sensor malfunction. Only the current traffic patterns of the upstream and downstream neighbouring links are used to inform the forecasts. The model performance is compared with another form of non-parametric regression, K-nearest neighbours, which is also effective in forecasting under missing data. The methods show promising forecasting performance, particularly in periods of high congestion

    Non-Employment Activity Type Imputation from Points of Interest and Mobility Data at an Individual Level: How Accurate Can We Get?

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    Human activity type inference has long been the focus for applications ranging from managing transportation demand to monitoring changes in land use patterns. Today’s ever increasing volume of mobility data allow researchers to explore a wide range of methodological approaches for this task. Such data, however, lack reference observations that would allow the validation of methodological approaches. This research proposes a methodological framework for urban activity type inference using a Dirichlet multinomial dynamic Bayesian network with an empirical Bayes prior that can be applied to mobility data of low spatiotemporal resolution. The method was validated using open source Foursquare data under different isochrone configurations. The results provide evidence of the limits of activity detection accuracy using such data as determined by the Area Under Receiving Operating Curve (AUROC), log-loss, and accuracy metrics. At the same time, results demonstrate that a hierarchical modeling framework can provide some flexibility against the challenges related to the nature of unsupervised activity classification using trajectory variables and POIs as input

    Exploratory spatiotemporal data analysis and modelling of public confidence in the police in central London

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    Improving public confidence in the police is one of the most important issues for the London Metropolitan Police Service (Met). Public confidence varies over geographic space and changes over time. Spatiotemporal analysis and modelling becomes more manageable with a thorough understanding of the underlying spatiotemporal autocorrelation structure of the phenomena under scrutiny. In this study, exploratory spatiotemporal analysis is conducted on repeated cross-sectional survey data from the Metropolitan Police Public Attitude Survey. This confirmed the presence of second order nonstationarity in public perceptions of the Met police

    Predicting public confidence in the police with spatiotemporal Bayesian hierarchical modelling.

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    Public confidence in the police is crucial to effective policing. Estimating and predicting public confidence at the local level will better enable the police to conduct proactive confidence interventions to meet the concerns of the community. This work represents the first application of Bayesian spatiotemporal modelling to estimation and prediction of public confidence in the police at the local level. Three models of increasing spatiotemporal complexity were fitted by Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation using free software package WinBUGS. Public confidence was successfully predicted at the local level using a spatiotemporal model with an inseparable interaction structure

    Understanding cities with machine eyes: A review of deep computer vision in urban analytics

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    Modelling urban systems has interested planners and modellers for decades. Different models have been achieved relying on mathematics, cellular automation, complexity, and scaling. While most of these models tend to be a simplification of reality, today within the paradigm shifts of artificial intelligence across the different fields of science, the applications of computer vision show promising potential in understanding the realistic dynamics of cities. While cities are complex by nature, computer vision shows progress in tackling a variety of complex physical and non-physical visual tasks. In this article, we review the tasks and algorithms of computer vision and their applications in understanding cities. We attempt to subdivide computer vision algorithms into tasks, and cities into layers to show evidence of where computer vision is intensively applied and where further research is needed. We focus on highlighting the potential role of computer vision in understanding urban systems related to the built environment, natural environment, human interaction, transportation, and infrastructure. After showing the diversity of computer vision algorithms and applications, the challenges that remain in understanding the integration between these different layers of cities and their interactions with one another relying on deep learning and computer vision. We also show recommendations for practice and policy-making towards reaching AI-generated urban policies

    DNS and modeling of the interaction between turbulent premixed flames and walls

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    The interaction between turbulent premixed flames and walls is studied using a two-dimensional full Navier-Stokes solver with simple chemistry. The effects of wall distance on the local and global flame structure are investigated. Quenching distances and maximum wall heat fluxes during quenching are computed in laminar cases and are found to be comparable to experimental and analytical results. For turbulent cases, it is shown that quenching distances and maximum heat fluxes remain of the same order as for laminar flames. Based on simulation results, a 'law-of-the-wall' model is derived to describe the interaction between a turbulent premixed flame and a wall. This model is constructed to provide reasonable behavior of flame surface density near a wall under the assumption that flame-wall interaction takes place at scales smaller than the computational mesh. It can be implemented in conjunction with any of several recent flamelet models based on a modeled surface density equation, with no additional constraints on mesh size or time step

    Inferring hybrid transportation modes from sparse GPS data using a moving window SVM classification

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    Understanding travel behaviour and travel demand is of constant importance to transportation communities and agencies in every country. Nowadays, attempts have been made to automatically infer transportation modes from positional data, such as the data collected by using GPS devices so that the cost in time and budget of conventional travel diary survey could be significantly reduced. Some limitations, however, exist in the literature, in aspects of data collection (sample size selected, duration of study, granularity of data), selection of variables (or combination of variables), and method of inference (the number of transportation modes to be used in the learning). This paper therefore, attempts to fully understand these aspects in the process of inference. We aim to solve a classification problem of GPS data into different transportation modes (car, walk, cycle, underground, train and bus). We first study the variables that could contribute positively to this classification, and statistically quantify their discriminatory power. We then introduce a novel approach to carry out this inference using a framework based on Support Vector Machines (SVMs) classification. The framework was tested using coarse-grained GPS data, which has been avoided in previous studies, achieving a promising accuracy of 88% with a Kappa statistic reflecting almost perfect agreement

    A spatiotemporal bayesian hierarchical approach to investigating patterns of confidence in the police at the neighbourhood level

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    Public confidence in the police is crucial to effective policing. Improving understanding of public confidence at the local l evel will better enable the police to conduct proactive confidence interventions to meet the concerns of local communities. Conventional approaches do not consider that public confidence varies across geographic space as well as in time. Neighbourhood leve l approaches to modelling public confidence in the police are hampered by the small number problem and the resulting instability in the estimates and uncertainty in the results. This research illustrates a spatiotemporal Bayesian approach for estimating an d forecasting public confidence at the neighbourhood level and we use it to examine trends in public confidence in the police in London, UK, for Q2 2006 to Q3 2013. Our approach overcomes the limitations of the small number problem and specifically , we inv estigate the effect of the spatiotemporal representation structure chosen on the estimates of public confidence produced. We then investigate the use of the model for forecasting by producing one - step ahead forecasts of the final third of the time - series . The results are compared with the forecasts from traditional time - series forecasting methods like naïve, exponential smoothing, ARIMA, STARIMA and others. A model with spatially structured and unstructured random effects as well as a normally distributed s patiotemporal interaction term was the most parsimonious and produced the most realistic estimates. It also provided the best forecasts at the London - wide, Borough and neighbourhood level

    A Spatiotemporal Bayesian Hierarchical Approach to Investigating Patterns of Confidence in the Police at the Neighborhood Level

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    Public confidence in the police is crucial to effective policing. Improving understanding of public confidence at the local level will better enable the police to conduct proactive confidence interventions to meet the concerns of local communities. Conventional approaches do not consider that public confidence varies across geographic space as well as in time. Neighborhood level approaches to modeling public confidence in the police are hampered by the small number problem and the resulting instability in the estimates and uncertainty in the results. This research illustrates a spatiotemporal Bayesian approach for estimating and forecasting public confidence at the neighborhood level and we use it to examine trends in public confidence in the police in London, UK, for Q2 2006 to Q3 2013. Our approach overcomes the limitations of the small number problem and specifically, we investigate the effect of the spatiotemporal representation structure chosen on the estimates of public confidence produced. We then investigate the use of the model for forecasting by producing one‐step ahead forecasts of the final third of the time series. The results are compared with the forecasts from traditional time‐series forecasting methods like naïve, exponential smoothing, ARIMA, STARIMA, and others. A model with spatially structured and unstructured random effects as well as a normally distributed spatiotemporal interaction term was the most parsimonious and produced the most realistic estimates. It also provided the best forecasts at the London‐wide, Borough, and neighborhood level