165 research outputs found

    Peter Pan discs: finding Neverland's parameters

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    Peter Pan discs are a recently discovered class of long-lived discs around low-mass stars that survive for an order of magnitude longer than typical discs. In this paper we use disc evolutionary models to determine the required balance between initial conditions and the magnitude of dispersal processes for Peter Pan discs to be primordial. We find that we require low transport (α∼10−4\alpha\sim10^{-4}), extremely low external photoevaporation (≤10−9M⊙/yr\leq10^{-9}{\rm M_{\odot}/yr}), and relatively high disc masses (>0.25M∗>0.25M_*) to produce discs with ages and accretion rates consistent with Peter Pan discs. Higher transport (α=10−3\alpha = 10^{-3}) results in disc lifetimes that are too short and even lower transport (α=10−5\alpha = 10^{-5}) leads to accretion rates smaller than those observed. The required external photoevaporation rates are so low that primordial Peter Pan discs will have formed in rare environments on the periphery of low-mass star-forming regions, or deeply embedded, and as such have never subsequently been exposed to higher amounts of UV radiation. Given that such an external photoevaporation scenario is rare, the required disc parameters and accretion properties may reflect the initial conditions and accretion rates of a much larger fraction of the discs around low-mass stars.Comment: Published in MNRAS, 6 pages, 4 figure

    Chemulator: Fast, accurate thermochemistry for dynamical models through emulation

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    Context. Chemical modelling serves two purposes in dynamical models: accounting for the effect of microphysics on the dynamics and providing observable signatures. Ideally, the former must be done as part of the hydrodynamic simulation but this comes with a prohibitive computational cost that leads to many simplifications being used in practice. / Aims. We aim to produce a statistical emulator that replicates a full chemical model capable of solving the temperature and abundances of a gas through time. This emulator should suffer only a minor loss of accuracy when compared to a full chemical solver and would have a fraction of the computational cost allowing it to be included in a dynamical model. / Methods. The gas-grain chemical code UCLCHEM was updated to include heating and cooling processes, and a large dataset of model outputs from possible starting conditions was produced. A neural network was then trained to map directly from inputs to outputs. / Results. Chemulator replicates the outputs of UCLCHEM with an overall mean squared error (MSE) of 1.7 × 10−4 for a single time step of 1000 yr, and it is shown to be stable over 1000 iterations with an MSE of 3 × 10−3 on the log-scaled temperature after one timzze step and 6 × 10−3 after 1000 time steps. Chemulator was found to be approximately 50 000 times faster than the time-dependent model it emulates but can introduce a significant error to some models

    The FRIED grid of mass-loss rates for externally irradiated protoplanetary discs

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    We present an open access grid of 3930 calculations of externally evaporating protoplanetary discs. This spans a range of disc sizes (1-400AU), disc masses, UV field strengths (10-104^4G0_0) and stellar masses (0.05-1.9M⊙_\odot). The grid is publicly available for download, and offers a means of cheaply including external photoevaporation in disc evolutionary calculations. It can also be queried using an online tool for quick estimates of instantaneous mass loss rates (e.g for convenient evaluation of real observed systems). The `FRIED' grid itself illustrates that for discs around stars ≤0.3\leq0.3M⊙_\odot external photoevaporation is effective down to small radii (<50<50AU) down to UV fields at least as weak as 10G0_0. At the other end of the scale, in a 10410^4G0_0 environment photoevaporation is effective down to 1AU even for stellar masses at least as high as 1.9M⊙_\odot. We also illustrate in which regimes CO survives in the photoevaporative outflow for significant mass loss rates; marking a system a good candidate to detect external photoevaporation in weak-intermediate UV environments through sub-Keplerian rotation. Finally we make illustrative mass loss rate estimates for discs in Taurus based on the Guilloteau et al. (2011) star-disc parameters, finding that around half are expected to have both significant mass loss and retain CO in the photoevaporative outflow.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Photosynthesis Under a Red Sun: Predicting the absorption characteristics of an extraterrestrial light-harvesting antenna

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    Here we discuss the feasibility of photosynthesis on Earth-like rocky planets in close orbit around ultra-cool red dwarf stars. Stars of this type have very limited emission in the \textit{photosynthetically active} region of the spectrum (400−700 nm), suggesting that they may not be able to support oxygenic photosynthesis. However, photoautotrophs on Earth frequently exploit very dim environments with the aid of highly structured and extremely efficient antenna systems. Moreover, the anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria, which do not need to oxidize water to source electrons, can exploit far red and near infrared light. Here we apply a simple model of a photosynthetic antenna to a range of model stellar spectra, ranging from ultra-cool (2300 K) to Sun-like (5800 K). We assume that a photosynthetic organism will evolve an antenna that maximizes the rate of energy input while also minimizing fluctuations. The latter is the 'noise cancelling' principle recently reported by Arp et al. 2020. Applied to the Solar spectrum this predicts optimal antenna configurations in agreement with the chlorophyll Soret absorption bands. Applied to cooler stars, the optimal antenna peaks become redder with decreasing stellar temperature, crossing to the typical wavelength ranges associated with anoxygenic photoautotrophs at ∼3300 K. Lastly, we compare the relative input power delivered by antennae of equivalent size around different stars and find that the predicted variation is within the same order of magnitude. We conclude that low-mass stars do not automatically present light-limiting conditions for photosynthesis but they may select for anoxygenic organisms

    Protoplanetary disc truncation mechanisms in stellar clusters: Comparing external photoevaporation and tidal encounters

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    Most stars form and spend their early life in regions of enhanced stellar density. Therefore the evolution of protoplanetary discs (PPDs) hosted by such stars are subject to the influence of other members of the cluster. Physically, PPDs might be truncated either by photoevaporation due to ultraviolet flux from massive stars, or tidal truncation due to close stellar encounters. Here we aim to compare the two effects in real cluster environments. In this vein we first review the properties of well studied stellar clusters with a focus on stellar number density, which largely dictates the degree of tidal truncation, and far ultraviolet (FUV) flux, which is indicative of the rate of external photoevaporation. We then review the theoretical PPD truncation radius due to an arbitrary encounter, additionally taking into account the role of eccentric encounters that play a role in hot clusters with a 1D velocity dispersion σv>2\sigma_v > 2 km/s. Our treatment is then applied statistically to varying local environments to establish a canonical threshold for the local stellar density (nc>104n_{c} > 10^4 pc−3^{-3}) for which encounters can play a significant role in shaping the distribution of PPD radii over a timescale ∼3\sim 3 Myr. By combining theoretical mass loss rates due to FUV flux with viscous spreading in a PPD we establish a similar threshold for which a massive disc is completely destroyed by external photoevaporation. Comparing these thresholds in local clusters we find that if either mechanism has a significant impact on the PPD population then photoevaporation is always the dominating influence.ERC Advanced Grant grant agreement 34113

    Asymmetric mid-plane gas in ALMA images of HD 100546

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    In this paper we present new ALMA observations towards the proto-planet hosting transitional disc of Herbig Ae/Be star HD 100546. This includes resolved 1.3 mm continuum, 13^{13}CO and the first detection of C18^{18}O in this disc, which displays azimuthal asymmetry in regions spatially coincident with structures previously identified in HST images related to spiral arms. The lower limit on the mass of the dust disc is calculated to be 9.6x10−4^{-4}M⊙_\odot. A firm lower-limit on the total gas mass calculated from optically thin, mid-plane tracing C18^{18}O (2-1) emission is 0.018M⊙_\odot assuming ISM abundances. These mass estimates provide an estimate of gas-to-dust ratio in the disc of 19, the ratio will increase if C18^{18}O is relatively under-abundant in the disc compared to CO and H2. Through deprojection and azimuthal averaging of the image plane we detect 1.3 mm continuum emission out to 290+/-10 au,13^{13}CO to 390+/-10 au and C18^{18}O to 300+/-10au. We measure a radially increasing millimetre spectral index between wavelengths of 867μ\mum and 1.3 mm, which shows that grain sizes increase towards the star, with solid particles growing to cm scales in the inner disc

    Planet formation in intermediate-separation binary systems

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    ABSTRACT We report the first characterization of the individual discs in the intermediate-separation binary systems KK Oph and HD 144668 at millimetre wavelengths. In both systems, the circumprimary and the circumsecondary discs are detected in the millimetre continuum emission, but not in 13CO nor C18O lines. Even though the disc structure is only marginally resolved, we find indications of large-scale asymmetries in the outer regions of the primary discs, most likely due to perturbation by the companion. The derived dust masses are firmly above debris disc level for all stars. The primaries have about three times more dust in their discs than the secondaries. In the case of HD 144668, the opacity spectral index of the primary and secondary differ by a large margin of 0.69, which may be a consequence of the secondary disc being more compact. Upper limits on the gas masses imply less than 0.1 Mjup in any of these discs, meaning that giant planets can no longer form in them. Considering that there have been no massive gas discs identified to date in intermediate-separation binaries (i.e. binaries at a few hundred au separation), this opens space for speculation whether their binarity causes the removal of gas, with tidal interaction truncating the discs and hence shortening the accretion time-scale. More systematic studies in this respect are sorely needed.</jats:p

    'The Brick' is not a brick: A comprehensive study of the structure and dynamics of the Central Molecular Zone cloud G0.253+0.016

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    In this paper we provide a comprehensive description of the internal dynamics of G0.253+0.016 (a.k.a. 'the Brick'); one of the most massive and dense molecular clouds in the Galaxy to lack signatures of widespread star formation. As a potential host to a future generation of high-mass stars, understanding largely quiescent molecular clouds like G0.253+0.016 is of critical importance. In this paper, we reanalyse Atacama Large Millimeter Array cycle 0 HNCO J=4(0,4)−3(0,3)J=4(0,4)-3(0,3) data at 3 mm, using two new pieces of software which we make available to the community. First, scousepy, a Python implementation of the spectral line fitting algorithm scouse. Secondly, acorns (Agglomerative Clustering for ORganising Nested Structures), a hierarchical n-dimensional clustering algorithm designed for use with discrete spectroscopic data. Together, these tools provide an unbiased measurement of the line of sight velocity dispersion in this cloud, σvlos,1D=4.4±2.1\sigma_{v_{los}, {\rm 1D}}=4.4\pm2.1 kms−1^{-1}, which is somewhat larger than predicted by velocity dispersion-size relations for the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ). The dispersion of centroid velocities in the plane of the sky are comparable, yielding σvlos,1D/σvpos,1D∼1.2±0.3\sigma_{v_{los}, {\rm 1D}}/\sigma_{v_{pos}, {\rm 1D}}\sim1.2\pm0.3. This isotropy may indicate that the line-of-sight extent of the cloud is approximately equivalent to that in the plane of the sky. Combining our kinematic decomposition with radiative transfer modelling we conclude that G0.253+0.016 is not a single, coherent, and centrally-condensed molecular cloud; 'the Brick' is not a \emph{brick}. Instead, G0.253+0.016 is a dynamically complex and hierarchically-structured molecular cloud whose morphology is consistent with the influence of the orbital dynamics and shear in the CMZ

    First detection of a disk free of volatile elements around a young A-type star: A possible sign of collisions between rocky planets

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    Aims. We present the first detailed analysis of the astrophysical parameters of the poorly studied Sco-Cen member HD 152384 and its circumstellar environment. Methods. We analyse newly obtained optical-near-IR X-shooter spectra, as well as archival TESS data, of HD 152384. In addition, we use literature photometric data to construct a detailed spectral energy distribution (SED) of the star. Results. The photospheric absorption lines in the spectrum of HD 152384 are characteristic of an A0 V star, for which we derive a stellar mass of 2.1 ± 0.1 M⊙ and a stellar age > 4.5 Myr. Superimposed on the photospheric absorption, the optical spectrum also displays double-peaked emission lines of Ca II, Fe I, Mg I, and Si I, typical of circumstellar disks. Notably, all hydrogen and helium lines appear strictly in absorption. A toy model shows that the observed emission line profiles can be reproduced by emission from a compact (radius < 0.3 au) disk seen at an inclination of ∼24°. Further evidence for the presence of circumstellar material comes from the detection of a moderate IR excess in the SED, similar to those found in extreme debris disk systems. Conclusions. We conclude that HD 152384 is surrounded by a tenuous circumstellar disk that, although rich in refractory elements, is highly depleted of volatile elements. To the best of our knowledge, such a disk is unique among young stars. However, it is reminiscent of the disks seen in some white dwarfs, which have been attributed to the disruption of rocky planets. We suggest that the disk around HD 152384 may have a similar origin and may be due to collisions in a newly formed planetary system

    Genetic architecture of Environmental Sensitivity reflects multiple heritable components: a twin study with adolescents

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    Humans differ substantially in how strongly they respond to similar experiences. Theory suggests that such individual differences in susceptibility to environmental influences have a genetic basis. The present study investigated the genetic architecture of Environmental Sensitivity (ES) by estimating its heritability, exploring the presence of multiple heritable components and its genetic overlap with common personality traits. ES was measured with the Highly Sensitive Child (HSC) questionnaire and heritability estimates were obtained using classic twin design methodology in a sample of 2868 adolescent twins. Results indicate that the heritability of sensitivity was 0.47, and that the genetic influences underlying sensitivity to negative experiences are relatively distinct from sensitivity to more positive aspects of the environment, supporting a multi-dimensional genetic model of ES. The correlation between sensitivity, neuroticism and extraversion was largely explained by shared genetic influences, with differences between these traits mainly attributed to unique environmental influences operating on each trait
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