619 research outputs found

    Revitalizing Deteriorated Urban Neighborhood Real Estate Markets Through Concentrated Homeownership Development: Determining the Spillover Effects of New Homes on the Value of Surrounding Homes

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    The promotion of homeownership opportunities represents an important approach used by localities to support the revitalization of deteriorated urban neighborhoods. Homeownership is associated with a variety of social and economic benefits to the homeowner including increased residential stability and equity accumulation. The introduction of new homeownership opportunities into a deteriorated urban neighborhood as part of local public policy is intended to capitalize upon the anticipated positive social and economic outcomes. Such new homeownership development also presents the opportunity to generate positive spillover effects on the adjacent existing properties in the neighborhood which may ultimately result in higher real estate tax values for the locality. Although the theory and research considering such spillover effects are limited, the gravity model provides a basis for examining the spatial interaction between the new homes and the surrounding existing homes. The application of this model to the new homeownership intervention accounts for the influence of the new development in terms of density (number of units) and distance in relation to the existing units. In order to further consider the applicability of gravity theory, this study examines the impact of two new homeownership revitalization developments on surrounding residential property values in Newport News, Virginia. Geographic information systems (GIS) provided the framework for identifying properties located within specified rings surrounding the two homeownership revitalization areas. Real estate property value assessments were furnished by the City of Newport News for 2000 to 2005 and provided the opportunity to create a hedonic model to identify the primary property amenities which accounted for the variation in property values. The GIS-facilitated ring variables were incorporated into the hedonic model to enable the consideration of spillover effects generated by the new homes on the adjacent existing homes. The results of the study indicate that the introduction of the new homes appears to influence property values in the surrounding neighborhood where there was a dense core of new development and an existing homogenous neighborhood housing stock. Therefore, concentrated homeownership revitalization efforts offer the potential to positively influence the values of adjacent residential properties thereby enhancing a locality\u27s real estate market

    Trade-offs in marine protection : Multi-species interactions within a community-led temperate marine reserve

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    This study investigated the effects of a community-led temperate marine reserve in Lamlash Bay, Firth of Clyde, Scotland, on commercially important populations of European lobster (Homarus gammarus), brown crab (Cancer pagurus), and velvet swimming crabs (Necora puber). Potting surveys conducted over 4 years revealed significantly higher catch per unit effort (cpue 109% greater), weight per unit effort (wpue 189% greater), and carapace length (10-15 mm greater) in lobsters within the reserve compared with control sites. However, likely due to low levels of recruitment and increased fishing effort outside the reserve, lobster catches decreased in all areas during the final 2 years. Nevertheless, catch rates remained higher within the reserve across all years, suggesting the reserve buffered these wider declines. Additionally, lobster cpue and wpue declined with increasing distance from the boundaries of the marine reserve, a trend which tag-recapture data suggested were due to spillover. Catches of berried lobster were also twice as high within the reserve than outside, and the mean potential reproductive output per female was 22.1% greater. It was originally thought that higher densities of lobster within the reserve might lead to greater levels of aggression and physical damage. However, damage levels were solely related to body size, as large lobsters >110 mm had sustained over 218% more damage than smaller individuals. Interestingly, catches of adult lobsters were inversely correlated with those of juvenile lobsters, brown crabs, and velvet crabs, which may be evidence of competitive displacement and/or predation. Our findings provide evidence that temperate marine reserves can deliver fisheries and conservation benefits, and highlight the importance of investigating multispecies interactions, as the recovery of some species can have knock-on effects on others

    Radio Sources from a 31 GHz Sky Survey with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Array

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    We present the first sample of 31-GHz selected sources to flux levels of 1 mJy. From late 2005 to mid 2007, the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Array (SZA) observed 7.7 square degrees of the sky at 31 GHz to a median rms of 0.18 mJy/beam. We identify 209 sources at greater than 5 sigma significance in the 31 GHz maps, ranging in flux from 0.7 mJy to ~200 mJy. Archival NVSS data at 1.4 GHz and observations at 5 GHz with the Very Large Array are used to characterize the sources. We determine the maximum-likelihood integrated source count to be N(>S) = (27.2 +- 2.5) deg^-2 x (S_mJy)^(-1.18 +- 0.12) over the flux range 0.7 - 15 mJy. This result is significantly higher than predictions based on 1.4-GHz selected samples, a discrepancy which can be explained by a small shift in the spectral index distribution for faint 1.4-GHz sources. From comparison with previous measurements of sources within the central arcminute of massive clusters, we derive an overdensity of 6.8 +- 4.4, relative to field sources.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Development of a bovine X chromosome linkage group and painting probes to assess cattle, sheep, and goat X chromosome segment homologies

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    The X chromosome linkage group is conserved in placental mammals. However, X chromosome morphological differences, due to internal chromosome rearrangements, exist among mammalian species. We have developed bovine chromosome painting probes for Xp and Xq to assess segment homologies between the submetacentric bovine X chromosome and the acrocentric sheep and goat X chromosomes. These painting probes and their corresponding DNA libraries were developed by chromosome micromanipulation, DNA micropurification, microcloning, and PCR amplification. The bovine Xp painting probe identified an interstitially located homologous segment in the sheep and goat Xq region, most probably resulting from chromosome inversion. Ten type II (microsatellite) markers obtained from the bovine Xq library and five other X chromosome assigned, but unlinked, markers were used to generate a linkage map for Xq spanning 89.4 centimorgans. The chromosome painting probes and molecular markers generated in this study would be useful for comparative mapping and tracing of internal X chromosome rearrangements in all ruminant species and would contribute to the understanding of mammalian sex chromosome evolution

    The Spectra of T Dwarfs I: Near-Infrared Data and Spectral Classification

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    We present near-infrared spectra for a sample of T dwarfs, including eleven new discoveries made using the Two Micron All Sky Survey. These objects are distinguished from warmer (L-type) brown dwarfs by the presence of methane absorption bands in the 1--2.5 \micron spectral region. A first attempt at a near-infrared classification scheme for T dwarfs is made, based on the strengths of CH4_4 and H2_2O bands and the shapes of the 1.25, 1.6, and 2.1 \micron flux peaks. Subtypes T1 V through T8 V are defined, and spectral indices useful for classification are presented. The subclasses appear to follow a decreasing Teff_{eff} scale, based on the evolution of CH4_4 and H2_2O bands and the properties of L and T dwarfs with known distances. However, we speculate that this scale is not linear with spectral type for cool dwarfs, due to the settling of dust layers below the photosphere and subsequent rapid evolution of spectral morphology around Teff_{eff} \sim 1300--1500 K. Similarities in near-infrared colors and continuity of spectral features suggest that the gap between the latest L dwarfs and earliest T dwarfs has been nearly bridged. This argument is strengthened by the possible role of CH4_4 as a minor absorber shaping the K-band spectra of the latest L dwarfs. Finally, we discuss one peculiar T dwarf, 2MASS 0937+2931, which has very blue near-infrared colors (J-Ks_s = 0.89±-0.89\pm0.24) due to suppression of the 2.1 \micron peak. The feature is likely caused by enhanced collision-induced H2_2 absorption in a high pressure or low metallicity photosphere.Comment: 74 pages including 26 figures, accepted by ApJ v563 December 2001; full paper including all of Table 3 may be downloaded from http://www.gps.caltech.edu/~pa/adam/classification ;also see submission 010844

    Challenges of modelling approaches for network meta-analysis of time-to-event outcomes in the presence of non-proportional hazards to aid decision making: Application to a melanoma network.

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    BACKGROUND: Synthesis of clinical effectiveness from multiple trials is a well-established component of decision-making. Time-to-event outcomes are often synthesised using the Cox proportional hazards model assuming a constant hazard ratio over time. However, with an increasing proportion of trials reporting treatment effects where hazard ratios vary over time and with differing lengths of follow-up across trials, alternative synthesis methods are needed. OBJECTIVES: To compare and contrast five modelling approaches for synthesis of time-to-event outcomes and provide guidance on key considerations for choosing between the modelling approaches. METHODS: The Cox proportional hazards model and five other methods of estimating treatment effects from time-to-event outcomes, which relax the proportional hazards assumption, were applied to a network of melanoma trials reporting overall survival: restricted mean survival time, generalised gamma, piecewise exponential, fractional polynomial and Royston-Parmar models. RESULTS: All models fitted the melanoma network acceptably well. However, there were important differences in extrapolations of the survival curve and interpretability of the modelling constraints demonstrating the potential for different conclusions from different modelling approaches. CONCLUSION: The restricted mean survival time, generalised gamma, piecewise exponential, fractional polynomial and Royston-Parmar models can accommodate non-proportional hazards and differing lengths of trial follow-up within a network meta-analysis of time-to-event outcomes. We recommend that model choice is informed using available and relevant prior knowledge, model transparency, graphically comparing survival curves alongside observed data to aid consideration of the reliability of the survival estimates, and consideration of how the treatment effect estimates can be incorporated within a decision model

    Binary Quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Evidence for Excess Clustering on Small Scales

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    We present a sample of 218 new quasar pairs with proper transverse separations R_prop < 1 Mpc/h over the redshift range 0.5 < z < 3.0, discovered from an extensive follow up campaign to find companions around the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and 2dF Quasar Redshift Survey quasars. This sample includes 26 new binary quasars with separations R_prop < 50 kpc/h (theta < 10 arcseconds), more than doubling the number of such systems known. We define a statistical sample of binaries selected with homogeneous criteria and compute its selection function, taking into account sources of incompleteness. The first measurement of the quasar correlation function on scales 10 kpc/h < R_prop < 400 kpc/h is presented. For R_prop < 40 kpc/h, we detect an order of magnitude excess clustering over the expectation from the large scale R_prop > 3 Mpc/h quasar correlation function, extrapolated down as a power law to the separations probed by our binaries. The excess grows to ~ 30 at R_prop ~ 10 kpc/h, and provides compelling evidence that the quasar autocorrelation function gets progressively steeper on sub-Mpc scales. This small scale excess can likely be attributed to dissipative interaction events which trigger quasar activity in rich environments. Recent small scale measurements of galaxy clustering and quasar-galaxy clustering are reviewed and discussed in relation to our measurement of small scale quasar clustering.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, 9 tables. Submitted to the Astronomical Journa

    Cosmological Constraints from a 31 GHz Sky Survey with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Array

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    We present the results of a 6.1 square degree survey for clusters of galaxies via their Sunyaev- Zel'dovich (SZ) effect at 31 GHz. From late 2005 to mid 2007 the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Array (SZA) observed four fields of roughly 1.5 square degrees each. One of the fields shows evidence for significant diffuse Galactic emission, and we therefore restrict our analysis to the remaining 4.4 square degrees. We estimate the cluster detectability for the survey using mock observations of simulations of clusters of galaxies; and determine that, at intermediate redshifts (z ~ 0.8), the survey is 50% complete to a limiting mass (M200 rho mean) of ~ 6.0 x 10^14M_{solar}, with the mass limit decreasing at higher redshifts. We detect no clusters at a significance greater than 5 times the RMS noise level in the maps, and place an upper limit on \sigma_8, the amplitude of mass density fluctuations on a scale of 8h^-1 Mpc, of 0.84 + 0.07 at 95% confidence, where the uncertainty reflects calibration and systematic effects. This result is consistent with estimates from other cluster surveys and CMB anisotropy experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 3 table

    Sentencing as craftwork and the binary epistemologies of the discretionary decision process

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    This article contends that it is time to take a critical look at a series of binary categories which have dominated the scholarly and reform epistemologies of the sentencing decision process. These binaries are: rules versus discretion; reason versus emotion; offence versus offender; normative principles versus incoherence; aggravating versus mitigating factors; and aggregate/tariff consistency versus individualized sentencing. These binaries underpin both the 'legal-rational' tradition (by which I mean a view of discretion as inherently suspect, a preference for the use of philosophy of punishment justifications and an explanation of the decision process through factors or variables), and also the more recent rise of the 'new penology'. Both approaches tend to rely on 'top-down' assumptions of change, which pay limited attention to the agency of penal workers. The article seeks to develop a conception of sentencing craftwork as a social and interpretive process.1 In so doing, it applies and develops a number of Kritzer's observations (in this issue) about craftwork to sentencing. These craftwork observations are: problem solving (applied to the rules - discretion and reason - emotion dichotomies); skills and techniques (normative penal principles and the use of cognitive analytical assumptions); consistency (tariff versus individualized sentencing); clientele (applied to account giving and the reality of decision making versus expression). By conceiving of sentencing as craftwork, the binary epistemologies of the sentencing decision process, which have dominated (and limited) the scholarly and policy sentencing imaginations, are revealed as dynamic, contingent, and synergistic. However, this is not to say that such binaries are no more than empty rhetoric concealing the reality of the decision process. Rather, these binaries serve as crucial legitimating reference points in the vocabulary of sentencing account giving