289 research outputs found

    Survival in Nuclear Waste, Extreme Resistance, and Potential Applications Gleaned from the Genome Sequence of Kineococcus radiotolerans SRS30216

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    Kineococcus radiotolerans SRS30216 was isolated from a high-level radioactive environment at the Savannah River Site (SRS) and exhibits γ-radiation resistance approaching that of Deinococcus radiodurans. The genome was sequenced by the U.S. Department of Energy's Joint Genome Institute which suggested the existence of three replicons, a 4.76 Mb linear chromosome, a 0.18 Mb linear plasmid, and a 12.92 Kb circular plasmid. Southern hybridization confirmed that the chromosome is linear. The K. radiotolerans genome sequence was examined to learn about the physiology of the organism with regard to ionizing radiation resistance, the potential for bioremediation of nuclear waste, and the dimorphic life cycle. K. radiotolerans may have a unique genetic toolbox for radiation protection as it lacks many of the genes known to confer radiation resistance in D. radiodurans. Additionally, genes involved in the detoxification of reactive oxygen species and the excision repair pathway are overrepresented. K. radiotolerans appears to lack degradation pathways for pervasive soil and groundwater pollutants. However, it can respire on two organic acids found in SRS high-level nuclear waste, formate and oxalate, which promote the survival of cells during prolonged periods of starvation. The dimorphic life cycle involves the production of motile zoospores. The flagellar biosynthesis genes are located on a motility island, though its regulation could not be fully discerned. These results highlight the remarkable ability of K radiotolerans to withstand environmental extremes and suggest that in situ bioremediation of organic complexants from high level radioactive waste may be feasible

    Body Temperature In Captive Long-Beaked Echidnas (Zaglossus Bartoni)

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    The routine occurrence of both short-term (daily) and long-term torpor (hibernation) in short-beaked echidnas, but not platypus, raises questions about the third monotreme genus, New Guinea's Zaglossus. We measured body temperatures (Tb) with implanted data loggers over three and a half years in two captive Zaglossus bartoni at Taronga Zoo, Sydney. The modal Tb of both long-beaks was 31 degrees C, similar to non-hibernating short-beaked echidnas, Tachyglossus aculeatus, in the wild (30-32 degrees C) and to platypus (32 degrees C), suggesting that this is characteristic of normothermic monotremes. Tb cycled daily, usually over 2-4 degrees C. There were some departures from this pattern to suggest periods of inactivity but nothing to indicate the occurrence of long-term torpor. In contrast, two short-beaked echidnas monitored concurrently in the same pen showed extended periods of low Tb in the cooler months (hibernation) and short periods of torpor at any time of the year, as they do in the wild. Whether torpor or hibernation occurs in Zaglossus in the wild or in juveniles remains unknown. However, given that the environment in this study was conducive to hibernation in short-beaks, which do not easily enter torpor in captivity, and their large size, we think that torpor in wild adult Zaglossus is unlikely

    Book Reviews

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    Book reviews of: William F. Winter and the New Mississippi: A Biography. By Charles C. Bolton Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2013. Pp. vii, 368. Illustrations, map, acknowledgements, notes, index. 35.00cloth.ISBN:9781617037870.BornofConviction:WhiteMethodistsandMississippisClosedSociety.ByJosephT.Reiff.(NewYork:OxfordUniversityPress,2016.Acknowledgements,illustrations,map,notes,index.Pp.xxi,384.35.00 cloth. ISBN: 9781617037870. Born of Conviction: White Methodists and Mississippi’s Closed Society. By Joseph T. Reiff. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. Acknowledgements, illustrations, map, notes, index. Pp. xxi, 384. 35 Hardcover. ISBN: 9780190246815). In Katrina’s Wake: The U.S. Coast Guard and the Gulf Coast Hurricanes of 2005. By Donald L. Canney. (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2010. Foreword, notes, index. Pp. xv, 228. 27.50cloth.)Slavery,RaceandConquestintheTropic:Lincoln,DouglasandtheFutureofAmerica.ByRobertE.May.(NewYork:CambridgeUniversityPress,2013.Acknowledgements,illustrations,maps,notes,index.Pp.xi,296.27.50 cloth.) Slavery, Race and Conquest in the Tropic: Lincoln, Douglas and the Future of America. By Robert E. May. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Acknowledgements, illustrations, maps, notes, index. Pp. xi, 296. 80 cloth, 26.99paper,26.99 paper, 22 e-book. ISBN: 9780521132527.) Rivers of Sand: Creek Indian Emigration, Relocation, and Ethnic Cleansing in the American South. By Christopher D. Haveman. (Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 2016. Illustrations, preface, acknowledgments, notes on terminology, index. Pp. ix, 414. Trouble in Goshen: Plain Folk, Roosevelt, Jesus, and Marx in the Great Depression. By Fred C. Smith (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2014. Acknowledgements, illustrations, map notes, index. Pp. xi, 214. 60.00cloth.ISBN:9781617039560.)BuildersofaNewSouth:Merchants,Capital,andtheRemakingofNatchez,18651914.ByAaronD.Anderson(Jackson:UniversityPressofMississippi,2013.Acknowledgments,illustrations,photographs,notes,graphics,index.Pp.279.60.00 cloth. ISBN: 9781617039560.) Builders of a New South: Merchants, Capital, and the Remaking of Natchez, 1865-1914. By Aaron D. Anderson (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2013. Acknowledgments, illustrations, photographs, notes, graphics, index. Pp. 279. 40 cloth. ISBN: 978-1- 61703-667-5.) Adventurism and Empire: The Struggle for Mastery in the Louisiana- Florida Borderlands 1762-1803. By David Narrett. (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2015. Acknowledgements, illustrations, notes, index. Pp. xi, 365. 45cloth,45 cloth, 44.99 e-book. ISBN: 978-1-4696-1833-3.) Empty Sleeves: Amputation in the Civil War South. By Brian Craig Miller. (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2015. Illustrations, acknowledgments, appendix, notes, index. Pp. xvi, 257. 79.95cloth,79.95 cloth, 29.95 paper. ISBN: 0820343327.) Signposts: New Directions in Southern Legal History. By Sally E. Hadden and Patricia Hagler Minter, eds. (Athens and London: The University of Georgia Press, 2013. Acknowledgements, illustrations, index. Pp. xi, 480. 69.95cloth,69.95 cloth, 26.95 paper, 26.95ebook.ISBN:9780820344997.)TheColorofChrist:TheSonofGodandtheSagaofRaceinAmerica.ByEdwardJ.BlumandPaulHarvey.(ChapelHill:UniversityofNorthCarolinaPress,2012.Pp.325.26.95 ebook. ISBN: 978-0-8203-4499-7.) The Color of Christ: The Son of God and the Saga of Race in America. By Edward J. Blum and Paul Harvey. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2012. Pp. 325. 32.50 Cloth. ISBN: 9780807835722.