2,337 research outputs found

    Nonperturbative Vertices in Supersymmetric Quantum Electrodynamics

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    We derive the complete set of supersymmetric Ward identities involving only two- and three- point proper vertices in supersymmetric QED. We also present the most general form of the proper vertices consistent with both the supersymmetric and U(1) gauge Ward identities. These vertices are the supersymmetric equivalent of the non supersymmetric Ball-Chiu vertices.Comment: seventeen pages late

    Running coupling and fermion mass in strong coupling QED

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    Simple toy model is used in order to exhibit the technique of extracting the non-perturbative information about Green's functions in Minkowski space. The effective charge and the dynamical electron mass are calculated in strong coupling 3+1 QED by solving the coupled Dyson-Schwinger equations for electron and photon propagators. The minimal Ball-Chiu vertex was used for simplicity and we impose the Landau gauge fixing on QED action. The solution obtained separately in Euclidean and Minkowski space were compared, the latter one was extracted with the help of spectral technique.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, v4: revised and extended version, one introductory section adde

    Mean field exponents and small quark masses

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    We demonstrate that the restoration of chiral symmetry at finite-T in a class of confining Dyson-Schwinger equation (DSE) models of QCD is a mean field transition, and that an accurate determination of the critical exponents using the chiral and thermal susceptibilities requires very small values of the current-quark mass: log_{10}(m/m_u) < -5. Other classes of DSE models characterised by qualitatively different interactions also exhibit a mean field transition. Incipient in this observation is the suggestion that mean field exponents are a result of the gap equation's fermion substructure and not of the interaction.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, REVTEX, epsfi

    A Survey of Ramp and Stair Use among Older Adults

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    Forty-three community-dwelling adults aged 57 to 95 participated in survey exploring characteristics of ramp use by older ambulant people. Twenty-three respondents said they ascended ramps instead of stairs most of the time, and 14 said they ascended ramps some of the time. Similar numbers were reported for descent. Overall, respondents felt less fatigued, less likely to trip, and more comfortable when using ramps rather than stairs for ascending one level. When descending one level, balance, tripping, and comfort were the strongest determinants of ramp use. Respondents indicated that descent was more problematic, particularly in regard to balance and tripping. The presence of handrails often determined the choice of route. Results from this survey provided the basis for an experiment evaluating the abilities of older people to traverse ramps of various slopes. The ADA Accessibility Guidelines implicitly assume that a ramp accommodates everyone. This study indicates that entrances should have both ramps and stairs.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Chiral symmetry breaking in dimensionally regularized nonperturbative quenched QED

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    In this paper we study dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in dimensionally regularized quenched QED within the context of Dyson-Schwinger equations. In D < 4 dimensions the theory has solutions which exhibit chiral symmetry breaking for all values of the coupling. To begin with, we study this phenomenon both numerically and, with some approximations, analytically within the rainbow approximation in the Landau gauge. In particular, we discuss how to extract the critical coupling alpha_c = pi/3 relevant in four dimensions from the D dimensional theory. We further present analytic results for the chirally symmetric solution obtained with the Curtis-Pennington vertex as well as numerical results for solutions exhibiting chiral symmetry breaking. For these we demonstrate that, using dimensional regularization, the extraction of the critical coupling relevant for this vertex is feasible. Initial results for this critical coupling are in agreement with cut-off based work within the currently achievable numerical precision.Comment: 24 pages, including 5 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Predominant Golgi-residency of the plant K/HDEL receptor is essential for its function in mediating ER retention

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    Accumulation of soluble proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of plants is mediated by a receptor termed ER RETENTION DEFECTIVE 2 (ERD2) or K/HDEL receptor. Using two gain-of-function assays and by complementing loss of function in Nicotiana benthamiana we discovered that compromising the lumenal N-terminus or the cytosolic C-terminus with fluorescent fusions abolishes its biological function and profoundly affects its subcellular localization. Based on the confirmed asymmetrical topology of ERD2 we engineered a new fluorescent ERD2 fusion protein that retains biological activity. Using this fusion, we show that ERD2 is exclusively detected at the Golgi apparatus, unlike non-functional C-terminal fusions which also label the ER. Moreover, ERD2 is confined to early Golgi compartments and does not show ligand-induced redistribution to the ER. We show that the cytosolic C-terminus of ERD2 plays a crucial role in its function. Two conserved Leucine residues that do not correspond to any known targeting motifs for ER-Golgi trafficking were shown to be essential for both ERD2 Golgi residency and its ability to mediate ER retention of soluble ligands. The results suggest that anterograde ER to Golgi transport of ERD2 is either extremely fast, well in excess of the bulk flow rate, or that ERD2 does not recycle in the way originally proposed

    Generation of antibodies against foot-and-mouth-disease virus capsid protein VP4 using hepatitis B core VLPs as a Scaffold

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    The picornavirus foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is the causative agent of the eco-nomically important disease of livestock, foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). VP4 is a highly conserved capsid protein, which is important during virus entry. Previous published work has shown that antibodies targeting the N-terminus of VP4 of the picornavirus human rhinovirus are broadly neu-tralising. In addition, previous studies showed that immunisation with the N-terminal 20 amino acids of enterovirus A71 VP4 displayed on the hepatitis B core (HBc) virus-like particles (VLP) can induce cross-genotype neutralisation. To investigate if a similar neutralising response against FMDV VP4 could be generated, HBc VLPs displaying the N-terminus of FMDV VP4 were designed. The N-terminal 15 amino acids of FMDV VP4 was inserted into the major immunodominant region. HBc VLPs were also decorated with peptides of the N-terminus of FMDV VP4 attached using a HBc-spike binding tag. Both types of VLPs were used to immunise mice and the resulting serum was investigated for VP4-specific antibodies. The VLP with VP4 inserted into the spike, induced VP4-specific antibodies, however the VLPs with peptides attached to the spikes did not. The VP4-specific antibodies could recognise native FMDV, but virus neutralisation was not demonstrated. This work shows that the HBc VLP presents a useful tool for the presentation of FMDV capsid epitopes.</p

    Pseudovector components of the pion, pi^0 -> gamma gamma, and F_pi(q^2)

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    As a consequence of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking the pion Bethe-Salpeter amplitude necessarily contains terms proportional to gamma_5 gamma.P and gamma_5 gamma.k, where k is the relative and P the total momentum of the constituents. These terms are essential for the preservation of low energy theorems, such as the Gell-Mann--Oakes-Renner relation and those describing anomalous decays of the pion, and to obtaining an electromagnetic pion form factor that falls as 1/q^2 for large q^2, up to calculable ln(q^2)-corrections. In a simple model, which correlates low- and high-energy pion observables, we find q^2 F_pi(q^2) ~ 0.12 - 0.19 GeV^2 for q^2 >~10 GeV^2.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, REVTE

    On Renormalized Strong-Coupling Quenched QED in Four Dimensions

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    We study renormalized quenched strong-coupling QED in four dimensions in arbitrary covariant gauge. Above the critical coupling leading to dynamical chiral symmetry breaking, we show that there is no finite chiral limit. This behaviour is found to be independent of the detailed choice of photon-fermion proper vertex in the Dyson-Schwinger equation formalism, provided that the vertex is consistent with the Ward-Takahashi identity and multiplicative renormalizability. We show that the finite solutions previously reported lie in an unphysical regime of the theory with multiple solutions and ultraviolet oscillations in the mass functions. This study supports the assertion that in four dimensions strong coupling QED does not have a continuum limit in the conventional sense.Comment: REVTEX 3.0, 15 pages,including 4 eps files comprising 3 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and confinement with an infrared-vanishing gluon propagator?

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    We study a model Dyson-Schwinger equation for the quark propagator closed using an {\it Ansatz} for the gluon propagator of the form \mbox{D(q)∌q2/[(q2)2+b4]D(q) \sim q^2/[(q^2)^2 + b^4]} and two {\it Ans\"{a}tze} for the quark-gluon vertex: the minimal Ball-Chiu and the modified form suggested by Curtis and Pennington. Using the quark condensate as an order parameter, we find that there is a critical value of b=bcb=b_c such that the model does not support dynamical chiral symmetry breaking for b>bcb>b_c. We discuss and apply a confinement test which suggests that, for all values of bb, the quark propagator in the model {\bf is not} confining. Together these results suggest that this Ansatz for the gluon propagator is inadequate as a model since it does not yield the expected behaviour of QCD.Comment: 21 Pages including 4 PostScript figures uuencoded at the end of the file. Replacement: slight changes of wording and emphasis. ADP-93-215/T133, ANL-PHY-7599-TH-93, FSU-SCRI-93-108, REVTEX 3.
