101 research outputs found

    Search for Gamma-Ray and Neutrino Coincidences Using HAWC and ANTARES Data

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    In the quest for high-energy neutrino sources, the Astrophysical Multimessenger Observatory Network has implemented a new search by combining data from the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory and the Astronomy with a Neutrino Telescope and Abyss environmental RESearch (ANTARES) neutrino telescope. Using the same analysis strategy as in a previous detector combination of HAWC and IceCube data, we perform a search for coincidences in HAWC and ANTARES events that are below the threshold for sending public alerts in each individual detector. Data were collected between 2015 July and 2020 February with a live time of 4.39 yr. Over this time period, three coincident events with an estimated false-alarm rate of <1 coincidence per year were found. This number is consistent with background expectations.The National Science Foundation under grants PHY-1708146PHY-1806854The Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos of the Pennsylvania State UniversityCentre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)Commission Européenne (FEDER fund and Marie Curie Program)Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), LabEx UnivEarthS (ANR-10-LABX-0023 and ANR-18-IDEX-0001)Région Île-de-France (DIM-ACAV), Région Alsace (contrat CPER)Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Département du Var and Ville de La Seyne-sur-MerBundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)Nederlandse organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO)Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, ResearchDevelopment and Innovation (UEFISCDI)Romania; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación, Investigación y Universidades (MCIU)Programa Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento (refs. PGC2018- 096663-B-C41, -A-C42-B-C43-B-C44PID2021- 124591NB-C41-C42-C43(MCIU/FEDER)Generalitat ValencianaPrometeo (PROMETEO/2020/019)Grisolía (refs. GRISOLIA/2018/119, /2021/192)GenT (refs. /2019/043, /2020/049, /2021/023) programs, Junta de Andalucía (ref. A-FQM-053-UGR18)La Caixa Foundation (ref. LCF/BQ/IN17/11620019)MSC program (ref. 101025085)Spain; Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and InnovationThe Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, KuwaitUS National Science Foundation (NSF)The US Department of Energy Office of High-Energy PhysicsLaboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) program of Los Alamos National LaboratoryConsejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT)México, grants 271051, 232656, 260378179588254964258865243290132197A1-S-46288A1- S-22784Cátedras 873, 1563, 341, 323Red HAWC, MéxicoDGAPA-UNAM grants IG101320IN111716-3, IN111419IA102019IN110621IN110521VIEP-BUAPPIFI 2012PROFOCIE 2014, 2015the University of Wisconsin Alumni Research FoundationThe Institute of Geophysics, Planetary PhysicsSignatures at Los Alamos National LaboratoryPolish Science Centre grantDEC-2017/27/B/ ST9/02272Coordinación de la Investigación Científica de la Universidad Michoacana; Royal Society—Newton Advanced Fellowship 180385Generalitat Valenciana, grant CIDEGENT/ 2018/034The Program Management Unit for Human Resources & Institutional Development, Research and Innovation, NXPO (grant No. B16F630069)Coordinación General Académica e Innovación (CGAI-UdeG)PRODEP-SEP UDGCA- 499; Institute of Cosmic Ray Research (ICRR),University of TokyoNASA under award number 80GSFC21M000

    Multiwavelength follow-up of a rare IceCube neutrino multiplet

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    On February 17, 2016, the IceCube real-time neutrino search identified, for the first time, three muon neutrino candidates arriving within 100 s of one another, consistent with coming from the same point in the sky. Such a triplet is expected once every 13.7 years as a random coincidence of background events. However, considering the lifetime of the follow-up program the probability of detecting at least one triplet from atmospheric background is 32%. Follow-up observatories were notified in order to search for an electromagnetic counterpart. Observations were obtained by Swift ’s X-ray telescope, by ASAS-SN, LCO and MASTER at optical wavelengths, and by VERITAS in the very-high-energy gamma-ray regime. Moreover, the Swift BAT serendipitously observed the location 100 s after the first neutrino was detected, and data from the Fermi LAT and HAWC observatory were analyzed. We present details of the neutrino triplet and the follow-up observations. No likely electromagnetic counterpart was detected, and we discuss the implications of these constraints on candidate neutrino sources such as gamma-ray bursts, core-collapse supernovae and active galactic nucleus flares. This study illustrates the potential of and challenges for future follow-up campaign

    The real interest rate differential : international evidence based on nonlinear unit root tests

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    This paper aims at testing international parity conditions by using nonlinear unit root tests advocated by Kapetanios et al. (2003, KSS). Results from the KSS tests based on 17 countries (G7 and 10 Asian countries) overwhelmingly show that the adjustment of real interest rates towards the RIP follows a nonlinear process except for the Malaysian relationships with both the US and Japan. Overall, the empirical results are in favor of RIP using the US and Japan as the center countries but only if nonlinearities are accounted for in the data generating process. Our findings confirm that interest rate differentials, like the real exchange rates reported in recent literature, display a nonlinear mean reversion process

    First Study of Combined Blazar Light Curves with FACT and HAWC

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    For studying variable sources like blazars, it is crucial to achieve unbiased monitoring, either with dedicated telescopes in pointing mode or survey instruments. At TeV energies, the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory monitors approximately two thirds of the sky every day. It uses the water Cherenkov technique, which provides an excellent duty cycle independent of weather and season. The First G-APD Cherenkov Telescope (FACT) monitors a small sample of sources with better sensitivity, using the imaging air Cherenkov technique. Thanks to its camera with silicon-based photosensors, FACT features an excellent detector performance and stability and extends its observations to times with strong moonlight, increasing the duty cycle compared to other imaging air Cherenkov telescopes. As FACT and HAWC have overlapping energy ranges, a joint study can exploit the longer daily coverage given that the observatories' locations are offset by 5.3 hours. Furthermore, the better sensitivity of FACT adds a finer resolution of features on hour-long time scales, while the continuous duty cycle of HAWC ensures evenly sampled long-term coverage. Thus, the two instruments complement each other to provide a more complete picture of blazar variability. In this presentation, the first joint study of light curves from the two instruments will be shown, correlating long-term measurements with daily sampling between air and water Cherenkov telescopes. The presented results focus on the study of the variability of the bright blazars Mrk 421 and Mrk 501 during the last two years featuring various flaring activities.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Contribution to the 6th International Symposium on High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy (Gamma2016), Heidelberg, Germany. To be published in the AIP Conference Proceeding

    Gamma Ray Bursts: recent results and connections to very high energy Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos

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    Gamma-ray bursts are the most concentrated explosions in the Universe. They have been detected electromagnetically at energies up to tens of GeV, and it is suspected that they could be active at least up to TeV energies. It is also speculated that they could emit cosmic rays and neutrinos at energies reaching up to the 1018102010^{18}-10^{20} eV range. Here we review the recent developments in the photon phenomenology in the light of \swift and \fermi satellite observations, as well as recent IceCube upper limits on their neutrino luminosity. We discuss some of the theoretical models developed to explain these observations and their possible contribution to a very high energy cosmic ray and neutrino background.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Text of a plenary lecture at the PASCOS 12 conference, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, June 2012; to appear in J.Phys. (Conf. Series

    Daily monitoring of TeV gamma-ray emission from Mrk 421, Mrk 501, and the Crab Nebula with HAWC

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    We present results from daily monitoring of gamma rays in the energy range 0.5\sim0.5 to 100\sim100 TeV with the first 17 months of data from the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory. Its wide field of view of 2 steradians and duty cycle of >95>95% are unique features compared to other TeV observatories that allow us to observe every source that transits over HAWC for up to 6\sim6 hours each sidereal day. This regular sampling yields unprecedented light curves from unbiased measurements that are independent of seasons or weather conditions. For the Crab Nebula as a reference source we find no variability in the TeV band. Our main focus is the study of the TeV blazars Markarian (Mrk) 421 and Mrk 501. A spectral fit for Mrk 421 yields a power law index Γ=2.21±0.14stat±0.20sys\Gamma=2.21 \pm0.14_{\mathrm{stat}}\pm0.20_{\mathrm{sys}} and an exponential cut-off E0=5.4±1.1stat±1.0sysE_0=5.4 \pm 1.1_{\mathrm{stat}}\pm 1.0_{\mathrm{sys}} TeV. For Mrk 501, we find an index Γ=1.60±0.30stat±0.20sys\Gamma=1.60\pm 0.30_{\mathrm{stat}} \pm 0.20_{\mathrm{sys}} and exponential cut-off E0=5.7±1.6stat±1.0sysE_0=5.7\pm 1.6_{\mathrm{stat}} \pm 1.0_{\mathrm{sys}} TeV. The light curves for both sources show clear variability and a Bayesian analysis is applied to identify changes between flux states. The highest per-transit fluxes observed from Mrk 421 exceed the Crab Nebula flux by a factor of approximately five. For Mrk 501, several transits show fluxes in excess of three times the Crab Nebula flux. In a comparison to lower energy gamma-ray and X-ray monitoring data with comparable sampling we cannot identify clear counterparts for the most significant flaring features observed by HAWC.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Observation of the Crab Nebula with the HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory

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    The Crab Nebula is the brightest TeV gamma-ray source in the sky and has been used for the past 25 years as a reference source in TeV astronomy, for calibration and verification of new TeV instruments. The High Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory (HAWC), completed in early 2015, has been used to observe the Crab Nebula at high significance across nearly the full spectrum of energies to which HAWC is sensitive. HAWC is unique for its wide field-of-view, nearly 2 sr at any instant, and its high-energy reach, up to 100 TeV. HAWC's sensitivity improves with the gamma-ray energy. Above \sim1 TeV the sensitivity is driven by the best background rejection and angular resolution ever achieved for a wide-field ground array. We present a time-integrated analysis of the Crab using 507 live days of HAWC data from 2014 November to 2016 June. The spectrum of the Crab is fit to a function of the form ϕ(E)=ϕ0(E/E0)αβln(E/E0)\phi(E) = \phi_0 (E/E_{0})^{-\alpha -\beta\cdot{\rm{ln}}(E/E_{0})}. The data is well-fit with values of α=2.63±0.03\alpha=2.63\pm0.03, β=0.15±0.03\beta=0.15\pm0.03, and log10(ϕ0 cm2 s TeV)=12.60±0.02_{10}(\phi_0~{\rm{cm}^2}~{\rm{s}}~{\rm{TeV}})=-12.60\pm0.02 when E0E_{0} is fixed at 7 TeV and the fit applies between 1 and 37 TeV. Study of the systematic errors in this HAWC measurement is discussed and estimated to be ±\pm50\% in the photon flux between 1 and 37 TeV. Confirmation of the Crab flux serves to establish the HAWC instrument's sensitivity for surveys of the sky. The HAWC survey will exceed sensitivity of current-generation observatories and open a new view of 2/3 of the sky above 10 TeV.Comment: Submitted 2017/01/06 to the Astrophysical Journa

    All-particle cosmic ray energy spectrum measured by the HAWC experiment from 10 to 500 TeV

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    We report on the measurement of the all-particle cosmic ray energy spectrum with the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory in the energy range 10 to 500 TeV. HAWC is a ground based air-shower array deployed on the slopes of Volcan Sierra Negra in the state of Puebla, Mexico, and is sensitive to gamma rays and cosmic rays at TeV energies. The data used in this work were taken from 234 days between June 2016 to February 2017. The primary cosmic-ray energy is determined with a maximum likelihood approach using the particle density as a function of distance to the shower core. Introducing quality cuts to isolate events with shower cores landing on the array, the reconstructed energy distribution is unfolded iteratively. The measured all-particle spectrum is consistent with a broken power law with an index of 2.49±0.01-2.49\pm0.01 prior to a break at (45.7±0.1(45.7\pm0.1) TeV, followed by an index of 2.71±0.01-2.71\pm0.01. The spectrum also respresents a single measurement that spans the energy range between direct detection and ground based experiments. As a verification of the detector response, the energy scale and angular resolution are validated by observation of the cosmic ray Moon shadow's dependence on energy.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, submission to Physical Review