57 research outputs found

    The effect of drought on micro-morphological structures and secondary metabolite content of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.)

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    To evaluate the effect of drought stress on the micro-morphological and physiological parameters of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), they were grown under controlled conditions for 3 months. Drought treatments were made which irrigation every five days (control group), ten days (group 1: normal stress), fifteen days (group 2: mild stress), and twenty days (group 3: under extreme stress) with 100 ml water. The most noticeable result of stress was found to be an increase in the number of stomata and a lowers in the size of the stomata in mild drought treatments. There was no differences in these parameters as the severity of stress increased. A similar effect appeared in the capitate and peltate glandular trichomes on both surfaces of the leaf. Drought stress also affected phytochemical content. While no significant differences which were observed between drought stress treatments, the difference between drought treatments and the control group was significant. As a result, the micro-morphological and physiological differences brought on by the variations in the applications allowed for the identification of the irrigation application that will maintain the secondary metabolite production of the basil plant at the maximum level

    Social Justice and Gender Equality From the Perspective of Lifelong Learning

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    DergiPark: 905521tredBu çalışmada, bir disiplinlerarası bilim alanı olan yaşamboyu öğrenmenin nasıl geliştiğini ve onun, toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği ve sosyal adalet kavramlarıyla nasıl ilişkili olduğunu irdelemek amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden doküman incelemesi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın kavramsal ve kuramsal temellerini belirlemek için gereksinim duyulan veriler konu ile ilgili kitaplardan, alanda hazırlanmış tezlerden, ulusal ve uluslararası düzeyde hazırlanan raporlardan ve makalelerden elde edilmiştir. Araştırmada, belirlenen amaç çerçevesinde inceleme yapılmıştır. Çalışma; yaşamboyu öğrenmeyi toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği ve sosyal adalete bağlamaktadır. İlk bölüm yaşamboyu öğrenmenin gelişimini özetlemektedir ve ikinci bölüm sosyal adalet kavramına ve bunun eğitimle güçlü bağlantılarına genel bir bakış sunmaktadır. Kavram, yetişkin eğitiminde adalet ve fırsat eşitliği bakış açısından geliştirilerek üzerinde durulmuştur. Bu teorik bölümler boyunca, toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğini teşvik etmede yaşamboyu öğrenme ve sosyal adaletin temel rolüne vurgu yapılmaktadır. Çalışmadan çıkarılan ana sonuç, yaşamboyu öğrenme programlarının toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği bakış açısıyla desteklenmesinin, daha adil ve eşit bir toplumsal yapıya ulaşabilmek için çok önemli olduğudur.In this study, it is aimed to examine how lifelong learning, an interdisciplinary science field develops and how it link to the concepts of gender equality and social justice. Document analysis, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. The data needed to determine the conceptual and theoretical foundations of the research were obtained from related books, theses prepared in the field, reports and articles prepared at national and international level. The study is based on literature review and reviewed within the frame of the determined objective. The research data obtained through document analysis were analyzed with the descriptive analysis method. The first section of the study summarizes the improvement of lifelong learning. In another part, provides an conspectus of the notion of social justice and its powerful connections with education. The concept was developed from the perspective of justice and equality of opportunity in adult education. It was highlighted on the fundamental role of social justice and lifelong learning in improving gender equality throught these theoretical sections. The basic conclusion drown from the inquiry is that supporting lifelong learning programs with gender equality viewpoint is very important for creating more equivalent and fair the communities

    Hemodynamic Monitoring Using A Pulse Counter Vigileo Flotrac Cardiac Output System In Transapical Off-Pump Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Repair

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    The aim of this study was to present our anesthetic management and early hemodynamic recovery after transapical off-pump neochords implantation. Observational prospective study. The perioperative records of 13 patients who underwent mitral valve repair using the Neochord DS1000 system were analyzed. Hemodynamic measurements recorded with the Vigileo Flotrac invasive arterial cardiac output system were evaluated. Thirteen patients were included in the study. Transfusions of a total of 2 U of erythrocytes and 11 U of plasma were performed. After Neochord implantation, the mean cardiac output increased at a statistically significant level according to the values measured after induction p = 0.003. Increased cardiac output measurement after placement of the neochordaes and elimination of insufficiency have emerged as indications of early hemodynamic recover

    Investigation of survivin gene polymorphism in patients with gastric carcinoma

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    Objectives: Despite decreasing incidence of gastric cancerin worldwide, it is still a major health problem. Everyyear, 30.000 new gastric cancer cases emerging, and itis the second most common cancer in Turkey. Gastriccancer is a complex multifactorial disease, emerging byinteraction between genetic and environmental factors.Survivin, apoptosis inhibitory protein is over-expressed incancer tissue. In this study, association between Survivin-31G/C polymorphism and gastric carcinoma was investigated.Materials and Methods: 46 gastric carcinoma patientswho had been admitted at Düzce University Researchand Practice Hospital, Laboratory of Pathology and 42healthy individuals have been included in the study. Sampleshave been subjected to genetic analysis by PCRRFLPmethod in Medical Genetics Department laboratoryat Düzce University.Results: GG genotype was found in 16 (34.8%), GCgenotype in 21 (45.7%), CC genotype in 9 (19.6%) in patientgroup. In control group, genotype distribution werefound 13 (31%), 26 (61.9%) and 3 (7.1%) respectively.The statistically significant difference was not found whencompared between patient and control groups. However,we observed the increased occurrence of gastric cancerassociated with CC genotype (OR=1.52).Conclusions: In our knowledge, this study is the first toevaluate the relationship between gastric carcinoma andSurvivin -31G/C polymorphism in Turkish population. Ourresults show that there is no any association betweengastric carcinoma and Survivin -31G/C polymorphismin the community which is represented by our study andcontrol groups. However, it was concluded that CC genotypemay create the susceptibility to gastric cancer.Key words: Polymorphism, gastric carcinoma, survivinggene, apoptosi

    The assessment of early and late gestational termination cases

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    Objective We aimed to investigate the characteristics of early and late gestational termination cases by evaluating the cases underwent gestational termination in our clinic. Methods All pregnant women who had singleton pregnancy and underwent gestational termination due to fetal indications between January 2017 and December 2019 were included in the study. Results A total of 341 cases, of which 263 were with early gestational termination (Group 1) and 73 were with late gestational termination (Group 2) were included in the study. No difference was observed between the demographic characteristics of the groups. The ultrasonographic structural anomaly was observed in 273 (80.1%) of 341 cases and no structural anomaly was observed in 68 (19.9%) cases. Of the cases with structural anomaly, 200 (73%) had isolated system anomaly and 73 (26.7%) had multiple system anomaly. Karyotype analysis was performed in 68% of the cases, and chromosomal anomaly was found in 52.6% of them. Among the cases with normal karyotype analysis results, 22 cases had single gene disorder, of which mostly had thalassemia. While the incidence of structural anomaly was significantly high in the late termination cases (91% vs. 76.8%), the incidence of isolated cardiovascular anomaly was significantly high in the late termination cases similarly (37.5% vs. 13.8%). The autopsy was performed on 16.7% of the cases after termination and the findings were consistent with the prenatal ultrasonographic results in 86% of the cases, and additional findings were found in 22.4% of the cases in the autopsy. Conclusion When the late gestational terminations performed in our clinic are compared to the early gestational terminations, we believe that conducting ultrasonographic anomaly screening to all pregnant women including echocardiography even at a less rate, and also making screening programs in the early gestational periods such as aneuploidy screening easily accessible for all pregnant women may help to maintain maternal health by decreasing the rates of the cases with late gestationa

    Evaluation of Acoustic Reflex and Reflex Decay Tests in Geriatric Group

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    Objective: To determine average acoustic reflex thresholds in geriatric groups by assessing ipsilateral and contralateral acoustic reflex and reflex decay tests.Methods: A total of 25 elders between ages 65-84 years (74.3±5.4) and 25 individuals between ages 18-45 years (30.4±4.2) were recruited for the study. After ear, nose, and throat examination, ipsilateral and contralateral acoustic reflex thresholds at 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hertz (Hz) were determined and a reflex decay test at contralateral 500 Hz was conducted. Ipsilateral acoustic reflex thresholds were obtained with high-frequency band, low-frequency band, and wide band noise, and the results were compared with ipsilateral acoustic reflexes at 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz.Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in ipsilateral and contralateral acoustic reflex measurements at 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz (p>0.05). Negative reflex decay was obtained in all participants and no statistically significant difference between the two groups was observed in terms of reflex decay thresholds (p>0.05). Acoustic reflex with high-frequency band noise was observed in five of nine elders whose acoustic reflexes were not obtained at 2000 and 4000 Hz, whereas acoustic reflex with low-frequency band noise was observed in one of six elders who did not show reflexes at 500 and 1000 Hz.Conclusion: It was concluded that although some changes were observed due to age, middle ear and stapes muscles work normally in geriatric group. In the reflex decay test, reliable results were obtained at contralateral 500 Hz. Acoustic reflex measurements with low- and high-frequency band noise may also be used to assess middle ear functions

    İlk öğretimde kalıplaşmış toplumsal cinsiyet rolü algılama ve sunumları : Burdur'da bir ilköğretim okulunda alan çalışması(2001/2002)

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    A schooling system that claims to offer its students the opportunities to develop their talents and help towards self-determination in their adult lives might be expected to have a career structure itself that demonstrated these virtues, one in which there was equality of the genders in positions of influence and leadership, and no gender stereotyping of roles. Apart from the fairness and consistency of that expectation, it is also reasonable to expect the neutral template of teacher employment and textbook selection in schools. Many children may grow up with few books in their homes but lots of those in their schools. Many of the textbooks used in elementary schools, according to recent studies, contain gender stereotypes. In these, females are rarely found as central characters and when they appear at all, they are often passive figures dependent on male characters. Women are frequently shown in domestic roles; in most textbooks it is assumed that only males 'go out to work' whereas daughters are the best helpers of their mothers whose sons are allowed to do what they wish. In the light of those allegations, this research is designed as a case study which addresses itself to the aim of looking into stereotyped gender role presentations existing in elementary school textbooks used by the students studying at 1st-5th grades in 2001/2002 academic year of an elementary school placed in Burdur and to see whether these students are affected by the exposure of those stereotyped gender role presentations. For this purpose, the textbooks being studied are analyzed according to pre-set categories to deduce how they include stereotyped gender role presentations and the evaluation of the effects of that exposure on students are made by asking 1st-3rd grade students to draw and 4th-5th grade students to write compositions on a given topic. This study also attempts to find outÖğrencilerine yaşamlarının ileri aşamasında kendi hür iradelerini ve becerilerini geliştirme fırsatları sunduğu iddiasında olan bir eğitim sisteminin içeriğinde, faydalı özelliklere sahip, etkin liderlik konumlarında cinsiyetler arasında eşitliğin bulunduğu ve dahası rollerin cinsiyetlere göre kalıp örnekler olarak belirlenmediği bir kariyer yapısının bulunması beklenmelidir. Bu beklentinin uygunluk ve tutarlılığı bir yana, okullarda öğretmen istihdamı ve ders kitabı seçimi konusunda da tarafsız bir şablona sahip olmalıdır. Pek çok çocuk evlerinde birkaç kitapla okullarında ise düzinelerce kitapla büyür. Yakın zamanda yapılan araştırmalara göre, ilkokullarda okutulan ders kitaplarının büyük bir kısmı cinsiyetçi kalıplar içermektedir. Bu kitaplarda, kadınlar nadiren ana karakter olarak karşımıza çıkarlar ve ana karakter oldukları durumlarda da genellikle erkek karakterlere bağımlı pasif figürlerdir. Kadınlar çoğu zaman ev hayatı ile ilgili rollerde gösterilir; birçok ders kitabında, sadece erkeklerin işe gittikleri, erkek çocuklarının canları ne isterse yapabilecekleri, kız çocuklarının ise annelerinin en iyi yardımcıları oldukları varsayımından hareket edilir. vi Bu iddialar ışığında araştırma, 2001-2002 eğitim-öğretim yılında Burdur'da bir ilköğretim okulunun 1-5'inci sınıflarında öğrenim gören öğrencilerine okutulan ders kitaplarında, toplumsal cinsiyet rolü kalıp sunumlarının varlığının incelenmesini ve öğrencilerin, bu tür cinsiyetçi sunumlardan etkilenip etkilenmediklerinin öğrenilmesini hedefleyen bir vaka çalışması olarak hazırlanmıştır. Bu amaçla, okutulmakta olan ders kitapları, toplumsal cinsiyet rolü kalıp sunumlarını ne şekilde içerdiklerinin anlaşılması için önceden belirlenmiş kategorilere uygun olarak analiz edilmiş, bu sunumların öğrenciler üzerindeki etkilerinin değerlendirmesi ise, 1- 3'üncü sınıf öğrencilerinden belirlenen bir konuda resim yapmaları, 4-5'inci sınıf öğrencilerinden ise yine aynı konu üzerine resim çizmeleri ve kompozisyon yazmaları istenerek yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın bir diğer amacı da, Türk ilköğretim okullarının 1-5'inci sınıflarında eğitim veren öğretmenlerin kendileri ile mülakat yapılmak suretiyle, incelenen ders kitaplarındaki toplumsal cinsiyet rolü kalıp sunumlarının farkında olup olmadıkları ve bu rollerin kalıp sunumları konusunda genel görüşleri öğrenilmek istenmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucunda, 2001/2002 eğitim-öğretim yılında, Burdur'da incelenen ilköğretim okulunun 1-5'inci sınıflarında okutulan ders kitaplarında, toplumsal cinsiyet rolü kalıp sunumlarına ve aynı okulda eğitim gören öğrencilerin resim ve kompozisyonlarında da bu tür sunumların yansımalarına rastlanmıştır. Yapılan mülakatlar esnasında ise öğretmenlerin, toplumsal cinsiyet rolü kavramına ve söz konusu ders kitaplarında yer alan bu rollerin kalıp sunumlarına karşı farklı bakış açılarına sahip oldukları gözlenmiştir.M.S. - Master of Scienc