16 research outputs found

    A Decision Framework to Assist Local Communities in Managing Troublesome Solid Waste

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    Certain solid wastes; tires, batteries, etc. present potential health risks if they are improperly managed. A methodology has been implemented for evaluating available options for managing these materials. Landfilling and incineration are the management options focussed upon but the framework can be expanded to more fully include other options such as recycling and banning. Potential human exposures from each option are compared to risk related health guidelines or standards to determine health risks. A case study evaluates management of polybrominated flame retardant materials in municipal solid waste in Wilmington, N.C. Aerometric and ground water models are utilized for estimating probability related exposures. The aerometric model is driven by a Gaussian plume model, and the migration of toxic material in ground water is estimated from a two dimensional analytical model sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute. Exposure ranges in air, water, and food are developed by assigning probabilities to uncertain input parameters such as stack emission rates and landfill leachate concentrations. The data produced is for illustrative purposes in order to demonstrate the methodology. Frequency versus concentration plots are generated from which levels of exposure derived from different management options can be compared and the option which presents the lowest health risk to the community determined. Consideration is given to the cost of risk reduction to the community in order to implement the management option which poses the least health risk.Master of Science in Public Healt

    A Farewell to the Armed Hospital: Military-Medical Discourse in Frederic Henry’s Italy

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    Reads Hemingway’s themes of health and medicine through the lens of Michel Foucault’s theory of biopower, the politics of the body. Hausle analyzes the power structures hidden beneath the novel’s surface, covering the function of the hospital, role of geographical space, the military-health complex’s shaping of attitudes towards sexual activity, and Catherine’s pregnancy. Essay from Alex Vernon’s senior seminar on Hemingway


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    TCAR, the Transatlantic Cooperative AGS Radar: A Programmatic and Technical Overview

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    In view of the NATO Air to Ground Surveillance requirement a feasibility study on the development of an advanced SAR/MTI radar system has been conducted by a group of industries from 6 nations (FR, GE, IT, NL, SP, USA). The architectural design of the system is based on knowledge from currently ongoing radar programs in these countries. A programmatic and technical overview of the TCAR program will be presented in this paper. Furthermore a discussion is presented on global requirements, platform configurations and scalability aspects, technical approach to simultaneous SAR and MTI operation, global radar configuration, processing aspects, radar mode developments