550 research outputs found

    Cytochrome b6 from isolated cytochrome b6f complexes Evidence for two spectral forms with different midpoint potentials

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    AbstractCytochrome b6 from spinach chloroplasts (either within the purified cytochrome b6f complex, or in its isolated form) exhibits two spectral species, which correspond to two midpoint potentials. This can be demonstrated by low temperature difference spectroscopy at fixed redox potentials. The high potential form of cytochrome b6 has a split α-peak at 557.5 and 561.5 nm, the low potential form has a symmetrical α-peak at 560.5 nm. Similar results were obtained with cytochrome b6 in the isolated cytochrome b6f complex from the cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis

    "LIIKE ON LÄÄKE" : Ohjevihko kotiharjoitteluun Parkinsonia sairastaville ja heidän läheisilleen

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tuottaa kirjallinen liikuntaopas Parkinsonin tautia sairastaville ja heidän läheisilleen. Työn tilaaja, Kyyhkylän kuntoutuskeskus, järjestää vuosittain kursseja Par-kinsonin tautia sairastaville. Kurssilaiset ovat toivoneet ohjeistusta kotona suoritettavaan liikun-taan ja kuntoutukseen. Yhdessä tilaajan kanssa päädyttiin ratkaisuun tehdä hyvät ja selkeät kirjal-liset ohjeet kotiharjoitteluun. Opinnäytetyö tehtiin toiminnallisena opinnäytetyönä, jonka perustana on sairaudesta ja kuntou-tuksesta kerätty teoriatieto. Teoriatiedon perusteella luotiin kotiharjoitteluopas Parkinsonin sai-rautta ajatellen. Opinnäytetyön teoriaosuudessa käsiteltiin Parkinsonin tautia, hoitomuotoja, lii-kuntaa ja kuntoutusta. ”LIIKE ON LÄÄKE”-ohjevihko on selkeä ja helppolukuinen opas Parkinson-sairaiden omatoi-miseen harjoitteluun. Ohjevihkon harjoitteet on valokuvattu ja varustettu lyhyin kuvatekstein. Ohjevihkon tavoitteena on kannustaa liikkumaan ja ylläpitämään toimintakykyä. Liikkeet ja har-joitteet ovat helppo sisällyttää arkisiin toimintoihin ja lisäksi mukana on vinkkejä hyvistä liikun-talajeista ja -muodoista. Oppaan sisältämät harjoitteet keskittyvät Parkinsonin taudissa yleisesti esiintyviin oireisiin ja ongelmiin, joita on harjoittelulla mahdollisuus saada lievittymään

    Austria's competitiveness in times of digitalization: Still a prime location for HQs? Study Report 2019

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    In this study, we investigate how managers perceive Austria as one of Europe's prime locations for divisional and corporate headquarters (HQ) and how this might change in the context of the ongoing digital transformation. Drawing on our quantitative survey results, we find that Austria as a HQ location will remain attractive and seems to be well prepared for the digital transformation. 74% of our respondents rate the technological infrastructure in Austria as positive. Similarly, the access to digitalization expertise from startups, law firms, consultants, etc. receives good ratings from 67% of our respondents. Consequently, the responding managers from divisional and corporate HQs predominantly predict that Austria will be able to retain or even attract more HQs in the future. The biggest hurdle for Austria appears to be a lack of digitalization talent: 59% disagree or strongly disagree with the notion that "Austria provides sufficient access to digitalization talent"

    Headquarters of the future: The Impact of digitalization on Headquarters structures and value added. Study Report 2019

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    In this report, we investigate how the digital transformation impacts headquarters (HQs). Drawing on 85 survey responses from corporate and divisional HQ managers in Austria, we find that the digital transformation is expected to fundamentally change the HQ of the future in terms of how the HQ will derive decisions, how it will interact with its subunits, and how the HQ will add value to the firm. The majority of firms see the digital transformation primarily as an opportunity to increase the value-added that the HQ generates for its subunits as opposed to increased cost efficiency. Additionally, the responding HQ managers foresee a much more influential role of HQs vis-à-vis its subunits, based on better and more timely information, as well as more room for strategic thinking. Finally, our results suggest that many firms need to put more effort into digitalizing their HQ. Only 26% of the responding firms seem to have developed a clear idea what the digital transformation means for their HQ. These advanced firms see the highest potential in digitalizing the HQ. To this end, the biggest barrier to stepping up the digital transformation of the HQ seems to be the lack of digital talent

    Economic Underdevelopment and the Population Explosion: Implications for U.S. Immigration Policy

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    Background: Prediction of timing for the onset and peak of an influenza pandemic is of vital importance for preventive measures. In order to identify common spatiotemporal patterns and climate influences for pandemics in Sweden we have studied the propagation in space and time of A(H1N1)pdm09 (10,000 laboratory verified cases), the Asian Influenza 1957-1958 (275,000 cases of influenza-like illness (ILI), reported by local physicians) and the Russian Influenza 1889-1890 (32,600 ILI cases reported by physicians shortly after the end of the outbreak). Methods: All cases were geocoded and analysed in space and time. Animated video sequences, showing weekly incidence per municipality and its geographically weighted mean (GWM), were created to depict and compare the spread of the pandemics. Daily data from 1957-1958 on temperature and precipitation from 39 weather stations were collected and analysed with the case data to examine possible climatological effects on the influenza dissemination. Results: The epidemic period lasted 11 weeks for the Russian Influenza, 10 weeks for the Asian Influenza and 9 weeks for the A(H1N1)pdm09. The Russian Influenza arrived in Sweden during the winter and was immediately disseminated, while both the Asian Influenza and the A(H1N1)pdm09 arrived during the spring. They were seeded over the country during the summer, but did not peak until October-November. The weekly GWM of the incidence moved along a line from southwest to northeast for the Russian and Asian Influenza but northeast to southwest for the A(H1N1)pdm09. The local epidemic periods of the Asian Influenza were preceded by falling temperature in all but one of the locations analysed. Conclusions: The power of spatiotemporal analysis and modeling for pandemic spread was clearly demonstrated. The epidemic period lasted approximately 10 weeks for all pandemics. None of the pandemics had its epidemic period before late autumn. The epidemic period of the Asian Influenza was preceded by falling temperatures. Climate influences on pandemic spread seem important and should be further investigated

    Puzzling subunits of mitochondrial cytochrome reductase

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    The ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase complex, like the other proton-pumping respiratory complexes of mitochondria, is an assembly of many different subunits. However, only a few of these subunits participate directly in the electron transfer and proton translocation. The roles of the other subunits are largely unknown. We discuss here some intriguing features of two of these subunits