1,777 research outputs found

    Interstellar H-Alpha Line Profiles toward HD 93521 and the Lockman Window

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    We have used the Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper (WHAM) facility to measure the interstellar H-Alpha emission toward the high Galactic latitude O star HD 93521 (l = 183.1, b = +62.2). Three emission components were detected having radial velocities of -10 km s^{-1}, -51 km s^{-1}, and -90 km s^{-1} with respect to the local standard of rest (LSR) and H-Alpha intensities of 0.20 R, 0.15 R, and 0.023 R, respectively, corresponding to emission measures of 0.55 cm^{-6} pc, 0.42 cm^{-6} pc, and 0.06 cm^{-6} pc. We have also detected an H-Alpha emission component at -1 km s^{-1} (LSR) with an intensity of 0.20 R (0.55 cm^{-6} pc) toward the direction l = 148.5, b = +53.0, which lies in the region of exceptionally low H I column density known as the Lockman Window. In addition, we studied the direction l = 163.5, b = +53.5. Upper limits on the possible intensity of Galactic emission toward this direction are 0.11 R at the LSR and 0.06 R at -50 km s^{-1}. We also detected and characterized twelve faint (~0.03-0.15 R), unidentified atmospheric lines present in WHAM H-Alpha spectra. Lastly, we have used WHAM to obtain [O I] 6300 spectra along the line of sight toward HD 93521. We place an upper limit of 0.060 R on the [O I] intensity of the -51 km s^{-1} component. If the temperature of the gas is 10,000 K within the H-Alpha emitting region, the hydrogen ionization fraction n(H+)/n(H_total) > 0.6.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures. Acccepted for publication in the 1 Feb issue of The Astronomical Journa

    Photoionization of Galactic Halo Gas by Old Supernova Remnants

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    We present new calculations on the contribution from cooling hot gas to the photoionization of warm ionized gas in the Galaxy. We show that hot gas in cooling supernova remnants (SNRs) is an important source of photoionization, particularly for gas in the halo. We find that in many regions at high latitude this source is adequate to account for the observed ionization so there is no need to find ways to transport stellar photons from the disk. The flux from cooling SNRs sets a floor on the ionization along any line of sight. Our model flux is also shown to be consistent with the diffuse soft X-ray background and with soft X-ray observations of external galaxies. We consider the ionization of the clouds observed towards the halo star HD 93521, for which there are no O stars close to the line of sight. We show that the observed ionization can be explained successfully by our model EUV/soft X-ray flux from cooling hot gas. In particular, we can match the H alpha intensity, the S++/S+ ratio, and the C+* column. From observations of the ratios of columns of C+* and either S+ or H0, we are able to estimate the thermal pressure in the clouds. The slow clouds require high (~10^4 cm^-3 K) thermal pressures to match the N(C+*)/N(S+) ratio. Additional heating sources are required for the slow clouds to maintain their ~7000 K temperatures at these pressures, as found by Reynolds, Hausen & Tufte (1999).Comment: AASTeX 5.01; 34 pages, 2 figures; submitted to Astrophysical Journa

    Self-Assembly of Patchy Particles into Polymer Chains: A Parameter-Free Comparison between Wertheim Theory and Monte Carlo Simulation

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    We numerically study a simple fluid composed of particles having a hard-core repulsion, complemented by two short-ranged attractive (sticky) spots at the particle poles, which provides a simple model for equilibrium polymerization of linear chains. The simplicity of the model allows for a close comparison, with no fitting parameters, between simulations and theoretical predictions based on the Wertheim perturbation theory, a unique framework for the analytic prediction of the properties of self-assembling particle systems in terms of molecular parameter and liquid state correlation functions. This theory has not been subjected to stringent tests against simulation data for ordering across the polymerization transition. We numerically determine many of the thermodynamic properties governing this basic form of self-assembly (energy per particle, order parameter or average fraction of particles in the associated state, average chain length, chain length distribution, average end-to-end distance of the chains, and the static structure factor) and find that predictions of the Wertheim theory accord remarkably well with the simulation results

    On the classification of Kahler-Ricci solitons on Gorenstein del Pezzo surfaces

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    We give a classification of all pairs (X,v) of Gorenstein del Pezzo surfaces X and vector fields v which are K-stable in the sense of Berman-Nystrom and therefore are expected to admit a Kahler-Ricci solition. Moreover, we provide some new examples of Fano threefolds admitting a Kahler-Ricci soliton.Comment: 21 pages, ancillary files containing calculations in SageMath; minor correction

    Relationship Between Plasma Glucose Levels and Malignant Uterine Cervical Neoplasias

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    Background There is a direct correlation between glycemic load and the risk of developing many malignant neoplasms. Aims The aim of this study was to determine the plasma glucose levels in women with cervical cancer. Methods The study included 177 women with anatomopathologically diagnosed uterine cervical cancer (stages 0–IV) treated between 1980 and 2008 at the Gynecology and Obstetrics outpatient service of the UFTM, Brazil. The plasma glucose levels of all patients were assayed at the time of diagnosis and correlated with tumor staging. Results We statistically compared the plasma glucose levels of group 1 (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2–3), group 2 (stage I–II), group 3 (stage III–IV), and group 4 (control group: leiomyomas). Patient groups with poor prognosis (groups 2 and 3) showed significantly higher plasma glucose levels ( P 90 mg/dl showed CIN versus I/II: P = 0.0753; OR = 2.018; (95% CI: 0.9236 to 4.410) and CIN versus III/IV: P = 0.0975; OR = 2.400; (95% CI: 0.8335 to 6.911). Conclusion We observed an association between high plasma glucose levels and cervical cancer cases with poor prognoses. Plasma glucose tests should be routinely used as additional prognostic parameters in patients with cervical neoplasias

    Universal Statistical Behavior of Neural Spike Trains

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    We construct a model that predicts the statistical properties of spike trains generated by a sensory neuron. The model describes the combined effects of the neuron's intrinsic properties, the noise in the surrounding, and the external driving stimulus. We show that the spike trains exhibit universal statistical behavior over short times, modulated by a strongly stimulus-dependent behavior over long times. These predictions are confirmed in experiments on H1, a motion-sensitive neuron in the fly visual system.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Textures And Traction: How Tube-Dwelling Polychaetes Get A Leg Up

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    By controlling the traction between its body and the tube wall, a tube-dwelling polychaete can move efficiently from one end of its tube to the other, brace its body during normal functions (e.g., ventilation and feeding), and anchor within its tube avoiding removal by predators. To examine the potential physical interaction between worms and the tubes they live in, scanning electron microscopy was used to reveal and quantify the morphology of worm bodies and the tubes they produce for species representing 13 families of tube-dwelling polychaetes. In the tubes of most species there were macroscopic or nearly macroscopic (~10 μm–1 mm) bumps or ridges that protruded slightly into the lumen of the tube; these could provide purchase as a worm moves or anchors. At this scale (~10 μm-1 mm), the surfaces of the chaetal heads that interact with the tube wall were typically small enough to fit within spaces between these bumps (created by the inward projection of exogenous materials incorporated into the tube wall) or ridges (made by secretions on the interior surface of the tube). At a finer scale (0.01–10 μm), there was a second overlap in size, usually between the dentition on the surfaces of chaetae that interact with the tube walls and the texture provided by the secreted strands or microscopic inclusions of the inner linings. These linings had a surprising diversity of micro-textures. The most common micro-texture was a “fabric” of secreted threads, but there were also orderly micro-ridges, wrinkles, and rugose surfaces provided by microorganisms incorporated into the inner tube lining. Understanding the fine structures of tubes in conjunction with the morphologies of the worms that build them gives insight into how tubes are constructed and how worms live within them

    Localized direction selective responses in the dendrites of visual interneurons of the fly

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The various tasks of visual systems, including course control, collision avoidance and the detection of small objects, require at the neuronal level the dendritic integration and subsequent processing of many spatially distributed visual motion inputs. While much is known about the pooled output in these systems, as in the medial superior temporal cortex of monkeys or in the lobula plate of the insect visual system, the motion tuning of the elements that provide the input has yet received little attention. In order to visualize the motion tuning of these inputs we examined the dendritic activation patterns of neurons that are selective for the characteristic patterns of wide-field motion, the lobula-plate tangential cells (LPTCs) of the blowfly. These neurons are known to sample direction-selective motion information from large parts of the visual field and combine these signals into axonal and dendro-dendritic outputs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fluorescence imaging of intracellular calcium concentration allowed us to take a direct look at the local dendritic activity and the resulting local preferred directions in LPTC dendrites during activation by wide-field motion in different directions. These 'calcium response fields' resembled a retinotopic dendritic map of local preferred directions in the receptive field, the layout of which is a distinguishing feature of different LPTCs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study reveals how neurons acquire selectivity for distinct visual motion patterns by dendritic integration of the local inputs with different preferred directions. With their spatial layout of directional responses, the dendrites of the LPTCs we investigated thus served as matched filters for wide-field motion patterns.</p

    Rapid, sensitive, type specific PCR detection of the E7 region of human papillomavirus type 16 and 18 from paraffin embedded sections of cervical carcinoma

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, and in particularly infection with HPVs 16 and 18, is a central carcinogenic factor in the uterine cervix. We established and optimized a PCR assay for the detection and discrimination of HPV types 16 and 18 in archival formaldehyde fixed and paraffin embedded (FFPE) sections of cervical cancer
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