21 research outputs found

    Mapovanie výskytu a populačná dynamika invázneho druhu Heracleum mantegazzianum v poľnohospodárskej krajine

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    In recent years, giant hogweed [Heracleum mantegazzianum (Somm. et Levier)], an invasive neophyte, has spread aggressively in intensively farmed agricultural landscape in the Central Europe. This toxic invasive plant prefers drier agricultural fields or grasslands. The aim of this paper was to study the distribution and population dynamics of H. mantegazzianum and to evaluate its management measures taken in the town of Spišská Stará Ves in the Kežmarok district located in northern Slovakia. H. mantegazzianum has successfully spread in the cadastral area of Spišská Stará Ves in the buffer zone of the national park of Pieniny. The total area of the PIENAP and its buffer zone invaded by H. mantegazzianum was approximately 457,000 m2. The research took place in 2013, on an area colonized by the species (28,900 m2) located on the land of the former agricultural cooperative farm. The taxon has spread mainly on abandoned areas (64.7% of the total area occupied by H. mantegazzianum), on permanent grasslands (28%) and along the banks of the Dunajec river (7.3%), where it formed polycenoses with a group dispersion. The population density of H. mantegazzianum decreased by about 46% on the research sites after the management measures provided in July 2013. It can be concluded that the management measures were poorly effective, because as evidenced by of the area occupied by the species.K nepôvodným a invázne sa šíriacim druhom v intenzívne obhospodarovanej poľnohospodárskej krajine Strednej Európy patrí neofyt boľševník obrovský [Heracleum mantegazzianum (Somm. et Levier)]. Uprednostňuje suchšie poľnohospodárske pôdy a trávnaté porasty a je charakteristický toxickými účinkami. Cieľom práce bolo zmapovať výskyt a rozšírenie, populačnú dynamiku a zhodnotiť manažment v meste Spišská Stará Ves v okrese Kežmarok na severnom Slovensku. H. mantegazzianum sa úspešne šíri v katastrálnom území mesta Spišská Stará Ves na severnom Slovensku v ochrannom pásme Pieninského národného parku. V roku 2013 kolonizoval plochu o veľkosti 28 900 m2. Taxón sa rozšíril hlavne na opustených plochách (64,7% z celkovej plochy obsadenej H. mantegazzianum), na trvalých trávnych porastoch (28%) a pozdĺž brehov rieky Dunajec (7,3%), kde tvoril polycenózy so skupinovou disperziou. Populačná hustota rastlín na výskumných plochách po vykonanom manažmente klesla o 46%. Dospeli sme k záveru, že manažmentové opatrenia neboli dostatočné účinné o čom svedčí plocha obsadená týmto druhom

    Heavy metals determination in edible wild mushrooms growing in former mining area - Slovakia: Health risk assessment

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    The aim of the paper is to assess a contamination level of forest substrates and aboveground parts of edible wild mushroom (M. procera (Scop.) Singer, B. recitulatus Schaeff., C. cibarius Fr., S. grevillei (Klotzsch) Singer, A. campestris L., R. xerampelina (Schaeff.) Fr., L. salmonicolor R. Heim & Leclair, C. gibba (Pers. Ex Fr.) Kumm., X. chrysenteron (Bull.) Quél., M. oreades (Bolton) Fr.; n = 70) by heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn). The studied location was a broader surroundigs of the historical mining and metal processing area of Banská Bystrica. The collected mushroom samples and underlying substrate samples were analysed using Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrofotometry and Flame Absorption Spectrophotometry with graphite furnace. Bioaccumulation factors (BAF) for individual species and their anatomical parts were calculated from the results obtained. In order to assess a health risk resulting from regular consumption of the mushrooms, provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) was calculated from the results of the monitored heavy metal concentration. Limit values for the studied contaminants (Cd: 0.49 mg.kg-1 and Pb: 1.75 mg.kg-1 for an individual with an average weight of 70 kg) are defined by FAO and WHO. Our results indicate that S. grevillei has a high bioaccumulation ability of Cd. It was confirmed by bioaccumulation factors (BAFH = 3.47 and BAFRFB = 2.30). The PTWICd value was exceeded by 4.11 times. A similar situation occurred in the case of Pb where the highest bioaccumulation factor (BAFH = 0.24 and BAFRFB = 0.19) was also recorded in the samples of S. grevillei and the PTWIPb value was exceeded by 1.35 times. In general, it can be stated that a consumption of edible wild mushrooms represent a relatively small risk of negative impact on the health of consumers

    Determination of heavy metals concentration in raw sheep milk from mercury polluted area

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    The paper focuses on determining the content of monitored contaminants (Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn) in 53 samples of raw sheep milk collected in 2013 and 2014 on the sites Poráč and Matejovce nad Hornádom (middle Spiš). The area is characterized by historical mining and metalworking activity (mining and processing of polymetallic ores rich in Hg, Cd and Pb). Currently, the area is one of the most mercury contaminated areas in Central Europe. All statistical analyses were carried out using the statistical software Statistica 10.0 (Statsoft, USA). Descriptive data analysis included minimum value, maximum value, arithmetic mean and standard deviation. The results of the studied contaminant content show that the limit value for cadmium (10 μg.kg-1) was exceeded in 25 samples. In the case of lead, the limit value of 20 μg.kg-1 was exceeded in 16 cases. The limit value for copper (0.4 mg.kg-1) was exceeded in one case. The limit value for zinc is not defined by a legislative standard. The risk level of the studied contaminants in the samples of raw sheep milk decreases as follows: Cd > Pb > Hg > Cu > Zn. It can be concluded that frequent and long-term consumption of the raw sheep milk originating from the studied sites poses a health risk. The content of the contaminants in the milk and their eventual transition into dairy products should be monitored over a longer term in more detail

    Mapping of alien species of Asclepias syriaca and Fallopia japonica populations in the agricultural landscape

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    In recent years, Asclepias syriaca, a invasive neophyte, has spread aggressively in intensively farmed agricultural landscape in the Central Slovakia

    Methylxanthines and catechines in different teas (Camellia sinensis L. Kuntze) - influence on antioxidant properties

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    In general, there are four basic types of tea: green (not fermented), black (fermented), oolong and white tea (partially fermented). The differences among these types are in the processing technology, which is largely reflected in their chemical composition. The most influential factor that significantly affects the quality and quantity of substances (biologically active) is the processing temperature, which causes changes in the composition (isomerization and/or transformation). The present paper focuses on monitoring content of three methylxanthines - alkaloids (caffeine, theophylline and theobromine), and seven flavan-3-ols - catechins ((+)-catechin (C), (-)-catechin-3-gallate (C-3-G), (-)-epicatechin (EC), (-)-epicatechin-3-gallate (EC-3-G), (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGC-3-G), (-)-gallocatechin (GC) and (-)-gallocatechin-3-gallate (GC 3-G)), which are characteristic for tea. Attention was also given to the assessment of selected antioxidant parameters using spectrophotometric procedures (ABTS - radical cation decolorization assay and Phosphomolybdenum reducing antioxidant power assay) in relation to the determined substances using RP-HPLC/DAD analysis. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that a type of tea clearly affects the quality and quantity of the substances that have a positive impact on the consumer's health, significantly reflected in the levels of antioxidant active substances determined by the spectrophotometric procedures. The highest content of methylxanthin, catechins, polyphenols and antioxidant substances was recorded in the green tea sample GT3. The highest content of flavonoids and phenolic acids was recorded in the Pu-erh tea sample PT 5

    Hodnotenie vybraných genotypov Miscanthus na produkciu bioplynu ako možného riešenia regionálnej bioenergie

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    Plantations of fast-growing crops represent local agroecosystems providing provisioning services in the form of phytomass that can be utilized for energy and/or non-energy purposes. Permanent grasses such as Miscanthus are identified as potentially suitable sources of raw materials for the output of second-generation biofuels. The experiments focused on the production ability of the perennial energy grass Miscanthus were performed in the region of SW Slovakia. It was confirmed that the studied genotypes (Miscanthus sinensis Tatai and Miscanthus × giganteus) exceeded the costefficient level of biomass production. The above-ground biomass of the studied genotypes was ensiled and afterwards fed to the experimental fermenters to evaluate the biogas production. The experiments with individual silage mixtures lasted 600 hours. The total amount of biogas produced from M. × giganteus and M. sinensis Tatai silage mixture was 273 dm3 and 328 dm3, respectively. The average share of methane in the biogas of both studied samples of silage mixtures was 51%. On the basis of the 10-year average yields of the studied Miscanthus genotypes achieved in our conditions, it is possible to produce 8 181 m3/ha (M. × giganteus) and 11 248 m3/ha (M. sinensis Tatai) of biogas from the silage mixtures. The achieved production represents sufficient and stable amount of biogas and its use can be economically efficient and sustainable in the long run in SW Slovakia.Plantáže rýchlorastúcich rastlín predstavujú lokálne agroekosystémy poskytujúce zásobovacie služby vo forme fytomasy využiteľnej na energetické a/alebo neenergetické účely. Trvalé trávy ako Miscanthus sú identifikované ako potenciálne vhodné zdroje surovín na výrobu biopalív druhej generácie. Experimenty zamerané na produkčnú schopnosť trvácej energetickej trávy Miscanthus boli realizované v regióne JZ Slovenska. Potvrdilo sa, že študované genotypy (Miscanthus sinensis Tatai a Miscanthus × giganteus) prekročili ekonomicky efektívnu úroveň produkcie biomasy. Nadzemná biomasa študovaných genotypov bola silážovaná a následne privedená do experimentálnych na vyhodnotenie produkcie bioplynu. Pokusy s jednotlivými silážnymi zmesami trvali 600 hodín. Celkový objem vyprodukovaného bioplynu zo silážnej zmesi M. × giganteus a M. sinensis Tatai bol 273 dm3 a 328 dm3. Priemerný obsah metánu v bioplyne oboch študovaných vzoriek silážnych zmesí bol 51%. Na základe 10-ročných priemerných výnosov študovaných genotypov Miscanthus dosiahnutých v našich podmienkach je možné vyrobiť 8 181 m3/ha (M. × giganteus) a 11 248 m3/ha (M. sinensis Tatai) bioplynu z tzv. silážne zmesi. Dosiahnutá produkcia predstavuje dostatočné a stabilné množstvo bioplynu a jeho využitie môže byť na JZ Slovenska ekonomicky efektívne a dlhodobo udržateľné

    Bioenergy potential of agricultural phytomass production in Slovakia

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    Biomass is a highly versatile renewable energy source used on a global scale. The paper discusses the current state of biomass energy use in the EU and Slovakia. Residual biomass was found as a key feedstock for the European bioeconomy. Slovakia is one of the most forested and rural countries in the EU. Therefore, biomass energy has the highest technical potential from all renewables in Slovakia. The main objective of the paper was to evaluate the phytomass production of the selected crops and their energy potential in individual self-governing regions of Slovakia. It is focused on the production of usable post-harvest residues theoretically used for energy purposes from the following studied main crops: wheat, rye, oats, barley, maize, potatoes, oilseed rape and sugar beet. The results show the estimated production of usable post-harvest residues of the selected crops and their energy potential in individual self-governing regions in Slovakia in 2019. The total production of usable post-harvest residues from the studied crops was 4,854,017 t and their estimated energy potential was 68 PJ. This amount of energy would cover 10% of the total energy consumption in Slovakia. The top three productive crops were maize, wheat, and sugar beet. Maize had the highest energy potential of 28.1 PJ, followed by wheat at 19 PJ and sugar beet at 14.2 PJ. The highest yields of post-harvest residues, as well as energy potential, were found in the Nitra region

    Methodology of building IS in service-oriented architecture environment

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    Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) together with Enterprise Architecture (EA) has became a main essence on the way to improve an alignment between business and IT representatives. The result of this alignment should be an increased efficiency of delivering IT projects in the company. Last decade it was the number one declined word in many companies. But most of them found out that SOA did not bring them expected results. The thesis deals with the methodology of building information systems and information and communication technology (IS/ICT) in SOA environment. It is a part of the research plan of the Department of Information Technologies of University of Economics in Prague. The main objective of the thesis is to extend the methodological framework MeFIS2 to add methodical pattern "Building IS in service-oriented architecture environment". In the analytical part of the thesis are presented and analyzed selected methodologies and standards focused on service orientation with aim to assist in the implementation of SOA into companies. A large amount of such methodologies and standards have been unveiled what leaded to a confusing information labyrinth. It's one of the reasons why standardization organizations gradually began to issue additional standards and methodologies to assist in the proper implementation of SOA into companies. The main part of work is to extend methodological framework MeFIS, so that it can be used to create a methodological pattern for building IS/ICT in SOA environment. The result of this section is to achieve the main goal to create a methodological pattern "Building IS in service-oriented architecture environment". In the practical part is the proposed methodological pattern applied in the real case study in the environment of telecommunication operator

    Methodology of building IS in service-oriented architecture environment

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    Architektúra orientovaná na služby (SOA) [Service Oriented Architecture] sa stala spolu s podnikovou architektúrou (EA) [Enterprise Architecture] kľúčovým faktorom v procese narovnania komunikácie medzi zástupcami biznisu a IT. Výsledkom tohto procesu by mala byť zvýšená efektivita dodávania IT projektov v podniku. Sú to jedny z najčastejšie skloňovaných slov v podnikoch vôbec. Časom si ale podniky začali uvedomovať, že výsledky projektov zameraných na rozvoj SOA v podniku nie sú také, aké očakávali. Dizertačná práca sa zaoberá metodikou budovania informačných systémov a informačných a komunikačných technológií (IS/ICT) v prostredí SOA. Je súčasťou výskumného zámeru Katedry informačných technológií VŠE. Hlavným cieľom dizertačnej práce je rozšírenie metodického rámca MeFIS1 o metodický vzor "Budovanie IS v prostredí architektúry orientovanej na služby". V analytickej časti dizertačnej práce sú predstavené a analyzované vybrané metodiky a štandardy zamerané na orientáciu na služby, ktorých úlohou je pomôcť pri zavádzaní SOA do podnikov. Takýchto metodík a štandardov zaoberajúcich sa danou problematikou začalo vznikať také veľké množstvo, až bolo neprehľadné sa vo vzniknutom bludisku vyznať. Je to jeden z dôvodov prečo začali štandardizačné organizácie postupne vydávať ďalšie štandardy a metodiky pomáhajúce pri správnom zavádzaní SOA do podnikov. V hlavnej časti práce je rozšírený metodický rámec MeFIS, tak aby mohol byť použitý na vytvorenie metodického vzoru na budovanie IS/ICT v prostredí orientovanom na služby. Výsledkom tejto časti je naplnenie hlavného cieľa a to vytvorenie metodického vzoru Budovanie IS v prostredí architektúry orientovanej na služby. V praktickej časti je navrhnutý metodický vzor aplikovaný v reálnej prípadovej štúdii v prostredí telekomunikačného operátora.Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) together with Enterprise Architecture (EA) has became a main essence on the way to improve an alignment between business and IT representatives. The result of this alignment should be an increased efficiency of delivering IT projects in the company. Last decade it was the number one declined word in many companies. But most of them found out that SOA did not bring them expected results. The thesis deals with the methodology of building information systems and information and communication technology (IS/ICT) in SOA environment. It is a part of the research plan of the Department of Information Technologies of University of Economics in Prague. The main objective of the thesis is to extend the methodological framework MeFIS2 to add methodical pattern "Building IS in service-oriented architecture environment". In the analytical part of the thesis are presented and analyzed selected methodologies and standards focused on service orientation with aim to assist in the implementation of SOA into companies. A large amount of such methodologies and standards have been unveiled what leaded to a confusing information labyrinth. It's one of the reasons why standardization organizations gradually began to issue additional standards and methodologies to assist in the proper implementation of SOA into companies. The main part of work is to extend methodological framework MeFIS, so that it can be used to create a methodological pattern for building IS/ICT in SOA environment. The result of this section is to achieve the main goal to create a methodological pattern "Building IS in service-oriented architecture environment". In the practical part is the proposed methodological pattern applied in the real case study in the environment of telecommunication operator.Architektúra orientovaná na služby (SOA) [Service Oriented Architecture] sa stala spolu s podnikovou architektúrou (EA) [Enterprise Architecture] kľúčovým faktorom v procese narovnania komunikácie medzi zástupcami biznisu a IT. Výsledkom tohto procesu by mala byť zvýšená efektivita dodávania IT projektov v podniku. Sú to jedny z najčastejšie skloňovaných slov v podnikoch vôbec. Časom si ale podniky začali uvedomovať, že výsledky projektov zameraných na rozvoj SOA v podniku nie sú také, aké očakávali. Dizertačná práca sa zaoberá metodikou budovania informačných systémov a informačných a komunikačných technológií (IS/ICT) v prostredí SOA. Je súčasťou výskumného zámeru Katedry informačných technológií VŠE. Hlavným cieľom dizertačnej práce je rozšírenie metodického rámca MeFIS1 o metodický vzor "Budovanie IS v prostredí architektúry orientovanej na služby". V analytickej časti dizertačnej práce sú predstavené a analyzované vybrané metodiky a štandardy zamerané na orientáciu na služby, ktorých úlohou je pomôcť pri zavádzaní SOA do podnikov. Takýchto metodík a štandardov zaoberajúcich sa danou problematikou začalo vznikať také veľké množstvo, až bolo neprehľadné sa vo vzniknutom bludisku vyznať. Je to jeden z dôvodov prečo začali štandardizačné organizácie postupne vydávať ďalšie štandardy a metodiky pomáhajúce pri správnom zavádzaní SOA do podnikov. V hlavnej časti práce je rozšírený metodický rámec MeFIS, tak aby mohol byť použitý na vytvorenie metodického vzoru na budovanie IS/ICT v prostredí orientovanom na služby. Výsledkom tejto časti je naplnenie hlavného cieľa a to vytvorenie metodického vzoru Budovanie IS v prostredí architektúry orientovanej na služby. V praktickej časti je navrhnutý metodický vzor aplikovaný v reálnej prípadovej štúdii v prostredí telekomunikačného operátora

    Energy Production Potential of Wood Biomass from SRC Plantations in Cadastral Area of Nové Zámky

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    The renewable energy sources play an important role in the discussions on the future energy generation. The European Union has set certain goals to increase the share of renewable energy sources and to reduce carbon emissions. The paper focuses on the evaluation of energy production from short rotation coppice (SRC) plantations in the cadastral area of Nové Zámky. The study area is located in south-western Slovakia. The energy production was evaluated based on GIS analysis of agricultural land suitable for establishment of short rotation coppice plantations. The high-quality arable land was excluded from the biomass production. The wood biomass should be produced on marginal, low-quality soils and contaminated or degraded land that is unsuitable for food production. There are only high and medium-quality soils classified in the qualitative groups 1–7 in the study area. The land potentially used for biomass production represents an area of 1,536 ha. If the whole area would be covered by short rotation coppice plantations, it would produce 4.8 kWh/day per person. Taking into consideration the overall losses of 33% in the process of the energy conversion, the potential power from the wood biomass production is 3.2 kWh/day per person. The plantations would provide 61 new jobs in the study area