154 research outputs found

    Energy and power fluctuations in ac-driven coherent conductors

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    Using a scattering matrix approach we study transport in coherent conductors driven by a time-periodic bias voltage. We investigate the role of electron-like and hole-like excitations created by the driving in the energy current noise and we reconcile previous studies on charge current noise in this kind of systems. The energy noise reveals additional features due to electron-hole correlations. These features should be observable in power fluctuations. In particular, we show results for the case of a harmonic and bi-harmonic driving and of Lorentzian pulses applied to a two-terminal conductor, addressing the recent experiments of Refs. 1 and 2.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Correlations between charge and energy current in ac-driven coherent conductors

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    We study transport in coherent conductors driven by a time-periodic bias voltage. We present results of the charge and energy noise and complement them by a study of the mixed noise, namely the zero-frequency correlator between charge and energy current. The mixed noise presents interference contributions and transport contributions, showing features different from those of charge and energy noise. The mixed noise can be accessed by measuring the correlator between the fluctuations of the power provided to the system and the charge current.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Self impedance matched Hall-effect gyrators and circulators

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    We present a model study of an alternative implementation of a two-port Hall-effect microwave gyrator. Our set-up involves three electrodes, one of which acts as a common ground for the others. Based on the capacitive-coupling model of Viola and DiVincenzo, we analyze the performance of the device and we predict that ideal gyration can be achieved at specific frequencies. Interestingly, the impedance of the three-terminal gyrator can be made arbitrarily small for certain coupling strengths, so that no auxiliary impedance matching is required. Although the bandwidth of the device shrinks as the impedance decreases, it can be improved by reducing the magnetic field; it can be realistically increased up to 150MHz 150 \mathrm{MHz} at 50Ω50\mathrm{\Omega} by working at filling factor ν=10\nu=10. We examine also the effects of the parasitic capacitive coupling between electrodes and we find that, although in general they strongly influence the response of device, their effect is negligible at low impedance. Finally, we analyze an interferometric implementation of a circulator, which incorporates the gyrator in a Mach-Zender-like construction. Perfect circulation in both directions can be achieved, depending on frequency and on the details of the interferometer

    Spin transport and tunable Gilbert damping in a single-molecule magnet junction

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    We study time-dependent electronic and spin transport through an electronic level connected to two leads and coupled with a single-molecule magnet via exchange interaction. The molecular spin is treated as a classical variable and precesses around an external magnetic field. We derive expressions for charge and spin currents by means of the Keldysh non-equilibrium Green's functions technique in linear order with respect to the time-dependent magnetic field created by this precession. The coupling between the electronic spins and the magnetization dynamics of the molecule creates inelastic tunneling processes which contribute to the spin currents. The inelastic spin currents, in turn, generate a spin-transfer torque acting on the molecular spin. This back-action includes a contribution to the Gilbert damping and a modification of the precession frequency. The Gilbert damping coefficient can be controlled by the bias and gate voltages or via the external magnetic field and has a non-monotonic dependence on the tunneling rates.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, final version including corrections to published articl

    Nonequilibrium phonon backaction on the current noise in atomic-sized junctions

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    We study backaction effects of phonon heating due to tunneling electrons on the current noise in atomic-sized junctions. Deriving a generalized kinetic approximation within the extended Keldysh Green's functions technique, we demonstrate the existence of a characteristic backaction contribution to the noise in case of low external phonon damping. We provide a physically intuitive interpretation of this contribution at large voltage in terms of slow fluctuations of the phonon occupation, and show that it generally gives a significant correction to the noise above the phonon emission threshold.Comment: v2 - update: 4 pages, 1 figure, minor changes in the main text nearly identical to the published version; the manuscript is supplemented by an updated Mathematica notebook and a new supplementary note in PDF, which are parts of the associated .zip bundl

    Phonon-assisted current noise in molecular junctions

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    We investigate the effects of phonon scattering on the electronic current noise through nanojunctions using the non-equilibrium Green's functions formalism extended to include the counting field. In the case of weak electron-phonon coupling and a single broad electronic level we derive an analytic expression for the current noise at arbitrary temperature and identify physically distinct contributions based on their voltage dependence. We apply our theory to the experimentally relevant case of a deuterium molecule placed in a break-junction and predict a significant inelastic contribution to the current noise.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; updated versio

    Transfer of a quantum state from a photonic qubit to a gate-defined quantum dot

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    Interconnecting well-functioning, scalable stationary qubits and photonic qubits could substantially advance quantum communication applications and serve to link future quantum processors. Here, we present two protocols for transferring the state of a photonic qubit to a single-spin and to a two-spin qubit hosted in gate-defined quantum dots (GDQD). Both protocols are based on using a localized exciton as intermediary between the photonic and the spin qubit. We use effective Hamiltonian models to describe the hybrid systems formed by the the exciton and the GDQDs and apply simple but realistic noise models to analyze the viability of the proposed protocols. Using realistic parameters, we find that the protocols can be completed with a success probability ranging between 85-97%

    Thermoelectric performance of a driven double quantum dot

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    In this paper we investigate the thermoelectric performance of a double-dot device driven by time-dependently modulated gate voltages. We show that if the modulation frequency {\Omega} is sufficiently small, not only quantized charge pumping can be realized, but also the heat current flowing in the leads is quantized and exhibits plateaux in units of kB T ln2 {\Omega}/2{\pi}. The factor ln2 stems from the degeneracy of the double-dot states involved into transport. This opens the possibility of using the pumping cycle to transfer heat against a temperature gradient or to extract work from a hot reservoir with Carnot efficiency. However, the performance of a realistic device is limited by dissipative effects due to leakage currents and finite-frequency operation, which we take into account rigorously by means of a generalized master equation approach in the regime where the double dot is weakly coupled to the leads. We show that despite these effects, the efficiency of a double-dot charge pump performing work against a dc-source can reach of up to 70% of the ideal value.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Anomalous suppression of the shot noise in a nanoelectromechanical system

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    In this paper we report a relaxation-induced suppression of the noise for a single level quantum dot coupled to an oscillator with incoherent dynamics in the sequential tunneling regime. It is shown that relaxation induces qualitative changes in the transport properties of the dot, depending on the strength of the electron-phonon coupling and on the applied voltage. In particular, critical thresholds in voltage and relaxation are found such that a suppression below 1/2 of the Fano factor is possible. Additionally, the current is either enhanced or suppressed by increasing relaxation, depending on bias being greater or smaller than the above threshold. These results exist for any strength of the electron-phonon coupling and are confirmed by a four states toy model.Comment: 7 pages, 7 eps figures, submitted to PRB; minor changes in the introductio
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