11 research outputs found

    Accountability Requirements in the Cloud Provider Chain

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    In order to be responsible stewards of other people’s data, cloud providers must be accountable for their data handling practices. The potential long provider chains in cloud computing introduce additional accountability challenges, with many stakeholders involved. Symmetry is very important in any requirements’ elicitation activity, since input from diverse stakeholders needs to be balanced. This article ventures to answer the question “How can one create an accountable cloud service?” by examining requirements which must be fulfilled to achieve an accountability-based approach, based on interaction with over 300 stakeholders.publishedVersio

    D:A4.1 Socio-economic impact assessment

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    The executive summary ends with six concise recommendations for facilitating more accountability for data management in cloud ecosystems: 1. Provide a stronger legal base for and enforcement of data protection and accountable behavior; 2. Facilitate independent auditing of responsible data stewardship; 3. Increase public awareness of the need for accountability; 4. Balance existing information asymmetries via partnerships; 5. Focus on larger enterprises working in the public sector first, as these can serve as an example for other types of businesses; 6. Demonstrate how A4Cloud tools and mechanisms can be turned into a business model in order to encourage greater uptake and use

    Mobile Process Support Systems - Experiences from a case study

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    Work process support systems, both in the form of workflow systems and of more loosely structured systems have been widely developed and also to a large extent been taken into use in a large number of work situations. As computing is becoming both pervasive and nomadic, workers use of computing and communication services is less limited to solitary moments at an office desk. Thus it gets more and more important to provide mobile work process support systems. This paper presents experiences related to the development, introduction and evolution of such systems through results from a case study following phone engineers. The main conclusions from the study are that that smaller terminals not necessarily does the job better, computerised systems are not always better than paper-based systems, and that supporting nomadic work must be done in agreement with the overall work context.Mobile Process Support Systems - Experiences from a case stud

    Årsrapport for 2014 - Senter for Jernbanesertifisering

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    Denne rapporten beskriver SINTEF IKT sin virksomhet som teknisk kontrollorgan for 2013 og 2014. SINTEF IKT, ved Senter for jernbanesertifisering – SJS ble 16. desember 2003 teknisk kontrollorgan (Notified Body - NB) under EU direktiv 96/48/EC (vedrørende samtrafikkevnen i det europeiske jernbanesystem for høyhastighetstog). Tilsvarende ble SINTEF IKT i 2005 utnevnt til Notified Body (NB) under EU direktiv 2001/16/EF (vedrørende samtrafikkevnen i det transeuropeiske konvensjonelle jernbanesystemet), samt 2008/57/EC i 2010 (samtrafikkevnen i jernbanesystemet). SJS er Notified Body for alle moduler og delsystemer som dekkes av disse direktivene. Som Notified Body kan SJS sertifisere f. eks. at signalsystem innen jernbane er iht. EUs tekniske spesifikasjoner for interoperabilitet (TSI). SJS sertifikater er akseptert innen EU og EFTA. Gjennom vår deltagelse i NB-Rail er vi til stede der de faglige anbefalingene blir utarbeidet og akseptert. SINTEF IKT er aktivt tilstede både på plenumsnivå i NB-Rail og i faggruppa for ERTMS.publishedVersio

    ARKTRANS. The Norwegian system framework architecture for multimodal transport systems supporting freight and passenger transport Version 5.0

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    -The four transport modes, road, sea, air and railway, have identical needs and challenges with respect to freight and passenger transport related to the use of information and communication technology (ICT). They also see much of the same shortcomings related to the transport preparation and planning, transport services, information services, handling of dangerous goods, etc. ARKTRANS, the Norwegian system framework architecture for multimodal freigth and passenger transport, provides a harmonized view upon the transport domain that will contribute to new and improved solutions. The first versions of ARKTRANS were established in a research project. The current version is established in a follow-up project managed by ITS Norway. Norwegian transport authorities and stakeholders representing all transport modes (road, sea, air and railway) have contributed to the work. ARKTRANS specifies:A reference model describing the sub-domains of the transport domainRoles of the stakeholders in the transport domainA functional view that specifies and structures the functionality needed within the sub-domainsA behavior view describing scenarios and interactions between the sub-domains An information view describing conceptual information models for freight transport and multimodal route information             Technical aspects. Oppdragsgiver ITS Norwa

    The Importance of the Campus - A Study on the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in a CS2 Course

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    The educational context for students and educators across the world changed when the COVID-19 pandemic forced most educational institutions to shut down all on-campus activities in the spring of 2020. In this paper, we explore how the study behaviors of first-year computing students in a large scale CS2 course were affected by the rapid change from campus-based to online learning. This research aims to evaluate the effect of moving to an online-only mode of studying and learning, and consequently gaining insight into the role of the physical campus in computing education. A mixed-method research approach was taken to reach these goals by combining interaction tracking data with weekly student reports and interviews. Results indicate that campus-based activities provide essential scaffolding for students' study behaviors, specifically time management and organization. Additionally, the physical study environment provided an informal space for social and academic interactions not found in the online sphere. Furthermore, when moving to the online study environment, students struggled with adapting their study behaviors, spending less time on organized activities and not changing their independent habits. Lastly, the online environment seemed to create considerable differences between those who mastered studying and those who did not, generating a larger ability gap than on campus. In the paper, we provide further descriptions of these findings and some recommendations for computing educators facing similar challenges

    Uni-HPI. Universell utforming av holdeplassinformasjon. Sluttrapport

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    -Oppdragsgiver: Statens vegvesen, Vegdirektorate

    MultiRIT Multimodal Travel Iniformation Services

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    -This report documents the results from the MultiRIT research project and documents ·        The MultiRIT multimodal framework architecture for travel information services. ·        The multimodal travel planner pilots developed in the project. They demonstrate different strategies and possibilities with respect the realisation of travel information services ·        A description of algorithmic solutions and limitations with respect to multimodal travel planning ·        A feasibility study on the provision of accurate price information in travel information services The MultiRIT framework is based on ARKTRANS, the Norwegian framework architecture for multimodal freight and passenger transport, and the results will be fed back into ARKTRANS. Through a holistic approach, open services for request and provision of travel information and travel information services are specified. The approach includes the identification and specification of the generic roles of the stakeholders involved; the required functionality, the processes; and the interactions between the roles. The report concludes that the open services enable a flexible organisation of multimodal travel information services, and such services also arrange for new and improved functionality like the provision of dynamic information (e.g. delays and other deviations), accessibility information and context dependent information. &nbsp