33 research outputs found

    Evaluating Superconducting Ybco Film Properties Using Xray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

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    Initial results have been recently reported that suggest a potential correlation exists between the full-width-halfmaximum (FWHM) of the Y(3d) peak obtained by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and the critical current density a YBa2Cu3O7-x film can carry. In particular, the Y(3d5/2) demonstrated a stronger correlation. Transport currents were determined by the 4-point contact method using the 1μV/cm criterion. An apparent correlation was also suggested between the Y(3d) FWHM and ac loss data points were acquired to further test the usefulness of the correlations. Samples were created by pulsed laser deposition of YBa2Cu3O7-x on LaAlO3 substrates

    Directional Microwave Emission from Femtosecond-laser Illuminated Linear Arrays of Superconducting Rings

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    We examine the electromagnetic emission from two photo-illuminated linear arrays composed of inductively charged superconducting ring elements. The arrays are illuminated by an ultrafast infrared laser that triggers microwave broadband emission detected in the 1–26 GHz range. Based on constructive interference from the arrays a narrowing of the forward radiation lobe is observed with increasing element count and frequency demonstrating directed GHz emission. Results suggest that higher frequencies and a larger number of elements are achievable leading to a unique pulsed array emitter concept that can span frequencies from the microwave to the terahertz (THz) regime

    Strong Fiber from Uniaxial Fullerene Supramolecules Aligned with Carbon Nanotubes

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    Carbon nanotube (CNT) wires approach copper's specific conductivity and surpass carbon fiber's strength, with further improvement anticipated with greater aspect ratios and incorporation of dopants with long-range structural order. Fullerenes assemble into multitudes of process-dependent supramolecular crystals and, while initially insulating, they become marginally conductive (up to 0.05 MSm1^{-1}) and superconductive (Tc=18T_c=18^\circK with K and 28^\circK with Rb) after doping. These were small (100's μ\mum long), soft (hardness comparable to indium), and typically unaligned, which hindered development of fullerene based wires. Individual fullerenes were previously incorporated into CNT fibers, although randomly without self-assembly into supramolecules. Here, a simple variation in established CNT acid extrusion creates a fiber composed of uniaxial chains of aligned fullerene supramolecules, self-assembled between aligned few-walled CNT bundles. This will provide a testbed for novel fullerene wire transport and prospects in CNT wire advancement

    Variants in the fetal genome near FLT1 are associated with risk of preeclampsia.

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    Preeclampsia, which affects approximately 5% of pregnancies, is a leading cause of maternal and perinatal death. The causes of preeclampsia remain unclear, but there is evidence for inherited susceptibility. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have not identified maternal sequence variants of genome-wide significance that replicate in independent data sets. We report the first GWAS of offspring from preeclamptic pregnancies and discovery of the first genome-wide significant susceptibility locus (rs4769613; P = 5.4 × 10-11) in 4,380 cases and 310,238 controls. This locus is near the FLT1 gene encoding Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1, providing biological support, as a placental isoform of this protein (sFlt-1) is implicated in the pathology of preeclampsia. The association was strongest in offspring from pregnancies in which preeclampsia developed during late gestation and offspring birth weights exceeded the tenth centile. An additional nearby variant, rs12050029, associated with preeclampsia independently of rs4769613. The newly discovered locus may enhance understanding of the pathophysiology of preeclampsia and its subtypes

    Matematikk og beregninger

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    Matematikk og beregninger. Utgivelsesdata Tittel:Matematikk og beregningerForfatter(e):Hugo Hammer og John Haugan Serie:HiOA rapportIssn:1892-9648Nr:2013 nr 8Utgiver:HiOAAvdeling/fakultet:Fakultet for tekn.Sider:103Pris:230,– ISBN-print:978-82-93208-42-

    Hvorfor antall arbeidskrav bør reduseres

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    Sammendrag I litteraturen om vurdering fremheves gjerne formativ vurdering, på empirisk grunnlag, som spesielt læringsproduktiv. Likevel er formativ vurdering et sjeldent innslag i ingeniørutdanning i Norge. Ingeniørstudenter blir ofte vurdert, men nesten utelukkende med sertifisering og rangering som hovedsiktemål. I denne artikkelen beskrives det nåværende vurderingsregimet og spesielt den omfattende bruken av arbeidskrav. Problemet med den rådende praksis er at den formative vurderingen ikke får den posisjonen den fortjener og studenter, emneansvarlige og institusjoner går glipp av de ikke ubetydelige fordelene som formativ vurdering kan gi. Et konkret undervisningsopplegg med formativ vurdering i fokus beskrives og evalueres

    Medstudentvurdering i matematikk og fysikk

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    Høsten 2014 ble det gjort endringer i begynnerundervisningen i matematikk og fysikk ved ett av studieprogrammene ved Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus. Alle arbeidskravene ble fjernet, og medstudentvurdering ble innført. Målet er å gi studentene rask tilbakemelding på arbeidet deres, og stimulere til jevn og kontinuerlig arbeidsinnsats underveis. Erfaringene så langt er at studentene arbeider et riktig antall timer per uke, mens studentenes selvrapporterte utbytte av medstudentvurderingen er varierende. I denne artikkelen presenteres bakgrunnen for de innførte endringene, sammen med en konkret beskrivelse av de ulike formene for medstudentvurdering som forfatterne har forsøkt. Til slutt oppsummeres og diskuteres erfaringene så langt.https://www.idunn.no/uniped/2015/04/medstudentvurdering_imatematikk_og_fysik

    Batteridrift av Nobel Mix pumpeenhet

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    Målsetningen med denne oppgaven har vært å utvikle en batteriløsning som kan drifte Nobel Technic sin NM under en sprengstoffladejobb, dette for å gjøre NM selvstendig og mer fleksibel. Med denne batteriløsningen utvider vi bruksområdene og tilbyr noe ingen annen leverandør gjør i dag