7 research outputs found

    Local perceptions of opportunities for engagement and procedural justice in electricity transmission grid projects in Norway and the UK

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    ArticleCopyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Transmission lines are critical infrastructures, but frequently contested especially at the local level, by local communities. The role of public engagement in processes pertaining to specific transmission line projects is an under-researched, yet important topic that this paper seeks to discuss by investigating how inhabitants perceive these processes and to what extent they find the processes just and fair. This paper addresses the participatory aspects of the planning process, as perceived by the local inhabitants in four Norway and UK cases, by using a qualitative comparative case study design. We further analyse this issue through frameworks of public engagement and procedural justice. In both countries public engagement is largely characterized by perceptions of insufficient information, and insufficient influence on the process. In sum, the findings indicate that the informants generally perceive the opportunities for involvement as insufficient and unjust. The findings are quite similar across all cases and both countries. Local inhabitants represent diverse groups who often have different levels of knowledge, time and engagement to bring to the planning process. Their requests for improved processes thus underline the serious public engagement challenges that applicants and decision-makers face.Research Council of Norwa

    Towards a Meshed North Sea Grid.Policy challenges and potential solutions from a Norwegian perspective

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    -Political, regulatory and societal drivers and barriers for the realization of a meshed offshore grid between North Sea countries is here assessed. The Norwegian context is the point of departure, but with clear references to relevant processes at the European level. At the EU level there is an overall drive towards establishing common infrastructure for electricity distribution across borders, but no concrete measures concerning a meshed grid. At the Norwegian level, there is currently no clear commitment towards a North Sea Grid development. Norwegian authorities' approach to off-shore infrastructure, and related processes in the EU and NSCOGI, has thus far been characterized by a wait-and-see attitude. The Norwegian approach is characterized by socio-economic perspectives, with limited attention towards possible long-term and cross-sectoral effects; such as innovation, and new industrial possibilities. Off-shore wind power development could constitute a 'proxy', and licensing procedures for such installations have been in place for some years, but without any economic incentives. Furthermore, interconnector projects between Norway, the UK and Germany could be considered as potential steppingstones towards a meshed grid. However, harmonization between different national licensing systems stands out as challenging, and there is limited experience of coordinating the licensing of crossborder projects. Closely related to this is the question of public acceptance, including the possible need for on-shore grid upgrading which can trigger local resistance

    ”Case Hardanger” En analyse av den formelle konsesjonsprosessen og mediedekningen knyttet til den omsøkte luftledningen Sima-Samnanger

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    Denne studien har analysert den formelle konsesjonsprosessen og mediedekningen av den omsøkte 420 kV luftledningen Sima-Samnanger. Sommeren 2010 fikk motstanderne av luftledningen Sima-Samnanger mye spalteplass i mediene samtidig som regjeringen besluttet å foreta en fornyet gjennomgang av sjøkabelalternativet. Analysen viser at media har fungert som en alternativ kanal til den formelle konsesjonsprosessen, der motstandere av luftledningsalternativet har formidlet sine meninger om myndighetenes forvaltningspraksis og endelige beslutninger. Samtidig viser studien at flere av disse motstandere har valgt ikke å delta aktivt i den formelle prosessen. Analysen påpeker også at det faglige grunnlaget som har ligget til grunn for myndighetenes beslutninger, i liten grad har vært en sentral referanse i media. Basert på analysen stiller vi spørsmålet om uformelle kanaler er i ferd med å ta over for formelle prosedyrer, og hva dette i så fall vil bety for kommende konsesjonssaker. Kunne en tidligere politisk avklaring, som har vært etterlyst av både motstandere og tilhengere av den omsøkte luftledningen, ført til et mindre konfliktnivå i mediene sommeren 2010 og en større legitimitet til konsesjonsprosessen? Videre forskning bør se nærmere på disse spørsmålene for å finne frem til mere rasjonelle prosesser for håndtering av nettutviklingsprosjekter.publishedVersio

    Local perceptions of opportunities for engagement and procedural justice in electricity transmission grid projects in Norway and the UK

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    Transmission lines are critical infrastructures, but frequently contested especially at the local level, bylocal communities. The role of public engagement in processes pertaining to specific transmission lineprojects is an under-researched, yet important topic that this paper seeks to discuss by investigating howinhabitants perceive these processes and to what extent they find the processes just and fair. This paperaddresses the participatory aspects of the planning process, as perceived by the local inhabitants in fourNorway and UK cases, by using a qualitative comparative case study design. We further analyse this issuethrough frameworks of public engagement and procedural justice. In both countries public engagement islargely characterized by perceptions of insufficient information, and insufficient influence on the process.In sum, the findings indicate that the informants generally perceive the opportunities for involvementas insufficient and unjust. The findings are quite similar across all cases and both countries. Local inhab-itants represent diverse groups who often have different levels of knowledge, time and engagement tobring to the planning process. Their requests for improved processes thus underline the serious publicengagement challenges that applicants and decision-makers face. Sustainable grid development Involvement Public engagement Communication Consultation Participation Procedural justice © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Sustainable jet fuel for aviation : Nordic perpectives on the use of advanced sustainable jet fuel for aviation

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    The study assesses to what extent the production and use of advanced sustainable jet fuel may contribute to GHG reduction and mitigation, and identifies the commercial potential for initiating and scaling up advanced sustainable jet fuel production at a Nordic level. The report explores as well on how to most efficiently use the available Nordic know-how, feedstock and production facilities. The report draws on the latest available reports and statistics, as well as interviews with stakeholders and experts across the Nordic countries, concludes on identifying the most matured technologies, the Nordic opportunities and challenges, and ideas to mitigate the barriers within the Nordic private and public sectors