2,174 research outputs found

    Reproductive performance of reindeer fed all-grain and hay-grain rations

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    Reproductive performance of grain-fed reindeer {Rangifer tarandus) was evaluated over a 2-year period. Groups of pregnant reindeer were fed one of three rations, (1) 100% whole-grain barley, (2) 98.9% whole-grain barley and 1.2% mineral and trace element supplement, and (3) 70% whole-grain barley and 30% finely-chopped bluegrass hay. Reindeer fed unsupplemented whole-barley failed to produce a single live calf. The addition of mineral and trace element supplement to the ration did not result in any significant improvement in reproductive performance. Eighty-five percent of the reindeer consuming unsupplemented and supplemented all-barley rations became pregnant; however, 76% of the pregnancies resulted in stillborn calves. One-hundred percent of the cows maintained on the grain/hay ration produced live calves. We speculate that reproductive failure in reindeer cows maintained on all-grain rations is most likely a result of a diet induced disfunction in maternal rumen and/or carbohydrate metabolism rather than a micro-nutrient deficiency. More research is neeeded to determine which metabolic pathways are affected

    Cryofouling avoidance in the Antarctic scallop Adamussium colbecki

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    The presence of supercooled water in polar regions causes anchor ice to grow on submerged objects, generating costly problems for engineered materials and life-endangering risks for benthic communities. The factors driving underwater ice accretion are poorly understood, and passive prevention mechanisms remain unknown. Here we report that the Antarctic scallop Adamussium colbecki appears to remain ice-free in shallow Antarctic marine environments where underwater ice growth is prevalent. In contrast, scallops colonized by bush sponges in the same microhabitat grow ice and are removed from the population. Characterization of the Antarctic scallop shells revealed a hierarchical micro-ridge structure with sub-micron nano-ridges which promotes directed icing. This concentrates the formation of ice on the growth rings while leaving the regions in between free of ice, and appears to reduce ice-to-shell adhesion when compared to temperate species that do not possess highly ordered surface structures. The ability to control the formation of ice may enable passive underwater anti-icing protection, with the removal of ice possibly facilitated by ocean currents or scallop movements. We term this behavior cryofouling avoidance. We posit that the evolution of natural anti-icing structures is a key trait for the survival of Antarctic scallops in anchor ice zones

    Population structure and dynamics in captive muskoxen at the Large Animal Research Station, 1988-1994

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    The muskox colony at the Large Animal Research Station, started in 1979, totaled 22 individuals before calving in 1988. Between 1988 -1994 cows of breeding age have been maintained on either a high plane (HP) or low plane (LP) of nutrition, and as far as possible, female offspring are kept with their mother's group. During this time the population has increased from 22 to 43 animals (25 females and 18 males). Fifty-four calves were born with an overall sex ratio of 52:48 (male:female). When partitioned between the 2 nutritional planes the sex ratio was HP 45:55 and LP 62:38. The calf/cow ratio was 0.83 in 1988 and 0.86 in 1994. The LP group accounted for most of the variability in pregnancy rate, primarily through delayed puberty and breeding pauses. Calf mortality was due mainly to abortions, stillbirths and neonatal death (n=12), 7 deaths occurred between 2 weeks and 1 year of age. All stillbirths and abortions (n=4) and 6 of 8 neonatal deaths affected calves of HP cows. Thirteen adults died, 4 males were loaned to other facilities and 2 new calves were added

    Frost spreading and pattern formation on microstructured surfaces

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    How a water drop removes a particle from a hydrophobic surface

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    Multiplicity fluctuations in relativistic nuclear collisions

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    Multiplicity distributions of hadrons produced in central nucleus-nucleus collisions are studied within the hadron-resonance gas model in the large volume limit. In the canonical ensemble conservation of three charges (baryon number, electric charge, and strangeness) is enforced. In addition, in the micro-canonical ensemble energy conservation is included. An analytical method is used to account for resonance decays. Multiplicity distributions and scaled variances for negatively charged hadrons are presented along the chemical freeze-out line of central Pb+Pb (Au+Au) collisions from SIS to LHC energies. Predictions obtained within different statistical ensembles are compared with preliminary NA49 experimental results on central Pb+Pb collisions in the SPS energy range. The measured fluctuations are significantly narrower than a Poisson reference distribution, and clearly favor expectations for the micro-canonical ensemble.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Capillary Balancing: Designing Frost-Resistant Lubricant-Infused Surfaces

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    Slippery lubricant-infused surfaces (SLIPS) have shown great promise for anti-frosting and anti-icing. However, small length scales associated with frost dendrites exert immense capillary suction pressure on the lubricant. This pressure depletes the lubricant film and is detrimental to the functionality of SLIPS. To prevent lubricant depletion, we demonstrate that interstitial spacing in SLIPS needs to be kept below those found in frost dendrites. Densely packed nanoparticles create the optimally sized nanointerstitial features in SLIPS (Nano-SLIPS). The capillary pressure stabilizing the lubricant in Nano-SLIPS balances or exceeds the capillary suction pressure by frost dendrites. We term this concept capillary balancing. Three-dimensional spatial analysis via confocal microscopy reveals that lubricants in optimally structured Nano-SLIPS are not affected throughout condensation (0 °C), extreme frosting (−20 °C to −100 °C), and traverse ice-shearing (−10 °C) tests. These surfaces preserve low ice adhesion (10–30 kPa) over 50 icing cycles, demonstrating a design principle for next-generation anti-icing surfaces.publishedVersionPeer reviewe
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