16 research outputs found


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    Phytochemical investigation of the rhizomes of Homalomena pendula resulted in the isolation of one flavone and three steroids. These compounds were determined as tangeretin (1), ergosterol peroxide (2), sitoindoside I (3), and stigmasterol (4) on the basis of 1D and 2D NMR data and in comparison with the available data in the literature. Compounds 1‒3 were found for the first time from the genus Homamomena. The n-hexane and ethyl acetate extracts show NO production inhibitory activity in RAW 264.7 macrophage cells with IC50 values of 46.8 and 75.52 µg·mL–1.Hợp chất flavone, tangeretin (1), và ba hợp chất steroid: ergosterol peroxide (2), sitoindoside I (3) và stigmasterol (4) đã được phân lập từ thân rễ của cây thiên niên kiện lá lớn (Homalomena pendula). Cấu trúc hóa học của chúng được xác định dựa trên phân tích dữ liệu phổ cộng hưởng từ hạt nhân (1D và 2D NMR) và so sánh với các tài liệu đã công bố. Các hợp chất (1-3) được phân lập lần đầu tiên từ chi Homalomena. Cao chiết n-hexane và ethyl acetate của cây này có hoạt tính ức chế sản sinh NO trên đại thực bào RAW 264.7 kích thích bằng lipopolysaccharide với các giá trị IC50 là 46,80 và 75,52 µg·mL–1

    Metastasis of Tumor Cells Is Enhanced by Downregulation of Bit1

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    Resistance to anoikis, which is defined as apoptosis induced by loss of integrin-mediated cell attachment to the extracellular matrix, is a determinant of tumor progression and metastasis. We have previously identified the mitochondrial Bit1 (Bcl-2 inhibitor of transcription) protein as a novel anoikis effector whose apoptotic function is independent from caspases and is uniquely controlled by integrins. In this report, we examined the possibility that Bit1 is suppressed during tumor progression and that Bit1 downregulation may play a role in tumor metastasis.Using a human breast tumor tissue array, we found that Bit1 expression is suppressed in a significant fraction of advanced stages of breast cancer. Targeted disruption of Bit1 via shRNA technology in lowly aggressive MCF7 cells conferred enhanced anoikis resistance, adhesive and migratory potential, which correlated with an increase in active Extracellular kinase regulated (Erk) levels and a decrease in Erk-directed phosphatase activity. These pro-metastasis phenotypes were also observed following downregulation of endogenous Bit1 in Hela and B16F1 cancer cell lines. The enhanced migratory and adhesive potential of Bit1 knockdown cells is in part dependent on their high level of Erk activation since down-regulating Erk in these cells attenuated their enhanced motility and adhesive properties. The Bit1 knockdown pools also showed a statistically highly significant increase in experimental lung metastasis, with no differences in tumor growth relative to control clones in vivo using a BALB/c nude mouse model system. Importantly, the pulmonary metastases of Bit1 knockdown cells exhibited increased phospho-Erk staining.These findings indicate that downregulation of Bit1 conferred cancer cells with enhanced anoikis resistance, adhesive and migratory properties in vitro and specifically potentiated tumor metastasis in vivo. These results underscore the therapeutic importance of restoring Bit1 expression in cancer cells to circumvent metastasis at least in part through inhibition of the Erk pathway

    Highly dispersed pt nanoparticles on the novel ti0.7w0.3o2 support using the rapid microwave-assisted polyol route

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    Mesoporous Ti0.7W0.3O2 nanoparticles, being in anatase TiO2 phase, possessed a uniform morphology of spherical nanoparticles of 10 nm diameter with the high surface area up to 201.481 m2/g, which is closely similar to the surface area of common commercial carbon blacks. More importantly, the electrical conductivity of Ti0.7W0.3O2 was found to be 0.022 S/cm, which is ~ 1.0x105-fold higher than that of undoped-TiO2 (1.37x10-7 S/cm). The increase in electrical conductivity of Ti0.7W0.3O2 may attribute to the successful incorporation of tungsten(VI) ions into TiO2 lattices, subsequently resulting in n-type doping and generating more free electrons acted as charge carriers. The Pt/Ti0.7W0.3O2 catalyst also was synthesized via the rapid microwave-assisted polyol route at 160 C for 4 min with the power of 240


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    Five species of oysters are cultured in Lap An lagoon, namely Crassotrea rivularis, Crassotrea gigas, Crassotrea sp1., Crassotrea sp2., and Saccostrea cucullata, among them Crassotrea rivularis is dominant. The most common farming method is using wooden stakes with old rubber tires. The total area of farming is 129 ha with an average of 2.08 ha/household. The oysters are farmed in five villages with different farming areas, with 35.8 ha (28%) being the largest and 16.1 ha (12%), the smallest. The highest production is 11.06 tons/crop/household, and the lowest is 5.56 tons/crop/household. The highest productivity is 4.46 tons/ha/crop, and the lowest is 3.81 tons/ha/crop. The highest income is 128.5 million VND/service/household, and the lowest is 37.3 million VND/service/household. The highest rate of return is 7.1, and the lowest is 3.02.Năm loài hàu đang được nuôi ở đầm Lập An bao gồm Hàu Cửa Sông (Crassotrea rivularis), Hàu sữa Thái Bình Dương (Crassotrea gigas), Hàu Mỏ vịt (Crassotrea sp1.), Hàu Ốc (Crassotrea sp2.) và Hàu Đá (Saccostrea cucullata), trong đó Hàu Cửa sông (Crassotrea rivularis) là loài xuất hiện nhiều nhất. Hàu được nuôi phổ biến trên giá thể lốp cao su. Tổng diện tích nuôi là 129 ha với trung bình 2,08 ha/hộ. Hàu đang được nuôi ở năm thôn với diện tích khác nhau: lớn nhất là 35,8 ha (28%) và nhỏ nhất là 16,1 ha (12%). Sản lượng hàu nuôi cao nhất là 11,06 tấn/vụ/hộ và thấp nhất là 5,56 tấn/vụ/hộ. Năng suất cao nhất là 4,46 tấn/ha/hộ và thấp nhất là 3,81 tấn/ha/hộ. Thu nhập cao nhất là 128,5 triệu đồng/vụ/hộ và thấp nhất là 37,3 triệu đồng/vụ/hộ. Tỷ suất lợi nhuận trung bình cao nhất là 7,1 và thấp nhất là 3,02

    First field evaluation of the optimized CE marked Abbott protocol for HIV RNA testing on dried blood spot in a routine clinical setting in Vietnam

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    International audienceViral load (VL) monitoring of HIV-infected patients in decentralized areas is limited due to logistic constraints. Dried Blood Spots (DBS) offer the opportunity to collect samples in remote area which can be easily transferred and tested at a central laboratory. The MOVIDA (Monitoring Of Viral load In Decentralized Area) project evaluated the performance of VL measurements on DBS using the new CE marked optimized Abbott protocol