74 research outputs found

    First quantized electron and photon model of QED and radiative processes

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    In this study we combine the classical models of the massive and massless spinning particles, derive the current-current interaction Lagrangian of the particles from the gauge transformations of the classical spinors, and discuss radiative processes in electrodynamics by using the solutions of the Dirac equation and the quantum wave equations of the photon. The longitudinal polarized photon states give a new idea about the vacuum concept in electrodynamics.Comment: LaTeX file, 20 pages, 7 figures. to appear in Canadian Journal of Physic

    Surface plasmon resonance under conditions of electromagnetically induced transparency

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    A scheme for a surface plasmon resonance system under conditions of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) is proposed. The system is composed of three layers: a prism, a thin metal film, and a hybrid dielectric consisting of EIT atoms and a background substance. A probe and a coupling laser beam are input. Corresponding analytical formulas are derived for the cases when one or both of the laser beams excite surface plasmon polaritons at the metal/dielectric interface. Under resonance conditions, an extremely sharp dip appears in the reflectivity-frequency spectrum of the probe field, revealing new properties of two-dimensional EIT. The reflectivity is extremely sensitive to shifts in the laser frequencies and atomic levels, and to variations of permittivity of the substrate. This EIT-SPR system may to be used for novel magnetometers and biosensors

    Atom capture by nanotube and scaling anomaly

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    The existence of bound state of the polarizable neutral atom in the inverse square potential created by the electric field of single walled charged carbon nanotube (SWNT) is shown to be theoretically possible. The consideration of inequivalent boundary conditions due to self-adjoint extensions lead to this nontrivial bound state solution. It is also shown that the scaling anomaly is responsible for the existence of bound state. Binding of the polarizable atoms in the coupling constant interval \eta^2\in[0,1) may be responsible for the smearing of the edge of steps in quantized conductance, which has not been considered so far in literature.Comment: Accepted in Int.J.Theor.Phy

    Efficient Quantum Computation using Coherent States

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    Universal quantum computation using optical coherent states is studied. A teleportation scheme for a coherent-state qubit is developed and applied to gate operations. This scheme is shown to be robust to detection inefficiency.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, extended and modified (in print, PRA

    Ultrahigh sensitivity of slow-light gyroscope

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    Slow light generated by Electromagnetically Induced Transparency is extremely susceptible with respect to Doppler detuning. Consequently, slow-light gyroscopes should have ultrahigh sensitivity

    Storing and releasing light in a gas of moving atoms

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    We propose a scheme of storing and releasing pulses or cw beams of light in a moving atomic medium illuminated by two stationary and spatially separated control lasers. The method is based on electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) but in contrast to previous schemes, storage and retrieval of the probe pulse can be achieved at different locations and without switching off the control laser.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revised versio

    Exact Cover with light

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    We suggest a new optical solution for solving the YES/NO version of the Exact Cover problem by using the massive parallelism of light. The idea is to build an optical device which can generate all possible solutions of the problem and then to pick the correct one. In our case the device has a graph-like representation and the light is traversing it by following the routes given by the connections between nodes. The nodes are connected by arcs in a special way which lets us to generate all possible covers (exact or not) of the given set. For selecting the correct solution we assign to each item, from the set to be covered, a special integer number. These numbers will actually represent delays induced to light when it passes through arcs. The solution is represented as a subray arriving at a certain moment in the destination node. This will tell us if an exact cover does exist or not.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, New Generation Computing, accepted, 200

    In-situ velocity imaging of ultracold atoms using slow--light

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    The optical response of a moving medium suitably driven into a slow-light propagation regime strongly depends on its velocity. This effect can be used to devise a novel scheme for imaging ultraslow velocity fields. The scheme turns out to be particularly amenable to study in-situ the dynamics of collective and topological excitations of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate. We illustrate the advantages of using slow-light imaging specifically for sloshing oscillations and bent vortices in a stirred condensate

    Nonlinear optics via double dark resonances

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    Double dark resonances originate from a coherent perturbation of a system displaying electromagnetically induced transparency. We experimentally show and theoretically confirm that this leads to the possibility of extremely sharp resonances prevailing even in the presence of considerable Doppler broadening. A gas of 87Rb atoms is subjected to a strong drive laser and a weak probe laser and a radio frequency field, where the magnetic coupling between the Zeeman levels leads to nonlinear generation of a comb of sidebands.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figure

    Temperature Variation of Ultra Slow Light in a Cold Gas

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    A model is developed to explain the temperature dependence of the group velocity as observed in the experiments of Hau et al (Nature {\bf397}, 594 (1999)). The group velocity is quite sensitive to the change in the spatial density. The inhomogeneity in the density and its temperature dependence are primarily responsible for the observed behavior.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure
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