18 research outputs found

    Profiles of Parental Burnout Around the Globe: Similarities and Differences Across 36 Countries

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    Parental burnout (PB) is a pervasive phenomenon. Parenting is embedded in cultural values, and previous research has shown the role of individualism in PB. In this paper, we reanalyze previously collected data to identify profiles based on the four dimensions of PB, and explore whether these profiles vary across countries’ levels of collectivistic-individualistic (COL-IND) values. Our sample comprised 16,885 individuals from 36 countries (73% women; 27% men), and we used a latent profile approach to uncover PB profiles. The findings showed five profiles: Fulfilled, Not in PB, Low risk of PB, High risk of PB and Burned out. The profiles pointed to climbing levels of PB in the total sample and in each of the three country groups (High COL/Low IND, Medium COL-IND, Low COL/High IND). Exploratory analyses revealed that distinct dimensions of PB had the most prominent roles in the climbing pattern, depending on the countries’ levels of COL/IND. In particular, we found contrast to be a hallmark dimension and an indicator of severe burnout for individualistic countries. Contrary to our predictions, emotional distance and saturation did not allow a clear differentiation across collectivistic countries. Our findings support several research avenues regarding PB measurement and intervention

    Facteurs de risque de la consommation problĂ©matique de substances psychoactives Ă  l’adolescence : influences individuelles et parentales

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    Although the most successful interventions recommend targeting the teenager in his relationship with his family, few studies have investigated the role of psychological well-being and the relationship within and with parents in the problematic substance use. This study explores the risk of problematic substance use in teenager, using mixed methods, with clinical and non-clinical transcultural samples of teens and parents, and therapists in Belgium and Togo. The results highlight the importance of prosocial behaviors that reduce the intensity of internalized and externalized symptoms, associated with increased alcohol, cannabis and tobacco use in teenagers. This study also suggests direct and indirect links between the personality traits at high risk of problematic substance use in teens and the quality of the resolution of the marital conflicts and the educational disagreements of parents. Finally, the relationship between the teenager and his parents is bi-directional so that the youth's agency through a problematic substance use causes the parents' suffering and the vicious circle of negative influences is settling in.Bien que les interventions les plus rĂ©ussies prĂ©conisent de cibler l’adolescent qui consomme des substances dans sa relation avec sa famille, peu d’études ont investiguĂ© le rĂŽle du bien-ĂȘtre psychologique et celui de la relation avec et entre les parents. Ce travail les explore Ă  l’aide des mĂ©thodes mixtes, aux moyens d’échantillons transculturels cliniques et non cliniques d’adolescents et de parents, et de thĂ©rapeutes en Belgique et au Togo. Les rĂ©sultats soulignent l’importance des comportements prosociaux dans la rĂ©duction de l’intensitĂ© des symptĂŽmes internalisĂ©s et externalisĂ©s qui sont associĂ©s Ă  l’augmentation Ă  celle des consommations d’alcool, de cannabis et de tabac chez l’adolescent. Cette Ă©tude suggĂšre Ă©galement des liens directs et indirects entre les traits de personnalitĂ© Ă  risque de consommation problĂ©matique de substances chez l’adolescent et la qualitĂ© de la rĂ©solution des conflits conjugaux et des dĂ©saccords Ă©ducatifs des parents. En conclusion, la relation entre l’adolescent et ses parents Ă©tant bidirectionnelle, l’expression de l’agentivitĂ© du jeune Ă  travers une consommation problĂ©matique de substances fait souffrir celle des parents et un cercle vicieux d’influences nĂ©gatives s’installe.(PSYE - Sciences psychologiques et de l'Ă©ducation) -- UCL, 201

    Burnout chez les employés de centres de santé mentale au Togo

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    Au Togo la prise en charge de malades mentaux devient une prioritĂ© et on voit se dĂ©velopper de plus en plus des centres spĂ©cialisĂ©s d’accueil et de traitement pour ce genre de malades. Dans le mĂȘme temps, on sait que le burnout atteint le plus souvent les professionnels exerçant un travail qui nĂ©cessite un degrĂ© Ă©levĂ© d’empathie comme le personnel des centres de santĂ© mentale. Cependant, Ă  notre connaissance, aucune Ă©tude n’a jusque-lĂ  Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e pour cerner ce phĂ©nomĂšne et proposer d’éventuelles solutions prĂ©ventives et thĂ©rapeutiques. Ainsi, cette Ă©tude vise Ă  mesurer l’épuisement professionnel chez les agents des centres de santĂ© mentale du Togo. C’est une Ă©tude descriptive dont les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es Ă  l’aide d’un questionnaire auto-administrĂ© auprĂšs de 60 agents exerçant dans six centres de prises en charge des malades mentaux au Togo. MalgrĂ© la prĂ©sence du burnout (16,60%), de l’épuisement professionnel (55%) et de la dĂ©personnalisation (50%) les rĂ©sultats mettent tout de mĂȘme en exergue un sentiment d’accomplissement personnel Ă©levĂ© chez plus de la moitiĂ© des participants (61,66%). La thĂ©matique du burnout soulĂšve des questions qui nĂ©cessitent des recherches plus approfondies afin d’y rĂ©pondre. English title: Burnout among employees of mental health centre in Togo. Summary In Togo, the mental illness care is becoming a priority, and more and more specialized care centers are built. At the same time, we know that burnout most often affects professionals working in jobs that require a high degree of empathy, such as the staff of mental health centers. However, in Togo, no study has so far been carried out to identify this phenomenon and to propose possible preventive and therapeutic solutions. Thus, this study aims to measure burnout among workers in mental health centers in Togo. This is a descriptive study, the data for which were collected using a self-administered questionnaire from 60 agents working in six mental health care centers in Togo. Despite the presence of burnout (MB) (16,60%), burnout (55%) and depersonalization (50%) the results still highlight a feeling of high personal achievement in more than half of surveyed (61,66%). The theme of burnout raises questions that require further research in order to be answered. Keywords: Burnout; Employees; Centers; Mental health; Togo

    The socio-demographic risk factors for parental burnout in Togo

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    This study aimed to assess the level of parental burnout in Togo and to examine his association with other socio-demographic variables. It is an investigation that took place alongside the International Investigation of Parental Burnout (IIPB). Using the Parental Burnout Assessment, 103 parents in Lomé and Tsévié were asked to respond on paper or online questionnaires. The results highlighted the low rate of parental burnout among participants and significant associations between parental burnout and the socio-demographic variables. This study suggests that having a high level of education, being male and having very young children are the protective factors against parental burnout. However, few indications were found to establish a relationship between parental burnout and variables like age, ethnic origin, number of children, number of men and women living at home, neighbourhood, or having a paid professional activity. Far from being revealing, this study earns to be investigated deeply in much more robust other studies to identify the protective and risk factors for Togolese parents. In any case, burnout prevention programs in countries (especially in the West) with the highest prevalence of parental burnout should learn from the parenting practices of countries with low levels of parental burnout like in Togo. What is already known about this topic:(1) Parenting is a universal activity that can be stressful for many parents.(2) As child rearing is a collective and social activity, it is the responsibility not only of the family, but also of members of the same neighbourhood, village or ethnic group.(3) The reconfiguration of the family structure (nuclearization) underway in West Africa and Togo limits the role of grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins in parenting, leaving biological parents alone to deal with the emotional and material needs of children. (1) Parenting is a universal activity that can be stressful for many parents. (2) As child rearing is a collective and social activity, it is the responsibility not only of the family, but also of members of the same neighbourhood, village or ethnic group. (3) The reconfiguration of the family structure (nuclearization) underway in West Africa and Togo limits the role of grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins in parenting, leaving biological parents alone to deal with the emotional and material needs of children. What this topic adds:(1) This study presents the local situation regarding parental burnout in Togo as part of studies initiated by the International Investigation of Parental Burnout (IIPB).(2) The results of this study highlight the low rate of parental burnout in Togo.(3) They also suggest that in Togo, having a high level of education, being male and having very young children are protective factors against parental burnout.(4) This study suggests that burnout prevention programs in Western (individualistic) countries where the prevalence of parental burnout is highest should be inspired by parenting practices in (collectivistic) countries where the level of parental burnout is low. (1) This study presents the local situation regarding parental burnout in Togo as part of studies initiated by the International Investigation of Parental Burnout (IIPB). (2) The results of this study highlight the low rate of parental burnout in Togo. (3) They also suggest that in Togo, having a high level of education, being male and having very young children are protective factors against parental burnout. (4) This study suggests that burnout prevention programs in Western (individualistic) countries where the prevalence of parental burnout is highest should be inspired by parenting practices in (collectivistic) countries where the level of parental burnout is low.</p

    QualitĂ© de vie chez les mĂšres d’enfants autistes

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    Objectives: The impact of autism on family life quality is a clinical reality. Research indicates a dynamic of mutual reinforcement between child's behavior and mothers' symptoms of depression. The objective of the current study is to investigate the association between depressive symptoms of mothers who have a child with autism and the child's behavioral disorder, and to indicate the importance of perceived stress, parental sense of competence and individual coping in their associations with mothers' symptoms of depression. Method: Participants (53 mothers, from 29 to 51 years, with a child with autism from 3 to 16 years) completed five standardized questionnaires. Bivariate correlations analysis and step by step regression analyses were done. Results: Significant correlations between mothers' psychological well-being and mothers' stress perception, parental sense of competence, child's behavioral disorder, and individual coping were found. The child's behavioral disorder is the first predictor (26%, p < .001) of depressive symptoms of mothers, followed by individual coping (21%, p < .001) and perceived stress (5%, p < .05). Conclusions: The negative bidirectional reinforcement described in literature was found in this study. Indeed, behavioral disorders of children with autism increase depressive symptoms in mother and vice versa. These results also suggest other important factors which modulate well-being of mothers of children with autism. Finally, because marital and leisure stress and individual stress coping explain an additional variance of depressive symptoms in mothers, the role of spouse and family support, as well as self-help groups and associations of families, is raised

    Que signifie ĂȘtre parent d’un adolescent qui consomme des substances psychoactives ? Étude phĂ©nomĂ©nologique interprĂ©tative transculturelle What does it mean being parent of a teenager who is using psychoactive substances? A transcultural phenomenological interpretative study

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    This study focuses on the theme of the influence of adolescents on parents, from a transcultural perspective considering the socio- cultural contexts of Belgium and Togo. The research question is: “How do parents experience the influence of their teenagers who is using the psychoactive substances?”. Through an inductive qua- litative approach, the study highlighted, not the incidence of this phenomenon, but its existence and meaning, by the method of the interpretative phenomenological analysis. In order to reinforce the validity of the results, triangulations were made: triangulation of data sources (differences and diversity of participant characteris- tics), environmental triangulation (data collection from indigenous people in Belgium and Togo) and triangulation of investigators (involvement of co-authors at all stages: choice of methods, data collection and analysis). The analysis of the data collected from participants of Belgium brought out the following themes: (1) it is difficult for a parent to set limits on his child who is using the substances, (2) the substance use has benefits as well, (3) massive upset the parents’ emotions, (4) the society doesn’t offer enough protection against marginality, (5) it is necessary to protect oneself from society’s accusing gaze. The themes that emerged from the analysis of data from participants of Togo are: (1) I cannot get res- pect in my own home, (2) exacerbation of parents’ vulnerabilities, (3) beware that society’s judgment is humiliating, (4) the chronic disorders have a religious explanation, (5) the relationship with the adolescent is complex and ambivalent. The results of this study thus show that where some participants refer to the difficult character of the adolescent to explain their educational failure, others may suspect, in addition, the intervention of mystical forces. They also suggest that the influence of substance-using teenager has essen- tially negative meanings and is a powerful factor of the parents’ feelings and their educational practices that must be considered in psychotherapy


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    Cette Ă©tude examine l’influence des adolescents sur leurs parents, dans les contextes socioculturels d’Afrique Subsaharienne (Togo) et d’Europe Occidentale (Belgique). À travers une dĂ©marche qualitative inductive, les donnĂ©es d’entretiens semi-directifs avec des adolescents qui consomment des substances psychoactives ont fait l’objet d’une analyse phĂ©nomĂ©nologique interprĂ©tative. Les rĂ©sultats montrent une bidirectionnalitĂ© de cette influence et les thĂšmes qui Ă©mergent renvoient Ă  la prĂ©occupation sur les rĂ©sultats scolaires, sur la consommation de substances, et sur les besoins matĂ©riels et affectifs des adolescents. L’étude a montrĂ© que les significations culturelles associĂ©es Ă  la relation parent-adolescent et Ă  la consommation de substances impriment l'agentivitĂ© de l’adolescent. Elle a permis de mieux comprendre l’adolescent comme un partenaire actif du processus de construction de son identitĂ©, au mĂȘme titre que les parents, et permet de modifier bien d’idĂ©es reçues Ă  propos des adolescents qui consomment des substances psychoactives.This study examines the influence of teenagers on their parents in the socio-cultural contexts of sub-Saharan Africa (Togo) and Western Europe (Belgium). Through an inductive qualitative approach, the data of semi-directive interviews with teenagers who use psychoactive substances were analyzed using the Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis method. The results show a bidirectionality of this influence and the themes that emerged refer to the school performance, the substances use and the material and emotional needs of youths. The study showed that the cultural meanings associated with parent-adolescent relationships and substances use influence the teenager’s agency. It has led to a better understanding of the teenager as an active partner in the process of the building of his own identity in the same way as parents and help to change many preconceived ideas about teenagers who use psychoactive substances

    SymptÎmes externalisés, symptÎmes internalisés et comportements prosociaux : quel est le meilleur prédicteur de la consommation de substances psychoactives chez des adolescents au Togo ?

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    The presence of externalized or internalized symptoms in teens increases the chance of developing the psychoactive substances use (alcohol, cannabis and tobacco). Externalized or internalized symptoms and substances use are indicators of poorer quality of life. On the other hand, the increase in prosocial behaviors is associated with a better psychological well-being. However, the links between prosocial behaviors and substances use remain unclear. Moreover, externalized symptoms, internalized symptoms and prosocial behaviors were scarcely competed in the explanation of substances use in adolescents. Therefore, this study aims to investigate among these factors the specific patterns of alcohol, tobacco and cannabis consumption by determining the most important predictor of the intensity of the consumption of each substance. Data were collected from 78 students aged 12 to 18 from Togo, including 66 boys, using self-reported questionnaires. The results show that externalized symptoms are systematic predictors of the intensity of substances use in these adolescents, regardless of the product. The explanatory variances of internalized symptoms (for cannabis) and prosocial behaviors (for tobacco) are shared by externalized symptoms. In conclusion, these results suggest a weak presence of prosocial behaviors, a moderate presence of internalized symptoms and a strong presence of externalized symptoms in teens with poorer adjustment by a heaviest substances using

    Configurations familiales et souffrance psychique chez les Tunisiens usagers de la Buprénorphine haut dosage

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    Nous avons expliquĂ© les fonctions de l’usage de la BuprĂ©norphine haut dosage dans les relations affectives des Usagers de Drogues Injectables (UDI) dans le contexte socioculturel tunisien, dans une Ă©tude clinique. Le but poursuivi Ă©tait de dĂ©crire les dysfonctionnements familiaux et les souffrances affectives des UDI tunisiens en nous focalisant sur les fonctions qu’assure l’usage de la BuprĂ©norphine Haut Dosage dans leurs liens affectifs. Pour mettre en Ɠuvre cette recherche, nous avons utilisĂ© en marge des entretiens cliniques, les tests projectifs du TAT, du Rorschach et du dessin de la famille, pour l’investigation psychologique, d’octobre 2011 Ă  mars 2012 Ă  Tunis. Les dysfonctionnements familiaux et les souffrances affectives des UDI, observĂ©s aux entretiens cliniques menĂ©s, se sont traduits par des tendances inhibitrices des affects nĂ©gatifs et le manque de reprĂ©sentation pulsionnelle Ă  travers les protocoles des tests du Rorschach et du TAT sans oublier les dessins de la famille. Les rĂ©sultats confirment Ă©galement qu’aucun fonctionnement psychologique n’est Ă©pargnĂ© par la dĂ©pendance Ă  la BuprĂ©norphine haut dosage. C’est ainsi que les UDI recourent assez souvent Ă  l’inhibition et l’évitement dans leur rapport au rĂ©el, exprimant une insĂ©curitĂ© affective. Ils tendent Ă  dĂ©charger leurs pulsions de façon impulsive car la reprĂ©sentation Ă©choue. La relation d’objet procĂšde par isolement, par refoulement ou par projection. La fragilitĂ© identitaire est flagrante et les images parentales paraissent envahissantes ou inconsistantes pour assurer la sĂ©curitĂ© affective. Les effets de la BuprĂ©norphine Haut Dosage sont ainsi recherchĂ©s pour inhiber les affects nĂ©gatifs