10 research outputs found

    The Effect of disputes on Quranic recitation to ilm al-tafsir in fath al-wasîd which is alem al-dîn as-sahawi's work

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    MakaleFethü’l - vasîd, meşhur kıraat âlimi Kâsım b. Fîrruh eş-Şâtıbî’nin (ö. 590/1194) kıraat ilminde son derece önemli bir yeri olan ve Şâtıbiyye olarak da bilinen manzum eseri Hırzü’l-emânî’ye Alemüddîn es-Sehâvî’nin (ö. 643/1246) yazdığı şerhtir. Sehâvî’nin uzun yıllar başta kıraat ilmi olmak üzere çeşitli ilimlerin tahsili için İmam Şâtıbî’ye talebelik yapması, sembol ifade ve kalıplarla bezeli vecîz Şâtıbiyye metninin şerhinde, hocasının muradını nakletme noktasında kendini göstermiştir. Şâtıbiyye’ye pek çok şerh yazılmış fakat kaynaklarda belirtildiğine göre insanlar arasında eserin yayılması bu şerh vasıtası ile olmuştur. Aynı zamanda dil ve tefsir âlimi olan Sehâvî’nin kelimelerin harfleri, harekesi, sureti ve siygasının değişmesi neticesinde ortaya çıkan yeni, zengin ve derin manayı açıklayışı, ilme olan vukûfiyetini ve kıraat ihtilaflarının hikmetini gösterir niteliktedir. Bu çalışmada kıraat âlimi Alemüddîn es-Sehâvî’nin meşhur Şâtıbiyye şerhi Fethü’l-vasîd fî şerhi’l-kasîd isimli eserinin tanıtımı yapılacak ve eserde değinilen ferşî kıraat ihtilaflarının âyetlerin tefsirine etkisinden örnekler takdim edilecektir. Çalışmada sunulan örnekler eserin ferşü’l-hurûf bâbından seçilmiştir.Alem al-Dîn as-Sahawi (d. 643/1246) wrote an annotation called as Fethü’l-vasîdto Hirzü’l-emânî, also known as Şâtıbiyye, which had a very important place in ılm al-qira’at, by the famous quranic sciences scholar Kâsım b. Fîrruh eş-Şâtıbî (d. 590/1194). We know that Sahawi was a student to Imam Şâtıbî for various education, initially quranic sciences for many years. This collaborative work with his teacher ensured the understanding of the terse Şâtıbiyyetext, covered with symbol expressions and patterns, and distinguished himself in its annotation. Many annotations were written to Şâtıbiyye, but according to the resources, the spread of the work among people has been by means of this annotation. Explanation of new, rich and deep meaning which occurs as a result of the change of letters, vowel point, copy and tense of words of Sahawi, who is also a linguist and commentator, indicates knowledge of science and wisdom of recitation disputes and is very precious.In this study, the work of quranic sciences scholar Alem al-Dîn as-Sahawi called as Fethü’l-vasîd fî şerhi’l-kasîd, the famous Şâtıbiyyeannotation will be introduced and examples of the effects of scattered disputes mentioned in the work on the detailed commentary of the verses from the Quran will be presented. The samples presented in the study were selected from the chapter of Ferşü’l-hurûf

    Prevalence and distribution of Dirofilaria immitis in domestic dogs from Ankara and vicinity in Turkey

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    A total of 280 dogs in Ankara and vicinity were examined from November 2000 through December 2001 by the PetChek antigen ELISA and polycarbonate filter-acid phosphatase histochemical staining techniques for Dirofilaria immitis infection. Dirofilaria immitis (heartworm) infection was found in 26 dogs (9.3 %), all of which were kept always outdoors and non prophylacted by their owners. The distribution of heartworm infected dogs was not uniform. Infection with D. immitis was correlated with differences in age and sex. But, no significant association was found

    Setaria equina infection of Turkish equines: estimates of prevalence based on necropsy and the detection of microfilaraemia

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    Necropsies on 43 horses, 35 donkeys and two mules slaughtered in Ankara, Turkey, revealed that 12 (15%) of the equines harboured adult Setaria equina. When blood samples were checked for microfilariae, using Knott's method and a combination of membrane filtration followed by histochemical staining for acid phosphatase (AP), only three (4%) of the animals were found to be microfilaraemic. When stained for AP, the S. equina microfilariae exhibited diffuse red staining over the entire body, including the sheath, with brighter staining around the anal and excretory pores. Application of Knott's method revealed only two of the three microfilaraemias detected using the combination of filtration and AP staining. The combination may represent a useful technique for the detection of equine microfilaraemia

    Immunoblotting analysis of somatic components of Dirofilaria immitis

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    SDS-PAGE analysis of Dirofilaria immitis extracts demonstrated the complexity of somatic protein component of adult mole similar to that of adult female worm. Western blot analysis showed six major peptide bands of 85, 66, 42, 20, 16.2 and 14.5 kDa recognized in the sera of infected dogs. Western blotting sera from dogs with Dirofilaria immitis infection suggest that antigenic components in the low molecular weight region may be related to the anti-parasitic mechanism of the host

    Immunoblotting analysis of somatic components of Dirofilaria immitis

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    SDS-PAGE analysis of Dirofilaria immitis extracts demonstrated the complexity of somatic protein component of adult mole similar to that of adult female worm. Western blot analysis showed six major peptide bands of 85, 66, 42, 20, 16.2 and 14.5 kDa recognized in the sera of infected dogs. Western blotting sera from dogs with Dirofilaria immitis infection suggest that antigenic components in the low molecular weight region may be related to the anti-parasitic mechanism of the host