169 research outputs found

    Genetically Modified Grain Corn and Soybeans in Quebec and Ontario in 2000 and 2001

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    This report focuses on the changes in the area of genetically modified (GM) grain corn and soybeans, comparing the year 2001 with 2000. In the 2001 growing season, total GM area increased significantly for both GM grain corn and soybean crops in Quebec and Ontario. The number of large farms seeding GM crops rose considerably, while the number of small- and medium-sized farms growing GM crops was quite unchanged. The increase in GM soybean area was higher than that of GM grain corn. Farms growing both corn and soybeans made the biggest contribution to the increase. The increase appears to be a consequence of both higher average area of GM crops grown per farm by farmers who grew GM crops in 2000 and, to a lesser extent, the adoption of GM technology by new farmers. Most of the increased GM area was in Quebec, where the area seeded to GM grain corn rose 30.3% and to soybeans, 63.0%. In Ontario, the increase was 11.3% for grain corn and 25.4% for soybeans. In both provinces, the greater GM area for soybeans was more than double the increase in GM area for grain corn. In Quebec and in Ontario, the proportion of GM grain corn and soybean area to total grain corn and soybean area has increased significantly. In Quebec, GM area accounted for 31% of grain corn area and 27% of soybean area in 2001 compared to 27% and 17% respectively in 2000. In Ontario, the proportions were 29% for grain corn and 23% for soybean in 2001 compared to 27% and 17% respectively in 2000. In 2001, the proportion of large farms (total operated area greater than 980 acres) reporting GM grain corn or soybeans increased more than any other farm size category. This was especially apparent in Quebec. However, the small farm category, which accounted for the largest proportion of GM area in 2000, saw its share drop significantly in 2001. Statistics Canada's November Farm Survey data shows that yields for GM soybeans and grain corn have been better than yields for non-GM crops, and that growing GM grain corn and soybeans appears to have improved the average yield for both crops.Crop Production/Industries,

    Ebola Treatment and Prevention are not the only Battles: Understanding Ebola-related Fear and Stigma

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    Although Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) had already taken hundreds of lives in Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone, it was only declared an ‘Public Health Emergency of International Concern’ in early August when the world started to panic from the possibility of EVD getting out of African borders - a fear that was spreading much faster than the virus itself (1,2). The underlying causes of this fear, however, go far behind the uncertainties surrounding EVD’s pathogenesis and could stem from the past (3). The western perception of associating West Africa with deadly diseases such as malaria, yellow fever and EVD, and representing the region as white man’s grave is not just fueled by superstition or ignorance and has roots in history (3,4). For instance, the yellow fever outbreak in Liberia in the 20s that led to the loss of several prominent American and British medical researchers and instructors, has left the West with painful memories of the region (3)

    Cognition and Technology: Effectiveness of intelligent tutoring systems for software training

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    This study addresses the potential of using an intelligent tutoring system (ITS) to tutor on off-the-shelf (OTS) software. ITSs have been successfully used to tutor on a variety of learning domains, but there has been little research comparing ITS-based training on an OTS application with traditional software training approaches such as books or interactive software simulations. The work presented here includes procedures and results for Paint.NET training and evaluation using three methods: book-based, interactive simulation, and an ITS. It is reported that there were some associations between the training method and training experiences. Book-based training exhibited higher scores on both task performance and system usability perception, while better times were recorded for the simulation approach. Concept acquisition score was not found to significantly correlate with training method, however. Additionally, it was found that interactions between training mode and spatial ability or general self-efficacy (GSE) significantly affected system usability perception. It was also learned that within ITS high computer self-efficacy (CSE) learners outperformed these with low CSE on task performance measure. Similar findings were reported for simulation group where high-spatial learners recorded better training times than low-spatial learners. Overall, results indicated that four individual characteristics to succeed indicators explored in this study significantly correlated with total training time and system usability measures. It is concluded that if an ITS is to be a tutor on OTS application then further refinements are needed

    Analysis of Electrical Loads and Strategies for Increasing Self-Consumption with BIPV Case study : Skarpnes Zero-Energy House

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    Master's thesis Renewable Energy ENE500 - University of Agder 2017At Skarpnes village (Southern Norway), the houses as zero energy buildings (ZEB) are installed with Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) systems, and these houses are not containing smart control of equipments. The aim of such buildings is that the amount of electrical energy produced is the same as that consumed in the buildings on an annual basis. In this thesis, the main objective is to analyse the methods for increasing self -consumption in BIPV, by minimizing the cost of purchasing electricity from the grid at time with no PV production, and maximizing the utilization of solar PV generated power, which reduces the power sold back to the grid. To achieve this, two methods for increasing self-consumption, namely demand side management (DSM) and energy storage using domestic hot water (DHW) tank were analyzed. Maximizing self-consumption of residential PV systems is profitable, because the sale cost of exported power to the grid is lower than that of importing power from the grid. To achieve high self- consumption, shiftable loads (e.g. heat pump) are controlled so that solar PV energy utilization especially at time with high solar irradiation can be maximized. The results show that, load shifting play an important role in minimizing the cost of imported energy, for example in May, by storing the excess PV production through DHW tank to be used in the evening or morning the following day. By considrering some selected clear days in six months, this excess PV energy boosted water from 40 0 C to 90 o C, (corresponding to the set limits for minimum and maximum temperature) without assistance from the grid distribution network. Supply and demand cover factors were used to determine when the loads in houses are covered by PV production or not. Based on the available dataset, it has been found that in December 2015 and May 2016, 3.3 % and 56.7 % of demand respectively is covered by solar PV. Loss of load probability (LOLP) is used to analyze the time where load demand is not covered by PV production at desired reliability level. The results of this research are important in implementation of DSM techniques for economic analysis in BIPV systems. Also, the use of excess PV energy storage through DHW tank minimizes the energy exchange between BIPV and the grid. The results of this thesis will contribute further to the investigation of self- consumption analysis in the BIPV systems, by maximizing energy utilization in the BIPV systems. Keywords: BIPV, PV production, electric loads, self-consumption, cover factors, Load-shifting, heat pump, domestic hot water storag

    Solidarity with strangers : the challenges posed by the Great Lakes region refugees to the Ministry of the Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Nativity, Pietermaritzburg.

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    Thesis (M.Th.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2007.This thesis focuses on the challenges posed by the refugees from the Great Lakes Region to the ministry of the Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Nativity in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. It intends to inform the Christian world in general and specifically the Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Nativity of the current refugee situation and its causes. Furthermore, this study shows that understanding the refugees' livelihood strategies is a prerequisite to improved interventions. Using the Sustainable Livelihood Framework, this study describes some of the positive and negative outcomes from the mechanisms and strategies developed by refugees in order to stabilize and enhance their situation. Looking at the livelihood challenges faced by the Great Lakes Region refugees, this study shows how UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees) has been in a weak position to challenge the policies of its funders and host governments even when those policies fail to respond adequately to refugee problems

    Women's empowerment in the post-1994 Rwanda: the case study of Mayaga Region

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    This research looks at the process of women’s empowerment in post- 1994 Rwanda, with special focus on twelve cooperatives working in Mayaga region and the way these cooperatives empower women, their households and the community at large. Traditional Rwandan society has been always bound by patriarchy which has not valued the reproductive roles of women as economically productive in their households and the society as a whole. On the one hand, this understanding was reversed in the post-1994 Rwanda by the commitment of the government to gender equality at the highest level of political leadership through progressive policies and legislation. On the other hand, in Mayaga region, cooperatives brought about socio-economic development and changed relationships of gender and power in a patriarchal post-conflict society. The findings from cooperatives in Mayaga region show that to prevent women from reaching their full potential is economic folly. If women are empowered, they can generate important development outcomes such as improved health, education, income levels and conflict resolution. The findings further indicate how women’s empowerment is determined by the livelihood strategies women adopt themselves to respond to their vulnerability, and by the ways in which they express their agency in making a living in a sustainable way, with the available community assets that they have access to (financial, social, human, natural and physical). This research highlights that the accessibility of the community assets used by women in Mayaga region and in Rwanda as a whole is also determined by policies, institutions and processes that are able to influence their livelihoods positively

    A study in the history of liberation catechesis : the contribution of the Catholic Church in South Africa to the catechetical renewal from 1965 to 1991.

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    Thesis (M.Th.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2000.This research is a study of the history of liberation catechesis with a special emphasis on the contribution of the Catholic Church in South Africa to the catechetical renewal from 1965 to 1991. It is fundamentally an exercise in contextual catechesis and starts from the pre-supposition that it is the particular situation under which people live, in this case the South African context, which gives catechesis its existence and its specifity. Exploring the catechetical productions of the Catholic Church in South Africa from 1965 to 1991, this study shows how the clergy of the Catholic Church remained in constant turmoil searching for ways and means of meeting the demands of the catechetical renewal called for by the Second Vatican Council. In this quest for renewal it was imperative for catechetical experts to engage with the South African Context. In this enterprise there was a preoccupation with linking the Christian message and the people's life despite all the tensions, conflicts and divisions within the Catholic Church and the society as a whole. It is this need of linking the Christian faith and people's life situation in South Africa which is understood as a liberation catechesls or a liberating catechesls. It is an all-embracing catechesis because it takes into account all aspects of human life and aims at a better life. It was not an easy task as one could see through the South African situation. However it was necessary if the Catholic Church wanted to proclaim a Christian message which is relevant to the people of South Africa. Initiating a liberation catechesis demands a lot of courage and commitment because it is a question of life and death. The people who embarked on this road in South Africa were bound to call for change including the political system which affected the life of the people at the time. It is in this sense that their life was at risk. Despite this risk, progressive bishops, priests and catechists held that liberation catechesis is the way out for the Catholic Church in South Africa to be relevant to the people. This is where the South African context offers a way out for other local Churches in South Africa trapped in social and ethnic conflict today, namely the Church in Rwanda