45 research outputs found

    Estimating Productivity of Dairy Cows by Inductive Logic Programming

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    In this study, we attempt deriving rules to estimate the productivity of dairy cows using inductive logic programming (ILP) for dairy farming. The milk yield of dairy cows is economically important and, of course, should be large. Accordingly, we selected data using the total milk yield in a lifetime as a threshold, and our ILP algorithm learned about positive and negative cases. As a result, 42 rules in positive, and 11 rules in negative were derived. ILP is also applicable for dairy farming and can provide useful information for farmers

    A JWST/NIRSpec First Census of Broad-Line AGNs at z=4-7: Detection of 10 Faint AGNs with M_BH~10^6-10^8 M_sun and Their Host Galaxy Properties

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    We present a first statistical sample of faint type-1 AGNs at z>4z>4 identified by JWST/NIRSpec deep spectroscopy. Among the 185 galaxies at zspec=3.88.9z_\mathrm{spec}=3.8-8.9 confirmed with NIRSpec, our systematic search for broad-line emission reveals 10 type-1 AGNs at z=4.0156.936z=4.015-6.936 whose broad component is only seen in the permitted Hα\alpha line and not in the forbidden [OIII]λ\lambda5007 line that is detected with greater significance than Hα\alpha. The broad Hα\alpha line widths of $\mathrm{FWHM}\simeq1000-6000\ \mathrm{km\ s^{-1}}suggestthattheAGNshavelowmassblackholeswith suggest that the AGNs have low-mass black holes with M_\mathrm{BH}\sim10^6-10^8\ M_\odot,remarkablylowerthanthoseoflowluminosityquasarspreviouslyidentifiedat, remarkably lower than those of low-luminosity quasars previously identified at z>4withgroundbasedtelescopes.JWSTandHSThighresolutionimagesrevealthatthemajorityofthemshowextendedmorphologiesindicatingsignificantcontributiontothetotallightsfromtheirhostgalaxies,exceptforthreecompactobjectstwoofwhichshowredSEDs,probablyinatransitionphasefromfaintAGNstolowluminosityquasars.CarefulAGNhostdecompositionanalysesshowthattheirhostsstellarmassesaresystematicallylowerthanthelocalrelationbetweentheblackholemassandthestellarmass,implyingafastblackholegrowthconsistentwithpredictionsfromtheoreticalsimulations.AhighfractionofthebroadlineAGNs( with ground-based telescopes. JWST and HST high-resolution images reveal that the majority of them show extended morphologies indicating significant contribution to the total lights from their host galaxies, except for three compact objects two of which show red SEDs, probably in a transition phase from faint AGNs to low luminosity quasars. Careful AGN-host decomposition analyses show that their host's stellar masses are systematically lower than the local relation between the black hole mass and the stellar mass, implying a fast black hole growth consistent with predictions from theoretical simulations. A high fraction of the broad-line AGNs (\sim5\%),higherthan), higher than z\sim0,indicatesthatanumberdensityofsuchfaintAGNsishigherthananextrapolationofthequasarluminosityfunction,implyingalargepopulationofAGNsincludingtype1andtype2intheearlyuniverse.SuchfaintAGNscontributetocosmicreionization,whilethetotalcontributionisnotlarge,upto, indicates that a number density of such faint AGNs is higher than an extrapolation of the quasar luminosity function, implying a large population of AGNs including type 1 and type 2 in the early universe. Such faint AGNs contribute to cosmic reionization, while the total contribution is not large, up to \sim50\%at at z\sim6$, because of their faint nature.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    AL amyloidosis with non-amyloid forming monoclonal immunoglobulin deposition; a case mimicking AHL amyloidosis

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    BackgroundImmunoglobulin heavy-and-light-chain amyloidosis (AHL amyloidosis) is a newly established disease entity where both the immunoglobulin heavy-chain and light-chain compose amyloid fibrils. The immunoglobulins responsible for the amyloid fibrils are generally identified by immunostaining and/or laser microdissection-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LMD-LC-MS/MS). However, both techniques do not biochemically differentiate immunoglobulins that formed amyloid fibrils from non-responsible immunoglobulins.Case presentationWe herein report a case of 67-year-old female patient with renal amyloidosis due to lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma secreting monoclonal immunoglobulin M (IgM)-kappa. Renal immunostaining monotypically positive for IgM-kappa and LMD-LC-MS/MS identification of mu heavy-chain and kappa light-chain were consistent with the diagnosis of AHL amyloidosis. In order to confirm that both the immunoglobulin heavy-chain and light-chain were forming amyloid fibrils, we performed LC-MS/MS of renal amyloid fibrils isolated by the traditional amyloid purification method. The additional LC-MS/MS identified kappa light-chain only without any heavy-chain component. These results were suggestive that amyloid fibrils were composed by kappa light-chain only and that the mu heavy-chain identified by immunostaining and LMD-LC-MS/MS was derived from the non-specific co-deposition of monoclonal IgM-kappa.ConclusionThe case was AL amyloidosis with non-amyloid forming monoclonal immunoglobulin deposition. While immunostaining and LMD-LC-MS/MS are irreplaceable techniques to classify amyloidosis, confident exclusion of the present condition should be required to diagnose AHL amyloidosis

    Potential value of saline-induced Pd/Pa ratio in patients with coronary artery stenosis

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    BackgroundFractional flow reserve (FFR) is the current gold standard for identifying myocardial ischemia in individuals with coronary artery stenosis. However, FFR is not penetrated as much worldwide due to time consumption, costs associated with adenosine, FFR-related discomfort, and complications. Resting physiological indexes may be widely accepted alternatives to FFR, while the discrepancies with FFR were found in up to 20% of lesions. The saline-induced Pd/Pa ratio (SPR) is a new simplified option for evaluating coronary stenosis. However, the clinical implication of SPR remains unclear.ObjectivesIn the present study, we aimed to compare the accuracies of SPR and resting full-cycle ratio (RFR) and to investigate the incremental value of SPR in clinical practice.MethodsIn this multicenter prospective study, 112 coronary lesions (105 patients) were evaluated by SPR, RFR, and FFR.ResultsThe overall median age was 71 years, and 84.8% were men. SPR was correlated more strongly with FFR than with RFR (r = 0.874 vs. 0.713, respectively; p < 0.001). Using FFR < 0.80 as the reference standard variable, the area under the receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve for SPR was superior to that of RFR (0.932 vs. 0.840, respectively; p = 0.009).ConclusionSaline-induced Pd/Pa ratio predicted FFR more accurately than RFR. SPR could be an alternative method for evaluating coronary artery stenosis and further investigation including elucidation of the mechanism of SPR is needed (225 words)

    EMPRESS. XII. Statistics on the Dynamics and Gas Mass Fraction of Extremely-Metal Poor Galaxies

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    We present demography of the dynamics and gas-mass fraction of 33 extremely metal-poor galaxies (EMPGs) with metallicities of 0.0150.195 Z0.015-0.195~Z_\odot and low stellar masses of 104108 M10^4-10^8~M_\odot in the local universe. We conduct deep optical integral-field spectroscopy (IFS) for the low-mass EMPGs with the medium high resolution (R=7500R=7500) grism of the 8m-Subaru FOCAS IFU instrument by the EMPRESS 3D survey, and investigate Hα\alpha emission of the EMPGs. Exploiting the resolution high enough for the low-mass galaxies, we derive gas dynamics with the Hα\alpha lines by the fitting of 3-dimensional disk models. We obtain an average maximum rotation velocity (vrotv_\mathrm{rot}) of 15±3 km s115\pm3~\mathrm{km~s^{-1}} and an average intrinsic velocity dispersion (σ0\sigma_0) of 27±10 km s127\pm10~\mathrm{km~s^{-1}} for 15 spatially resolved EMPGs out of the 33 EMPGs, and find that all of the 15 EMPGs have vrot/σ0<1v_\mathrm{rot}/\sigma_0<1 suggesting dispersion dominated systems. There is a clear decreasing trend of vrot/σ0v_\mathrm{rot}/\sigma_0 with the decreasing stellar mass and metallicity. We derive the gas mass fraction (fgasf_\mathrm{gas}) for all of the 33 EMPGs, and find no clear dependence on stellar mass and metallicity. These vrot/σ0v_\mathrm{rot}/\sigma_0 and fgasf_\mathrm{gas} trends should be compared with young high-zz galaxies observed by the forthcoming JWST IFS programs to understand the physical origins of the EMPGs in the local universe.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    EMPRESS. IX. Extremely Metal-Poor Galaxies are Very Gas-Rich Dispersion-Dominated Systems: Will JWST Witness Gaseous Turbulent High-z Primordial Galaxies?

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    We present kinematics of 6 local extremely metal-poor galaxies (EMPGs) with low metallicities (0.0160.098 Z0.016-0.098\ Z_{\odot}) and low stellar masses (104.7107.6M10^{4.7}-10^{7.6} M_{\odot}). Taking deep medium-high resolution (R7500R\sim7500) integral-field spectra with 8.2-m Subaru, we resolve the small inner velocity gradients and dispersions of the EMPGs with Hα\alpha emission. Carefully masking out sub-structures originated by inflow and/or outflow, we fit 3-dimensional disk models to the observed Hα\alpha flux, velocity, and velocity-dispersion maps. All the EMPGs show rotational velocities (vrotv_{\rm rot}) of 5--23 km s1^{-1} smaller than the velocity dispersions (σ0\sigma_{0}) of 17--31 km s1^{-1}, indicating dispersion-dominated (vrot/σ0=0.290.80<1v_{\rm rot}/\sigma_{0}=0.29-0.80<1) systems affected by inflow and/or outflow. Except for two EMPGs with large uncertainties, we find that the EMPGs have very large gas-mass fractions of fgas0.91.0f_{\rm gas}\simeq 0.9-1.0. Comparing our results with other Hα\alpha kinematics studies, we find that vrot/σ0v_{\rm rot}/\sigma_{0} decreases and fgasf_{\rm gas} increases with decreasing metallicity, decreasing stellar mass, and increasing specific star-formation rate. We also find that simulated high-zz (z7z\sim 7) forming galaxies have gas fractions and dynamics similar to the observed EMPGs. Our EMPG observations and the simulations suggest that primordial galaxies are gas-rich dispersion-dominated systems, which would be identified by the forthcoming James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) observations at z7z\sim 7.Comment: Submitted to ApJ; After revisio

    Cp*Rh-III/Chiral Disulfonate/CuOAc Catalyst System for the Enantioselective Intramolecular Oxyamination of Alkenes

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    The enantioselective intramolecular oxyamination of unsaturated alkoxyamines using a hybrid catalytic system consisting of Cp*Rh-III/chiral disulfonate/CuOAc is described. Tetrahydrofuran derivatives with a tetrasubstituted chiral center were obtained under the optimized conditions in 91:9-97:3 er. The use of a sterically hindered chiral disulfonate and a Cu additive was essential for the high enantioselectivity

    Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl rhodium(III)-chiral disulfonate hybrid catalysis for enantioselective C-H bond functionalization

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    Though Cp*Rh(III) complexes are prominent and versatile catalysts for C-H bond functionalization reactions, catalytic stereocontrol is difficult due to the lack of vacant coordination sites. Here, we report a hybrid strategy for inducing chirality without using previously reported chiral Cp-x ligands. A preformed hybrid catalyst, [Cp*RhLN][6,6'-Br-(S)-BINSate], catalysed C-H activation and subsequent conjugate addition of 2-phenylpyridine derivatives to enones in good yield and enantioselectivity (enantiomeric ratio up to 95:5). In addition to 2-phenylpyridines, the conjugate addition of 6-arylpurines proceeded with an enantiomeric ratio of up to 91:9 using [Cp*RhLN](R)-SPISate]. The results demonstrate that a chiral organic anion can efficiently control the enantioselectivity of Cp*Rh(III)-catalysed C-H bond functionalization without a chiral Cp-x ligand