50 research outputs found

    The Distributed and Assembly Scheduling Problem

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] Nowadays, manufacturing systems meet different new global challenges and the existence of a collaborative manufacturing environment is essential to face with. Distributed manufacturing and assembly systems are two manufacturing systems which allow industries to deal with some of these challenges. This thesis studies a production problem in which both distributed manufacturing and assembly systems are considered. Although distributed manufacturing systems and assembly systems are well-known problems and have been extensively studied in the literature, to the best of our knowledge, considering these two systems together as in this thesis is the first effort in the literature. Due to the importance of scheduling optimization on production performance, some different ways to optimize the scheduling of the considered problem are discussed in this thesis. The studied scheduling setting consists of two stages: A production and an assembly stage. Various production centers make the first stage. Each of these centers consists of several machines which are dedicated to manufacture jobs. A single assembly machine is considered for the second stage. The produced jobs are assembled on the assembly machine to form final products through a defined assembly program. In this thesis, two different problems regarding two different production configurations for the production centers of the first stage are considered. The first configuration is a flowshop that results in what we refer to as the Distributed Assembly Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem (DAPFSP). The second problem is referred to as the Distributed Parallel Machine and Assembly Scheduling Problem (DPMASP), where unrelated parallel machines configure the production centers. Makespan minimization of the product on the assembly machine located in the assembly stage is considered as the objective function for all considered problems. In this thesis some extensions are considered for the studied problems so as to bring them as close as possible to the reality of production shops. In the DAPFSP, sequence dependent setup times are added for machines in both production and assembly stages. Similarly, in the DPMASP, due to technological constraints, some defined jobs can be processed only in certain factories. Mathematical models are presented as an exact solution for some of the presented problems and two state-of-art solvers, CPLEX and GUROBI are used to solve them. Since these solvers are not able to solve large sized problems, we design and develop heuristic methods to solve the problems. In addition to heuristics, some metaheuristics are also designed and proposed to improve the solutions obtained by heuristics. Finally, for each proposed problem, the performance of the proposed solution methods is compared through extensive computational and comprehensive ANOVA statistical analysis.[ES] Los sistemas de producción se enfrentan a retos globales en los que el concepto de fabricación colaborativa es crucial para poder tener éxito en el entorno cambiante y complejo en el que nos encontramos. Una característica de los sistemas productivos que puede ayudar a lograr este objetivo consiste en disponer de una red de fabricación distribuida en la que los productos se fabriquen en localizaciones diferentes y se vayan ensamblando para obtener el producto final. En estos casos, disponer de modelos y herramientas para mejorar el rendimiento de sistemas de producción distribuidos con ensamblajes es una manera de asegurar la eficiencia de los mismos. En esta tesis doctoral se estudian los sistemas de fabricación distribuidos con operaciones de ensamblaje. Los sistemas distribuidos y los sistemas con operaciones de ensamblaje han sido estudiados por separado en la literatura. De hecho, no se han encontrado estudios de sistemas con ambas características consideradas de forma conjunta. Dada la complejidad de considerar conjuntamente ambos tipos de sistemas a la hora de realizar la programación de la producción en los mismos, se ha abordado su estudio considerando un modelo bietápico en la que en la primera etapa se consideran las operaciones de producción y en la segunda se plantean las operaciones de ensamblaje. Dependiendo de la configuración de la primera etapa se han estudiado dos variantes. En la primera variante se asume que la etapa de producción está compuesta por sendos sistemas tipo flowshop en los que se fabrican los componentes que se ensamblan en la segunda etapa (Distributed Assembly Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem o DAPFSP). En la segunda variante se considera un sistema de máquinas en paralelo no relacionadas (Distributed Parallel Machine and Assembly Scheduling Problem o DPMASP). En ambas variantes se optimiza la fecha de finalización del último trabajo secuenciado (Cmax) y se contempla la posibilidad que existan tiempos de cambio (setup) dependientes de la secuencia de trabajos fabricada. También, en el caso DPMASP se estudia la posibilidad de prohibir o no el uso de determinadas máquinas de la etapa de producción. Se han desarrollado modelos matemáticos para resolver algunas de las variantes anteriores. Estos modelos se han resuelto mediante los programas CPLEX y GUROBI en aquellos casos que ha sido posible. Para las instancias en los que el modelo matemático no ofrecía una solución al problema se han desarrollado heurísticas y metaheurísticas para ello. Todos los procedimientos anteriores han sido estudiados para determinar el rendimiento de los diferentes algoritmos planteados. Para ello se ha realizado un exhaustivo estudio computacional en el que se han aplicado técnicas ANOVA. Los resultados obtenidos en la tesis permiten avanzar en la comprensión del comportamiento de los sistemas productivos distribuidos con ensamblajes, definiendo algoritmos que permiten obtener buenas soluciones a este tipo de problemas tan complejos que aparecen tantas veces en la realidad industrial.[CA] Els sistemes de producció s'enfronten a reptes globals en què el concepte de fabricació col.laborativa és crucial per a poder tindre èxit en l'entorn canviant i complex en què ens trobem. Una característica dels sistemes productius que pot ajudar a aconseguir este objectiu consistix a disposar d'una xarxa de fabricació distribuïda en la que els productes es fabriquen en localitzacions diferents i es vagen acoblant per a obtindre el producte final. En estos casos, disposar de models i ferramentes per a millorar el rendiment de sistemes de producció distribuïts amb acoblaments és una manera d'assegurar l'eficiència dels mateixos. En esta tesi doctoral s'estudien els sistemes de fabricació distribuïts amb operacions d'acoblament. Els sistemes distribuïts i els sistemes amb operacions d'acoblament han sigut estudiats per separat en la literatura però, en allò que es coneix, no s'han trobat estudis de sistemes amb ambdós característiques conjuntament. Donada la complexitat de considerar conjuntament ambdós tipus de sistemes a l'hora de realitzar la programació de la producció en els mateixos, s'ha abordat el seu estudi considerant un model bietàpic en la que en la primera etapa es consideren les operacions de producció i en la segona es plantegen les operacions d'acoblament. Depenent de la configuració de la primera etapa s'han estudiat dos variants. En la primera variant s'assumix que l'etapa de producció està composta per sengles sistemes tipus flowshop en els que es fabriquen els components que s'acoblen en la segona etapa (Distributed Assembly Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem o DAPFSP). En la segona variant es considera un sistema de màquines en paral.lel no relacionades (Distributed Parallel Machine and Assembly Scheduling Problem o DPMASP). En ambdós variants s'optimitza la data de finalització de l'últim treball seqüenciat (Cmax) i es contempla la possibilitat que existisquen temps de canvi (setup) dependents de la seqüència de treballs fabricada. També, en el cas DPMASP s'estudia la possibilitat de prohibir o no l'ús de determinades màquines de l'etapa de producció. S'han desenvolupat models matemàtics per a resoldre algunes de les variants anteriors. Estos models s'han resolt per mitjà dels programes CPLEX i GUROBI en aquells casos que ha sigut possible. Per a les instàncies en què el model matemàtic no oferia una solució al problema s'han desenrotllat heurístiques i metaheurísticas per a això. Tots els procediments anteriors han sigut estudiats per a determinar el rendiment dels diferents algoritmes plantejats. Per a això s'ha realitzat un exhaustiu estudi computacional en què s'han aplicat tècniques ANOVA. Els resultats obtinguts en la tesi permeten avançar en la comprensió del comportament dels sistemes productius distribuïts amb acoblaments, definint algoritmes que permeten obtindre bones solucions a este tipus de problemes tan complexos que apareixen tantes vegades en la realitat industrial.Hatami, S. (2016). The Distributed and Assembly Scheduling Problem [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/64072TESISCompendi

    The three stage assembly permutation flowshop scheduling problem

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    [ENG] The assembly flowshop scheduling problem has been studied recently due to its applicability in real life scheduling problems. It arises when various fabrication operations are performed concurrently in one stage. It was firstly introduced by Lee et al. (1993) in a flowshop environment. Later, Potts et al. (1995) considered the two-stage assembly flowshop problem with m concurrent operations in the first stage and an assembly operation in the second stage with the makespan objective, they showed that the considered problem is NP-hard in the strong sense even when the number of machines in the first stage is equal to two. Allahverdi et al. (2007) and Al-Anzi et al. (2009) considered two bicriteria two-stage assembly flowshop scheduling problems and proposed some metaheuristics. Previously, Al- Anzi et al. (2007) had considered the two-stage assembly flowshop scheduling problem with consideration of separate setup times from processing times and tried to minimize maximum lateness as objective function. Koulamas et al. (2007) extended the two-stage assembly flowshop to three-stage assembly flowshop scheduling problem with the objective of minimizing the makespan. The first stage manufactures various fabrication operations concurrently, the second one collected and transported them into an assembly stage as final stage for an assembly operation. They analyzed the worst-case ratio bound for several heuristics for the considered problem and they also analyzed the worst-case absolute bound for a heuristic based on compact vector summation techniques. In this paper we considered the three-stage assembly flowshop problem with sequences dependent setup time (SDST) on first and third stages with the objective of minimizing total completion time. The problem is described in detail in the next section, and a mathematical model is proposed and tested in Section 3. Finally the summary of the work is presented in section 4

    The Use of Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy to Maintain a Hopeless Tooth With a Periodontic-Endodontic Lesion: A Case Report

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    Background: In spite of some advances in periodontal generative methods, it is impossible to stop progressive Loss of supporting alveolar bone in some end-stage periodontitis. The aim of this study is to report a kind of treatment modality which was seemed to be successes full in maintaining teeth. In this case-report, a hopeless tooth was saved by combined non-surgical periodontal-endodontal treatment and antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT).Case Report: A 58-year-old male presented with a chief complaint of pain and mobility of tooth number 38. Clinical examinations revealed a periodontic-endodontic lesion with clinical attachment loss exceeding 10 mm and grade III mobility. To preserve the tooth, we operated non-surgical periodontal treatment including scaling and root planning (SRP) plus root canal therapy (RCT) combined with intra-root canal non-aPDT laser decontamination. Then we applied laser pocket therapy with and without aPDT. Following 6 months of the aPDT treatment, the mobility and pocket depth of the tooth improved from grade III to I and from 10 to 3 millimeters respectively.Conclusion: aPDT is a novel adjunctive therapy that can be used for various conditions with microbial etiology. This case report demonstrated that aPDT might be effective in the treatment of periodontic-endodontic lesions in a hopeless tooth

    Analytical Modelling of Electromagnetic Bulging of Thin Metallic Tubes

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    © 2021 The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. This is the accepted manuscript version of a conference paper which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-9505-9_70The main objective of this paper is to develop an analytical method based on the energy balance equation to model the plastic deformation of thin metallic tubes in a high velocity forming process under axisymmetric conditions. A yield criterion is proposed, which involves the coupled effect of the axial and circumferential internal force resultants. Using a combination of power-law strain hardening and strain rate hardening flow stress models, both strain hardening and strain rate effects are included. The proposed method permits consideration of the influence of different terms of kinetic energy and plastic work of the tube. The study presents a typical electromagnetic tube expansion model, using a dynamic high strain-rate forming method with strain-rates above 103 s−1. In this process, the deformation of the workpiece is achieved by the interaction of a current generated in the workpiece with a magnetic field generated by a coil adjacent to the workpiece. The results reveal that the achieved high strain rates influence the plastic flow stress and the final permanent radial deformation, consequently. The study concluded that an appropriate shape function eventuates a more accurate estimation of both the radial displacement and the deformed meridian profile

    Bag of Views: An Appearance-based Approach to Next-Best-View Planning for 3D Reconstruction

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    UAV-based intelligent data acquisition for 3D reconstruction and monitoring of infrastructure has been experiencing an increasing surge of interest due to the recent advancements in image processing and deep learning-based techniques. View planning is an essential part of this task that dictates the information capture strategy and heavily impacts the quality of the 3D model generated from the captured data. Recent methods have used prior knowledge or partial reconstruction of the target to accomplish view planning for active reconstruction; the former approach poses a challenge for complex or newly identified targets while the latter is computationally expensive. In this work, we present Bag-of-Views (BoV), a fully appearance-based model used to assign utility to the captured views for both offline dataset refinement and online next-best-view (NBV) planning applications targeting the task of 3D reconstruction. With this contribution, we also developed the View Planning Toolbox (VPT), a lightweight package for training and testing machine learning-based view planning frameworks, custom view dataset generation of arbitrary 3D scenes, and 3D reconstruction. Through experiments which pair a BoV-based reinforcement learning model with VPT, we demonstrate the efficacy of our model in reducing the number of required views for high-quality reconstructions in dataset refinement and NBV planning.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L

    Development of an Affordable MGT-CHP for Domestic Applications

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    © 2023 The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s). This is an open access conference contribution distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/The micro gas turbine (MGT) is considered one of the main solutions for the future power generation system to provide secure and stable energy. Thanks to its multi-fuel capability and high values of power-to-weight ratio, it is a suitable candidate for many applications such as Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems, range extenders, and auxiliary power units. Among these applications, the micro-CHP system benefits from both the electricity and exhaust heat of the MGT for household or industrial process applications. The MGT could be integrated with a heat exchanger to introduce a CHP boiler to the domestic boiler market. To reduce the cost and size of the package and to compete with a traditional boiler the simple Brayton cycle without the recuperator is considered and all of the useful energy in the exhaust gas is transferred to the heat exchanger to provide hot water. To further reduce the cost of the system to compete in the market, off-the-shelf components were adopted in this project. In this article, the development process of this product is presented including conceptual design based on the type and size of the market. It follows with an evaluation of off-the-shelf compressor and turbine modulus from the automotive turbochargers to match the operating conditions. Here, the MGT is designed in a way that can be adapted to the boilers with minimum components change. A high-speed alternator was powered with a tie grid drive/inverter to enable a bi-directional connection of the power unit to the network. A comparison between the product definition and experimental results of a demonstrator prototype is presented which reveals gaps between design and prototype outcomes. Analysis shows that 23% of the power degradation can be recovered by enhancing the cooling. Potential development and improvement scenarios are addressed for future development

    Dynamic reactive assignment of tasks in real-time automated guided vehicle environments with potential interruptions

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    An efficient management of production plants has to consider several external and internal factors, such as potential interruptions of the ongoing processes. Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) are becoming a widespread technology that offers many advantages. These AGVs can perform complex tasks in an autonomous way. However, an inefficient schedule of the tasks assigned to an AGV can suffer from unwanted interruptions and idle times, which in turn will affect the total time required by the AGV to complete its assigned tasks. In order to avoid these issues, this paper proposes a heuristic-based approach that: (i) makes use of a delay matrix to estimate circuit delays for different daily times; (ii) employs these estimates to define an initial itinerary of tasks for an AGV; and (iii) dynamically adjusts the initial agenda as new information on actual delays is obtained by the system. The objective is to minimize the total time required for the AGV to complete all the assigned tasks, taking into account situations that generate unexpected disruptions along the circuits that the AGV follows. In order to test and validate the proposed approach, a series of computational experiments utilizing real-life data are carried out. These experiments allow us to measure the improvement gap with respect to the former policy used by the system managers.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism (AEI-010500-2021b-54), the EU Comission (HORIZON-CL4-2021-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-07, 101057294 AIDEAS), and the Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2021/065).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The distributed assembly permutation flowshop scheduling problem

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    Nowadays, improving the management of complex supply chains is a key to become competitive in the twenty-first century global market. Supply chains are composed of multi-plant facilities that must be coordinated and synchronised to cut waste and lead times. This paper proposes a Distributed Assembly Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem (DAPFSP) with two stages to model and study complex supply chains. This problem is a generalisation of the Distributed Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem (DPFSP). The first stage of the DAPFSP is composed of f identical production factories. Each one is a flowshop that produces jobs to be assembled into final products in a second assembly stage. The objective is to minimise the makespan. We present first a Mixed Integer Linear Programming model (MILP). Three constructive algorithms are proposed. Finally, a Variable Neighbourhood Descent (VND) algorithm has been designed and tested by a comprehensive ANOVA statistical analysis. The results show that the VND algorithm offers good performance to solve this scheduling problem.Ruben Ruiz is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, under the project 'RESULT - Realistic Extended Scheduling Using Light Techniques' with reference DPI2012-36243-C02-01. Carlos Andres-Romano is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, under the project 'INSAMBLE' - Scheduling at assembly/disassembly synchronised supply chains with reference DPI2011-27633.Hatami, S.; Ruiz García, R.; Andrés Romano, C. (2013). The distributed assembly permutation flowshop scheduling problem. International Journal of Production Research. 51(17):5292-5308. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2013.807955S529253085117Basso, D., Chiarandini, M., & Salmaso, L. (2007). Synchronized permutation tests in replicated designs. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137(8), 2564-2578. doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2006.04.016Biggs, D., De Ville, B., & Suen, E. 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    Business analytics in sport talent acquisition: methods, experiences, and open research opportunities

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    Recruitment of young talented players is a critical activity for most professional teams in different sports such as football, soccer, basketball, baseball, cycling, etc. In the past, the selection of the most promising players was done just by relying on the experts' opinions but without systematic data support. Nowadays, the existence of large amounts of data and powerful analytical tools have raised the interest in making informed decisions based on data analysis and data-driven methods. Hence, most professional clubs are integrating data scientists to support managers with data-intensive methods and techniques that can identify the best candidates and predict their future evolution. This paper reviews existing work on the use of data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning methods in talent acquisition. A numerical case study, based on real-life data, is also included to illustrate some of the potential applications of business analytics in sport talent acquisition. In addition, research trends, challenges, and open lines are also identified and discussed

    Proceedings of Abstracts, School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science Research Conference 2022

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    © 2022 The Author(s). This is an open-access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. For further details please see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Plenary by Prof. Timothy Foat, ‘Indoor dispersion at Dstl and its recent application to COVID-19 transmission’ is © Crown copyright (2022), Dstl. This material is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence except where otherwise stated. To view this licence, visit http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3 or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or email: [email protected] present proceedings record the abstracts submitted and accepted for presentation at SPECS 2022, the second edition of the School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science Research Conference that took place online, the 12th April 2022