64 research outputs found
Hubungan Faktor Lingkungan Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Kejadian Malaria Di Wilayah Timur Indonesia (Analisis Data Riskesdas 2010)
Malaria masih merupakan masalah kesehatan di Indonesia, karena dapat mengakibatkan dampak yang luas dan berpeluang muncul sebagai kejadian luar biasa. Berdasarkan data kasus malaria yang dilaporkan maupun hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) 2010, di wilayah Timur Indonesia menunjukkan endemisitas yang cukup tinggi dibanding daerah lainnya. Analisis dari penelitian cross sectional ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai faktor lingkungan yang berhubungan 2010 menggunakan kuesioner Individu (RKD 10 IND) dan Rumah tangga (RKD 10 RT), dalam 70 000 rumah tangga. Sedangkan analisis ini melibatkan 12.299 subjek dalam 2 997 rumah tangga. Dari analisis bivariat didapatkan bahwa faktor lingkungan yang berhubungan dengan kejadian malaria adalah kepadatan penghunian (p=0,000), lokasi tempat tinggal disekitar peternakan hewan besar (p=0,000), lokasi tempat tinggal di sekitar tambak atau kolam atau galian pasir (0,000). Dari analisis multivariat didapatkan tiga variabel yang berpengaruh secara signifikan, yaitu kepadatan penghunian (p=0,002), lokasi tempat tinggal disekitar peternakan hewan besar (0,000), dan lokasi tempat tinggal di sekitar tambak atau kolam atau galian pasir (p=0,000).Untuk mengurangi kejadian malaria antara lain dengan cara pemisahan rumah atau tempat tinggal dengan kandang ternak hewan besar atau diberikan jarak yang cukup antara kandang hewan besar
Hubungan Tempat Penampungan Air Minum dan Faktor Lainnya dengan Kejadian Demam Berdarah Dengue (Dbd) di Provinsi DKI Jakarta dan Bali (Analisis Data Riskesdas 2007)
In Indonesia, the incidence of Dengue Hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is significanly increasede every year. Alathough in 2008 was decreased. Incidence rate (IR) in 2006 is 52.48 to 71.78 in 2007.Untill now, there is no specific drugs and vaccine for DHF. So DHF eradication very depend on effort the principle vector Aedes aegypti control.The DHF vector breeds in water containers. Thus the relationship of individual characteristic, population density and condition of drinking container as risk factors of DHF collected in Riskesdas 2007 is useful to be analysed to DHF cases in Province of DKI Jakarta (excluding Kepulauan Seribu district) and Province of Bali,both of them as the DHF endemic area. The variable is the condition of drinking containers which commonly used in family, easily to achieve clean water, founding factors like gender, age, education, their job, quintile, resident clasification, and population density. The analysis result shown that existence of drinking container in DKI Jakarta and Bali Province, both of opened and closed clean water and drinking container is not significant difference with DHF cases (p=0,486; α = 5%) to the incidence of DHF . All of independent variable isn't shown significant difference with DHF cases, except for age group (p=0.014 ; α =5%) is shown significant difference between age group was associated with the incidence of DHF
Epidemiologi Demam Berdarah di Kelurahan Aren Jaya Bekasi, Tahun 2007-2009.
Pusat Teknologi Intervensi Kesehatan Masyarakat, Balitbangkes, Kemkes.RIAbstrakDemam berdarah dengue (DBD) merupakan penyakit infeksi yang dapat berakibat fatal. Selama lebih dari 40 tahun DBD di Indonesia telah meluas ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia, termasuk Bekasi Jawa Barat. Di Kelurahan Aren Jaya, Bekasi pada tahun 2005 dan 2006 jumlah kasus meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui data epidemiologi DBD di kelurahan tersebut selama tahun 2007-2009. Data sekunder yang berasal dari Puskesmas Aren Jaya, diolah dan dianalisis menurut umur, jenis kelamin, waktu (per bulan) dan tempat (RW). Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa incidence rate tahun 2008 lebih rendah dibanding tahun sebelumnya, namun pada tahun 2009 terjadi peningkatan. Kasus DBD selama periode tersebut didominasi oleh laki-laki, dan penderita paling banyak berumur 6-15 tahun atau usia sekolah. Penyebaran kasus DBD berdasarkan lokasi menunjukkan penyebaran yang tidak merata.Kata kunci : distribusi kasus DBD, Aren Jaya, Bekasi
Epidemiology of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Aren Jaya Village Bekasi Timur Sub district Bekasi District West Java Province, 2007-2009.AbstractDengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a fatal infection. During the last 40 years DHF in Indonesia was spread through out the country including Bekasi West Java. In Kelurahan Aren Jaya, Bekasi during 2005 - 2006 there was an increased of cases. The study was conducted to unveiled the epidemiology of DHF (age, sex, time and location). in that area based on secondary data from Puskesmas Aren Jaya during the year 2007-2009. The result of thes study showed that incidence rate in 2008 was lower than 2007, but there was an increased in 2009. The pattern of DHF patient in the studied area was predominated by male, age 6-15 year.Key words: DHF case distribution, Aren Jaya, Bekasi
Tempat-tempat Terkini Yang Disenangi Untuk Perkembangbiakan Vektor Demam Berdarah Aedes SP.
Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus are known as the vector of dengue and chikungunya. The breeding habitat of dengue vector Aedes, were studied using larva collection method inside and outside houses in Pondok Aren and Curug sub districts in Tangerang area (as zone I), Kebayoran Baru and Kebayoran Lama in Jakarta Selatan area (as zone II) and in Bekasi Timur, Cibitung and Tambun sub districts in Bekasi area (as zone III). Study was carry out during December 2007-March 2008, by identification the Aedes breeding places. The characteristics of containers and larvae in each container were recorded. The result of species identification shown of 94% of the 137 containers with positive with mosquitoes larvae, were positive with Aedes aegypti, so was dominant species. Their breeding habitat likely in cistern, in darkly situation and 6-10 liters in volume were the most common as breeding habitat of Aedes in all zonas surveyed. The breeding habitats pattern of Aedes aegypti in this study similar to those of others previously studies. Thereover, the study result that the larval Aedes aegypti was founded in two storage water on dispensers
Karakteristik Kemiripan Genetik Nyamuk Aedes Aegypti Di Daerah Endemis Demam Berdarah Dengue Di Kota Palembang Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
One methode to detect early warning done by analyzing the pattern of the array of mosquito vectors. Through the isolation of genomic DNA obtained mosquitoes that are processed through RAPD. Analysis of RAPD products obtained from the results of all the array of DNA amplification is calculated based on the presence or absence of DNA arrays. Analysis of DNA array pattern is intended to obtain the percentage composition of the DNA array patterns by counting the presence of Aedes sp larik pattern. Levels of genetic polymorphisms of Aedes sp mosquitoes as vectors of dengue fever (DHF) by using six kinds of primary (combined) in endemic areas 0.67 (0.6-0.8) and 0.33 monomor phic, while non-endemichas level of 0.4 polymorphic and monomorphic 0,6. DNA array pattern on the Aedes sp in endemic areas is obtained by using the primer combination on average 24.78 (14-33). The highest polymorphism array at Kebon bunga (33 lines), Sukarame, and Lembung Gajah 28 line, Talang dondang 26 line, Skip Ujung, 27 Ilir, and 20 Ilir reach 24 line, and Pahlawan 22 line and non-endemic area Srimulya 9 lines. The percentage of DNA array as an indication of dengue vectors in endemic areas average 57.5% (53.9 to 75.9%) samples from the highest village of Pahlawan (75.9%). From the analysis using the program NTSYS-PC a kinship based on genetic distance matrix value, the highest genetic distance of 1.00 is obtained. In addition, there are three clusters that form the 32.5% level of kinship
Persepsi Jajaran Kesehatan Tentang Dampak Kegiatan Penambangan Emas Di Kabupaten Buru Provinsi Maluku, Tahun 2012
Sejak bulan Oktober tahun 2011, di Kabupaten Buru, Maluku ada kegiatan penambangan emas di beberapa tempat yang mengakibatkan peningkatan mobilitas & migrasi penduduk yang bermakna. Sehingga berdampak pada Perubahan tatanan sosial, ekonomi dan kesehatan lingkungan di masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kekhawatiran jajaran kesehatan tentang dampak penambangan emas terhadap kesehatan masyarakat dan lingkungan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara terbuka dan diskusi kelompok (FGD) untuk menggali pendapat informan berkenaan dengan dampaknya pada kesehatan masyarakat dan lingkungan. Informan terdiri dari unsur Dinas Kesehatan, Kepala Puskesmas, Kader Posyandu dan unsur pemerintah daerah (Pemda). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambangan emas yang berjalan, berdampak negatif terhadap kesehatan masyarakat. Dampak negatif tersebut ditandai dengan munculnya penyakit yang tadinya belum pernah dilaporkan seperti demam berdarah dengue (DBD), kulit dan HIV /AIDS. Meningkatnya jumlah kasus penyakit tertentu, antara lain penderita malaria, diare dan infeksi saluran pernafasan akut (ISPA). Sebagian besar informan mengkhawatirkan menurunnya status kesehatan masyarakat kini dan mendatang karena merajalelanya penyakit menular dan pencemaran dari mercury (Hg) dan cyanida, jika tidak ada intervensi pemerintah yang baik
Tahapan Eliminasi Malaria Di Kabupaten Kepulauan Aru Provinsi Maluku, Tahun 2014
Malaria cases in Aru Islands district is remain high in 2013, shown by high number of clinical malaria patients (1.617 person), 620 person were laboratory confirmed, 14 of them was pregnant women. This study was aimed to assess the condition of the public health center (Puskesmas) in order to eliminate malaria in Indonesia by 2030. Study was a documents observation and in-depth interviews in charge of malaria and other relevant officials in the District Health Office (DHO) in October 2014. Study was designed by cross sectional. Information on human resources (HR), facilities and budgets and territorial obtained by questionnaire tool prepared for mentoring troubled areas of health (PDBK) 2014. The results shown that both morbidity and suspected malaria evenly in each Puskesmas. Malaria control program in the form of distribution of mosquito nets and RDTs examination in Puskesmas were already done. Theworkers who handle malaria were not distributed well, even for health analysts were still lacking. Facilities were concentrated in Dobo Puskesmas and public hospitals. This study recommends the need of microscopic health analyst as well as research to improve the report system and evaluation of the effectiveness of the mosquito net USAge
The Situation of Health Centre Facilities in Ngada District in Order to Meet the Achievement Target to Reduce Malaria Morbidity
Background: Ngada district, East Nusa Tenggara province is one of the malaria endemic districts NTT is one of areas targeted elimination by 2030. The strategy Ministry of Health, for 2010-2014 states that malaria control targets to reducethe morbidity from 2 to 1 per 1000 population. The study aimed to elucidate information proceeding situation of Public health center (PHC, Puskesmas) facilities for decresing the morbidity in 2014. Method: It was an observational studi with cross sectional design in 2014. Information was collected by interview and observation of documents at each PHC. Result: Results showed all PHCs already have malaria program, conduct blood examination, equipped microscopic and with have human resources, though there are weakness such as malaria program and microscopist trainings have not been done. Many factors contribute to increase malaria cases and unsuccessful malaria control, however, all PHCs have already malaria program, has conducted blood tests, it equipped with binocular microscope adequate, human resources,sanitarians and environmental health workers available in each PHC. International donor agencies issued as Global Fun. Conclusion: Annual Parasite Incidence and AMI in Ngada during the period of 2009 untill 2011, tend to decline. Malaria control programs have been done in all health eentres. Recommendation: For the malaria elimination there should be action programs, such as screening, enhanced of existing health workers and improving quality and coverage of malaria vector control
Pengaruh Temephos Terhadap Perolehan Telur Nyamuk Aedes aegypti (L) Di Cipinang Muara Jakarta
A study on the effect of abaticidal ovitrap on Aedes aegypti egg findings was carried out in Cipinang Muara, East Jakarta from October 1997 until January 1998. Twenty five houses were designed as treatment objects. Ovitrap were sit indoor and outdoor in each house. Seventy five houses were used as buffer. People in this area were trained on how to set up and to manage their ovitrap. Control area in the same "Rukun Warga (RW)" was selected and treated with the same way. The result has shown that egg number from the treated area has significantly reduced and less than the egg number in the control area. The mean the number of eggs found in the first year was 20.8 eggs, while in the second year was 38.8 eggs. The average ovitrap index (01) in the first year was 38.8 'Yo, while in the second year was 49.4 %. Abate did not affect the activity of oviposition and the number oflaid eggs.KEYWORD: Abaticidal ovitrap, Aedes aegypti and Abat
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