7 research outputs found

    Distinct Regions of the Large Extracellular Domain of Tetraspanin CD9 Are Involved in the Control of Human Multinucleated Giant Cell Formation

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    Multinucleated giant cells, formed by the fusion of monocytes/macrophages, are features of chronic granulomatous inflammation associated with infections or the persistent presence of foreign material. The tetraspanins CD9 and CD81 regulate multinucleated giant cell formation: soluble recombinant proteins corresponding to the large extracellular domain (EC2) of human but not mouse CD9 can inhibit multinucleated giant cell formation, whereas human CD81 EC2 can antagonise this effect. Tetraspanin EC2 are all likely to have a conserved three helix sub-domain and a much less well-conserved or hypervariable sub-domain formed by short helices and interconnecting loops stabilised by two or more disulfide bridges. Using CD9/CD81 EC2 chimeras and point mutants we have mapped the specific regions of the CD9 EC2 involved in multinucleated giant cell formation. These were primarily located in two helices, one in each sub-domain. The cysteine residues involved in the formation of the disulfide bridges in CD9 EC2 were all essential for inhibitory activity but a conserved glycine residue in the tetraspanin-defining ‘CCG’ motif was not. A tyrosine residue in one of the active regions that is not conserved between human and mouse CD9 EC2, predicted to be solvent-exposed, was found to be only peripherally involved in this activity. We have defined two spatially-distinct sites on the CD9 EC2 that are required for inhibitory activity. Agents that target these sites could have therapeutic applications in diseases in which multinucleated giant cells play a pathogenic role

    Strategies for targeting tetraspanin proteins : potential therapeutic applications in microbial infections

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    The identification of novel targets and strategies for therapy of microbial infections is an area of intensive research due to the failure of conventional vaccines or antibiotics to combat both newly emerging diseases (e.g. viruses such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and new influenza strains, and antibiotic-resistant bacteria) and entrenched, pandemic diseases exemplified by HIV. One clear approach to this problem is to target processes of the host organism rather than the microbe. Recent data have indicated that members of the tetraspanin superfamily, proteins with a widespread distribution in eukaryotic organisms and 33 members in humans, may provide such an approach. Tetraspanins traverse the membrane four times, but are distinguished from other four-pass membrane proteins by the presence of conserved charged residues in the transmembrane domains and a defining ‘signature’ motif in the larger of the two extracellular domains (the EC2). They characteristically form promiscuous associations with one another and with other membrane proteins and lipids to generate a specialized type of microdomain: the tetraspanin-enriched microdomain (TEM). TEMs are integral to the main role of tetraspanins as ‘molecular organizers’ involved in functions such as membrane trafficking, cell-cell fusion, motility, and signaling. Increasing evidence demonstrates that tetraspanins are used by intracellular pathogens as a means of entering and replicating within human cells. Although previous investigations focused mainly on viruses such as hepatitis C and HIV, it is now becoming clear that other microbes associate with tetraspanins, using TEMs as a ‘gateway’ to infection. In this article we review the properties and functions of tetraspanins/TEMs that are relevant to infective processes and discuss the accumulating evidence that shows how different pathogens exploit these properties in infection and in the pathogenesis of disease. We then investigate the novel and exciting possibilities of targeting tetraspanins for the treatment of infectious disease, using specific antibodies, recombinant EC2 domains, small-molecule mimetics, and small interfering RNA. Such therapies, directed at host-cell molecules, may provide alternative options for combating fast-mutating or newly emerging pathogens, where conventional approaches face difficulties

    Coexistence of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance (PMQR) and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) genes among clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates in Egypt

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    Abstract Background Data about the prevalence of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance (PMQR) and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) production in P. aeruginosa compared to the Enterobacteriaceae family is limited. The availability of limited therapeutic options raises alarming concerns about the treatment of multidrug-resistant P. aeruginosa. This study aimed to assess the presence of PMQR and ESBL genes among P. aeruginosa strains. Methods Fifty-six P. aeruginosa strains were isolated from 330 patients with different clinical infections. Phenotypically fluoroquinolone-resistant isolates were tested by PCR for the presence of six PMQR genes. Then, blaTEM, blaSHV, and blaCTX-M type ESBL genes were screened to study the co-existence of different resistance determinants. Results Overall, 22/56 (39.3%) of the studied P. aeruginosa isolates were phenotypically resistant to fluoroquinolones. PMQR-producing P. aeruginosa isolates were identified in 20 isolates (90.9%). The acc(6')-Ib-cr was the most prevalent PMQR gene (77.3%). The qnr genes occurred in 72.7%, with the predominance of the qnrA gene at 54.5%, followed by the qnrS gene at 27.3%, then qnrB and qnrC at 22.7%. The qepA was not detected in any isolate. The acc(6')-Ib-cr was associated with qnr genes in 65% of positive PMQR isolates. Significant differences between the fluoroquinolone-resistant and fluoroquinolone-susceptible isolates in terms of the antibiotic resistance rates of amikacin, imipenem, and cefepime (P value < 0.0001) were found. The ESBL genes were detected in 52% of cephalosporin-resistant P. aeruginosa isolates. The most frequent ESBL gene was blaCTX-M (76.9%), followed by blaTEM (46.2%). No isolates carried the blaSHV gene. The acc(6')-Ib-cr gene showed the highest association with ESBL genes, followed by the qnrA gene. The correlation matrix of the detected PMQR and ESBL genes indicated overall positive correlations. The strongest and most highly significant correlation was between qnrA and acc(6')-Ib-cr (r = 0.602) and between qnrA and blaCTX-M (r = 0.519). Conclusion A high prevalence of PMQR genes among the phenotypic fluoroquinolone-resistant P. aeruginosa isolates was detected, with the co-carriage of different PMQR genes. The most frequent PMQR was the acc(6')-Ib-cr gene. Co-existence between PMQR and ESBL genes was found, with 75% of PMQR-positive isolates carrying at least one ESBL gene. A high and significant correlation between the ESBL and PMQR genes was detected

    Cooperative Role for Tetraspanins in Adhesin-Mediated Attachment of Bacterial Species to Human Epithelial Cells ▿ †

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    The tetraspanins are a superfamily of transmembrane proteins with diverse functions and can form extended microdomains within the plasma membrane in conjunction with partner proteins, which probably includes receptors for bacterial adhesins. Neisseria meningitidis, the causative agent of meningococcal disease, attaches to host nasopharyngeal epithelial cells via type IV pili and opacity (Opa) proteins. We examined the role of tetraspanin function in Neisseria meningitidis adherence to epithelial cells. Tetraspanins CD9, CD63, and CD151 were expressed by HEC-1-B and DETROIT 562 cells. Coincubation of cells with antibodies against all three tetraspanin molecules used individually or in combination, with recombinant tetraspanin extracellular domains (EC2), or with small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) significantly reduced adherence of Neisseria meningitidis. In contrast, recombinant CD81, a different tetraspanin, had no effect on meningococcal adherence. Antitetraspanin antibodies reduced the adherence to epithelial cells of Neisseria meningitidis strain derivatives expressing Opa and pili significantly more than isogenic strains lacking these determinants. Adherence to epithelial cells of strains of Staphylococcus aureus, Neisseria lactamica, Escherichia coli, and Streptococcus pneumoniae was also reduced by pretreatment of cells with tetraspanin antibodies and recombinant proteins. These data suggest that tetraspanins are required for optimal function of epithelial adhesion platforms containing specific receptors for Neisseria meningitidis and potentially for multiple species of bacteria