2,499 research outputs found

    Assessing Water Charges under Changing Institutional Irrigation Management in Pakistan: A Methodological Framework

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    The Government of Pakistan has opted for institutional reforms for canal irrigation system of the country with a view to undertaking efficient operation and maintenance of the system and improving cost recovery. In the new reforms, the Farmers’ Organisations will manage distributaries and minors and pay the cost of upstream water in full. The complex hierarchy of the system poses serious challenges for working out the cost of water delivery for various channels. The paper presents a methodological framework for assessing the recoverable O&M costs from the farmers benefiting from an irrigation network. Hakra 4-R Distributary in the Eastern Sadiqia Canal serves as an illustration. The methodology shows how the beneficiary farmers can share the costs of the system. Simple methods are provided for working out water rates on the basis of volume of water received, commanded area, and duration of the irrigation turn. Out of the three methods, the area-based and time-based water rates have comparative advantage over the volumetric water rates owing to the resource endowments of the farmers.

    Outcome and Prognosis of Patients with Bladder Cancer below 20 Years Old

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    Objective: evaluate the treatment and prognosis of the bladder mass in young patients less than 20 years old               Patients and methods: twenty patients with bladder tumors (papilloma and transitional cell carcinoma)18 male and 2 female underwent this study from 2001-2011 all evaluated by abdominal ultrasound and cystoscopy. Results: the age of the patients between 18 months to 20 years, 18 male and 2 female. Hematuria is presenting symptoms in 15 patients, lower abdominal pain in 3 patients and irritative voiding symptoms in 2 patients. Histopathology was papilloma in one patient transitional cell carcinoma grade I in 16 patients, grade II in 2 patients and grade III in one patient. All patients treated by TUR of the tumor except 2 patients treated by open excision and fulguration and one patient by total cystectomy. Follow up period between 6 months to 10 years, mortality reported in one patient only. Conclusion: the bladder tumor in young patient carry good prognosis with low grade and stage at time of presentatio

    Fracture Analysis of Generator Fan Blades

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    Towards Effective Multi-Label Recognition Attacks via Knowledge Graph Consistency

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    Many real-world applications of image recognition require multi-label learning, whose goal is to find all labels in an image. Thus, robustness of such systems to adversarial image perturbations is extremely important. However, despite a large body of recent research on adversarial attacks, the scope of the existing works is mainly limited to the multi-class setting, where each image contains a single label. We show that the naive extensions of multi-class attacks to the multi-label setting lead to violating label relationships, modeled by a knowledge graph, and can be detected using a consistency verification scheme. Therefore, we propose a graph-consistent multi-label attack framework, which searches for small image perturbations that lead to misclassifying a desired target set while respecting label hierarchies. By extensive experiments on two datasets and using several multi-label recognition models, we show that our method generates extremely successful attacks that, unlike naive multi-label perturbations, can produce model predictions consistent with the knowledge graph

    Studies in normal and abnormal human embryogenesis

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    During the intrauterine stage of life, a heavy toll is exacted from the Human race in the form of abortion and prematurely terminated pregnancy. To assess the wastage from abortion in quantitative terms that are anywhere near the truth is far from possible, as denoted by Tietze (1953). However, indirect and fragmentary evidence suggests that as high as one-fourth to one-third of all gestations may be lost during the first twenty weeks of pregnancy, and another 10% later therein (Volaoras, 1953). Such is certainly a high loss, and efforts to minimise it have not been as successful as those spent in the neonatal and later stages of life.To investigate the.problem, it was clear that the maximal possible information about the various aspects of abortion had to be collected. Over many decades it gradually became known that certain fertilized ova were lost on account of lack of a favourable environment, whereas others carried intrinsically within them the seeds of their destruction. Perhaps the one happy aspect about abortion was its "filter" action, excluding from life - at an early stage - those human beings affected with such malformations as to make future life impossible or unbearable. The thalidomide tragedy caused quite a stir even in the lay mind, when it was realised that some of these malformations were actually iatrogenic and, to say the least, preventable. Then, fresh impetus was given to the research in congenital malformations. Meanwhile modern methods of tissue culture permitted the real probing of human chromosomology, a subject that very soon had its bearings on certain human diseases and congenital abnormalities. Few are the examples in the history of Medicine when so significant information was obtained in such a short time.With all this in mind the present work was planned. It is a study of the "abortion material" collected in a large hospital: The Simpson Memorial Maternity Pavilion, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh. The study comprises certain general, anatomical, pathological and cyto-genetic aspects

    Tdeveloping A Two-Phase Post-Stratified Inverse Sampling To Reduce The Nonresponse Bias. Case Study: Students’ Satisfaction Survey In Qatar University

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    This research aims to develop a Two-phase Post-stratified Inverse Sampling (TPIS) to avoid or reduce the bias of nonresponse for students’ satisfaction survey of Qatar university. In the first phase, the students are partitioned into two groups of response and non-response. The second phase method of data collection is an intensified method to get information from nonresponse. An unbiased estimator of the mean of overall satisfaction and its variance estimator are developed. The efficiency of the estimator is assessed using a simulation study. Moreover, the efficiency of (TPIS) is assessed. The cased study results showed that the mean estimate of overall satisfaction was higher for the nonresponse groups than the response groups but the different was not statistically significant at level of =0.05 but significant at level of =0.10. However, the overall satisfactions were significantly different at =0.05 for 13 majors out of 51 (25%). This results indicate that the non-response bias is exists. In addition, simulation study results show that the TPIS is more efficient than a SRS with equal effective sample size for TPIS. Based on the results some recommendation and suggestion are provided
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