14 research outputs found

    The Philosophy of Research Methodology: A View from Islamic Civilization.

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    The aim of this article is to highlight the philosophy of research methodology as view from Islamic civilization. Scientific research has no central focus in our modern terms apart from further dominance of nature, refining our materialistic gain and maximizing the control of wealth, improving our health and live a life full of sensual pleasure with no misery. Sadly what was vision was never fully materialized, the upper echelon of the society gained the full benefit while the lower societies were left out and further denigrated

    Theosophical Elements in Iqbal’s Magnum Opus “The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam”: A Preliminary Review

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    Theosophy is a discourse on the divine wisdom of God behind all created things, which includes a man who sits on the highest pedestal in the hierarchy of creations. Through this study, the researchers intend to analyse and discuss the theosophical elements found in Iqbal’s thought process, particularly in his magnum opus “The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam”. As a thinker, mystical poet and religious reformer, Iqbal’s ideas were anchored in the divine message of the Quran. The manifestation of his ideas in relation to theosophy in his work is not only interesting and unique, but at the same time, they go in harmony with the positive demands of the modern world. The crux of his masterpiece focuses on subjects like nature, man and civilization in relation to God. Iqbal, as a mystic, has never failed to embed the element of spirituality to issues pertaining to human survival that should go in tandem with the latest development in modern science. Moreover, through his work, Iqbal emphasized that all philosophical thoughts should be based on lofty spiritual values. For Iqbal, the human ego that originates from God inherits some of God’s attributes like intelligence and creativity to a lesser degree. Man’s God-given minuscule intelligence and creativity in no way can be equal to God’s attributes. A human being identified as an ego in Iqbal’s philosophy must recognize the position of God and subdue the forces around him/her in order to actualize his/her latent potentials. The researchers will adapt the content and textual analysis methods to translate the relevant data taken from Iqbal’s work as library research. In addition, the researchers will refer to the Quran to validate whether Iqbal’s ideas are in line with the Tawhidic teachings of Islam

    Pandangan alam Islam: analisis dari perspektif surah Al-Fatihah = Islamic worldview: an analysis from the perspective of surah Al-Fatihah

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    Pandangan alam Islam yang juga dikenali sebagai Tasawwur Islam merupakan suatu falsafah hidup manusia yang terkandung dalam al-Qur’an, al-Sunnah dan apa yang ditafsirkan oleh para ulama dari kedua-dua sumber utama Islam ini. Secara tamsilan suatu pandangan alam itu merupakan kanta melaluinya kita melihat dan menilai segala benda dan fenomena yang berlaku di sekitar kita. Berdasarkan dengan pergertian yang diberikan mengenai pandangan alam, maka yang menjadi fokus utama artikel ini adalah untuk meneroka lebih jauh lagi tentang pandangan alam Islam dari perspektif surah al-Fatihah yang merupakan intipati keseluruhan surah yang terkandung dalam al-Quran. Sebagai pengantar kepada tajuk utama penelitian ini, para peneliti akan membincangkan sepintas lalu tentang apa yang dimaksudkan dengan pandangan alam serta beberapa jenisnya yang pernah dan masih menjadi pegangan hidup masyarakat dunia. Penelitian ini juga sedikit sebanyak akan menyentuh perbezaan yang terdapat di antara pandangan alam Barat dan Islam. Mengenai pandangan alam dari perspektif Surah al-Fatihah, tumpuan akan diberikan pada tiga aspek utama dari surah tersebut; iaitu Tuhan, manusia dan alam. Para peneliti akan melihat hubungan ketiga-tiga aspek dari kacamata Islam. Adalah diharapkan bahawa penelitian ini akan menonjolkan peri pentingnya pandangan alam dalam hidup manusia, khususnya pandangan alam Islam yang agak komprehensif yang merangkumi kehidupan dunia dan akhirat, keperluan material dan spiritual, kehidupan individu dan bermasyarakat dan sebagainya. Sebagai kajian kualitatif, para peneliti akan guna pakai kaedah analisis kandungan dan tekstual dalam usaha menterjemah data yang akan diperolehi dari hasil karya ilmiah cendikiawan Islam silam dan para ahli dalam bidang pandangan alam kontemporari. Justeru itu para peneliti berpendapat bahawa pandangan alam Islam yang tulen yang bersumberkan al-Quran khususnya dalam surah al-Fatihah dapat membantu menangani salah faham Islam yang berlaku dewasa ini. --------------------------------------------------------------- The Islamic worldview which is also known as Tasawwur Islam is a philosophy of life-based on the teachings of the Qur'an, al-Sunnah and the interpretation given by Muslims of what they understand from these two main sources of Islam. Metaphorically explained, a worldview is like a lens through which we see and evaluate all the things and phenomena that are happening around us. Based on the understanding given on worldview, the main focus of this article is to delve further into the subject of Islamic worldview from the perspective of Surah al-Fatihah which is said to the essence of the entire message contained in the Quran. As a prelude to the crux of this study, the researchers will briefly discuss what is meant by a worldview and some of its characteristics that have been and still followed by many societies in the world. This study will also passingly state the differences found in the Western and Islamic worldviews. In discussing the Islamic worldview from the perspective of Surah al- Fatihah, the researchers will focus on three main aspects of the Surah; that is God, man, and nature. The researchers will look at the relationship between these three aspects found in the Surah from the Islamic perspective. It is hoped that this study will highlight the important role played by a worldview in human lives, particularly the Islamic worldview that is comprehensive in nature that includes man’s life in this world and the hereafter, his material and spiritual needs, aspects of his individual and communal life, etc. As a qualitative study, the researchers will use the content and textual-analysis methods in their attempt to interpret relevant data drawn from the works of ancient and contemporary Muslim scholars who have written on the Islamic worldview. The researchers believe that understanding Islamic worldview from the Quranic sources, especially from the Surah al-Fatihah’s perspective in a way can be a great help in dealing with the misconception and misunderstanding of Islam prevalent in today’s world

    Peranan Akhlak dalam Kehidupan: Tinjauan Wacana Akhlak Islam

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    Abstrak   Melihat kepada kepentingan peranan akhlak dalam kehidupan seorang, masyarakat dan negara, wacana akhlak Islam di kalangan pemikir Islam bermula dari dulu sehingga kini. Artikel ini membincangkan wacana akhlak Islam dari kalangan para pengkajinya terdiri dari para ulama’, intelektual dan moralis berkaitan dengan peranan akhlak dalam kehidupan manusia. Metod kajian adalah kajian kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data berdasarkan kepada kajian kepustakaan. Hasil wacana akhlak tersebut diambil untuk perbincangan, analisa dan penilaian. Fokus utama artikel ini ialah peranan akhlak dalam kehidupan manusia merangkumi peranannya dalam individu, masyarakat, keluarga dan negara. Kajian ini mendapati akhlak berperanan untuk mengarah kepada tujuan yang sama, iaitu mencari keredhaan Tuhan dan mendapat kebahagiaan di dunia dan akhirat. Oleh kerana akhlak Islam adalah sebahagian dari ciri-ciri manusia pembentukan manusia sempurna, boleh dikatakan bahawa manusia tanpa akhlak bukan lagi manusia yang sempurna, malah lebih buruk dari tabiat binatang menurut perspektif Islam

    SARS-CoV-2 epitopes inform future vaccination strategies

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    All currently approved COVID-19 vaccines utilize the spike protein as their immunogen. SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VOCs) contain mutations in the spike protein, enabling them to escape infection- and vaccination-induced immune responses to cause reinfection. New vaccines are hence being researched intensively. Studying SARS-CoV-2 epitopes is essential for vaccine design, as identifying targets of broadly neutralizing antibody responses and immunodominant T-cell epitopes reveal candidates for inclusion in next-generation COVID-19 vaccines. We summarize the major studies which have reported on SARS-CoV-2 antibody and T-cell epitopes thus far. These results suggest that a future of pan-coronavirus vaccines, which not only protect against SARS-CoV-2 but numerous other coronaviruses, may be possible. The T-cell epitopes of SARS-CoV-2 have gotten less attention than neutralizing antibody epitopes but may provide new strategies to control SARS-CoV-2 infection. T-cells target many SARS-CoV-2 antigens other than spike, recognizing numerous epitopes within these antigens, thereby limiting the chance of immune escape by VOCs that mainly possess spike protein mutations. Therefore, augmenting vaccination-induced T-cell responses against SARS-CoV-2 may provide adequate protection despite broad antibody escape by VOCs

    The Implementation of Tarbiyyah Program based on the Hostel Student Development Module (MPMA): A Study at the Religious Secondary Schools (SMKA) in Penang

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    Tarbiyyah or education is an utmost tool to nurture our youth’s personality nowadays amidst of global threats and challenges in the non-boundary world today. Thus, this research discusses the implementation of tarbiyyah programme in order to develop student’s personality at the hostels of religious secondary schools in Penang based on the Hostel Student Development Module (MPMA) issued by the Ministry of Education Malaysia. The main objective of this study is to examine the implementation of tarbiyyah programme based on the elements of rūhiyyah (spiritual) and 'aqliyyah (intellectual) for student’s personality development in religious secondary schools, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of programme implementation in the aspects of shaping student’s personality. Finally, to propose some improvements as a personality development module in the term of spiritual and intellectual achievement. This research employs qualitative methods whereby data was collected through observations and interviews. In general, the findings of qualitative research showed that the implementation of tarbiyyah programme can improve student self-esteem, especially in the aspects of spiritual and intellectual intelligence. Thus, this study concludes that the implementation of tarbiyyah programme based on the Hostel Student Development Module (MPMA) is very relevant and appropriate to be implemented at educational institutions as a personality development module

    Knowledge, practice and awareness of oral hygiene among three different age populations of same ethnic group - a community based study

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    Aim: The objective of this study is to compare the knowledge, practice and awareness of oral hygiene among three different age groups (15-30, 30-45 and 45-60-year-olds) of the Saudi population in Sakaka. Methods: 629 subjects aged between 15-60 years were randomly selected. Data were collected by self-administered structured questionnaires and analysis was done using the SPSS statistical software. The subjects were divided in to A group (>30 years), B group (45 years) and C group (<46 years). Results: 30.7% (A group) of subjects preferred commercial bush to clean their teeth (p<0.001), while 5.9% (B and C groups) choose Miswak for cleaning. Group B people preferred brushing only in the morning (24.5%), while 16.5% of group A respondents preferred brushing twice a day. 23.1% of group A subjects responded that brushing regularly was the ideal way to avoid caries (p<0.05). 51.8% of all age groups had no idea on the effects of fluoride on caries disease. The reason to visit dentist was mainly for extraction (30.5%) followed by pain relief (28.9%). 62.62% (p<0.05) subjects had carious lesions, whereas 56.6% subjects had fractured teeth. The use of tobacco (16.7%) was highly prevalent in group B subjects (p<0.05). Tea consumption among A group subjects (49.6%) more than other age groups (p<0.001). 81.2% subjected were free from gingival bleeding (p<0.05). Most of the people (48.6%) preferred frequent dental camps in response to their opinion to improve dental facilities in Sakaka, Al-Jouf. Conclusions: The present study shows that poorer knowledge and oral health conditions among 30-45-year-old subjects (B group) compared to the other two groups. Generally, these data may be important in the evaluation of the past and planning of future oral health prevention and treatment programs targeting the high-risk populations

    Pandangan alam Islam: analisis dari perspektif surah al-Fatihah

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    Pandangan alam Islam yang dikenali sebagai tasawwur Islam adalah merupakan gambaran Islam yang sebenar yang tergambar dalam akal fikiran dan berdasarkan sumber yang sahih yang ditanzilkan kepada umat manusia yakni al-Quran. Maka artikel ini berfokus kepada kerangka asas pandangan alam Islam yang dibina berasaskan kepada surah al-Fatihah yang merupakan intipati keseluruhan surah-surah dalam al-Quran. Peri pentingnya pandangan alam Islam diteropong melalui surah al-Fatihah kerana masyarakat Islam kini menghadapi krisis pemikiran natijah daripada dominasi pemikiran barat moden yang berteraskan pandangan alam barat. Pengaruh pandangan alam barat moden telah memberi gambaran yang salah terhadap Islam baik dari segi pemahaman mahupun amalan. Justeru pandangan alam Islam yang tulen yang bersumberkan al-Quran khususnya surah al-Fatihah dapat membantu menangani kekeliruan yang berlaku dalam faham Islam agar tidak timbul isu salah faham terhadap kesucian Islam. Dalam hubungan ini, artikel ini cuba menganalisis kerangka pandangan alam Islam menurut surah al-Fatihah dalam konteks hubugan tiga dimensi yang merangkumi hubungan Allah, manusia dan alam. Surah al-Fatihah yang menjadi amalan harian umat Islam khususnya dalam solat dapat membantu umat Islam menghayati keindahan pandangan alam Islam yang mudah difahami, jelas dan menyeluruh.Mudah-mudahan kajian penerokaan bersumberkan tektual kepustakaan dapat menyumbang mengatasi masalah kekeliruan terhadap asas-asas Islam yang mempengaruhi seluruh fikrah insani serta membantu mengatasi isu semasa seumpama ‘Islamophobia’ yang semakin serius kebelakangan ini

    Theosophical elements in Iqbal's Magnum Opus "the reconstruction of religious thought in Islam": a preliminary review

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    Theosophy is a discourse on the divine wisdom of God behind all created things. In this study, the researchers have scrutinised the theosophical elements found in Iqbal's thought process, particularly in his magnum opus "The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam‖. The central themes of his masterpiece revolved around subjects like God, nature, the human ego and civilization. As a mystic, Iqbal has never failed to embed spirituality on issues pertaining to human survival in the modern world. As a Muslim philosopher, Iqbal emphasised a great deal of lofty religious ideals. With regard to the human ego, Iqbal believed that it has its origin in God. As such, it has some godly attributes to a lesser degree than what is possessed by God. Man‘s God-given minuscule attributes like intelligence and creativity are in no way equal to that of God. Man identified as an ego in Iqbal‘s philosophy must recognise the position of God and at the same time, he has to subdue the forces around him in order to actualize the latent potentials that are there in his psyche. This research has revealed the fact that as a thinker, mystical poet and religious reformer, Iqbal‘s ideas were anchored in the divine wisdom of the Qur‘an. In addition, all of Iqbal‘s theosophical ideas have relevance to the demands of the modern world. As a theoretical study, the researchers have adopted the content and textual analysis methods in their effort to interpret the relevant data to this research

    Clinical-Epidemiology of Tension-Type Headache among the Medical and Dental Undergraduates of King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia

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    Introduction (background): Headache is the primary complaint among students. Headaches mostly have multifactorial causes. The degree of headache severity significantly impacts attitudes, behavior, and academic performance. Objectives: Here, we investigate the demographic epidemiology of tension-type headaches (T.T.H.), and determine the clinical presentation and triggers of the tension-type among headache sufferers. Methods (settings, design): An institutional-based cross-sectional study (descriptive) was conducted on the medical and dental undergraduates at King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia, from 1 July 2021 to 31 December 2021. Data were gathered using a pre-designed questionnaire. A consecutive sampling method was used in a COVID-19-constrained environment. After preliminary screening of the study population, 460 samples were included. An electronic questionnaire was shared with them, and they were requested to respond. Results: More than half of the participants (258, 56.1%) experienced tension-type headaches, while the remaining 202 (43.9%) never felt a headache. Tension-type headaches manifested as heaviness of the head (44, 17.0%), tightness (126, 48.8%), and dull aching pain (66, 25.7%). Conclusions: T.T.H. is a prevalent condition with a significant impingement on academic work, and psychological health. Tension-type headache sufferers are advised to keep daily diaries to determine triggers, and plan for prevention and treatment progression