477 research outputs found

    Robust Stability Best Subset Selection for Autocorrelated Data Based on Robust Location and Dispersion Estimator

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    Stability selection (multisplit) approach is a variable selection procedure which relies on multisplit data to overcome the shortcomings that may occur to single-split data. Unfortunately, this procedure yields very poor results in the presence of outliers and other contamination in the original data. The problem becomes more complicated when the regression residuals are serially correlated. This paper presents a new robust stability selection procedure to remedy the combined problem of autocorrelation and outliers. We demonstrate the good performance of our proposed robust selection method using real air quality data and simulation study

    Geometric discord and Measurement-induced nonlocality for well known bound entangled states

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    We employ geometric discord and measurement induced nonlocality to quantify non classical correlations of some well-known bipartite bound entangled states, namely the two families of Horodecki's (242\otimes 4, 333\otimes 3 and 444\otimes 4 dimensional) bound entangled states and that of Bennett etal's in 333\otimes 3 dimension. In most of the cases our results are analytic and both the measures attain relatively small value. The amount of quantumness in the 444\otimes 4 bound entangled state of Benatti etal and the 282\otimes 8 state having the same matrix representation (in computational basis) is same. Coincidently, the 2m2m2m\otimes 2m Werner and isotropic states also exhibit the same property, when seen as 22m22\otimes 2m^2 dimensional states.Comment: V2: Title changed, one more state added; 11 pages (single column), 2 figures, accepted in Quantum Information Processin

    Representations of Arab Women in Hollywood Pre- and Post- 9/11

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    Many scholars argue that the image of Arabs in Hollywood has always been tainted by prejudice and stereotyping. However, little attention is paid to women\u27s representation in general or the influence of 9/11 on that representation. This paper compares portrayals of Arab women in popular Hollywood films before and after 9/11. A purposive sample of 76 Arab female characters from 40 popular Hollywood films is used to conduct a content analysis, comparing portrayals in films released before and after 9/11. Popular Hollywood films are defined as films with at least 50,000 reviews that score seven or more on the International Movie Database (IMDB). The results show that Arab women’s representation lacks diversity and Arab women remain unidentified in Hollywood films. Arab women’s portrayal shifts from one of the magical or sexualized characters to one of the violent terrorists. Despite the overall increase in the amount of violence depicted after 9/11, there is a shift in favor of the portrayal of Arab women, with more depicted as good or pure after 9/11. Finally, the results show that the morality of Arab female characters improves, with more characters depicted as evaluating options and making their own decisions

    Effect of Steel Fibers, Polypropylene Fibers and/ or Nanosilica on Mechanical Properties of Self-Consolidating Concrete

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    This research concerned studying the combined effect of using nano-silica and/ or hybrid fibers on key mechanical properties of self-consolidating concrete SCC. A comprehensive experimental work has been carried out, using steel fiber (SF) with volume fraction (0, 0.5% and 1.5%), polypropylene fiber (PPF) (0%, 0.05% and 0.15%) and SiO2 nanoparticles (0%, 2% and 4%) by weight of powdered material (silica fume- Sf ) with constant w/c ratio (0.48) to produce eleven different mixtures and tested at different ages (7, 28 and 90 days). Results showed that adding fibers adversely affect SCC workability and thus more dosage of super plasticizer (SP) should be added to stay within the standard limits. comparable to conventional concretes, the presence of steel fibers with SCC provide slight increase in compressive strength at 28 days, (up to 11%), while significant enhancement in tensile properties were observed (up to 24% and 32% for splitting and flexural strength respectively). Polypropylene or hybrid fibers however, provide lower enhancement compared with steel fibers. In contrast, implementation of nanosilica leads to significant improvement in concrete strengths particularly at 4% dosage. Combined effect of 4% nanosilica and 1.5% of steel fibers provide the superior hardening effect on the flexural performance compared with softening effect provided by other added dosages. Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) images confirm the matrix densification effect due to nanosilica adding. Flexural strength of SCCs without nanosilica was generally higher than splitting testing results. This fact does not change even with the presence of nanosilica and/ or fibers

    Frequency of Disc Degeneration at Different Levels of Cervical Vertebrae in Adult Patients with Neck Pain on Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Background:Disc degeneration is terminology used for heterogeneous changes affecting the anatomy and physiology of the intervertebral disc. Disc degeneration alters the material properties of the intervertebral disc leading to an unfavorable distribution and transmission of stress to adjacent spinal structures.Objective:The aim of the study was to determine the frequency of disc degeneration at different level of cervical vertebrae in adult patients with neck pain on magnetic resonance imaging.Methodology:In this descriptive study 180 adult patients were included. All patients had been collected from DHQ hospital Gilgit and Ghurki Trust teaching hospital. After informed consent, data were collected through 1.5 tesla GE (closed bore) and 0.35 tesla Hitachi (open bore) MRI machines.Results:Findings show that among 180 adult patients, 136 presented with disc degeneration among which 81 were males and 55 were females. Among 81 males, 63 had disc degeneration at multiple levels while 18 had single disc degeneration. In females 35 patients showed multiple disc degeneration while 20 involved a single disc.Conclusion:It is concluded that disc degeneration is prevalent in males than females. Disc degeneration at multiple levels is higher than single disc degeneration in both genders. Keywords: Disc degeneration, magnetic resonance imaging, intervertebral disc. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/71-02 Publication date: February 29th 202

    Association of The Mthfr C677t, Factor V (Leiden) G1961a and Prothrombin G20210a Gene Mutations with Recurrent Spontaneous Aboration (Rsa) in Duhok Province

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    Genetic causes of thrombophilia have been suggested as a possible cause of recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). Fifty female patients aged between 21- 40 years and experienced at least two times early pregnancy loss were enrolled in the current study. Blood samples were aspirated, infectious (TORCH), hormonal (gonadotrophines, steroids, and thyroid hormones), ultrasonic, and serological (anti-lupus and anti-phospholipid antibodies) evaluations were conducted to exclude any individual candidate who had been suspected to have causes of early pregnancy loss rather than the genetic attribute. DNA from each particular sample was extracted by components of (FVL-PTH and MTHFR)StripAssay®A kit Vienna Lab Diagnostics GmbH, Vienna, Austria).this kit includes three steps: (1) DNA isolation, (2) Multiplex PCR amplification was performed by using biotinylated primers, for detecting different mutations in the three genes of interest (FVL-PTH and MTHFR) (3) Hybridization of amplification products to a test strip containing allele-specific oligonucleotide probes immobilized as an array of parallel lines. The results revealed that 24 samples out of 50 had MTHFR C677T mutations while 2 samples only had   FV (G1691A)mutation while prothrombin mutation (G20210A)has not been detected. In conclusion: genetic mutation had significant impact in patients suffered recurrent pregnancy loss

    Exploring Effectiveness of Principles of Business Writing at Graduate Level in Pakistan

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    Abstract Business writing is a creative and dynamic process that primarily motivated the researchers to investigate the learners' individual differences and sort out their learning hindrances. The current study explores the problems faced by the students, while leaning principles of effective writing at BBA level. Business writing is critical aspect of business industry. The Survey was conducted to get response at COMSATS Institute Sahiwal in Pakistan. The SPSS version 16 was used to analyze the data. The results of the study revealed that students at graduate level face countless problems in preparing effective business drafts. It suggested that principles of business writing are essential to improve business life

    Risk factors for presentation to hospital with severe anaemia in Tanzanian children: a case-control study.

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    In malaria endemic areas anaemia is a usually silent condition that nevertheless places a considerable burden on health services. Cases of severe anaemia often require hospitalization and blood transfusions. The objective of this study was to assess risk factors for admission with anaemia to facilitate the design of anaemia control programmes. We conducted a prospective case-control study of children aged 2-59 months admitted to a district hospital in southern Tanzania. There were 216 cases of severe anaemia [packed cell volume (PCV) < 25%] and 234 age-matched controls (PCV > or = 25%). Most cases [55.6% (n = 120)] were < 1 year of age. Anaemia was significantly associated with the educational level of parents, type of accommodation, health-seeking behaviour, the child's nutritional status and recent and current medical history. Of these, the single most important factor was Plasmodium falciparum parasitaemia [OR 4.3, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.9-6.5, P < 0.001]. Multivariate analysis showed that increased recent health expenditure [OR 2.2 (95% CI 1.3-3.9), P = 0.005], malnutrition [OR 2.4 (95%CI 1.3-4.3), P < 0.001], living > 10 km from the hospital [OR 3.0 (95% CI 1.9-4.9), P < 0.001], a history of previous blood transfusion [OR 3.8 (95% CI 1.7-9.1), P < 0.001] and P. falciparum parasitaemia [OR 9.5 (95% CI 4.3-21.3), P < 0.001] were independently related to risk of being admitted with anaemia. These findings are considered in terms of the pathophysiological pathway leading to anaemia. The concentration of anaemia in infants and problems of access to health services and adequate case management underline the need for targeted preventive strategies for anaemia control

    Quantum Correlations in NMR systems

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    In conventional NMR experiments, the Zeeman energy gaps of the nuclear spin ensembles are much lower than their thermal energies, and accordingly exhibit tiny polarizations. Generally such low-purity quantum states are devoid of quantum entanglement. However, there exist certain nonclassical correlations which can be observed even in such systems. In this chapter, we discuss three such quantum correlations, namely, quantum contextuality, Leggett-Garg temporal correlations, and quantum discord. In each case, we provide a brief theoretical background and then describe some results from NMR experiments.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    Recommendations for the clinical management of patients receiving macitentan for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH): A Delphi consensus document

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    In patients treated with macitentan (Opsumit®, Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Basel, Switzerland) for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), prevention and/or effective management of treatment-related adverse events may improve adherence. However, management of these adverse events can be challenging and the base of evidence and clinical experience for macitentan is limited. In the absence of evidence, consensus recommendations from physicians experienced in using macitentan to treat PAH may benefit patients and physicians who are using macitentan. Consensus recommendations were developed by a panel of physicians experienced with macitentan and PAH using a modified Delphi process. Over three iterations, panelists developed and refined a series of statements on the use of macitentan in PAH and rated their agreement with each statement on a Likert scale. The panel of 18 physicians participated and developed a total of 118 statements on special populations, add-on therapy, drug-drug interactions, warnings and precautions, hospitalization and functional class, and adverse event management. The resulting consensus recommendations are intended to provide practical guidance on real-world issues in using macitentan to treat patients with PAH