192 research outputs found

    Proof of a local antimagic conjecture

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    An antimagic labelling of a graph GG is a bijection f:E(G)β†’{1,…,E(G)}f:E(G)\to\{1,\ldots,E(G)\} such that the sums Sv=βˆ‘eβˆ‹vf(e)S_v=\sum_{e\ni v}f(e) distinguish all vertices. A well-known conjecture of Hartsfield and Ringel (1994) is that every connected graph other than K2K_2 admits an antimagic labelling. Recently, two sets of authors (Arumugam, Premalatha, Ba\v{c}a \& Semani\v{c}ov\'a-Fe\v{n}ov\v{c}\'ikov\'a (2017), and Bensmail, Senhaji \& Lyngsie (2017)) independently introduced the weaker notion of a local antimagic labelling, where only adjacent vertices must be distinguished. Both sets of authors conjectured that any connected graph other than K2K_2 admits a local antimagic labelling. We prove this latter conjecture using the probabilistic method. Thus the parameter of local antimagic chromatic number, introduced by Arumugam et al., is well-defined for every connected graph other than K2K_2 .Comment: Final version for publication in DMTCS. Changes from previous version are formatting to journal style and correction of two minor typographical error

    Preferential attachment with choice

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    We consider the degree distributions of preferential attachment random graph models with choice similar to those considered in recent work by Malyshkin and Paquette and Krapivsky and Redner. In these models a new vertex chooses rr vertices according to a preferential rule and connects to the vertex in the selection with the ssth highest degree. For meek choice, where s>1s>1, we show that both double exponential decay of the degree distribution and condensation-like behaviour are possible, and provide a criterion to distinguish between them. For greedy choice, where s=1s=1, we confirm that the degree distribution asympotically follows a power law with logarithmic correction when r=2r=2 and shows condensation-like behaviour when r>2r>2.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in Random Structures and Algorithm

    Countable graphs are majority 3-choosable

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    The Unfriendly Partition Conjecture posits that every countable graph admits a 2-colouring in which for each vertex there are at least as many bichromatic edges containing that vertex as monochromatic ones. This is not known in general, but it is known that a 3-colouring with this property always exists. Anholcer, Bosek and Grytczuk recently gave a list-colouring version of this conjecture, and proved that such a colouring exists for lists of size 4. We improve their result to lists of size 3; the proof extends to directed acyclic graphs. We also discuss some generalisations.Comment: 6 pages. Minor changes including adding a referenc

    Determining triangulations and quadrangulations by boundary distances

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    We show that if a disc triangulation has all internal vertex degrees at least 6, then the full triangulation may be determined from the pairwise graph distance between boundary vertices. A similar result holds for quadrangulations with all internal degrees at least 4. This confirms a conjecture of Itai Benjamini. Both degree bounds are best possible, and correspond to local non-positive curvature. However, we show that a natural conjecture for a "mixed" version of the two results is not true.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    The path minimises the average size of a connected induced subgraph

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    We prove that among all graphs of order n, the path uniquely minimises the average order of its connected induced subgraphs. This confirms a conjecture of Kroeker, Mol and Oellermann, and generalises a classical result of Jamison for trees, as well as giving a new, shorter proof of the latter. While this paper was being prepared, a different proof was given by Andrew Vince.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. Changed title, new figure and minor rewritin
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