6 research outputs found
Risk factors related to reported proactive violence and victimization among kosovar high school students
The aim of this research was to understand the risk factors associated with self-reported proactive violence and victimization among Kosovo high school students.
Data was obtained from 4709 high school students (15-16 years old) from Kosovo that participated in the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD). This study followed standardized methodology, sampling, administration and ethical requirements as those of the ESPAD survey which ensures comparability across European countries.
Results from this study support findings from other studies that males had a significantly higher average rank in both proactive violence and victimization categories when compared with females at (p<0.001). In addition, multivariable binary logistic regression showed that matching some factors were more strongly associated with perpetration of pro-active violence and victimization among Kosovo adolescents. The strongest association for proactive violence and victimization was with alcohol consumption over 30 days, followed by skipping school, and having a depressed mood. The weakest associations were observed for relationship with parents and gender. However, self-esteem scores showed there was not a statistically significant difference between pro-active violence and victimization. All of the above indicate an overlap of pro-active violence and victimization among adolescents, highlighting their role as both the perpetrator and the victim
Social distance in terms of demographic features – Kosovo population study
Kosovo aims for development of a state over the Kosovo state identity, which includes all communities living in Kosovo. Integration of all communities in public institutions and life remains one of the challenges of Kosovo society. The social distance refers to the extent of understanding of another group, which characterizes parasocial and social relations. Another definition is the lack of availability and relations in being open to others. Bogardus states that social distance is an outcome of affective distance between members of two groups. Earlier studies have shown that the social distance or gap is related to the ethnic background, education level and earlier interaction with other ethnic groups. Also, studies have shown a link with social/political activism. Further, it has been proven that social distance is manifested at three different spatial dimensions, their own self in a reciprocal co-product: physical, symbolical and geometric. The study aims to explicate social distance in a relation with demographic records of respondents to a research undertaken in Kosovo in 2010, in which 1296 citizens (64.4% Albanians, 13.9% Serbs, 6.9% Turkish, 5% Roma/Ashkali/Egyptian (RAE), 6.9% Bosnian and 2.7% others). Social distance has been measured by asking the respondents about the groups or persons they would object in terms of neighborhood: they, who speak another language, have another religion, have homosexual orientation, etc. Comparisons of average social distance in relation with ethnic sub-groups, gender, level of education, experience in earlier trips to the countries of the European Union (EU), size of settlement and the region of origin of the respondent, show significant differences, at p < 0.05. Also, the research also reviewed the link between social activism and activism in civil society and social distance. In these terms, outcomes are less clearer, thereby suggesting that social activism or activism in civil society not necessarily influences the narrowing of the social gap. Outcomes are discussed in due account of permanent efforts to involve minorities in governance and public life in Kosovo
Faktorët e rrezikut dhe viktimizimi i nëxënësve të shkollave të mesme
Rezultatet: Rezultatet nga ky studim mbështesin të gjeturat nga studimet e tjera se meshkujt kanë pasur mesatare më të lartë si në dhunën proaktive ashtu edhe në viktimizim, në krahasim me femrat dhe dallimi është signifikant (p<0.001). Pos kësaj, analiza e regresionit logjistik binar ka treguar se faktorët që përputhen (të ngjashëm) duket të kenë lidhje me ushtrimin e dhunës proaktive dhe viktimizimit në mesin e adoleshentëve kosovarë. Ndërlidhja më e ngushtë për dhunën proaktive dhe viktimizimin ishte me konsumimin e alkoolit më shumë se 30 ditë, përcjellë nga ikja nga mësimi dhe disponimi depresiv. Ndërlidhja më e dobët është vërejtur me marrëdhënien me prindërit dhe gjininë. Megjithatë, rezultatet e vetëvlerësimit kanë treguar se nuk ka pasur dallime statistike signifikante në mes dhunës proaktive dhe viktimizimit. Të gjitha të lartpërmendurat tregojnë se dhuna proaktive dhe viktimizimi në mesin e adoleshentëve përkojnë me njëra-tjetrën, duke theksuar rolin e tyre si kryes dhe viktimë.Hyrje: Qëllimi i këtij artikulli është të kuptuarit e faktorëve të rrezikut që lidhen me dhunën e vetë-raportuar proaktive dhe viktimizimin në mesin e nxënësve kosovarë të shkollave të mesme.
Metodat: Të dhënat janë marrë nga 4709 nxënës të shkollave të mesme të moshës 15 – 16 vjeçare nga Kosova, që kanë marrë pjesë në Projektin Evropian për studimin në shkolla mbi alkoolin dhe drogat e tjera (ESPAD). Ky studim ka ndjekur metodologjinë e standardizuar, përcaktimin e mostrës, administrimin dhe kërkesat etike të njëjta me anketën (studimin) e PEShAD (ESPAD), gjë që siguron krahasueshmëri me vendet evropiane
Risk factors related to reported proactive violence and victimization among kosovar high school students
The aim of this research was to understand the risk factors associated with self-reported proactive violence and victimization among Kosovo high school students. Data was obtained from 4709 high school students (15-16 years old) from Kosovo that participated in the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD). This study followed standardized methodology, sampling, administration and ethical requirements as those of the ESPAD survey which ensures comparability across European countries. Results from this study support findings from other studies that males had a significantly higher average ran
Parenting styles and teacher interaction on self-regulated learning and academic performance
The importance of parenting styles and teacher interaction on self-regulated learning (SRL) and academic performance is well documented. This study aimed to identify the correlation between parenting styles and interaction with teachers, with SRL in students and how these predict academic performance. The cross-sectional design research was conducted with 420 students selected using a random cluster sampling method. Data collection was carried out in classrooms through self-administered questionnaires. The study’s results show that the authoritative parenting style and teachers’ cooperative behaviour were positively correlated with SRL strategies. There was a negative correlation between the tolerant parenting style and teachers’ dominance behaviour with SRL strategies. Parenting styles and interaction with teachers accounted for 34.9% of the variance in SRL among adolescents. SRL was positively correlated with academic success. Considering Kosovo students’ low educational outcomes, these findings provide insights for a shift towards more parent-teacher interactive education