13 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Peserta Didik dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Menggunakan Media Realistik di Kelas V SD

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    A common problem in this study is " How Increased Activity of Students in math learning Method Using Realistic In Kelas V SDN 12 Sungai Pinyuh ? " . The purpose of this study is to describe the learning of increased activity Learners Kelas V SDN 12 Sungai Pinyuh in the learning of mathematics by using realistic media , both physically , mentally and emotionally . The method used in this study is a survey method by using a sheet of observation , the nature of the research is qualitative . The subjects in this study were teachers and fifth grade students numbering 23 people . Using observational data collection techniques. Means of data collection in the form of sheets of observations and data analysis techniques using a percentage formula . The results showed an increase in activity of learners from the base line to each cycle , namely , 1 ) the physical activity of students from baseline 17.38 % in the second cycle by 85.85 % increased by 68.47 % to a high category , 2 ) mental activity of learners baseline 12.31 % to 60.86 % in the second cycle increased by 48.55 % to the category of fairly tinggi.3 ) emotional activity learners from baseline 24.63 % to 86.96 % an increase amounted to 62.36 % with the high category . Conclusion that the use of realistic media can increase physical activity , mental and emotional fifth grade students in Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 12 Sungai Pinyuh

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Peserta Didik dalam Pembelajaran IPA Menggunakan Metode Eksperimen di Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aimed to describe: 1) Planning senses structure learning through experimental methods to enhance the students\u27 learning activities; 2) Implementation of learning through experimental methods to enhance the students\u27 learning activities; 3) Increased physical activity of students through experimental methods; 4) Increased mental activity learners through experimental methods; 5) Increased emotional activity learners through experimental methods. The research method using descriptive approach. The data source of this research is the fourth grade science teacher SDN 05 Pawan and fourth grade students of SDN 05 Delta Pawan. In collecting the data used observation techniques. Further analysis of the data using descriptive analysis. In this study concluded that the use of experimental methods in science teaching posisif and meaningful impact in increasing the activity of learners

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Pembelajaran IPA Menggunakan Metode Demonstrasi pada Siswa Kelas V

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    Research The effect this research to get imformasi that clear, objektif and accurate about demonstration method purpose in IPA\u27S learning on student brazes VI SDN Paloh, meanwhile benefit of this research which is gets to give benefit to learn, student and divides school. Method that is utilized is deskriftif\u27s method whereas research form that is utilized is survey studies with Actions Observational type braze. Performance indicator that is analyzed is physical activity, mental and emotional. With acquired observational end product which is physical activity base line11.11% to III. cycles as big as 16,67% worked up as big as 5,56% by tall categories. Meanwhile mental activity from base line 1,39% to III. cycles as big as 7,49% worked up as big as 6.1% by tall categories. Be emotional activity from 0% to III. cycles as big as 16,67% worked up as big as 16,67%dengan tall categories

    Peningkatan Aktivitaspembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Menggunakan Model Kooperatif Teknik Think Pair Share di SD

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    This research is mean to in crease physical activity, mental, and emotional students at civic class III of public elementary school 04 Segedong. The research method used was descriptive, research by disaplaying/ummerciful the condition subject or object of used three cycle. The result of research in learning civic with model cooperative Think Pair Share technique has been reached is physic activity from the baseline 25,69% to three cycle 90,28% in creased to 64,59% with categories “high”. Mental activity from the baseline12,78% to three cycle 83,33% increased 70,55% with categories “high”. Emotional activity from the baseline 13,89% to three cycle 89,81% increased 75,92% with categories “high”

    Peningkatan Motivasi Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Menggunakan Metode Inquiry di Kelas III

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    The use of inquiry approach is expected to enhance students' motivation in the learning process so that the motivation was not the case of saturation, thus students will be involved physically, emotionally and intellectually, which in turn is expected to change the learning concepts taught by teachers can be understood by students. This study uses kuaitatif approach to the design of this study will be conducted by two rounds. The study design includes preliminary studies, planning, action, observation and reflection. Preliminary studies conducted preliminary observations in class III Sandai Ketapang SDN 13 East to obtain early reflections. Planning stage measures implemented by designing procedures, and determine the form of action observation. Implementation phase is done collaboratively between researchers and teachers. Reflection is done at the end of each lesson and meeting at each cycle