87 research outputs found

    SMEs Development Strategy for Competitive and Sustainable Typical Local Snacks of Banten Province

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    Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) for snacks in Indonesia currently has a good growth rate on one hand; but on the other hand, its level of competition is also quite high.  Growth in sales volume of the Indonesian snack industry, both in modern and traditional markets in 2012, was recorded at 10-15 percent far beyond the growth of other manufacturing industries.  However, the level of competition in the snack industry is also relatively high. Business people in the snacks sector do not only compete with fellow local business people but also with imported products, both legal and illegal.  Currently, Banten Province is indeed not known as a culinary destination with a variety of distinctively local foods. The growth  of the food industry in Banten Province is not as rapid as other manufacturing industries. However, in Banten, some types of food produced in small and medium scales (SMEs) are also known.  Therefore, efforts to develop and empower typical local snack SMEs in Banten Province needs to be conducted to be able to increase its competitiveness in facing the globalization era and the ASEAN free market in 2015.  The purpose of this reseach is to map the performance profile of Banten typical local snack SMEs and to provide recommendation on SME development strategies for competitive and sustainable Banten typical local snacks.  The research method used combines the descriptive research method, IPA (Importance Performance Analysis), and SWOT analysis.  The performance level measurement for Banten typical local snack SMEs is based on stakeholder perceptions on the condition of the existing 16 attributes compared to the perception on the development expectation of each of these attributes.  Results of SWOT matrix mapping puts  the products of Banten typical local snack SMEs in quadran II.  The strategy prioritized is the quality attribute maintenance strategy for superior products, as well as product diversification to expand market share, competitiveness, and sustainability of Banten typical local snack SME products

    Karakteristik Dukungan Industri Terhadap Upaya Implementasi Produksi Bersih (Studi Kasus : Perusahaan Bumn Pulp Dan Kertas)

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    Solusi pengolahan akhir pipa (end-of-pipe) disadari belum mampu memberikan jawaban yang memuaskan terhadap penanganan masalah pencemaran lingkungan. Saat ini sejumlah besar Perusahaan di dunia sedang mengupayakan keuntungan melalui suatu pendekatan pencegahan lingkungan yang dikenal sebagai eko-efisiensi dan produksi bersih. Walaupun penerapan Produksi Bersih dapat dilakukan melalui cara-cara yang amat sederhana, namun pada kondisi tertentu kadang-kadang memerlukan Perubahan yang radikal dan perlu keterlibatan manajemen Perusahaan yang proaktif. Penelitian ini mencoba mengidentifikasi karakteristik dukungan organisasi terhadap upaya penerapan Produksi Bersih Perusahaan pada kasus Perusahaan BUMN Pulp dan Kertas. Hallain yang coba diungkap adalah prasyarat keberhasilan implementasi Produksi Bersih berdasarkan persepsi anggota organisasi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan Tingkat Penerimaan Konsep Produksi Bersih secara positif dipengaruhi oleh pemahaman manfaat ekonomi, kebijakan strategis, dan gaya kepemimpinan; sedang mekanisma evaluasi dan sistem insentif Perusahaan masih menjadi faktor penghambat dalam penerimaan konsep Produksi Bersih saat ini. Secara umum, kalangan anggota Perusahaan menempatkan faktor dukungan finansial sebagai faktor paling esensial bagi keberhasilan implementasi Produksi Bersih. Namun Kenyataan dari analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa sistem insentif Perusahaan justru menjadi faktor penghambat penerimaan konsep Produksi Bersih. Faktor lain yang juga dianggap esensial berturut-turut adalah keterlibatan pekerja, komitmenmanajemen, kemampuan karyawan, dan kebijakan strategis. Walaupun kebijakan strategis Perusahaan telah mengakomodasikan kepentingan lingkungan, namun hal ini tidak didukung hingga pada tahap pelaksanaan. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan kebijakan strategis Perusahaan masih menjadi faktor penghambat dalam pelaksanaan Produksi Bersih. Fenomena lain yang menarik adalah ternyata saat ini belum terbentuk budaya produksi bersih pada tatanan Perusahaan, tim pengelola lingkungan yang profesional juga belum memberikan peran yang signifikan bagi penerimaan dan penerapan Produksi Bersih di Perusahaan

    Pemetaan dan Strategi Pemanfaatan Teknologi pada Industri Olahan Rumput Laut Indonesia yang Berkelanjutan

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    . The fisheries industrialization program tries to place thedownstreaming of seaweed as one of the strategies to increase the added value ofthe seaweed commodity. However, the competitiveness of the national seaweedindustry is also relatively low compared to foreign industry. One of the problemsof the competitiveness of the processed seaweed industry is because the extent ofthe use of technology in the processed seaweed industry has not been identified.The purpose of this research is to map the use of technology in the processedseaweed industry in downstreaming a competitive and sustainable Indonesianseaweed industry. The mapping of the existing condition of technologyutilization refers to five indicators, namely production aspect, cost aspect, HRaspect, energy aspect, and environmental aspect. The development strategy of theseaweed downstream industry is developed by using the SWOT method. Therecommended technology standard analysis is based on the benchmark method.Results of the analysis shows that the dominant type of technology used is the„semi-mechanical technolgy‟ which mostly comes from Europe/America followedby Japan, local, and China. In order to increase the competitiveness andsustainability of the Indonesian processed seaweed industry, improvements in thefields of artificial drying, high value added (downstream) technology andtechnology for food safety is required. Several action plans required among othersare: the solar system dryer in the upstream industry, the implementation of qualityand food safety management system in the production chain, identification andinvestment of high value products in the seaweed downstream industry

    The Development Strategy of Sustainable Bioethanol Industry on Iconic Sumba Island, Eastern Indonesia

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    The development of biofuel industry in Indonesia represents the emerging phase, because of the impetus of government commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emission regulations which are decanted in President Decree No. 61 the year 2011.  Indonesia has committed to reducing greenhouse gasses by 26% below 2005 levels, equivalent to 767 million tons of greenhouse gasses on their own.  National Energy Policy set to blending bioethanol in premium 10% and 20% in 2020 and 2050 respectively.  Potency that owned by Sumba Island, especially in east eastern Indonesia, encourages the growth of bioethanol industry regarding the availability of raw material resources and tropical climate for biofuel crop cultivation. Therefore it is necessary to analyze the feasibility of bioethanol production from potential raw materials in Sumba Island. It combines a Bayes method with financial analysis and a Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) framework to propose the development strategy of sustainable bioethanol industry in the Sumba Island.  Recommended feedstock for the development of the bioethanol industry in Sumba Island is sweet sorghum and cassava.  Financial feasibility assessment of bioethanol industry is based on the assumption that at least 70% of the feedstock is supplied by the company’s land and the rest comes from the farming communities.  The proposed integration pattern is by integrating the ethanol industry with bio-farming and bio-manure to utilize the waste completely. The development of bioethanol industry in Sumba Island is still faced with many obstacles, including the sustainability of feedstock both for cassava and sweet sorghum, infrastructure constraints, and regulation enforcement. Alternative strategies for the development of an integrated bioethanol industry are (1) conducting intensification and extensification of agricultural land to meet the needs of raw materials, (2) promoting technological innovation and institutional innovation to accelerate the delivery and adoption bioethanol, and (3) developing bioethanol industry cluster that is supported by the infrastructure cluster


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    The government now is always trying some efforts and policy to support competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs) in Indonesia.  Food SMEs is one of SMEs which the quantity is very big and spreading in various location commonly near the housing and business center.   Entrepreneurs of Food SMEs is also included in the entity to get attention from the government to increase the competitiveness. Environmental dynamics and care of city community of environmental problems encourage the food’s entrepreneurs to adopt green strategy in the process of production in order to get better image so that it can contribute to the sustainability of SMEs.  One approach to be adopted is green productivity strategy.  Green productivity strategy tries to take care of the environment by the entrepreneur not only from the environmental benefit but also financial benefit, because production process will be operating with minimal waste and efficiency of course will produce benefit financially.  This activity has the purpose to increase awareness of green strategy implementation in Food SMEs in District South Meruya West Jakarta. Conducting the activity is done in one months.  The approach used is to integrate lecturing, discussion and question answer, self assessment, and simulation.  To measure effectivity of the activity have deployed questionnaire pre test and post test related to ability of knowledge, assessment, and analysis of opportunity and application of  green strategy in the production chain Food SMEs.  The outing target of the activity is increasing the knowledge and ability of SMEs entrepreneurs about the green implementation in production activity.  The results of this training show that participants are able to identify the potential of solid waste on the production process that can be processed into value-added products


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    Cleaner production is not only about changing raw materials, processes and products. It is also about changing attitudes and behaviour of all stakeholder. An understanding of the dynamics of change within and external organisations undertaking cleaner production can help to improve the success for implementation. The purpose of this study was to provide insight into the range of key factors that are potentially relevant to the success of cleaner production implementation on crumb rubber industry based on expert opinion and organizational perception. Factor analysis techniques with principal component and prospective analysis were aplied to extract that factors, while correlation analysis was used to inference the influence the organizational factors with cleaner producion performance. Principal component analysis resulted 13 factors, namely: internal communication, evaluation tools, environmental benefit, employee ability, profesional team, incentive system, cleaner prodution centre, community consultation, regulation, operational policy, environmental investment, green consumers, and environment requisite. The correlation of those factors with cleaner production performance at crumb rubber industry was not good (rs < 0,5). Based on prospective analysis, critical factors of cleaner production system implementation were culture, raw material, crumb rubber product, regulation, economic benefit, cleaner production information, environmental management system, and global market trend.KAJIAN FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHIIMPLEMENTASI SISTEM PRODUKSI BERSIHPADA AGROINDUSTRI KARET REMA

    Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan Penyedia Layanan Logistik Berdasarkan Integrasi SERVQUAL dan QFD

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    This study aims to find the causes of customer dissatisfaction and its implications for logistics service provider (LSP) operations management by improving the quality of customer service. This research is a case study on Pusat Logistik Berikat (PLB), a logistics service provider based in Cilincing, Indonesia. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used with the Delphi method for expert validation. Data were collected during the covid-19 pandemic using questionnaires distributed to a limited sample of 50 PLB customers and semi-structured interviews to deepen information related to site observations. The 5-dimensional service quality (SERVQUAL) instrument was validated using 40 completed questionnaires used as primary data, resulting in 33 valid attributes. GAP analysis found 30 attributes have low performance, and reliability, assurance, tangibles, responsiveness, and empathy contribute to customer satisfaction. Empathy was the priority for improving the quality of employees. Six attributes based on importance performance analysis (IPA) were identified as the voice of customer (VOC). Based on QFD evaluation, it was found that for the most critical professional improving the quality of customer service is performance as an added value for the logistics process, and the lowest is the fast response from the customer service team. Highest technical requirements: cycle time and lowest stock out. The technical implications of the SERVQUAL and QFD approaches can be used to increase customer satisfaction through improving the quality of human resources and procurement management.Tujuan penelitian ini mencari sebab-sebab ketidakpuasan pelanggan dan implikasinya pada manajemen operasi penyedia jasa logistik (logistics service provider/LSP) dengan meningkatkan kualitas layanan pelanggan. Penelitian ini terbatas pada studi kasus manajemen rantai pasok perusahaan jasa logistik layanan Pusat Logistik Berikat (PLB) di Cilincing dan Studi kasus dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif, dengan validasi pakar berdasarkan metode Delphi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan di masa pandemi covid-19 Kuesioner disebar pada sampel terbatas 50 pelanggan PLB menggunakan aplikasi google form dan wawancara semi struktur untuk pendalaman informasi terkait dengan observasi ke lokasi. Pendekatan service quality (SERVQUAL) 5 dimensi divalidasi menggunakan data primer dari 40 data kuesioner yang terisi lengkap. Dihasilkan 33 atribut valid dan analisis GAP menemukan 30 atribut dengan kinerja rendah yang berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen. Kontribusi terhadap tingkat kepuasan diberikan oleh dimensi reliability, assurance, tangibles, responsiveness dan empathy, dengan dimensi empathy menjadi prioritas perbaikan. Berdasarkan important performance analysis (IPA diidentifikasi enam atribut  sebagai voice of customer (VOC). Evaluasi QFD menghasilkan bahwa dalam peningkatan kualitas layanan pelanggan, yang terpenting adalah kinerja profesional yang merupakan nilai tambah bagi proses logistik dan paling rendah adalah respon cepat dari tim layanan pelanggan. Ditemukan pula bahwa persyaratan teknis tertinggi adalah cycle time dan terendah adalah stock out. Sebagai implikasi teknis, pendekatan SERVQUAL dan QFD dapat digunakan untuk  peningkatan kepuasan pelanggan melalui peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia dan manajemen pengadaan barang.

    Value Chain Analysis and Value Added Enhancement of Indonesia Crude Palm Oil Supply Chain

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    PT. XYZ is a manufacturing company that produces Crude Palm Oil (CPO). The competition Crude Palm Oil (CPO) company do not only happen in manufacturing companies but also among supply chain components. Due to the increase of fierce competition, it is necessary to improve companies’ value chain that may increase productivity and reduce costs. The purpose of this study was to analyze the supply chain and value chain of CPO in some companies. Data were analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative analysis within descriptive research.  This research was started by conducting a supply chain analysis and followed by a value chain analysis and ended with an improvement of the value chain. The qualitative analysis describes supply chain and value chain while the quantitative analysis is used to find out value-added values and establishment of the value chain. Based on the analysis, the value chain of CPO in the company consists of four main participants: suppliers of raw materials (plantation), processing plant, distributor, and customer. In this research, the analysis was focused on two participants: palm oil plantation and palm oil processing plant. The oil palm plantation activities include nurseries, planting, plant maintenance, harvesting, and shipping while the processing plant consists of reception, sterilizing, threshing, pressing, and classification. The company's value-added actual condition in oil palm plantation was 72.42% and palm oil processing plant was 10.13%. A low-cost strategy had been applied, resulting in the value-added increasing of oil palm plantations by 1.08% and at processing plants by 11.73%. The increase in value-added has been able to reduce the company’s costs. However, this study still has limitations because the analysis only covers plantation and processing plant value chain; the company’s distribution and consumers of CPO products for maximizing the value-added of a CPO value chain have not yet been studied


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    Dalam masa pandemi covid-19 di tahun 2020, transformasi pendidikan digital menjadi solusi keberlanjutan proses belajar mengajar termasuk institusi pendidikan tinggi. Artikel ini menyajikan sebuah kajian pustaka mengenai analisis tingkat kepuasan pemangku kepentingan atas pendidikan dalam jaringan (daring) di berbagai negara, sehingga dapat bermanfaat bagi peneliti lain untuk mendapatkan informasi referensi pada materi penelitian sejenis. Metode penelitian ini mengambil beberapa artikel dari berbagai sumber jurnal seperti: Google scholar, Science direct, Researchgate, Springer, Proquest, EBSCO, dan lain-lain. Artikel dipilih secara khusus menerapan metode survei yang ditujukan kepada pemangku kepentingan. Terdapat 30 artikel yang kemudian dianalisis mengenai negara tempat penelitan, jumlah responden, serta tingkat kepuasan pemangku kepentingan. Berdasarkan 12,867 responden yang terlibat, 78,2% mahasiswa menyatakan puas dengan perkuliahan daring, meskipun terdapat berbagai aspek negatif terutama masalah kualitas jaringan internet. Dalam mengatasi permasalahan pendidikan daring diperlukan dukungan pemerintah dalam perbaikan sistem teknologi informasi, kurikulum yang mendukung serta pelatihan berkesinambungan bagi dosen, karyawan, dan mahasiswa


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    This activity has the purpose to give understanding and to train the ability in service industry in applying the method of service quality to improve the quality of service. Participants in this activity are stakeholders in service industry in the region of South Meruya West Jakarta those are business enterpreneur hosewives who are joined in RPTRA Mahkota South Meruya SelatanWest Jakarta. Method of training in increasing the quality of service is by using the method service quality in service industry they are: delivering material about service quality, delivering material about evaluating customer’s satisfaction with the material service quality. Participation and seriousness of the participants can be said is good enough. Result of this training is that members of Mahkota South Meruya feel satisfied and get practical knowledge about application of ServQual. &nbsp