27 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Service Experience Equity and Guests’ Behavioral Intention at Eco-Resorts: A study using PLS-SEM

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    Guest experience studies and the consequences towards behavioral intention play a significant role in the success of resort industry. Hence, this study attempts to investigate the relationship between service experience equity and behavioral intention at eco-resorts. This study also aims to discover the new experience and phenomenon of ecotourism particularly in eco-resort setting in Malaysia. The result of the hypotheses is tested using partial least square of structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and several conclusions were achieved. Noticeably, the service experience equity perceived by eco-resorts’ guests showed significant influence their behavioral intention in staying at eco-resorts

    Diagnosing The Dynamic Drivers of Healthcare Expenditure in Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Countries

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    The foremost impact of healthcare system is for the individuals to have the right and privileges to access enhanced healthcare services. The demand for health, innovation and sustainable healthcare systems has also been gaining better prominence and consideration in numerous countries, and it is perceived as one of the major contributors to the economic growth and development. This paper looks at the dynamic drivers of healthcare expenditure in Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries from 1990 to 2015. The dynamic panel system Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) technique was used for the study analysis. The findings show that the income, life expectancy, share of population between the age group of 65 years and above, share of population age under 15 years, out-of-pocket payment, research and development (technology) in healthcare and consumer price index were the drivers of healthcare expenditure in OIC countries. In view of this, the study differs from recent and previous studies, because the study offers novel empirical findings as the income per capita is above one, which is about 1.90 and inelastic. This proves that healthcare in OIC countries is a luxury goods

    The determinant factors that influence customers’ behavioral intention in property

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    The property industry acts as vital sector whereby the service environment directly correlates the customers’ behavioral intention in purchasing a property. However, to date, a study regarding service environment and its impact still not fully addressed in the property industry. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between service environment and customers’ behavioral intention moderated by income in Malaysian property industry. A total of 357 respondents were participated in this study by using a convenience sampling. The result shown that lower middle income was significantly moderated the relationship between service environment and customers’ behavioral intention

    Moderating effect of income on the service environment and customers’ behavioral intention

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    The property industry acts as vital sector whereby the service environment directly correlates the customers’ behavioral intention in purchasing a property. However, to date, a study regarding service environment and its impact still not fully addressed in the property industry. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between service environment and customers’ behavioral intention moderated by income in Malaysian property industry. A total of 357 respondents were participated in this study by using a convenience sampling. The result shown that lower middle income was significantly moderated the relationship between service environment and customers’ behavioral intentio

    Impact of ecological factors on nationwide supply chain performance

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    Environmental responsibility is an integrated part of responsible supply chain management and involves several steps.The objective of this study is to investigate the role of ecological factors in the supply chain. Therefore, this study examined the role of GDP growth rate, the degree of openess, the rate of exchange and balance of payment effect on foreign direct investment (FDI) and FDI effect on the supply chain. Different national and international frameworks and tools guide companies in their work with sustainability and environmental supply chain management. UN’s Global Compact is one of the main international frameworks. In this study, data were collected from Indonesian ecologists. Email addresses of Indonesian ecologists were collected and email was sent to them to get responses. Only one hundred email addresses were found of various ecologists. Therefore, the total sample size was one hundred. From total one hundred, sixty ecologists responded. Outcomes of the study show that increases in GDP growth rate, the degree of openness and balance of payment increases the nationwide supply chain performance. Decreases in GDP growth rate, the degree of openness and balance of payment decreases the nationwide supply chain performance. However, increases in the rate of exchange decrease the FDI growth rate which ultimately decreases the supply chain practice

    Perceived attributes and the level of information and communication technology (ICT) usage among academicians: a comparison between Universiti Teknologi Mara (UITM) and Universiti Industri Selangor (UNISEL) / Marlita Mat Yusof, Nurhazirah Hashim and Siti Noraini Mohd Tobi

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    Despite of the promising perspective of the usage of ICT in education, Zulkifli Zakaria (2001) has discover that although the attitude of the lecturers towards the use of ICT in their lecture is positive, all the lecturers tend not to use ICT in their lecture. Nowadays it has been recognised that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is inseparable in the management and delivery of knowledge and more so in the academic sector. This paper that applies Structural Equation Model for ICT usage in Higher Education (Usluel, Askar & Bass 2008) attempts to identify the level of ICT usage among academicians in UiTM and UNISEL, two higher learning institution representing the public and private sector respectively. Subsequently, the relationship between the perceived attributes and the level of ICT usage among academicians is presented. This paper goes a bit further by comparing the difference and the most influential attributes of the aforementioned between the public and private learning institution. This paper concludes that there is a significant relationship between perceived attributes and the level of ICT usage among UITM and UNISEL academicians. However, UiTM registers compatibility whilst UNISEL records observability as their most influential perceived attribute that leads to the level of ICT usage. The findings of this research were made through questionnaire distributed to academicians from both institutions and the analysis was carried out to verify the hypotheses

    Exploring the role of religious motivation towards tourist satisfaction: a proposed Islamic tourism model from a Malaysian perspective

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    The purpose of the study is to identify factors influencing tourist satisfaction of Islamic tour destination under the Islamic tourism concept. The study is conceptual in nature.It develops a Tourist Satisfaction Model derived from the comprehensive literature review and prior empirical findings where the relationships among Religious Motivation, Destination Selection, Destination Image, Perceived Value, Service Quality and Tourist Satisfaction are depicted. The theoretical supports of this research provides justifiable evidence that the proposed Tourist Satisfaction Model is acceptable. The research indicates that Malaysia as an Islamic tourism Destination haswide acceptance to the Muslim tourists all around the world. A further study can be addressed to test the model empirically and configure relative importance of the causing factors behind the tourist satisfaction. The proposed model may give the practitioners a way to develop their destination as an Islamic tourism center while academician can find a comprehensive model to test for the specific destination. Key words: Tourist Satisfaction, factor influencing, Islamic Tourism and Malaysi

    Customer satisfaction on e-SERVQUAL in Islamic online banking services / Nurhazirah Hashim …[et al.]

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    The recent development in the ecommerce services has shown a variety of established companies participating in the web business environment including Islamic banks. Business with the most experience and success in using ecommerce are beginning to realize that the indicator of success or failure of the ecommerce environment was included in the online services. Nowadays, the trend of a business is to serve the customer with best quality of services to enhance the consumer satisfaction and compete with the global competitors as online services enabled registered user to make products purchase transaction only through website such as check and manage financial standing, transfer funds, bill payment, prepaid reload and so forth. However, in recent times, Islamic banking users faced problems with the online system such as cannot log in to the system, payment failure and mostly security and privacy hindrance. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the relationship between electronic service quality (e-SERVQUAL) and customer satisfaction towards Islamic Online Banking Services users. Based on the sample size, only 76 respondents were selected to participate in this study by using a convenience sampling. Further, Pearson correlation and multiple regression were reported to analyze the mentioned relationship. The findings have shown that there is a positive relationship between e-SERVQUAL and customer satisfaction in using Islamic online banking services. Based on the findings, Islamic online banking developer is recommended to improve more on their responsiveness in order to provide quick response to their customer’s requirements. Moreover, they also should be more reliable in providing accurate information in performing the promised services. They must assure that all of their customers can quickly get responds and true feedback regarding their problems to ensure customer satisfy with service provided. Besides, the safety of the website and the protection of customer information also considered a vital action that should be concerned in order to increase the customers’ satisfaction

    Investigating The Dynamic Effect of Healthcare Expenditure and Education Expenditure On Economic Growth in Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC)

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    The socio-economic development level of any country has been significantly attached to the state of healthcare and well-being of its people. Moreover, it is unequivocal that healthy people have substantial influences on economic advancement of a country because when they live longer there is tendency that they will be more productive. On the other hand, the standpoint of education on economic growth cannot be underscored as it serves as method of evolution and progression of personalities and an essential indicator of broad production of the national income. Nevertheless, this paper examines the dynamic effect of healthcare expenditure and education expenditure on economic growth using evidence from Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries. The study applied Pool Mean Group (PMG) method by using 1990 to 2015 data. The study reveals a robust long-run co-integrating relationship between healthcare expenditure, education expenditure, research and development and the economic growths of OIC countries. Besides, the short-run effects indicates that, healthcare expenditure per capita significantly impact economic growth of OIC countries, while the education expenditure and research and development (technology) were insignificantly impact economic growth of OIC countries in the short-run. Albeit, the findings of the study short-run specific-effects concluded that, there is existence of a co-integrating relationship between the healthcare, education, technology and economic growth in 36 out of the 56 OIC countries, while 20 other countries have no co-integrating relationship with the economic growths. However, the study suggests that healthcare and education are device to further attain economic growth and development in OIC countries if well managed and administered

    Investigating The Dynamic Effect of Healthcare Expenditure and Education Expenditure On Economic Growth in Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC)

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    The socio-economic development level of any country has been significantly attached to the state of healthcare and well-being of its people. Moreover, it is unequivocal that healthy people have substantial influences on economic advancement of a country because when they live longer there is tendency that they will be more productive. On the other hand, the standpoint of education on economic growth cannot be underscored as it serves as method of evolution and progression of personalities and an essential indicator of broad production of the national income. Nevertheless, this paper examines the dynamic effect of healthcare expenditure and education expenditure on economic growth using evidence from Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries. The study applied Pool Mean Group (PMG) method by using 1990 to 2015 data. The study reveals a robust long-run co-integrating relationship between healthcare expenditure, education expenditure, research and development and the economic growths of OIC countries. Besides, the short-run effects indicates that, healthcare expenditure per capita significantly impact economic growth of OIC countries, while the education expenditure and research and development (technology) were insignificantly impact economic growth of OIC countries in the short-run. Albeit, the findings of the study short-run specific-effects concluded that, there is existence of a co-integrating relationship between the healthcare, education, technology and economic growth in 36 out of the 56 OIC countries, while 20 other countries have no co-integrating relationship with the economic growths. However, the study suggests that healthcare and education are device to further attain economic growth and development in OIC countries if well managed and administered