192 research outputs found

    A fundamental work on THz measurement techniques for application to steel manufacturing processes

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    The terahertz (THz) waves had not been obtained except by a huge system, such as a free electron laser, until an invention of a photo-mixing technique at Bell laboratory in 1984 [1]. The first method using the Auston switch could generate up to 1 THz [2]. After then, as a result of some efforts for extending the frequency limit, a combination of antennas for the generation and the detection reached several THz [3, 4]. This technique has developed, so far, with taking a form of filling up the so-called THz gap . At the same time, a lot of researches have been trying to increase the output power as well [5-7]. In the 1990s, a big advantage in the frequency band was brought by non-linear optical methods [8-11]. The technique led to drastically expand the frequency region and recently to realize a measurement up to 41 THz [12]. On the other hand, some efforts have yielded new generation and detection methods from other approaches, a CW-THz as well as the pulse generation [13-19]. Especially, a THz luminescence and a laser, originated in a research on the Bloch oscillator, are recently generated from a quantum cascade structure, even at an only low temperature of 60 K [20-22]. This research attracts a lot of attention, because it would be a breakthrough for the THz technique to become widespread into industrial area as well as research, in a point of low costs and easier operations. It is naturally thought that a technology of short pulse lasers has helped the THz field to be developed. As a background of an appearance of a stable Ti:sapphire laser and a high power chirped pulse amplification (CPA) laser, instead of a dye laser, a lot of concentration on the techniques of a pulse compression and amplification have been done. [23] Viewed from an application side, the THz technique has come into the limelight as a promising measurement method. A discovery of absorption peaks of a protein and a DNA in the THz region is promoting to put the technique into practice in the field of medicine and pharmaceutical science from several years ago [24-27]. It is also known that some absorption of light polar-molecules exist in the region, therefore, some ideas of gas and water content monitoring in the chemical and the food industries are proposed [28-32]. Furthermore, a lot of reports, such as measurements of carrier distribution in semiconductors, refractive index of a thin film and an object shape as radar, indicate that this technique would have a wide range of application [33-37]. I believe that it is worth challenging to apply it into the steel-making industry, due to its unique advantages. The THz wavelength of 30-300 ¼m can cope with both independence of a surface roughness of steel products and a detection with a sub-millimeter precision, for a remote surface inspection. There is also a possibility that it can measure thickness or dielectric constants of relatively high conductive materials, because of a high permeability against non-polar dielectric materials, short pulse detection and with a high signal-to-noise ratio of 103-5. Furthermore, there is a possibility that it could be applicable to a measurement at high temperature, for less influence by a thermal radiation, compared with the visible and infrared light. These ideas have motivated me to start this THz work


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    本研究では、実験室規模の装置で運用可能なプラズマ軟X線レーザーに外部種光源及び外部磁場を導入する事により、従来大型施設でのみ可能であった軟X線領域の偏光した光の発生が可能である事を実証した。本研究で実証した偏光制御手法は、現在主流となりつつある1J 級のチタンサファイアレーザーを用いた小型高繰り返しプラズマ軟X線レーザーにも適用が可能であり、円偏光二色性計測、エリプソメトリ等の応用研究用の光源としての実用化が期待される。電気通信大学201

    Probable association of T Tauri stars with the L1014 dense core

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    Using the Wide Field Grism Spectrograph 2 (WFGS2), we have carried out slit-less spectroscopy, g'r'i' photometry, and slit spectroscopy on the L1014 dense core. We detected three Halpha emission line stars. We interpret one as weak-line T Tauri star (WTTS) and the others as classical T Tauri stars (CTTS). Since their g'-i' colors and/or classified spectral types are consistent with those of T Tauri stars and two of them show less extinction than the cloud, these three stars are likely to be T Tauri stars associated with L1014. Adopting an age range for T Tauri stars, 1-10 Myr, the color-magnitude diagram suggests a distance of ~400-900 pc, rather than the previously assumed distance, 200 pc. This could strongly affect on the mass estimate of L1014-IRS, which is thought to be either a very young protostar or proto-brown dwarf.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Vol.58, No.5, October 25, 200

    Assessment of inhibition with the Go/No-Go Task

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    Young, Sutherland, and McCoy indicated that a Go/No-Go Task (GNG) becomes more difficult as the inter-stimulus intervals (ISIs) becomes shorter. However, is the number of commission errors under extremely short ISIs a useful metric for assessing response inhibition? This study challenges the assumption that a shorter ISI in the GNG enables better assessment of response inhibition. University students (N = 213) completed the GNG, the Conners Continuous Performance Test 3rd Edition (CCPT), and the Modified Stroop Task. The GNG comprised four blocks of 400, 600, 800, and 1000 ms ISIs, whereas the stimulus presentation was fixed at 250 ms. Consistent with Young et al., shorter ISIs in the GNG resulted in more commission errors. In the block with the shortest ISI, participants also failed more frequently in responses in go trials than in the other blocks, which appears to increase in error variance of commission errors. Consistent with this interpretation, the association between the number of commission errors in the block with 400 ms ISI and CCPT performance was weaker than those between the number of commission errors in other blocks and CCPT performance. It is concluded that using the number of commission errors in the condition with extremely short ISIs in the GNG might be inappropriate for assessing response inhibition

    Response inhibition deficits are positively associated with trait rumination, but attentional inhibition deficits are not : aggressive behaviors and interpersonal stressors as mediators

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    Previous findings on relationships between inhibition that is a core executive function, and trait rumination have been inconsistent. This inconsistency could be overcome by investigating the association between rumination and the two subcomponents of inhibition: response inhibition and attentional inhibition. This study examined whether and how response inhibition and attentional inhibition were related to rumination as well as worry. University students in Japan (N = 213) conducted the Go/No-Go Task and the Modified Stroop Task. They also completed self-report measures of depression, trait rumination, trait worry, stressors, and aggressive behaviors. Results indicated that response inhibition deficits were positively associated with trait rumination, and this association was mediated by increases in aggressive behaviors and interpersonal stressors. The associations between these variables remained significant even after controlling for depression level. There were no significant direct or indirect associations between attentional inhibition deficits and rumination. These results suggest that response inhibition deficits, among the subcomponents of inhibition, have an indirect positive association with rumination through interpersonal processes. Results also showed nonsignificant differences between rumination and worry in the magnitude of correlation coefficients with the two subcomponents of inhibition. Therefore, it remains unclear whether the positive association with response inhibition is unique to rumination

    Salvage brachytherapy for seminal vesicle recurrence after initial brachytherapy for prostate cancer: a case report

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    BACKGROUND: To report the efficacy and safety of salvage brachytherapy for seminal vesicle recurrence after initial brachytherapy in a patient with prostate cancer. As far as we know, this is a first report of salvage brachytherapy for seminal vesicle recurrence in Japan. CASE PRESENTATION: A 70-year-old Japanese man with low-risk prostate cancer received low-dose-rate brachytherapy. Forty-two months after the seed implantation, he showed biochemical recurrence based on the nadir + 2 ng/mL definition. The prostate specific antigen (PSA) level was 5.11 ng/mL at 58 months after seed implantation. A saturation biopsy of the prostate showed no recurrence. Systemic screening also showed no distant metastases. However, T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated a low intensity area at the base of the right seminal vesicle, which was strongly suggestive of recurrence. Sixty months after the initial therapy, a seminal vesicle biopsy confirmed recurrence with a Gleason score of 4 + 3 before salvage brachytherapy was performed. The prescribed dose was 145 Gy, the same as the dose of the initial therapy. One month later, the PSA level had rapidly declined to 0.898 ng/mL without androgen deprivation therapy. Ten months after the salvage brachytherapy, the PSA level reached 0.078 ng/mL. No adverse events were seen during the follow-up period. CONCLUSIONS: We experienced a patient who was successfully treated with salvage brachytherapy for seminal vesicle recurrence. Salvage brachytherapy is one of the promising therapeutic options for recurrence after initial brachytherapy

    Formation of x-ray Newton’s rings from nano-scale spallation shells of metals in laser ablation

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    The initial stages of the femtosecond (fs) laser ablation process of gold, platinum, and tungsten were observed by single-shot soft x-ray imaging technique. The formation and evolution of soft x-ray Newton’s rings (NRs) were found for the first time. The soft x-ray NRs are caused by the interference between the bulk ablated surface and nanometer-scale thin spallation layer; they originate from the metal surface at pump energy fluence of around 1 J/cm2 and work as a flying soft x-ray beam splitter

    Electron spectra of xenon clusters irradiated with a laser-driven plasma soft-x-ray laser pulse

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    Xenon clusters were irradiated with plasma soft-x-ray laser pulses (having a wavelength of 13.9 nm, time duration of 7 ps, and intensities of up to 10 GW/cm2). The laser photon energy was high enough to photoionize 4d core electrons. The cross section is large due to a giant resonance. The interaction was investigated by measuring the electron energy spectra. The photoelectron spectra for small clusters indicate that the spectral width due to the 4d hole significantly broadens with increasing cluster size. For larger clusters, the electron energy spectra evolve into a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, as a strongly coupled cluster nanoplasma is generated

    ソウヤ センジョウ ニオケル 2.5 Mc/s クウデン ザツオン キョウド ノ カンソク ケッカ

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    Field intensity of atmospheric radio noise on 2.5Mc/s was measured on board the "SOYA" along the course from Tokyo to Antarctica. Results of the analysis of the measurements are summarized as follows: 1) The daytime noise intensity which is predominant in the tropical region and near South Africa corresponds well to the meteorological situation. 2) Atmospheric radio noise intensity measured on board the "SOYA" agrees well with the values predicted on the "Noise Map" prepared by CRPL and with the result of measurement at the fixed stations (Singapore and Pretoria). 3) Characteristics of the atmospheric radio noise were examined in connection with the solar zenith angle and the latitude. Both the mode of diurnal variation and the relation between absorption and solar zenith angle very distinctly with the latitude. 4) Decrease in the intensity at midnight towards the south from about 32°S is greater than that of the intensity calculated only from the distance (the so-called unabsorbed field intensity) and smaller than what was predicted on the CRPL\u27s map. 5) Abnormal enhancement of the radio noise was seen when the ship went under the pouring rain, while the noise fell down to zero level with a flash of lightning, and then it rose exponentially with the time constant of the order of 1 minute. These facts seem to suggest the mechanism how the atmospheric radio noise originates in rain falls. In other words, the precipitation noise due to rainfall occurs in the presence of both raindrops and the static field between the earth and the cell of charged clouds