103 research outputs found

    An in Vitro Approach To Vascular Therapeutic Testing

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    Aortopathies refer to a broad class of pathological conditions affecting the aorta and are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the US. Specifically, aortic aneurysms and aortic dissections have diverse etiologies that are initiated by alterations in the tissue’s extracellular-matrix (ECM) proteins, namely collagen and elastin, thereby predisposing the aortic wall to weaken and rupture. Pentagalloyl glucose (PGG) has recently emerged as a non-surgical treatment to reduce the risk of dissection or rupture. PGG is a known antioxidant and anti-inflammatory which has been shown to have ECM-restorative qualities that enhance collagen and elastin’s functional properties. Prior studies using PGG were largely performed in vivo or acutely in vitro; here, we aim to create a controllable, repeatable, fast, and inexpensive in vitro experimental platform to allow testing of this and other vascular therapeutics. To that end, we first created and validated the in vitro platform by ensuring that cultured aortas maintained viability and mechanical properties for up to 2 weeks using multiple freely floating and stress-free configurations within a nutating mixer bioreactor. Next, we used this platform to investigate the effect of PGG on otherwise healthy thoracic aortas. Finally, we used tissues taken from a genetic mouse model of elastin damage, Marfan Syndrome (Fbn1C1041G/+), to test PGG’s restorative capability on diseased aortas

    A Distributed Approach for Disk Defragmentation

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    تجزئة الملفات هي واحدة من مشاكل الحاسبة الالكترونية  في الجزء المخصص لخزن البيانات داخل الحاسبة (القرص الصلب) التي تحدث عندما يتم استبدال وحذف الملفات بصورة مستمرة. في هذا البحث  تم تصميم نموذج لتجميع اجزاء الملف الواحد الى مجموعة واحدة  في مكان واحد ويتم تنفيذ المهمة من قبل مجموعة من النمل وذلك باستخدام احدى خوارزميات الذكاء الاصطناعي المعروفة بمستعمرات النمل (Ant Colony) .الدراسة البحثية بينت قابلية النموذج للتطبيق في بيئة موزعة كما في انظمة الحوسبة السحابية لحل هكذا مشكلة.  تم عمل محاكاة للنموذج باستخدام بيئة النمذجة البرمجية (NetLogo).Fragmentation is a computing problem that occurs when files of a computer system are replaced frequently. In this paper, the fragments of each file are collected and grouped, thanks to ant-colony optimization ACO, in one place as a mission for a group of ants. The study shows the ability of ants to work in a distributed environment such as cloud computing systems to solve such problem.  The model is simulated using NetLogo

    Evaluation of Antifungal Activity of Plant Extracts of (Thymus vulgaris) and (Cinnamomum) against fungal

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    The present study impression concentrations different from extract alcohol some of the medicinal plants thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and cinnamon (Cinnamomum zylanicum) agent isolation the fungal and which included (Aspergillus niger, Penicillium ssp, Fusarium ssp, Alternariа ssp, Cladosporium ssp, Mucor ssp, Rhizopus ssp, Botrytis ssp ) where showed the results if extract thyme give higher inhibition against fungal at concentration 1500 mg/ml Aspergillus niger, Penicillium ssp, Fusarium ssp, Alternariа ssp, Cladosporium ssp, Mucor ssp, Rhizopus ssp, Botrytis ssp. of 9 mm , 5 mm, 7 mm, 8 mm, 9 mm, 8 mm, 10mm,8 mm on respectively comparative other while was extract cinnamon effected low from extract thyme agents fungal at concentration 1500 mg/ml Aspergillus niger, Penicillium ssp, Fusarium ssp, Alternariа ssp, Cladosporium ssp, Mucor ssp, Rhizopus ssp, Botrytis ssp. of 11 mm , 8 mm, 9 mm, 9 mm, 10 mm, 9 mm, 11mm,10 mm on respectively . got decrease inhibition against fungal Aspergillus niger, Penicillium ssp, Fusarium ssp, Alternariа ssp, Cladosporium ssp, Mucor ssp, Rhizopus ssp, Botrytis ssp both extract (thyme and cinnamon) . Key words. :Plant extracts, fungal, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Alternariа, Cladosporium, Mucor, Rhizopus, Botryti

    Decomposition of Continuity and Separation Axioms Via Lower and Upper Approximation

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    In this paper we study the rough set theory by defined the concepts of rough regularity and rough normality in the topological spaces which we can consider them as results from the general relations on the approximation spaces. Keywords: Topologized approximation space, rough regularity, rough normality, rough continuity, rough homeomorphism

    Rough Probability In Topological Spaces

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    In this paper we study the rough probability in the topological spaces which we can consider them as results from the general relations on the approximation spaces. Keywords: Stochastic approximation space, rough expectation, rough variance, rough probability generating function, rough characteristic function.

    Synthesis, Analytical and Theoretical Studies of (Z)-4-amino-3-hydroxy-2-((4-(N-(5-methylisoxazol-3-yl)Sulfamoyl)Phenyl)Diazenyl)Naphthalene-1-Sulfonic Acid

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    New azodye that characterize (Z)-4-amino-3-hydroxy-2-((4-(N-(5-methylisoxazol-3-yl) sulfamoyl) phenyl)diazenyl)naphthalene-1-sulfonic acid (1) was synthesized. The azodye has been characterized by IR, visible spectra and elemental (CHN) analysis. The results of visible spectra which recorded in the range (360-6540) nm were showed that the maximum wave length (λmax) of azodye was 500 nm. Analytical studies carried on the dye, the results of the solvent effect were showed high solubility in ethanol and water. But, the results of the pH effect in a range of buffer solution were gave three isopestic points. The ionization constant (pKa) and protonation constant (pKb) were calculated by using the half height method. The results were showed that the pKp1 and pKp2 of each nitrogen atom and pKa of OH-group were equal to 2.5, 4.5 and 8.5 respectively. Theoretical studies also carried on azodye (1). The actual and optimal bonds length of -N=N- was equal to 1.248 in each. Though, internal coordinate mechanics (ICM) of (1) was showed that the angle type in most of atoms was dihedral. But, the R and S configuration were observed in other atoms in the structure of azodye. The results also indicated that the torsion angles (ψ) of (1) were variable. High close contacts of atoms were observed in the structure of azodye. The molecular mechanics (MM2) properties was intended for (1), the results showed that the stretch, bend, stretch-bend, torsion, non-1,4 VDW, 1,4 VDW and the total energy were equal to 61.0809, 627.0240, -1.6517, 179.0634, 4686.8146, 33.0379 and 5585.3692 kcal/mol respectively. High VDW interactions of this molecule was observed, due to the results of dipole/dipole were not computed. Thus, the result of MM2 minimization for azodye (1) was showed high VDW interactions of this molecule higher than before the minimization, due to the result of dipole/dipole was also not computed. The high steric energy (1235.782) was affecting the results of minimization. However, the results of the molecular mechanics force field (MMFF94) energy and gradient for azodye (1) were showed that the total energy and RMS gradient were equal to 26223.422 kcal/ mol and 9113.745 respectively. Further, the results of MMFF94 minimization and MMFF94 minimization/sampling of azodye (1) were showed that the minimization was attended successfully using this method. Keywords: Internal coordinate, Molecular mechanics, Azodye

    Political identity: experimental evidence on anti-Americanism in Pakistan

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    We identify Pakistani men’s willingness to pay to preserve their anti-American identity using two experiments imposing clearly specified financial costs on anti-American expression, with minimal consequential or social considerations. In two distinct studies, one-quarter to one-third of subjects forgo payments from the U.S. government worth around one-fifth of a day’s wage to avoid an identity-threatening choice: anonymously checking a box indicating gratitude toward the U.S. government. We find sensitivity to both payment size and anticipated social context: when subjects anticipate that rejection will be observable by others, rejection falls suggesting that, for some, social image can outweigh self-image

    Developing Agent-Based Model for Colorization

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     التلوين هو اضافة الالوان الى صور الابيض والاسود لتصبح صور ملونة. التلوين يجذب الباحثين لكونه يخدم كثير من التطبيقات مثل صفحات الويب ومعالجة الصور الطبية. ان حجم البينات المتوقع يفرض ان تكون العملية الية. في هذا البحث، تم تطوير طريقة مستوحاة من الانظمة الطبيعية لنقل الالوان من الصور الملونة الى الصور الرمادية. يمكن تنفيذ الخوارزمية المقترحة بسهولة في انظمة الحوسبة المتوازية او الموزعة. كما يمكن تطبيق النموذج على انواع متنوعة من الصور مع الحفاظ على خصائص الصور كالاضاءة والنسج. اظهرت الصور الناتجة امكانية تطبيق الاسلوب في مجالات متنوعة. تم اجراء محاكاة لطريقة الحل باستخدام بيئة النت لوكوColorization is adding colors to black and white images. Colorization attracts the interest of researchers as it serves wide are of applications such as web technology and medical images processing. The expected large dimensionality of source datasets, imposes the automation is mandatory. In this paper, a natural inspired solution is developed for automatic color transferring from colored to grayscale images. The proposed algorithm can be easily implemented in parallel and distributed environment. We show that our technique can be applied on broad image types, with preserving image features such as texture and luminance. The resulting images make our technique applicable in verity domains. The algorithm is simulated and result is presented using NetLogo tool

    Sonographic Comparison of Portal Vein Diameter in Cirrhotic and Non-Cirrhotic Patients

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    Background: Liver cirrhosis has become one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality. The burden of liver cirrhosis is growing in both the West and the East. In Pakistan death rate of liver cirrhosis is conspicuous because of chronic hepatitis (hepatitis B, C) and hepatocellular carcinoma. It is reported by World Health Organization that Pakistan occupies secondary place in spread of hepatitis C. Objective: To compare the portal vein diameter in cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic patients through ultrasound. Methodology: Ultrasound machine Toshiba Xario, Mindray dp 10 and G logic p5 with a curvilinear transducer of frequency 3.5 MHz was used. The study was conducted at, Hussain Diagnostic Ultrasound Centre Jampur, District Rajanpur. Data of 100 patients was collected through Cross-Sectional Analytical study. Statistical software for social sciences (SPSS version 22.0) is used for the analysis of data. Results: One hundred patients participated in this study. Among them, the minimum age was 30 and the maximum age was 70. Ratio of male patients was more than female patients, due to fact of more alcohol consumption in males. Out of 100 patients, 50 patients had cirrhosis and 50 were non cirrhotic. Liver cirrhosis patients came the severe symptoms like weakness, lethargy, hematemesis and melena. Non cirrhotic patients came with epigastric pain, nausea and vomiting. Mean of Portal vein diameter in non-cirrhotic patients was 10.5mm. Mean of  Portal vein diameter in live cirrhosis patients was 14.8mm. A statistical significance difference was found between the two means of portal vein diameter of two groups (cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic) as the p-value 0.000 less than 0.05. Conclusion: Liver cirrhosis is one of the major issues of health and a big reason for increasing mortality rate all over the world. The most common etiology of liver cirrhosis .is .alcohol. Patients come with liver cirrhosis having severe symptoms like weakness, lethargy, hematemesis and melena. Non-cirrhotic patients come with mild symptoms like epigastric pain, nausea and vomiting, having normal portal vein diameter. Mean portal vein diameter in cirrhotic patients (14.8mm) was greater than non-cirrhotic patients (10.5mm). Key words: Liver cirrhosis, Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), Non- alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), alcoholic liver disease (ALD). DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/76-12 Publication date:June 30th 202