139 research outputs found

    Kajian Terhadap Upaya Penghematan Energi Pada Aplikasi Motor Kapasitor

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    Makalah ini membahas suatu contoh upayapenghematan energi pada aplikasi motor kapasitor.Dengan mengambil inspirasi dari salah satu karya patenFrank Nola dari NASA, suatu peralatan semikonduktoryaitu TRIAC dipilih sebagai konverter daya dalamimplementasi algoritma penghematan energi. Suaturangkaian elektronika sederhana dirancang dan dibuatuntuk memicu bekerjanya TRIAC. Agar secarainstruksional lebih bermanfaat, disertakan pula contohhasil pemilihan nilai komponen-komponen elektronikayang digunakan. Hasil percobaan di laboratoriummenunjukkan bahwa penggunaan TRIAC untukmengurangi konsumsi energi listrik terbuktimenguntungkan jika digunakan pada aplikasi motorkapasitor yang pada sebagian besar rentang waktuoperasinya berbeban rendah, misalnya pada aplikasipompa. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena pengurangantegangan efektif masukan ke motor akan menyebabkanpengurangan daya masukan, disertai dengan perbaikanfaktor daya dan efisiensi motor.Kata Kunci—hemat energi, motor kapasitor, TRIA

    Analysis of the Application of Universal Design Standards to Interior-Architecture Design

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    A lot of research shows the findings of cases of public facilities that are not accessible to people with disabilities and see the importance of a design especially in the field of architecture-interior that is able to produce a user-friendly and barrier-free built environment ) Accessibility rights for persons with disabilities are regulated in various regulations starting from the regulations in the central government in the form of laws, government regulations, to ministerial regulations on public works and regional regulations. There is one regulation of the minister of public works and Republic of Indonesia's public housing No.14 2017 which regulates the provision of facilities in buildings and the environment that meet the needs of all age groups and conditions of physical, mental, and intellectual, or sensory limitations based on the function of buildings users and visitors on activities in public buildings, but this guideline has not been discussed in detail. This study is intended to review the analysis of universal design standards in the Interior-Architecture design process specifically in public buildings. Keywords Universal Design, Evaluation, Architecture, Interior, Design

    Reflexivity of Intellectual Capital to Assets in Jakarta Islamic Index with Hahslm Approach

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    Abstract This study aims to examine the reflexivity of value added of intellectual capital that consist of three components from company sources (human capital, capital employed, structural capital) towards company’s financial performance which is listed in Jakarta Islamic Index with Hahslm approach. These values added of intellectual capital has close relation with the well being function of the company. The population in this study has 30 companies that were listed in the Jakarta Islamic Index within the period 2013–2016. The sampling technique is used as subjective sampling based on 17 companies. This study uses secondary data that is obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Theory H shows the test with religiosity perspective [3]. The hypothesis of this study has been tested by using partial least square (PLS). The method used is VAIC from public information which is made into separate variables that are connected to the company’s financial performance (ROA). The results showed that VAHU has no significant influence on the company’s financial performance and so did STVA, while VACA has a significant effect on company’s financial performance. From the result, the study showed that company should have well-being function to have a significant influence on the company’s financial performance.     Keywords: human, capital, structure, RO

    Kontribusi Terhadap Kuliah Perancangan Mesin Listrik Dalam Pendidikan Teknik Tenaga Listrik Di Indonesia

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    Dalam dunia industri, mesin tak serempak banyak digunakan sebagai penggerak utama. Selain itu, sebagai generator mesin ini memungkinkan pembangkitan energi listrik secara otonom di daerah-daerah terpencil. Mengingat pentingnya peran mesin ini, makalah ini dibuat untuk sedikit memberikan kontribusi dalam kuliah perancangan mesin listrik bagi mahasiswa teknik tenaga listrik pada khususnya. Kontribusi yang diberikan berupa tambahan pemahaman terhadap penerapan teori elektromaknitik dalam perhitungan induktansi bocor cincin ujung rotor sangkar saat perancangan mesin tak serempak. Akan ditunjukkan bagaimana beberapa anggapan penyederhanaan diambil agar memungkinkan proses perhitungan dengan menggunakan teori dasar elektromaknetika. Perhitungan analitik berdasarkan metoda bayangan, yang pada umumnya sudah dipelajari dalam kuliah dasar teori elektromaknitik, dibandingkan dengan perhitungan secara analitik-empirik serta dengan perhitungan menggunakan metoda numerik berdasarkan metode elemen terbatas. Dengan memanfaatkan metoda bayangan, induktansi diperoleh melalui penghitungan fluksi yang tercakup total menggunakan vektor potensial. Sebagai pembanding, induktansi juga telah diperoleh dengan menghitung impedansi cincin. Selanjutnya, perhitungan induktansi menggunakan perangkat lunak berdasarkan metoda elemen terbatas juga telah dilakukan melalui penghitungan energi maupun fluksi. Hasil perhitungan analitik menunjukkan adanya kesesuaian dengan hasil numerik, dengan keuntungan metode bayangan lebih sederhana dan mudah untuk diterapkan dibandingkan dengan metode elemen terbatas yang hingga kini seringkali masih terbentur pada lama proses penghitungan serta keterbatasan daya hitung komputer.Kata-kata Kunci — Vektor potensial, Metode bayangan, Fungsi eliptik

    Rancang-Bangun Sistem Pengaduk Adonan Dodol Dengan Kecepatan Konstan Dan Torsi Adaptif

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    Dodol adalah salah satu makanan khas Indonesia yang sulit dalam pembuatannya karena diperlukan waktu yang cukup lama dan energi yang besar untuk mengaduk adonan hingga mempunyai kekentalan tertentu. Selain itu, kecepatan pengaduk adonan dodol diusahakan konstan agar menghasilkan dodol berkualitas baik dengan tingkat kematangan merata. Sebagai solusi, prinsip kerja dari rangkaian terkontrol penyearah gelombang penuh yang dikombinasikan dengan rotary encoder sebagai sensor kecepatan dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan pergerakan motor dengan kecepatan yang konstan dan torsi yang adaptif. Motor DC magnet permanen digunakan untuk menggerakkan pengaduk jenis pitch blade impeller. Dihasilkan suatu sistem pengadukan adonan dodol dengan kecepatan konstan dan torsi adaptif.Kata Kunci — Adonan dodol, rangkaian penyearah terkontrol gelombang penuh, kecepatan konstan, pitch blade impeller

    Klasifikasi Penyakit Mata Katarak Berdasarkan Kelainan Patologis dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Learning Vector Quantization

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    Cataract is one type of eye damage which causes the lens of the eye, nearsightedness which varies according to the level becomes blindness. Cataract eye disease is eating slowly, little by little without the pain experienced by patients but if handled too late then lead to permanent blindness. Eyepiece contains 65% water, 35% protein and the rest are minerals. With increasing age, size and mineral density increases. The accuracy of the determination of the type and location of early cataract is very important to prevent the severity of the impact of more severe cataracts. The main procedure of cataract diagnosis (Gold Standard procedure) was performed using computed tomography (CT) scan and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Alternative diagnosis can be made through physical examination, laboratory tests, medical history, and other relevant information. The purpose of this paper presents the results of a study on the implementation of the method of Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) to facilitate the determination of the classification of types of cataract disease and its severity. The results showed that the use LVQ provide the level of accuracy of the determination of the amount of (99%) as well as the duration of training (training) sample of (0.06 seconds)

    Pelaksanaan Itsbat Nikah di Pengadilan Agama Rengat Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    Marriage according to the Marriage Act aims to establish a happy family and eternal divinity by the Almighty. Marriage Law Article 2 Clause 1 and 2 state that marriage valid if done according to the law of each religion and belief and every marriage is recorded in accordance with the laws and undangan.Itsbat Nikah stated explicitly in the Compilation of Islamic Law, published in Article 1 Section 2, which states that in the case of a marriage that can not be proved by a marriage certificate can be submitted Ithbat illegitimate Religious Courts.The purpose of this study to determine the Implementation Ithbat Marriage Religious Court Rengat Indragiri Hulu and to identify constraints in check Ithbat Marriage Religious Court Rengat Indragiri Hulu.This research method or empirical sociological research, legal research field that studies of legal identification. The research location in the Religious Court Rengat Indragiri Hulu because many Ithbat marriage petition is filed, investigated using population and sample.Results of research and discussion shows that the implementation of Marriage in the Religious Ithbat Rengat Indragiri Hulu has not run as it should be because in 2014 many application for approval of marriage for the sake of the maintenance of the child\u27s birth certificate, the administration of the pilgrimage and therefore do not have a marriage certificate. But not all requests can be granted by a religious court, it is associated constraints experienced by the religious court in determining the legitimacy of a marriage, while these obstacles because the witness who had died, the husband and wife earlier would not be present at the hearing and the applicant Ithbat Marriage can not prove the legitimate guardians of religion Islam.Permohonan Ithbat marriage that can be submitted to the Court of religion is the existence of marriage in the context of a divorce settlement, the loss of a marriage certificate, any doubts about the legitimacy of one of the conditions of marriage, the marriage that occurred prior to the enactment of Law No. 1 In 1974, a marriage that is done by those who do not have a marriage impediment under the Act, the Marriage under dlakukan hands after the enactment of Law No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage
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