450 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Pada Masyarakat Minoritas ( Studi Atas Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Adat Suku Baduy Banten)

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    The nation's character is built from the core ethical values derived from the values of religion, philosophy and culture of the State. The values derived from national cultures are in great quantities and of highly diverse and contain lofty values of the country which enable this nation a strong social capital possession in building superior civilization. In reality, however, such lofty values of national cultures, experiencing many challenges, due to the rush out of external values and step in the original values of our national cultures. Local wisdoms in many groups of / minority communities in Indonesia have been often overlooked, whereas, these local wisdoms can actually be promoted to become a model for developing the character education-based on Indonesia's character of origins. By the use of cultural-anthropology approach, this paper tries to uncover local wisdom values on indigenous Bedouin people of Banten as a defining characters, i.e. environmental care, love to work hard, obedient to law /customary law, a simplicity /independent, democratic, hard-working and uphold honesty. These values, in line with author's research findings actually to be internalized and preserved among indigenous peoples, to be taught, socialized, exemplified and enforced strictly by the rules, so as to form a strong character

    Evaluasi Program Pengendalian Penyakit Kusta Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Lompentodea Kecamatan Parigi Barat Kabupaten Parigi Moutong

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    Penyakit kusta merupakan salah satu penyakit menular yang menimbulkan masalah yang sangat kompleks. Dimana prevalensi penyakit kusta di Kabupaten Parigi Moutong pada tiga tahun terakhir mengalami peningkatan yaitu pada tahun 2012 sebesar 2,6%, pada tahun 2013 sebesar 4,8% , dan 5,7% pada tahun 2014. Salah satu penyebab tingginya angka penemuan penderita kusta karena tidak adanya pelaksanaan penyuluhan kelompok. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan Program Pengendalian Penyakit Kusta di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Lompentodea Kecamatan Parigi Barat Kabupaten Parigi Moutong. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Jumlah informan keseluruhan adalah 6 informan yang terdiri 1 informan kunci (key informan), 1 Informan biasa, dan 4 Informan tambahan. Pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan analisa isi (content analisis) dengan teknik matriks. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dari aspek input yakni program bisa berjalan dengan baik meskipun adanya keterbatasan SDM, dana dan fasilitas, Process dalam pelaksanaan program sudah sesuai dengan SOP yang sudah di tentukan oleh Dinas Kesehatan, output pada monitoring dan evaluasi pelaksaan program sudah berjalan baik dengan pelaporan yang dilakukan tiga bulan sekali. Diharapkan Dinas Kesehatan terkait untuk memaksimalkan dana untuk pelaksanaan program kusta sehingga input, process yang belum maksimal bisa teratasi dengan efektif dan efesien

    The effectiveness of English cartoon movie towards vocabulary score

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    This study is aimed to measure the effectiveness of English cartoon movie toward vocabulary score at the seventh graders of MTs Muslimat Nu Palangka Raya. The study included in quantitative Approach with Quasi Experimental design, especially non-randomized control group, pre-test and post-test. It was designed the Lesson Plan, conducted the treatment and observed the students’ score by pre-test and post-test. The population of study was the seventh graders of MTs Muslimat Nu Palangka Raya which consisted of 3 classes that each class of 39 students. The writer chose VII-A as control class and VII-B experiment class which both as sample. The sample was determined using cluster random sampling technique. The writer applied T-test calculation to test the hypothesis to analyze the data. The result of testing normality found asymptotic significance (0.121) that was higher than significance level (α=0.05). It could be concluded the data distribution was normal. The result of homogeneity showed that the significance observed (0.80) was higher than (α=0.05). It could be concluded that the data was homogeneous. The result of T-test using manual calculation found tobserved (3.5408684) and ttable at signifance level of 5% (1.99). It meant tobserved>ttable. The result of T-test using SPSS 18.0 calculation found tobserved (3.201) was higher than ttable at significance level of 5% (1.99). It was interpreted that the alternative hypotheses (Ha) stating there is significant effect of English cartoon movie toward vocabulary score at the seventh graders of MTs Muslimat Nu Palangka Raya was accepted and null hypotheses (Ho) stating there is no significant effect of English cartoon movie toward vocabulary score at the seventh graders of MTs Muslimat Nu Palangka Raya was rejected, It is proved the value tobserved was higher than ttable, either at significance level 5% or 1% (1.992.64). It meant that teaching vocabulary using English cartoon movie gave significant effect on vocabulary score at the seventh graders of MTs Muslimat Nu Palangka Raya. It is recommended that the teacher apply this media teaching vocabulary

    Pengaruh TIME Demands of Work Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja, Stress Kerja, Dan Turnover Intention Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. Cabang Harapan Indah, Bekasi)

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    The aim of this research is to analyze the impact time demands of work, on job satisfaction,job stress, and employee turnover intention PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk.Cabang Harapan Indah, BekasiThis study is using path analysis with SmartPLS 2.0.M3. The population that used in thestudy is all the employees of PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. Cabang HarapanIndah, Bekasi, which are 108 respondents. The amount of the sample is determined by thecensus method of the entire employee. However the sample that has been applied into 85respondents significantly decreased into 85people.The results have shown that the time demands of work do not significantly influenceturnover intention. Furthermore the time demands of work have no significant effect on jobsatisfaction. Employee satisfaction negatively affect on turnover intention. Job satisfactionis not successfully mediating the relationship between the time demands of work andturnover intention. Time demands of work have positive influence on job stress. Job stresshas positive effect on turnover intention. Job stress has been successfully mediating therelationship between the time demands of work and turnover intention. Job stressnegatively affect with job satisfaction. Job satisfaction also has been successfullymediating the relationship between job stress and turnover intention

    Gambaran Perilaku Ibu dalam Penyediaan Sayur Keluarga di Kelurahan Pasir Bidang Kecamatan Sarudik Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah Tahun 2012

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    Vegetable is a food that has a very big roles for the body as a source of vitamins, minerals and food fiber, even though the body only needs in small quantities but it has an important function as aregulator and a protective agent. The purpose of research is to reveal how the mother's behavior supply vegetables for family consumption in Pasir Bidang vilage of Sarudik at Central Tapanuli district. This type of research is descriptive with cross sectional method. Total population of the study is 872 households and the sample are 63 mothers. These results indicate that the knowledge level of the respondents about the vegetables are in middle category that is about 31 people (49,2%), the attitude of respondents in the middle category as many as 57 people (90,5%), the action of respondents in the middle category too and there are about 60 people (95,2%). For tabulation of attitudes based on knowledge obtained that for knowledgeable respondents were on average also have a stance in were as many as 29 people (93,5%), to tabulate action based on the knowledge gained that on average respondents were knowledgeable own actions in the category were also as many as 30 people (96.8%), while for the action based attitudes showed that on average the respondents whose attitude is at middle category was also has an action in the medium category too and there are as many as 55 people (96,5%)

    Senior High School Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Of Three-Variable Linear Equation System

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    The aim of this research is to find the difficulties of students in solving word problems in the three-variable linear equation systems subject. Before they took a mathematical problem-solving exam, the learners were given reinforcement of prerequisite knowledge of the intended subject. The problem-solving test indicators used in this study were taken from Polya's problem-solving steps consisting of (1) recognizing the question, (2) making a plan for problem-solving (developing a plan), (3) implementing the plan for problem-solving, and (4) looking back. The research method used in this study was a qualitative descriptive. The subject in this study was 15 students who were 10 th graders of senior high school. The data were obtained from a student performance who took mathematical problems solving test. The result obtained from this study can be seen from the number of students whose achievement indicators formulate a plan of 49.6%, achievement in completing plans 14.1%, and achievement in checking solutions 2.2%. However, the indicators of understanding the problem area in the good category, namely 80%. The result of this study showed that the students were only able to solve the word problems for understanding the problem (good category) and devising the plan steps (mediocre category), whereas they got difficulties in solving the word problems in carrying out the plan and looking back (low category)

    Alat Ukur Tinggi Bayi Digital Menggunakan Sensor Ultra

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang Alat Ukur Panjang Bayi Digital Menggunakan Sensor Ultrasonik Berbasis Mikrokontroller Atmega 16 Dengan Visual Basic 6.0. Disini penulis memanfaatkan Sensor Ultrasonik yang akan mengirimkan gelombang ultrasonik secara horizontal menuju media pantul yang disediakan melalui pembatas ruang ukur. Hasil pembacaan sensor akan diproses oleh mikrokontroller Atmega 16 untuk menampilkan hasilnya pada LCD dan aplikasi komputer. Kesimpulannya untuk membuat alat ukur panjang bayi digital menggunakan sensor ultrasonik berbasis mikrokontroller atmega 16 dengan visual basic 6.0 dapat menggunakan sensor ultrasonik sebagai masukan, LCD sebagai keluaran, lalu modul FTDI sebagai penghubung antara alat dengan komputer

    Analysis of the Application of Universal Design Standards to Interior-Architecture Design

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    A lot of research shows the findings of cases of public facilities that are not accessible to people with disabilities and see the importance of a design especially in the field of architecture-interior that is able to produce a user-friendly and barrier-free built environment ) Accessibility rights for persons with disabilities are regulated in various regulations starting from the regulations in the central government in the form of laws, government regulations, to ministerial regulations on public works and regional regulations. There is one regulation of the minister of public works and Republic of Indonesia's public housing No.14 2017 which regulates the provision of facilities in buildings and the environment that meet the needs of all age groups and conditions of physical, mental, and intellectual, or sensory limitations based on the function of buildings users and visitors on activities in public buildings, but this guideline has not been discussed in detail. This study is intended to review the analysis of universal design standards in the Interior-Architecture design process specifically in public buildings. Keywords Universal Design, Evaluation, Architecture, Interior, Design
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