22 research outputs found


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    The welfare of citizens, particularly in Sukoreno Village, Jember, East Java, has been adversely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia over the past 2 (two) years. Efforts based on socio-theological principles and interfaith civil society have emerged as alternative solutions to address this issue. The purpose of this article is to elucidate the manifestations of interfaith social solidarity in Sukoreno Village, Jember, East Java, as a means of overcoming the economic challenges faced by the community in the post-Covid-19 pandemic. This study employed a qualitative method. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, in-depth interviews, and document review. The findings indicated that this form of interfaith solidarity was fostered through the utilization of social capital within the community. Examples of such solidarity include social services, heightened Covid-19 awareness, and the optimization of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and local village resources. While these efforts may not directly lead to significant improvements in the economic welfare of the community, they do highlight that community empowerment can be achieved through an interfaith approach.Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia selama 2 (dua) tahun terakhir telah menurunkan tingkat kesejahteraan warga, khususnya di Desa Sukoreno, Jember, Jawa Timur. Upaya berbasis sosio-teologi masyarakat sipil lintas agama menjadi salah satu alternatif dalam mengatasi problem tersebut. Artikel ini bermaksud untuk menjelaskan bentuk-bentuk solidaritas sosial lintas agama di Desa Sukoreno, Jember, Jawa Timur dalam mengatasi problem ekonomi masyarakat pasca pandemi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan telaah dokumen. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa bentuk solidaritas lintas agama ini muncul melalui pemanfaatan modal sosial yang ada di masyarakat. Diantaranya dalam bentuk bakti sosial, sigap Covid-19, dan optimalisasi UMKM dan potensi lokal desa. Upaya ini meskipun tidak dapat menjustifikasi peningkatan kesejahteraaan ekonomi warga, namun dapat merefleksikan bahwa pemberdayaan masyarakat dapat dilakukan dengan pendekatan lintas agama


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar hidrokarbon dan minyak bumi berbasis Science, Environtment, Technology and Society (SETS) yang layak digunakan. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah guru dan siswa SMA di salah satu sekolah di Kota Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Development Research dengan tahapan yaitu design, development, dan evaluation. Pertama, pada tahap design dilakukan analisis permasalahan bahan ajar serta studi literatur. Kedua, pada tahap development dilakukan pengembangan bahan ajar dengan metode Four Steps Teaching Material Development (4S TMD) yang terdiri dari proses seleksi, strukturisasi, karakterisasi dan reduksi didaktik. Proses seleksi, strukturisasi, dan reduksi didaktik direviu oleh dosen ahli sedangkan proses karakterisasi diujicobakan kepada siswa. Ketiga, pada tahap evaluation dilakukan uji kelayakan bahan ajar pada guru, uji keterpahaman pada siswa, dan persepsi guru dan siswa terhadap bahan ajar. Hasil yang diperoleh pada tahap design menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar kimia masih menitik beratkan pada dimensi konten dan kurang membahas secara mendalam pemanfaatan hidrokarbon dan minyak bumi dalam kehidupan. Pada tahap development, dengan metode 4S TMD, proses seleksi, pada Kompentensi Dasar (KD) dengan konsep struktur dan sifat senyawa hidrokarbon, pembentukan fraksi minyak bumi, dan reaksi pembakaran hidrokarbon diperoleh 24 indikator yang dikembangkan dan teridentifikasi 32 label konsep, diperoleh uraian konsep yang bersumber dari buku teks, dan dikembangkan aspek SETS, seperti pemanfaatan hidrokarbon dan minyak bumi sebagai bahan bakar, plastik, hormon pematangan buah, gas pengelas logam, biofuel, LPG dan lainnya. Proses strukturisasi diperoleh peta konsep, struktur makro, dan multipel representasi. Melalui proses seleksi dan strukturisasi dihasilkan draft bahan ajar 1. Hasil proses karakterisasi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga teks sulit yang kemudian dilakukan proses reduksi didaktik melalui dua cara, yaitu penggunaan gambar dan pengabaian. Hasil yang diperoleh pada tahap evaluation menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar yang dikembangkan termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak (95%) yakni meliputi kelayakan isi, kelayakan penyajian, kelayakan bahasa, kelayakan kegrafikan dan kelayakan aspek SETS. Selanjutnya hasil keterpahaman menunjukkan kategori tinggi (80,3%,). Bahan ajar yang dikembangkan juga mendapatkan tanggapan yang sangat baik dari guru dan siswa (88,5%). Kata kunci: Bahan ajar, SETS, Hidrokarbon dan minyak bumi, 4S TM This study aims to develop hydrocarbon and petroleum teaching materials based on Science, Environment, Technology and Society (SETS) that are feasible to use. Participants in this study were teachers and high school students in one of the school in Bandung city. The research method used Development Research with phases are design, development, and evaluation. In design, the problem analysis of teaching materials and literature study were carried out. In development, developed teaching materials using Four Steps Teaching Material Development (4S TMD) method consisting of selection, structurization, characterization and didactical reduction steps. Selection, structurization, and didactical reduction steps was reviewed by expert lecturers while the characterization step was tested on students. In evaluation, tested the feasibility of teaching materials on teachers, tested understanding of students, and perceptions of teachers and students toward teaching materials. The results in design showed that chemistry teaching materials still focus on the dimensions of the content and not discuss much about the use of hydrocarbons and petroleum in life. In development, using 4S TMD method, the selection step, the Basic Competency (KD) with the concept of structure and properties of hydrocarbon compounds, the formation of petroleum fractions, and the combustion reaction of hydrocarbon obtained 24 indicators developed and identified 32 concept labels, obtained a concept description sourced from textbooks, and developing aspects of SETS, such as using hydrocarbons and petroleum as fuels, plastics, fruit maturation hormones, metal welding gases, biofuels, LPG and others. In the structurization step obtained concept maps, macro structures, and multiple representations. Through the selection and structurization step obtained draft of teaching material 1. The results of the characterization process showed that there are three difficult texts which then didactic reduction in two ways, namely the use of images and neglect. The results of evaluation phase showed that the teaching materials developed were included in the very feasible category (95%) which including the feasibility of content, presentation, language, graphic, and SETS aspect. Furthermore, the results of understanding showed a high category (80.3%,). Teaching materials developed also received very good responses from teachers and students (88.5%). Keyword: Teaching Material, SETS, Hydrocarbon and petroleum, 4S TM

    Studi Komparasi Prestasi Belajar Siswa Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Tsts dan Tps pada Pokok Bahasan Struktur Atom dan Sistem Periodik Unsur di Kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 5 Pekanbaru

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    Has conducted a comparative study to find out significant differences in student's achievement and to determine student's achievement higher between implementation of cooperative learning models TSTS and TPS on learning topic of Atomic Structure and Elements of the Periodic System at SMAN 5 Pekanbaru. This is an true experimental research with Design Randomized Control Group Pretest-Posttest. The research sample consisted of 2 experimental classes with the implementation of cooperative learning models TSTS and TPS, and 1 control class. Research data analysis using ANOVA one way followed by Scheffe multiple comparison test. Based on the results of data processing by ANOVA one way obtained that Fcount > Ftable is 15,37 > 3,08 which shows that there are significant differences in student achievement between the experimental class TSTS, TPS, and control class. The results of data processing by Scheffe multiple comparison test was obtained the difference between the average experimental class of TSTS and TPS exceeded the values Scheffe is 4,79 > 4,68 and an average experimental class of TSTS higher than average experimental class of TPS is 54,1 > 49,31 which shows that there are significant differences in student's achievement between implementation of cooperative learning models TSTS and TPS. Student's achievement with implementation of cooperative learning models TSTS higher than TPS on learning topic of Atomic Structure and Elements of the Periodic System in class XI IPA SMAN 5 Pekanbaru


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    The polemic of religious identity between “penghayat kepercayaan” (believers of indigenous religion) and followers of the official religions in Indonesia is still become a sensitive issue, which adds to the long list of marginalization of indigenous believers in Indonesia. Several forms of marginalization are: forcing to choose certain official religions in their National ID Card, the pros and cons of the burial places of the deceased indigenous believers, and restrictions on the construction of their worship places. This article aims to elaborate the dynamics of identity conflict between adherents of the Sapta Darma (one of indigenous belief) and the followers of official religions in Sukoreno Village, Jember, East Java. This study uses a qualitative approach using observation, in-depth interviews with 7 (seven) informants of Sapta Darma followers, and members of FKUB (Forum of Religious Harmony) for the data collection. The results of the study reveal that this identity polemic has made it difficult for adherents of Sapta Dharma to change their religious identity on their ID cards. As a consequence, they also have difficulty in accessing public burial places. Conflict resolution efforts are carried out through FKUB by providing socialization of knowledge on nationality and cultural perspective to the interfaith leaders. Polemik identitas agama antara penghayat kepercayaan dengan pemeluk agama resmi di Indonesia masih menjadi isu yang menambah daftar panjang marginalisasi penganut kepercayaan di Indonesia. Bentuk marginalisasi ini mengarah kepada pemaksaan pencantuman agama tertentu dalam KTP dan KK warga penghayat, pro dan kontra tempat pemakaman warga penghayat yang meninggal, dan pembatasan pembangunan rumah peribadatan bagi warga penghayat. Artikel ini bermaksud untuk mengelaborasi dinamika konflik identitas antara penghayat kepercayaan Sapta Darma dengan para pemeluk agama resmi, dengan mengambil lokasi tempat di Desa Sukoreno, Jember, Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara mendalam terhadap 7 (tujuh) informan warga penghayat Sapta Darma, dan anggota FKUB (Forum Kerukunan Umat Beragama). Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa polemik identitas ini mengakibatkan warga pengahayat kesulitan dalam mengganti identitas agamanya di KTP dan KK sehingga mereka memiliki identitas ganda dan kesulitan dalam mengakses tempat pemakaman umum. Upaya resolusi konflik dilakukan melalui FKUB dengan memberikan sosialisasi wawasan kebangsaan dan pendekatan kultural dengan tokoh lintas agama

    Laporan Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker di Rumah Sakit Atma Jaya secara Daring 11 Oktober 2021 - 08 November 2021

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    Laporan praktek kerja profesi apoteker di Bidang Sumber Daya Kesehatan Seksi Kefarmasian dan Seksi Alat Kesehatan dan Perbekalan Rumah Tangga Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur Jl. Jenderal Ahmad Yani no. 118 Surabaya 26 Juli 2021 – 27 Juli 2021

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    Laporan Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker di Bidang Pemerintahan Balai Besar Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Surabaya Jl. Karang Menjangan No. 20, Surabaya, 22-24 November 2021

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