21 research outputs found

    Comparison of Regression and Artificial Neural Network Models for Surface Roughness Prediction with the Cutting Parameters in CNC Turning

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    Surface roughness, an indicator of surface quality, is one of the most specified customer requirements in machining of parts. In this study, the experimental results corresponding to the effects of different insert nose radii of cutting tools (0.4, 0.8, 1.2 mm), various depth of cuts (0.75, 1.25, 1.75, 2.25, 2.75 mm), and different feedrates (100, 130, 160, 190, 220 mm/min) on the surface quality of the AISI 1030 steel workpieces have been investigated using multiple regression analysis and artificial neural networks (ANN). Regression analysis and neural network-based models used for the prediction of surface roughness were compared for various cutting conditions in turning. The data set obtained from the measurements of surface roughness was employed to and tests the neural network model. The trained neural network models were used in predicting surface roughness for cutting conditions. A comparison of neural network models with regression model was carried out. Coefficient of determination was 0.98 in multiple regression model. The scaled conjugate gradient (SCG) model with 9 neurons in hidden layer has produced absolute fraction of variance (R2) values of 0.999 for the training data, and 0.998 for the test data. Predictive neural network model showed better predictions than various regression models for surface roughness. However, both methods can be used for the prediction of surface roughness in turning

    Hindawi Publishing Corporation Modelling and Simulation in Engineering Volume

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    Surface roughness, an indicator of surface quality, is one of the most specified customer requirements in machining of parts. In this study, the experimental results corresponding to the effects of different insert nose radii of cutting tools (0.4, 0.8, 1.2 mm), various depth of cuts (0.75, 1.25, 1.75, 2.25, 2.75 mm), and different feedrates (100, 130, 160, 190, 220 mm/min) on the surface quality of the AISI 1030 steel workpieces have been investigated using multiple regression analysis and artificial neural networks (ANN). Regression analysis and neural network-based models used for the prediction of surface roughness were compared for various cutting conditions in turning. The data set obtained from the measurements of surface roughness was employed to and tests the neural network model. The trained neural network models were used in predicting surface roughness for cutting conditions. A comparison of neural network models with regression model was carried out. Coefficient of determination was 0.98 in multiple regression model. The scaled conjugate gradient (SCG) model with 9 neurons in hidden layer has produced absolute fraction of variance (R 2 ) values of 0.999 for the training data, and 0.998 for the test data. Predictive neural network model showed better predictions than various regression models for surface roughness. However, both methods can be used for the prediction of surface roughness in turning

    Lymphedema therapy

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    Lenfödem bir veya daha fazla ekstremitenin lenf stazı ve interstisyel sıvının birikimine bağlı kronik şişliğidir. Bu makalede primer lenfödem tanısı olan ve konservatif yöntemlerle tedavi edilen vakayı sunduk. Konservatif tedavide pnömotik kompresyon, girdap banyosu, manuel lenfatik drenaj, egzersiz, TENS, kompresyon çorabı, elevasyon ve cilt bakımı uygulandı. Tedavi sonucunda vücut ağırlığında, beden kitle indeksinde, alt ekstremite çap ölçümlerinde ve alt ekstremite fonksiyon skalasında (LEFS) iyi yönde değişiklikler kaydedildi.Lymhedema is chronic swelling of one or more extremity due to lymph stasis and accumulation of interstisiel fluid. We reported a 35 year old woman case which diagnosed primary lymphedema and with a diagnosis of primary lymhedema and discuss the conservative treatment. Pneumatic compression therapy, whirlpool, manual lymphatic drainage, TENS, compression garments, elevation and skin care were applied as conservative treatment. Body weight, body mass index, diameter mesurements and lower extremity function scale score (LEFS) improved after the conservative treatment

    Rehabilitation of a case with acute motor and sensory axonal neuropathy syndrome

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    Guillain-Barre Sendromu (GBS) demiyelinizasyon ile seyreden muhtemelen otoimmün mekanizmalarla oluşan akut bir polinöropatidir. GBS tanısı klinik, beyin omurilik sıvısı (BOS) bulguları ve elektronöromyografi (ENMG) ile konmaktadır. Akut Motor ve Sensorial Aksonal Nöropati sendromu GBS alt tiplerinden bir tanesidir ve prognozu diğer alt tiplere göre daha kötüdür. Akson hasarından dolayı sinir rejenerasyonu daha çok vakit almaktadır. Yavaş ve yetersiz iyileşme daha yoğun ve uzun süreli rehabilitasyon sürecini gerektirmektedir.Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) is an acute idiopathic polyneuropathy with demyelinization. The diagnosis of GBS is made with clinical presentation, cerebro spinal fluid (CSF) findings and electroneuromyography (ENMG). Acute Motor and Sensorial Neuropathy Syndrome is one of the subtypes of GBS and its prognosis is worse than the other subtypes. Nerve regeneration takes much more time due to axonal damage. Because of the slow and insufficient recovery, more intensive and long term rehabilitation period is required

    Lymphedema therapy

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    Lenfödem bir veya daha fazla ekstremitenin lenf stazı ve interstisyel sıvının birikimine bağlı kronik şişliğidir. Bu makalede primer lenfödem tanısı olan ve konservatif yöntemlerle tedavi edilen vakayı sunduk. Konservatif tedavide pnömotik kompresyon, girdap banyosu, manuel lenfatik drenaj, egzersiz, TENS, kompresyon çorabı, elevasyon ve cilt bakımı uygulandı. Tedavi sonucunda vücut ağırlığında, beden kitle indeksinde, alt ekstremite çap ölçümlerinde ve alt ekstremite fonksiyon skalasında (LEFS) iyi yönde değişiklikler kaydedildi.Lymhedema is chronic swelling of one or more extremity due to lymph stasis and accumulation of interstisiel fluid. We reported a 35 year old woman case which diagnosed primary lymphedema and with a diagnosis of primary lymhedema and discuss the conservative treatment. Pneumatic compression therapy, whirlpool, manual lymphatic drainage, TENS, compression garments, elevation and skin care were applied as conservative treatment. Body weight, body mass index, diameter mesurements and lower extremity function scale score (LEFS) improved after the conservative treatment

    Lymphedema therapy

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    Lenfödem bir veya daha fazla ekstremitenin lenf stazı ve interstisyel sıvının birikimine bağlı kronik şişliğidir. Bu makalede primer lenfödem tanısı olan ve konservatif yöntemlerle tedavi edilen vakayı sunduk. Konservatif tedavide pnömotik kompresyon, girdap banyosu, manuel lenfatik drenaj, egzersiz, TENS, kompresyon çorabı, elevasyon ve cilt bakımı uygulandı. Tedavi sonucunda vücut ağırlığında, beden kitle indeksinde, alt ekstremite çap ölçümlerinde ve alt ekstremite fonksiyon skalasında (LEFS) iyi yönde değişiklikler kaydedildi.Lymhedema is chronic swelling of one or more extremity due to lymph stasis and accumulation of interstisiel fluid. We reported a 35 year old woman case which diagnosed primary lymphedema and with a diagnosis of primary lymhedema and discuss the conservative treatment. Pneumatic compression therapy, whirlpool, manual lymphatic drainage, TENS, compression garments, elevation and skin care were applied as conservative treatment. Body weight, body mass index, diameter mesurements and lower extremity function scale score (LEFS) improved after the conservative treatment

    Romatoid Artritli Hastalarda Human Parvovirüs B19’un Serolojik ve Moleküler Tanısı

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    Amaç:&nbsp;Romatoid artritin (RA) etyopatogenezinde Human Parvovirüs (HPV) B19’un rolünü belirlemek için RA’lı hastaların serumlarında B19 IgG ve IgM antikor düzeylerini ve Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) metodu ile B19 virüs DNA’sını araştırmayı amaçladık.&nbsp;Yöntem ve Gereçler:&nbsp;Çalışmaya Amerikan Romatizma Cemiyeti (ARA) kriterlerine göre kesin tanı almış ve polikliniğimizde takip edilen RA’li 60, Juvenil RA (JRA)’li 2 ve kontrol grubu olarak osteo- artritli (OA) 29 hasta dahil edildi. Hastalardan B19’a karşı oluşan IgG ve IgM antikorlarının varlığını araştırmak için periferik venöz kan örneği alındı. HPV B19 IgM ve IgG antikorları mikro Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) yöntemi kullanılarak araştırıldı. HPV B19 virüs DNA izolasyonu, Real Time PCR yöntemiyle yapıldı.&nbsp;Bulgular:&nbsp;Yaş ve cinsiyet açısından iki grup arasında fark yoktu (p&gt;0.05). B19 IgM pozitifliği, RA grubunda 7 (%11.3), OA grubunda 4 (%13.8) hastada saptandı (p&gt;0.05). B19 IgG pozitifliği, RA grubun- da 29 (%46.8), OA grubunda 17 (%58.6) hastada saptandı (p&gt;0.05). B19 IgM pozitifliği olan 11 hastadan 10’unda PCR ile HPV B19 DNA’sı bakıldı. B19 IgM pozitif olan 7 RA hastasının 5’inde (%71.4) HPV B19 DNA izole edilirken, 3 OA hastasının hiçbirinde izole edilemedi. B19 DNA pozitifliği, RA grubunda belirgin olarak yüksek olmasına rağ- men az sayıda hastada B19 IgM pozitifliği olduğu için gruplar arasın- daki farklılık anlamlı değildi (p&gt;0.05).Sonuç:&nbsp;Çalışmamızda RA’li hastaların serumlarında HPV B19 IgM ve IgG antikor sıklığını OA grubundan farklı bulmadık. RA’li hasta- larda PCR ile viral DNA pozitifliğinin saptanmasını eski olgularda reenfeksiyon olarak değerlendirdik. İnanıyoruz ki farklı çalışmala- rın sonuçlarının bir araya gelmesi ile RA’li hastalarda B19 virüsünün etkinliği ile ilgili kesin bilgiler edinebileceğiz.Anahtar sözcükler:&nbsp;Romatoid artrit, etyopatogenez, insan Parvovirüs B19Objective:&nbsp;To investigate Human Parvovirus (HPV) B19 IgG and IgM antibody levels and B19 viral DNA using PCR method in the serum of Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients to determine the role of B19 in the ethiopathogenesis of RA.Material and Methods:&nbsp;Sixty patients who met the criteria of American Rheumatism Association for RA and who were followed in our outpatient clinic, 2 patients with a diagnosis of Juvenile RA and 29 patients with a diagnosis of osteoarthritis (OA) as control group were included in the study. Peripheral venous blood sample was obtained from the patients to investigate IgG and IgM against HPV B19. HPV B19 IgM and IgG were investigated using micro Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay method. B19 viral DNA isolation was performed using Real Time PCR.Results:&nbsp;Ages and sex were not different between groups (p&gt;0.05). HPV B19 IgM positivity was determined in 7 (%11.3) in RA and in 4 (%13.8) patients in OA group (p&gt;0.05). B19 IgG positivity was determined in 29 (%46.8) in RA and in 17 (%58.6) patients in OA group (p&gt;0.05). B19 DNA was investigated using PCR in 10 patients among 11 patients who had B19 IgM positivity. B19 DNA was isolated in 5 of 7 (%71.4) RA patients who were positive for B19 IgM. But no B19 DNA could be isolated in 3 osteoarthritis patients. Although B19 DNA was isolated markedly higher in RA group, the difference was not significant between groups because B19 IgM was positive in a small number of patients (p&gt;0.05).Conclusion:&nbsp;We found the incidence of HPV B19 IgM and IgG in the serum of RA patients not different from OA patients. We assessed viral DNA positivity by PCR as reinfection in former cases. We believe that we will get clear evidence about the role of B19 in RA by gathering the results of different studies.Key words:&nbsp;Rheumatoid arthritis, etiopathogenesis, human Parvovirus B19</div