2,808 research outputs found
Design and Implementation of an Electrical Lift Controlled using PLC
This paper represents the possibility of controlling an electrical elevator model using PLC and studying some parameters to ensure its work, this model have been designed and constructed to perform a completed elevator work in an automating technique according to its programming and controlling method that making the connecting much more easier and safer than real relays and complicated wiring method. As well as the small DC motor drive (gear box) electrical motor that used to drive the elevator cabinet which made the transition from floor to floor much smoother and much efficient than the traditional elevators
Evaluation the Phenotypic and Genotypic Variations for Clinical Isolates of Arthroderma otae Complex
الفطريات M. canis و M. audouiniiو M. ferrugineumثلاثة انواع فطرية تعود لمعقد النوع Arthroderma otae وتكون متقاربة جدا مظهريا ووراثيا. التشخيص التقليدي والذي يتضمن كل من الصفات المظهرية والكيميائية الحياتية عادة ما تنتج نتائج غير واضحة مقارنة مع التشخيص الوراثي بواسطة استخدام تقنيات جزيئية حديثة تعطي نتائج اكثر وضوحا. تضمنت الدراسة الحالية اجراء تتابع للقواعد الناتروجينية لمنطقة ITS region في الدنا الرايبوسومي (rDNA) لعدد من عزلات الفطر Microsporum spp وتحليل الشجرة التطورية لهذه المنطقة وقد اظهرت النتائج ثلاث مجاميع عنقودية لعزلات الفطر A. otae وهو الطور الجنسي للفطر Microsporum spp. تمت مطابقة تتابع العزلات قيد الدراسة مع تتابع العينات المرجعية لقاعدة البيانات في البنك الجيني (GenBank Database) وقد اظهرت النتائج عدد من مناطق التطفير متمثلة اما بفقدان التواصل (Miss matching) او الفجوات الوراثية (Genetic gaps). وبواسطة استخدام برنامج Mega 6 software وعرض المناطق المحافظة بالوان مختلفة لكل قاعدة نايترجينية تحت مستوى 50% لعزلات الفطر A. otae فقد اظهرت نتائج التطابق في الوان القواعد النايتروجينية ان جميع العزلات تنتمي الى نفس النوع في الطور الجنسي.canis , M. audouinii and M. ferrugineum are three species ofArthroderma otae com- plex, which morphologically and genetically closely related. Conventional identification of phenotypic and biochemical characteristics are usually yielding unclear results. Geno- typic identification by using modern technique which is yielding more accurate results. In this study, ITS region of rDNA was sequenced and phylogenetic tree analysis for Mi- crosporum spp. were observed three clusters of A. otae isolates. When sequencing identi- fies with the reference strains sequence of GenBank Database detected several mutations in multiple locus either by miss matching or genetic gaps. By using Mega 6 software and display toggle conserved sites at the 50% level with different colors of A. otae isolates showed identification of the colors in the nitrogenous bases alignment belong to the same species of the telomorph
Generalization of Jordan-Lie of Finite Dimensional Associative Algebras
We generalize Baranov and Shlaka's results about bar-minimal Jordan-Lie and
regular inner ideals of finite dimensional associative algebras. Let A be a
finite dimensional 1-perfect associative algebras A over an algebraically
closed field \mathbb{F} of characteristic p\ge0 and let A' be a subalgebra of
A. We prove that for any bar-minimal Jordan-Lie inner ideal B' a A', there is a
bar-minimal Jordan-Lie inner ideal of A that contains B' and if B' is regular,
then is a regular inner ideal of A that contains B'. We also prove that for any
strict orthogonal pair (e',f') in A', there is a strict orthogonal idempotent
pair (e,f) in A such that e'A'f'\subseteq eAfComment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1609.0519
Direct torque control of IM using PID controller
Direct torque control "DTC" technique is one of a high performance control system of an AC motor drive, which was proposed after the vector oriented control scheme during the resent 25 years. It has been developed rapidly for its concise system scheme, transient and dynamic performance. The DTC mechanism consists of voltage vector selection table, two hysteresis comparators and two estimators one for stator flux and another for electromagnetic torque. DTC is directly control torque and flux by using Voltage Source Inverter VSI, space vector and stator flux orientation and indirect speed regulated. A several control techniques can be used for improving the torque and flux performance.
In this paper, the DTC with Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller used to improve the starting and dynamic performance of asynchronous motor AM, which gives good torque and flux response, best speed control and also minimize the unacceptable torque ripple. The mathematical model of DTC with PID controller of 3-phase induction motor IM are simulated under Matlab-Simulink. Therefore, the DTC based on PID controller has good performance of IM compared to classical DTC for starting, running state and also during change in load
Effect of Sn Addition on Phase Transformation Behavior of Equiatomic Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloy
تمت دراسة تأثير Sn على سلوك التحول الطوري والبنية المجهرية والصلادة الدقيقة لسبائك NiTi المتذكرة الشكل. تم إنتاج سبيكة نيكل تيتانيوم وسبيكة نيكل تيتانيوم قصدير بطريقة الصهر الحثي في الفراغ بتركيب (Ni 50 % ، 50% Ti) و ( 48% Ni ، 50%Ti ، 2 % Sn). تم فحص خصائص كلتا السبيكتين باستخدام الماسح الحراري التفاضلي وتحليل حيود الأشعة السينية المجهر الالكتروني الماسح والمجهر الضوئي واختبار صلادة فيكر الدقيقة . أظهرت النتائج أن إضافة عنصر Sn تؤدي إلى انخفاض درجات حرارة التحول الطوري بشكل واضح. تحتوي كلتا عينات سبيكة على طور الاساس (NiTi) وطور Ti2Ni)) الثانوي ، ولكن محتوى طور Ti2Ni انخفض مع إضافة Sn وهذا احد الأسباب التي تؤدي إلى تقليل الصلادة الدقيقة للسبائك مع أضافة عنصر Sn بطريقة ملحوظة ، انخفضت الصلادة الدقيقة من 238.74 لسبيكة NiTi المتساوية التركيب إلى 202 لسبيكة NiTiSn بعد المعاملة الحرارية.Sn effect on the phase transformation behavior, microstructure, and micro hardness of equiatomic Ni-Ti shape memory alloy was studied. NiTi and NiTiSn alloys were produced using vacuum induction melting process with alloys composition (50% at. Ni, 50% at.Ti) and (Ni 48% at., Ti 50% at., Sn 2% at.). The characteristics of both alloys were investigated by utilizing Differential Scanning Calorimetry, X- ray Diffraction Analysis, Scanning Electron Microscope, optical microscope and vicker's micro hardness test. The results showed that adding Sn element leads to decrease the phase transformation temperatures evidently. Both alloy samples contain NiTi matrix phase and Ti2Ni secondary phase, but the Ti2Ni phase content decreases with Sn addition and this is one of the reasons that leads to decrease the micro hardness of alloy with adding Sn element in a noticeable manner. The micro hardness decreases from 238.74 for NiTi equiatomic alloy to 202 for NiTiSn alloy after heat treatment
Hybrid intelligent approach for network intrusion detection
In recent years, computer networks are broadly used, and they have become very complicated. A lot of sensitive information passes through various kinds of computer devices, ranging from minicomputers to servers and mobile devices. These occurring changes have led to draw the conclusion that the number of attacks on important information over the network systems is increasing with every year. Intrusion is the
main threat to the network. It is defined as a series of activities aimed for exposing the
security of network systems in terms of confidentiality, integrity and availability, as a result; intrusion detection is extremely important as a part of the defense. Hence, there
must be substantial improvement in network intrusion detection techniques and systems. Due to the prevailing limitations of finding novel attacks, high false detection, and accuracy in previous intrusion detection approaches, this study has proposed a hybrid intelligent approach for network intrusion detection based on k-means clustering algorithm and support vector machine classification algorithm. The aim of this study is to reduce the rate of false alarm and also to improve the detection rate, comparing with the existing intrusion detection approaches. In the present study, NSL-KDD intrusion dataset has been used for training and testing the proposed approach. In order to improve classification performance, some steps have been taken beforehand. The first
one is about unifying the types and filtering the dataset by data transformation. Then, a
features selection algorithm is applied to remove irrelevant and noisy features for the
purpose of intrusion. Feature selection has decreased the features from 41 to 21 features
for intrusion detection and later normalization method is employed to perform and reduce the differences among the data. Clustering is the last step of processing before classification has been performed, using k-means algorithm. Under the purpose of classification, support vector machine have been used. After training and testing the proposed hybrid intelligent approach, the results of performance evaluation have shown that the proposed network intrusion detection has achieved high accuracy and low false detection rate. The accuracy is 96.025 percent and the false alarm is 3.715 percent
Towards Detecting, Recognizing, and Parsing the Address Information from Bangla Signboard: A Deep Learning-based Approach
Retrieving textual information from natural scene images is an active
research area in the field of computer vision with numerous practical
applications. Detecting text regions and extracting text from signboards is a
challenging problem due to special characteristics like reflecting lights,
uneven illumination, or shadows found in real-life natural scene images. With
the advent of deep learning-based methods, different sophisticated techniques
have been proposed for text detection and text recognition from the natural
scene. Though a significant amount of effort has been devoted to extracting
natural scene text for resourceful languages like English, little has been done
for low-resource languages like Bangla. In this research work, we have proposed
an end-to-end system with deep learning-based models for efficiently detecting,
recognizing, correcting, and parsing address information from Bangla
signboards. We have created manually annotated datasets and synthetic datasets
to train signboard detection, address text detection, address text recognition,
address text correction, and address text parser models. We have conducted a
comparative study among different CTC-based and Encoder-Decoder model
architectures for Bangla address text recognition. Moreover, we have designed a
novel address text correction model using a sequence-to-sequence
transformer-based network to improve the performance of Bangla address text
recognition model by post-correction. Finally, we have developed a Bangla
address text parser using the state-of-the-art transformer-based pre-trained
language model
هدفت الدراسة إلى بيان مبدأ المساواة في الإسلام من خلال عدة أطر مهمة، والتي تمثل المفاهيم المعرفية والعملية لمبدأ المساوة بين البشر، ومن خلال تلك المفاهيم، نستطيع أن نتوصل إلى حقائق مهمة تتبين أن المساواة الإنسانية ليست بالضرورة أن تعني أن يتساوى الناس في كل أمورهم الحياتية الاجتماعية والسياسية والاقتصادية وما شابه ذلك، -وهو ما تعنيه الدراسة بإمكانية التمايز في هذه الجوانب- وإنما يقصد بمبدأ المساواة في الإسلام أن الناس سواسية في الحقوق والواجبات، وهو ما يمكن أن نسميه وجوب المساواة وامتناع التّمييز العنصري خاصة في هذا الجانب المحوري "الحقوق والواجبات". وهذا هو المنظور الإسلامي لمبدأ المساواة في هذا الجانب الحيوي. كما أن الإسلام أتاح وحث على التنافس والتفاضل بين الناس في شتى المجالات الحياتية العلمية والعملية، ولذلك فالناس متفاضلون في المنازل حسب الجهود التي يبذلونها في تطوير ذواتهم، وتقديم المنافع لمجتمعاتهم، وهذا التفاضل لا يمس عنصر المساواة في الحقوق والواجبات في المنظور الإسلامي، ولا يؤدي إلى التّمييز العنصري.
الجدير ذكره في هذا الصدد أن هناك إشكالية في ازدواج المعايير المعاصرة لفهم حقيقة وفلسفة المساواة الإنسانية، ولذلك فإن مبدأ المساواة يطرح ضمن معايير بعضها غير قابل للتطبيق، وقد تٌسبب تلك المعايير انفصامًا في المجتمعات، ومن ضمن تلك المعايير الغير واعية بمبدأ المساواة، المساواة بين البشر بشكل مطلق دون النظر إلى عوامل التمايز والتفاضل بينهم، وهناك من يخلط بين عامل التمايز والتفاضل وعامل التّمييز العنصري، وهذه إشكاليات استدعت دراسة هذا الموضوع بشكل يمكن من خلاله إظهار مبدأ المساواة في الشريعة الإسلامية ضمن معاييره المنضبطة. وسوف تتبع الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي للتتبع النصوص التشريعية ذات العلاقة، وتحليلها بما يتلاءم مع موضوع الدراسة للوصول إلى النتائج المطلوبة.Abstract in Arabic
هدفت الدراسة إلى بيان مبدأ المساواة في الإسلام من خلال عدة أطر مهمة، والتي تمثل المفاهيم المعرفية والعملية لمبدأ المساوة بين البشر، ومن خلال تلك المفاهيم، نستطيع أن نتوصل إلى حقائق مهمة تتبين أن المساواة الإنسانية ليست بالضرورة أن تعني أن يتساوى الناس في كل أمورهم الحياتية الاجتماعية والسياسية والاقتصادية - وهو ما تعنيه الدراسة بإمكانية التمايز في هذه الجوانب- وإنما يقصد بمبدأ المساواة في الإسلام أن الناس سواسية في الحقوق والواجبات، وهو ما يمكن أن نسميه وجوب المساواة وامتناع التّمييز العنصري خاصة في هذا الجانب المحوري "الحقوق والواجبات". وهناك إشكالية في ازدواج المعايير المعاصرة لفهم حقيقة وفلسفة المساواة الإنسانية، ولذلك فإن مبدأ المساواة يطرح ضمن معايير بعضها غير قابل للتطبيق، وقد تٌسبب تلك المعايير انفصامًا في المجتمعات، ومن ضمن تلك المعايير الغير واعية بمبدأ المساواة، المساواة بين البشر بشكل مطلق دون النظر إلى عوامل التمايز والتفاضل بينهم، وهناك من يخلط بين عامل التمايز والتفاضل وعامل التّمييز العنصري، وهذه إشكاليات استدعت دراسة هذا الموضوع بشكل يمكن من خلاله إظهار مبدأ المساواة في الشريعة الإسلامية ضمن معاييره المنضبطة. وسوف تتبع الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي للتتبع النصوص التشريعية ذات العلاقة، وتحليلها بما يتلاءم مع موضوع الدراسة. وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى نتائج من أهمها: أن المساواة لا تتعارض مع التميّز، وأن التميّز لا يعني التمييز، وأن الإسلام بمبادئه وقيمه الحضارية يؤسس للمساواة بين الناس على أساس الوحدة الإنسانية، وأن الوحدة القيمية والحضارية هي قيم للتمييز وليست للتمييز.
Abstract in English
The study aimed to clarify the principle of equality in Islam through several important frameworks, which represent the cognitive and practical concepts of the principle of equality between human beings, and through these concepts, we can reach important facts that show that human equality does not necessarily mean that people are equal in all their life matters. Social, political, economic, and the like -which is what the study means about the possibility of differentiation in these aspects- but by the principle of equality in Islam he means that people are equal in rights and duties, which we can call the obligation of equality and the abstention of racial discrimination, especially in this pivotal aspect, "rights and duties". This is the Islamic perspective on the principle of equality in this vital aspect. Likewise, Islam has allowed and encouraged competition and differentiation among people in various fields of scientific and practical life. Therefore, people are different at home according to the efforts they exert in developing themselves and providing benefits to their societies. This differentiation does not affect the element of equality in rights and duties in the Islamic perspective, and it does not lead to racism. It should be noted that there is a problem with double standards in the contemporary understanding of the truth and philosophy of equality among human beings. Therefore the principle of equality is presented within the criteria, some of which are not applicable. These standards may cause division in societies, for example, there are those who call for equality between human beings Absolutely without looking at the differential factors between them. There are those who confuse differential with racism. The study will follow the descriptive and analytical method for reading the relevant legislative texts and analysing them in proportion to the subject of the study. The study found results which: that equality does not contradict with excellence, and that differentiation does not mean racism, and that Islam, with its principles and cultural values, establishes equality among people based on human unity, and that the value and cultural unity are values of differentiation and not racism
Molecular characterization of local isolates of infectious bursal disease virus from broiler chickens in Iraq
The present study was conducted to characterize a new field isolates of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) by reverse
transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and partial sequencing of VP2 gene. The virus could be detected in five of
seven field samples from broiler chickens in Iraq. Nucleotide sequences of field isolates were compared with 33 reported
IBDV strains from different parts of the world. Nucleotide substitutions at I242, Q249, Q252, I256, D279, A284, I294,
S326 and S330 specific for very virulent (vv) strains, were maintained in all the field isolates. Deduced amino acid substitutions
A222, I242, Q249, Q252, I256, D279, A284, I294, S326 and S330 specific for vvIBDV strains were also present in all the
isolates. Phylogenetic analysis showed that all the field isolates in the present study were closely related to reported UK (XZh)
and Japan (OKYM) field isolates. Further comprehensive investigations will provide more information on the distribution,
variability, phylogenetic relationships of different vvIBDV isolate in Iraq and other parts of the worlds
A Hierarchical Approach for Investigating Social Features of a City from Mobile Phone Call Detail Records
Cellphone service-providers continuously collect Call Detail Records (CDR) as
a usage log containing spatio-temporal traces of phone users. We proposed a
multi-layered hierarchical analytical model for large spatio-temporal datasets
and applied that for the progressive exploration of social features of a city,
e.g., social activities, relationships, and groups, from CDR. This approach
utilizes CDR as the preliminary input for the initial layer, and analytical
results from consecutive layers are added to the knowledge-base to be used in
the subsequent layers to explore more detailed social features. Each subsequent
layer uses the results from previous layers, facilitating the discovery of more
in-depth social features not predictable in a single-layered approach using
only raw CDR. This model starts with exploring aggregated overviews of the
social features and gradually focuses on comprehensive details of social
relationships and groups, which facilitates a novel approach for investigating
CDR datasets for the progressive exploration of social features in a
densely-populated city
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