231 research outputs found

    Economic effects of tourism: a case of the Mediterranean countries

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    Turizm küresel ekonominin en büyük ve en hızlı büyüyen sektörlerinden birisidir. Turizm istihdam, gelir, dış ödemeler dengesi ve bölgesel kalkınma gibi konularda sağladığı katkılarla ülke ekonomilerinde önemli bir yere sahiptir. Sektör ekonomik etkilerinin yanında sosyal ve kültürel etkileri ile de önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Akdeniz ülkeleri dünyanın en çok turist çeken ve turizm geliri elde eden bölgelerin başında gelmektedir. Turizm geliri ve uluslararası turist sayısı açısından ön sıralarda yer alan bu ülkelerin ekonomik büyümeleri ve kalkınmasında turizm sektörünün payı araştırılması gereken konuların başında gelmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, 1995-2017 döneminde 7 Akdeniz ülkesinin turizm gelirleri, uluslararası turist sayısı ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişkileri araştırmaktır. Panel veri regresyon modellerinin ele alındığı analizde, tesadüfi etkiler modelinin uygun olduğu görülmüştür. Model, varsayımlardan sapmalara karşı geliştirilen Arellano, Froot ve Rogers dirençli standart tahmincileriyle tahmin edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, 7 Akdeniz ülkesinde turizm ile ekonomik büyüme arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğunu göstermektedir. Buna göre, uluslararası turist sayısındaki %1’lik bir artış ekonomik büyümeyi %0,09 oranında artırırken, turizm gelirlerindeki %1’lik bir artış ekonomik büyümeyi %0,07 artırmaktadır.Tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing sectors of the global economy. With its contributions to employment, income level, foreign payment balance, regional development etc., tourism has an important place within the overall economy of countries. Mediterranean countries are one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. The share of tourism sector in the economic growth and development of these countries which are at the forefront in terms of tourism income and the number of international tourists is among the issues that need to be investigated. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between tourism revenues, international tourist arrivals and economic growth, using data from 7 Mediterranean countries 1995-2017. As discussed in the analysis of panel data regression model, the random effects model was found to be suitable. The model developed against deviations from assumptions, has been estimated by Arellano, Froot ve Rogers robust standard estimator. The results indicate that there is a positive relationship between tourism and economic growth in 7 Mediterranean countries. In this context that a %1 increase in number of international tourists gives way to a %0,09 increase in economic growth and %1 increase in tourism revenues gives way to a %0,07 increase in economic growth

    Farklı risk gruplarındaki ergenlerin psikolojik sağlamlıklarının incelenmesi

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    Minsky Haklı mıydı: 2008 Küresel Ekonomik Krizi Bağlamında Bir Analiz

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    Bu çalışmada bir Post-Keynesyen iktisatçı olarak tanımlanan Hyman Minsky'nin Finansal İstikrarsızlık Teorisi ve 2008 yılında ABD'de başlayıp tüm dünyayı etkileyen küresel kriz ilişkisi açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Minsky, kapitalist ekonomilerde finansal sistemlerin kâr elde etme arzusu ile spekülatif saldırılara karşı savunmasız olduğunu ve bu saldırılar yeterince kalıcı olduğu takdirde bunların krizlerle sonuçlanmasının kaçınılmaz olduğunu söylemiştir. Minsky finansal sistemde yaşanan dengesizliklerin uygun para politikaları ile etkilerinin giderilebileceğini belirtmiştir. Ancak ekonomik birimlerin para kazanma hırsı krizlerin engellenmesi altında yatan en büyük etkenlerden biri olmuştur. Minsky, 1996'daki vefatından önce, mevcut kapitalizm sisteminin çok yakında küresel ölçekte bir krizle karşılaşacağını söylemiştir. 2008'de yaşanan ve etkileri devam eden küresel krizin hem finansal, hem de reel kesim üzerinde yıkıcı etkileri olmuştur. Bu kriz bizlere, Minsky'nin öngörüsünün ne kadar haklı olduğunu göstermiştir

    Macromolecules Influence Cellular Competence and Expression Level of IGFs Genes in Bovine Oocytes In Vitro

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    Simple Summary The macromolecule content of culture media can affect the maturation competence of oocytes, which influences the subsequent in vitro development of embryos. This study was designed to determine the effects of macromolecules on cellular competence and the transcript level of insulin-like growth factors (IGF1, IGF2) and their receptors in bovine oocytes. The current study showed that bovine serum albumin (BSA) and fetal calf serum (FCS) improved nuclear maturation and protein biosynthesis (especially FCS). Polyvinyl alcohol did not support the antioxidant defense mechanism due to decreased glutathione peroxidase enzyme activity. The expression of the IGF1 gene could not be detected in all experimental groups, but BSA and FCS increased the transcript level of the IGF2 gene. Moreover, oocyte maturation with BSA increased the transcript level of the IGF1R gene, whereas the transcript level of the IGF2R gene was similar among macromolecule supplementation groups. The BSA and FCS could improve in vitro bovine oocyte development due to supporting cellular characteristics. In vitro maturation (IVM) of mammalian oocytes, which influences subsequent in vitro development of embryos, is affected by the macromolecule content in culture media for the success of oocyte maturation competence, in which the cytoplasmic and nuclear reprogramming events occur. The insulin-like growth factor family (IGFs) promotes the maturation of bovine oocytes and the expansion of cumulus cells and also inhibits apoptosis. This study was, therefore, designed to examine the effects of macromolecules (bovine serum albumin, BSA; fetal calf serum, FCS; and polyvinyl alcohol, PVA) on in vitro nuclear maturation, total cellular protein, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) enzyme activity, and the gene expression level of IGF1, IGF2, and their receptor in bovine oocytes. Oocytes obtained from bovine ovaries were cultured in bicarbonate-buffered medium 199 supplemented with 4 mg/mL BSA, 10% FCS, 1 mg/mL PVA, and without macromolecule supplement (control) during 22 h in the air with a humidified atmosphere and 5% CO2 at 38.5 degrees C temperature. Supplementation of BSA and FCS increased (chi(2) = 9.84; p < 0.05) the percentages of oocytes that reached metaphase II compared to the control and PVA. The amount of protein per ml of cell extracts of oocytes matured in FCS supplemented culture media was higher (p < 0.05) than the oocytes in the PVA and control. The levels of GPx enzyme activity in cell extracts isolated from oocytes in each experimental group did not change over time, but the GPx enzyme activity in oocytes matured in PVA-supplemented culture media was lower (p < 0.05) than in oocytes in the other experimental groups. Transcript for the IGF1 gene was not detected in all experimental groups, but the supplementation of BSA and FCS significantly elevated the transcript level of the IGF2 gene. In addition, the maturation of oocytes with BSA-supplemented media increased the transcript level of the IGF1R gene, whereas the transcript level of the IGF2R gene was similar among macromolecule supplementation groups. The current study concluded that BSA and FCS could improve in vitro bovine oocyte development due to supporting nuclear maturation and increasing the total cellular protein content, GPx enzyme, and transcript activity

    Examination of the Relationships between Internal and External Egg Quality Traits: A Structural Equation Model

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    This study aimed to determine the structural relationship between internal and external egg quality (IEEQ) traits. In this study, 114 eggs produced from 24 weeks-old laying hens reared at the Ondokuz Mayis University Research Farm were used. Egg weight (EW), egg width (EWi), egg length (EL) and shell weight (SW) measurements were examined as external quality traits. Also, albumen height (AH), albumen width (AW), yolk height (YH), yolk weight (YW) and yolk diameter (YD) parameters were used as internal quality traits. Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used to determine the relationships between IEEQ traits. Data analysis was performed with the LISREL package. It has been determined that the variables that are important in determining the external egg quality are SW, EWi and EL. When the variables explaining the internal traits were examined, it was determined that the YW, YD, AW, AH and YH were significant. It was determined that the relationship between external egg quality and internal quality was 0.96 and external quality explained the internal quality by 91%. It has been determined that the SEM used in this study is sufficient to explain the relationship between internal and external quality

    Placental Characteristics Classification of Various Native Turkish Sheep Breeds

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    Simple Summary The aim of this study was to classify placental characteristics of Akkaraman, Morkaraman, Karayaka, Awassi, Malya, and Bafra native sheep breeds using the hierarchical clustering method. As a result, six breeds were separated into three clusters: the first cluster consisted of Bafra, Karayaka, and Awassi breeds; the second consisted of Akkaraman and Malya breeds; and the third cluster included only the Morkaraman breed. The aim of this study was to classify placental characteristics of Akkaraman, Morkaraman, Karayaka, Awassi, Malya, and Bafra sheep breeds using the hierarchical clustering method. In total, 240 individual data records were used as experimental material. Placental characteristics such as total cotyledon surface area, small and large cotyledon length, small cotyledon depth, etc. were used as explanatory variables to classify the breeds' characteristics. Hierarchical clustering was used with the nearest neighbour method with Euclidean distance in order to classify the sheep breeds' variations. As a result, six breeds were separated into three clusters: the first cluster consisted of Bafra, Karayaka, and Awassi breeds; the second consisted of Akkaraman and Malya breeds; and the third cluster included only the Morkaraman breed. Bafra and Karayaka were pointed as the nearest breeds, with a similarity of 98.7% in terms of placental characteristics. The similarity rate of the Akkaraman and Malya breeds was at a level of 97.5%, whereas it was 96.8% for Bafra, Karayaka, and Awassi breeds. The similarity of Akkaraman, Karayaka, Awassi, Malya, and Bafra sheep breeds was estimated as 95.7%. The overall similarity was found to be at a level of 93.2% among sheep breeds. The outcomes of the study might be useful as a selection tool for reproductivity and can be used to select the breed to be reared

    The impact of synapsin III gene on the neurometabolite level alterations after single-dose methylphenidate in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder patients

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    Objective: To investigate the neurometabolite level changes according to synapsin III gene rs133945G.A and rs133946C.G polymorphisms by using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in patients with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Methods: Fifty-seven adults diagnosed with ADHD were recruited for the study. The participants were examined by single-voxel1H MRS when medication naïve and 30 minutes after oral administration of 10 mg methylphenidate (Mph). Those who had been on a stimulant discontinued the medication 48 hours before MRS imaging. Spectra were taken from the anterior cingulate cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, striatum, and cerebellum, and N-acetylaspartate (NAA), choline, and creatine levels were examined. For genotyping of the synapsin III gene polymorphisms, DNA was isolated from peripheral blood leukocytes. The effects of age, sex, and ADHD subtypes were controlled in the analyses. Results: After a single dose of Mph, choline levels increased significantly in the striatum of rs133945G.A polymorphism-GG genotypes (P=0.020) and NAA levels rose in the anterior cingulate cortex of rs133946C.G polymorphism-CG genotypes (P=0.014). Both rs133945G.A and rs133946C.G polymorphisms were found to statistically significantly affect the alteration of NAA levels in response to Mph in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex with two-way repeated measure of analysis of variance. Post hoc comparisons revealed a significant difference between CG and GG genotypes of rs133946C.G polymorphisms after Bonferroni adjustment (P=0.016). Conclusion: Synapsin III gene polymorphisms may be affecting the changes in neurometabolite levels in response to Mph in adult ADHD patients. Future studies are needed to confirm our findings. © 2016 Başay et al

    Electrokinetic properties of kaolins belong to Eskişehir-Mihalıçcık

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    Bu çalışmada, Eskişehir-Mihalıçcık ilçesi Ahırözü ve Üçbaşlı köylerindeki kil yataklarından temin edilen kaolen numuneleri karakterize edilerek, su içerisinde elektrokinetik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda, her iki kaolen numunesinin de pH’ya, tek, çift ve üç değerlikli elektrolit türüne ve bu elektrolitlerin konsantrasyonuna bağlı olarak zeta potansiyel (ZP) ölçümleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ahırözü kaoleninin sıfır yük noktası ~pH 4,2 iken, Üçbaşlı kaoleninin sıfır yük noktası ~pH 3,2 olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışılan 2-11 pH aralığında Üçbaşlı kaoleninin, Ahırözü kaolenine göre daha negatif yüke sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu farklılık kaolen numunelerinin mineralojik ve kimyasal bakımdan farklılığından kaynaklanmaktadır. Ancak her iki yörenin kaoleni de, farklı elektrolitler varlığında benzer yük davranışı sergilemiştir. NaCl ve KCl gibi tek değerlikli elektrolitler kaolenlerin zeta potansiyelini negatif yönde artırırken, bunun aksine iki (CaCl 2 ve MgCl 2 ) ve üç (Al(NO 3 ) ) değerlikli elektrolitler zeta potansiyeli (mutlak değer olarak) azaltmıştır. Kaolenlerin yüzey işaretinin negatiften pozitife dönüşebilmesi ise ancak Al(NO 3 ) 3 varlığında Al +3 3 gibi +3 değerlikli katyonların kaolen tabaka kenar yüzeylerine spesifik adsorplanmasıyla mümkün olabilmiştir.In this study, two kaolin samples collected from clay deposits in the villages Ahırözü and Üçbaşlı of Mihalıçcık (Eskişehir) have been characterized and their electrokinetic properties in water were investigated. In this scope, zeta potential measurements have been performed to determine the effect of pH, mono-, di- and trivalent electrolyte type and concentrations of these electrolytes on the zeta potential of the two kaolin samples. Isoelectric point of Ahırözü kaolin was determined as ~pH 4.2, while that of Üçbaşlı kaolin was determined as ~pH 3.2. Üçbaşlı kaolin has a more negatively charged surface than Ahırözü kaolin in the pH range of 2-11. This difference probably results from the differences in their mineralogical and chemical contents. However, both of the two kaolin samples showed the similar surface charge behavior against mono-, di- and trivalent electrolytes. Monovalent electrolytes such as NaCl and KCl make the ZP of the kaolins more negative, whereas divalent (CaCl2 and MgCl2) and trivalent (Al(NO3)3 ) electrolytes decreases the ZP as its absolute value. Change in the surface sign of the kaolins from negative to the positive is only possible in the presence of trivalent electrolytes (Al-nitrate) due to specific adsorption of Al3+ cations on the edge surface of the kaolin layers.Anadolu Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Komisyonu / 04106